The following was sent out Dec. 23 in the AFTAH e-newsletter:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
“Precious in the site of the Lord is the death of His godly ones.” (Psalm 116:15)

Using the FBI to Harass AFTAH: Adam Flanders, a homosexual activist and convicted sex offender, “reported” AFTAH’s president Peter LaBarbera to the FBI, leading to an October visit by an FBI agent to LaBarbera’s home. Flanders used the absurd and deceitful pretext that LaBarbera might harass or threaten him at his home in California. The agent told LaBarbera that he presumed the complaint was frivolous. To learn more about Flanders’ tactics and criminal past, click HERE.
We are coming to the end of another momentous year, and it has been a strange, sad and yet hopeful one for me. Four people whom I loved went on to be with the Lord Jesus this year: my father, Pat LaBarbera; my best friend Brian Fitzpatrick (shown below at an Americans For Truth rally); and AFTAH benefactors Peter Huizenga and Ray Young–two of the finest Christian men God has given me the pleasure of knowing.
The Christ of Christ-mas was, in the final analysis, their hope. He is mine, too, and I hope He is yours. My dad–who was a great husband to my mom and father to me, my four sisters and my younger brother Jimmy–humbled himself and accepted Jesus as Savior very late in life. For that I will be eternally grateful.
My friend Brian, once an atheist, was born again in the Lord (John 3) on May 24, 1987 (he put that date on his license plate), and lived for Him from that point onward. Please share his Christian testimony in this blessed holy season. I will miss him but we’ll meet again!
Ray Young and Peter Huizenga were faithful Christian family men and businessmen who put Christ first and never once even considered backing away from biblical Truth, in an age when so many find a way to do just that.

Brian Fitzpatrick, shown speaking at AFTAH’s rally at the Supreme Court June 26, marking the third anniversary of SCOTUS’ imposition of homosexuality-based “marriage” on the nation. Read Brian’s Christian testimony HERE.
In their honor but more in God’s honor, we at Americans For Truth press forward with our noble yet politically incorrect mission. This has been a very interesting year: AFTAH became a microcosm of the Left’s evil and homo-fascist “social media censorship” strategy designed to suffocate social conservatives in the Public Square. Heck, we even got a visit by the FBI! … read on:
- Our Americans For Truth Facebook page was “unpublished” and then “erased” after leftist complaints.
- My personal Facebook page has twice been put on 30-day hold after a frivolous “hate violation.” (I’m currently still in FB “jail” but I will be “set free” Monday–oh boy, thanks Mark Zuckerberg!)
- My Twitter page was blocked based on an absurd “hate” warning about a post showing a nasty, anal-sex-promoting “gay” activist giving his critics the finger.
- AFTAH’s website was taken down for two weeks following a frivolous and deceitful complaint by “gay” activist and convicted sex offender Adam Flanders (shown at upper right).
- Wasting the FBI’s Time & Resources: Flanders later complained to the FBI and they actually sent an agent to my home on Oct. 26! The agent asked if I planned to harass or threaten Flanders in California. I said of course not, and alerted him to Flanders’ history of harassing conservatives with false “stalking” charges. The agent knew that the complaint was meritless but said the Bureau was obligated to check it out. The litigious Flanders is now threatening to sue me (and other social conservatives).
Despite all this, we at Americans For Truth keep on doing exactly what the LGBTQueer Lobby is trying to stop us from doing: speaking out in the media against a nefarious and revolutionary sexual agenda that threatens to silence Christian conservative speech even as it corrupts the hearts and minds of young children.
We’ll never quit, because the LGBTQ Lobby never quits, and because it’s God’s Truth, not ours. I echo what my friend the late Peter Huizenga told me, “I will never give up on God’s Truth.” I am not intimidated by this Sin Movement, which must be resisted aggressively, even as its errant followers need the love and forgiveness of Jesus. (AFTAH from its inception has boldly defended EX-“gays” like my brother in Christ, Stephen Black.)
Here is the AFTAH media page link, which contains only a portion of our many media appearances this year. Americans For Truth reached hundreds of thousands of people in 2018 — citizens hungry for someone to give it to them “straight,” unapologetically, about Big LGBTQueer.
These days, even many “conservatives” are afraid to oppose homosexuality–and the Republicans have nearly abandoned this crucial moral issue. But not AFTAH.
The Americans For Truth website is a go-to site for people all over the world who are looking for someone to communicate the “Truth About Homosexuality,” minus the LGBTQ Left’s and the media’s propaganda filters. (And believe me: we still have not gotten close to conveying the full depravity of the Lesbian-Gay-Bi-Trans-Queer agenda.)
Will You Help Us? Please Donate to AFTAH with a gift of $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $500 or $1,000, if you are able. Consider signing up as a monthly giver. And of course I covet your prayers, as we truly are fighting against “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Click HERE to give safely online or send your check to:
AFTAH, PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522
God bless you and may you have a Blessed Christmas as we celebrate the miraculous birth of the Savior of the world!
— Peter LaBarbera,;
Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Admin. help: write Brad Wallace at, or phone AFTAH at 312-324-3787.
“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
(1 Corinthians 16:13-14, NASB)