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“Just OK” for a child not to have a mommy (by design)? AT&T pushes “gay parenting” in its “Just OK is not OK” ad campaign.
Folks, this AT&T commercial with two homosexual “dads” and their “just OK” babysitter aired frequently during some of the post-Christmas college bowl games. The theme of the ads is, why would you settle for an important service that is “just ok,” as opposed to excellent and trustworthy? Notice the two men going out on a date like normal parents.
Anyone with a pulse who watches TV should have noticed by now that the ad business is engaged in heavy-handed promotion of interracial couples. (It seems as if 90 percent are interracial.) Even for everyday Americans like me who loathe racism and applaud such couples, the campaign is tiresome and condescending. As a friend told me the other day: “It’s as if in TV World, white people don’t marry white people anymore, and black people don’t marry black people.” Irritating overkill from the “diversity” scolds.
Now throw sexual perversion into the mix. Hollywood and Corporate America have been working overtime for years to normalize homosexuality and gender confusion, and it’s only going to get worse. There is a key difference between natural (man-woman), mixed-race marriages and homosexual unions: the former naturally produce beautiful children, while two people of the same sex cannot reproduce (by themselves). One honors God’s created order, the other flouts it and defies our Creator.
Remember, too, that big corporations score points on Human Rights Campaign’s woefully biased “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard for running pro-LGBTQ ads like this. (The HRC scorecard punishes the same companies if they dare to publicly support groups like AFTAH that defend natural marriage.) Surely most Americans are oblivious to this behind-the-scenes manipulation. Play the ad video below: [See more commentary after ad and page jump]
Walmart funds leftist homosexual groups and perverse LGBTQueer “pride” parades, markets “gay” products like “Heather Has Two Mommies”
Walmart Now Markets Homosexuality to Kids: Walmart’s online store sells the new edition of “Heather Has Two Mommies,” a “children’s” picture book that promotes the normalcy of lesbian parenting. Above is a screen shot of Walmart.com. The retail giant now scores a “100 percent” on Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–which punishes corporations for giving to pro-family organizations, yet rewards them for funding LGBTQ activist groups. To receive a “100-percent” score, corporations must be committed to funding grotesque, body-disfiguring transsexual “sex-reassignment surgeries” as part of their company’s “health” insurance plan for employees. Take Action: contact Walmart HERE or call 800-925-6278). Click to enlarge.
“Interestingly, unlike many other corporations adopting pro-homosexual policies, Walmart plays both sides of the social-issues “culture war.” It does this by cultivating good relations with both homosexual activists like [Human Rights Campaign] and Christian conservative organizations like American Family Association (AFA).”
Folks, below is a piece I wrote earlier this month for LifeSiteNews, an excellent pro-family and pro-life website (subscribe to their e-list HERE). Walmart’s capitulation to the demands of the leftist, anti-Christian–and very pro-Democrat–Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC) is the latest sign of how strategically important major corporations have become in driving the “gay-transgender” revolution.
If Walmart can go “all gay,” any corporation can, and sadly the Bentonville, Arkansas-based retail giant’s moral capitulation shows how complete and entrenched America’s godless homosexual revolution has become. Nevertheless, liberal (pro-) LGBTQ “snowflakes” in post-Trump distress everywhere are acting as if the USA is on the verge of becoming like Saudi Arabia–despite Trump being the most PRO-homosexual Republican presidential nominee ever!
Walmart’s new, immoral “values”: Walmart fielded a contingent in New York City’s 2015 homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, despite its sexually perverse nature. See this AFTAH photo-story and other photos below.
As it has in recent years, Walmart again sponsored New York City’s homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (LGBTQueer) “pride” parade in 2016 (see page 35 of the “NYC Pride Guide”; also, see AFTAH’s photo-story exposé on the 2015 NYC “pride” parade sponsored by Walmart). And Walmart was among the corporate sponsors at a far-left-biased “International LGBT Leaders” conference (attended by this writer) in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, put on by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute.
Walmart’s values? This nearly naked pervert marched in the 2015 New York City homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, at which many young children were in attendance. Click to enlarge photos.
Ironically, under HRC’s horribly skewed “Corporate Equality Index“ (CEI), if Walmart were to give a direct grant to AFA (or Americans For Truth), it would LOSE 25 points and fall off the CEI’s “100-percent” list (see story below). Having the leftist HRC judge corporations on homosexual and “gender” issues is about as fair as having the far-left, pro-LGBTQ Southern Poverty Law Center serve as an arbiter of “hate.” Utterly absurd, and yet the corrupt media honor both rankings and report them as objective “news.”
I’ll say this: you have to hand it to Walmart’s executives: cynically playing both sides of the LGBTQ-vs.-the-natural-family “culture war” and seemingly getting away with it. Or will they? I suppose that’s up to pro-family Americans, who correctly understand that the homosexual/transgender social-legal revolution is incompatible with the First Amendment and freedom of conscience. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera
TAKE ACTION: Call Walmart’s Arkansas headquarters at 479-273-4000 and choose ext. 3, then ask for the office of CEO Doug McMillon. Or call 1-800-WALMART (925-6278). Write Walmart online HERE (click the “Community and Giving” option). When I called the first number I was routed to Customer Relations. Send CEO McMillon a fax directly at 479-204-0798.
In addition to allowing men in female restrooms, Target backs radical LGBT “Equality Act”; boasts 100% perfect score on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”
Folks, today I sent the following letter to Target using their online Contact Form. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
TAKE ACTION: Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or using their Online Contact Form; and sign the AFA “Boycott Target” petition if you plan to join the boycott. If you do, make a point of going into your local Target store or calling the manager to explain why you and your family will no longer shop there.
TARGET: 100% Pro-Homosexual-Transgender Agenda: Target boasts online of its “perfect” ranking on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index.” The biased LGBT “Index” punishes corporations for giving to pro-family causes–and rewards them for funding “gay” and “transgender” groups and events. This graphic is taken directly from the Target website.
Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore
May 2, 2016
By Peter LaBarbera
WARNING: offensive descriptions of horrifying transsexual “sex reassignment surgeries”
Dear Target,
My family and I are joining the Target boycott and will no longer shop at your stores. It is preposterous that all Target stores now allow men to use female restrooms—a sex predator’s dream. Girls have the basic right not to have their private spaces invaded by men, for ANY reason.
My family has done a LOT of shopping at Target over the years, but no more. One of my five children even worked at Target–but now I will not allow my two teenage kids to apply for a job there given Target’s leftist, politically correct corporate policies. Target has chosen to be contemptuous of common sense and Americans who are motivated by faith, decency and traditional morality. So we in turn choose to no longer support Target with our consumer dollars.
Retail giant stands proudly with anti-Christian homosexual-transgender lobby, Human Rights Campaign
Target Backs Anti-Christian LGBT “Equality Act,” HR 3185: The corporate giant is standing with anti-Christian activists at the Human Rights Campaign to support the most radical and far-reaching homosexual-transgender legislation ever introduced in Congress. AFTAH is calling HR 3185 the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” because it would empower the State to punish those who exercise their conscience and stand up for biblical morality on sex and true marriage (between a man and a woman). Call Target at 800-440-0680 [or 612-696-3400; hit #1]; or write them via their contact page. E-mail Target at guest.relations@target.com. or press@target.com.
TAKE ACTION: Contact Target Corporation: [(800)440-0680; or call 612-696-3400 and hit #1; email: guest.relations@target.com. or press@target.com]; urge them to reverse their support of the anti-Christian “Equality Act”; [HR 3185; S. 1858] aka the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” or “Homosexual Superiority Act.” Suggest to Target that they would be smarter to at least stay neutral in the Culture Wars over redefining marriage and “civil rights” rather than siding with intolerant homosexual and transgender activists. The latter now champion anti-Christian bigotry by equating the defense of biblical morality and marriage with “hate”–and make shameful comparisons between cross-dressing men using Female restrooms and racist Jim Crow laws from the past that persecuted Black Americans.
For more information about the “Criminalizing Christianity Act,”go HERE. Target’s pandering and capitulations to LGBT activists go way back: see this 2011 L.A. Times article reporting Target’s pledge to give at least half a million dollars per year to homosexual activist organizations.
The popular department store giant Target has recently signed on as a corporate endorser of the radical homosexual-transgender “Equality Act” (HR 3185; S. 1858). AFTAH has renamed this LGBT bill the “Homosexual Superiority Act” or the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” because it will accelerate pro-homosexual State tyranny against people of faith or morals who oppose sinful, unnatural homosexual behavior and same-sex “marriage.” See this piece on HR 3185.
Target recently put out a statement on HR 3185–which was ballyhooed by the powerful, anti-Christian homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign (a Target ally):
“Target proudly stands with the LGBT community through all that we do, from our partnerships with organizations like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), to our volunteer efforts, and even the products we sell. We want to be a champion for an inclusive society by using our influence and resources to support equality in the communities where our team members and guests live and work…
“Target is helping to lead the fight against discrimination by putting its support behind the Equality Act. Discrimination has no place in the workplace, and Target is demonstrating to all that inclusion is a pillar of any successful business,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The time has come for full federal equality, and HRC is proud to include Target as a partner in this fight. Everyone should have a fair chance to earn a living, provide for their families, and live free from fear of discrimination, including Americans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.”
HRC continues in its statement:
Target has a history of scoring highly on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index, and was named as one of HRC’s 2015 “Best Places to Work”.
Target joins a number of leading American corporations, including Amazon, American Airlines, Apple, the Dow Chemical Company, Facebook, General Electric, General Mills, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Levi Strauss & Co, Microsoft, Nike, Oracle, Orbitz, PayPal and Symantec Corporation in support of federal LGBT non-discrimination protections.
As AFTAH has documented, HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index” is a woefully-biased”scorecard” that gives companies points toward a Perfect 100 rating for making grants to LGBT activist groups–but takes points away from corporations that give to, say, pro-traditional-marriage groups. The homosexual-transgender lobby group continues to ratchet up the scoring criteria so that pro-“gay” corporations that have attained the “100 percent” ranking are pressured to make ever greater capitulations to LGBT demands to keep their “perfect” rating. In recent years that includes massive grants to pro-LGBT events such as “gay pride parades” [see Walmart’s funding of “New York City pride” HERE] and health insurance coverage for transgender employees seeking body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries” as they “transition” to the opposite sex.
For more information about the “Criminalizing Christianity Act,”go HERE. Target’s pandering and capitulations to LGBT activists go way back: see this 2011 L.A. Times article reporting Target’s pledge to give at least half a million dollars per year to homosexual activist organizations. HRC is relying on large corporations to build support in Congress for the radical “Equality Act”; see this HRC release.
Urge Speaker Paul Ryan and Congress to oppose the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” (HR 3185). Call 202-225-3121 for the House and 202-224-3121 for the Senate. More information from AFTAH HERE.
Retail giant steps up its financial support for homosexual/transgender agenda; pro-“gay” CEI scorecard ranking goes up to 90 percent
Walmart Helps Grow “Gay/Trans” Political Power:Above is one of Walmart’s full-page ads in the newsletter of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, which works to elect openly homosexuals to local, state and federal political offices. This ad appeared in the Victory Fund’s Fall-Winter 2014 newsletter. It reads: “Walmart is proud to support LGBT LEADERS 2014. We celebrate with you the gift of leadership that inspires us to do all we can, together, to help people live better.” Walmart now has a 90 percent ranking in HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–indicating escalating support for the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement. Call Walmart at 479-273-4000. Click on ad to enlarge.
WARNING: Offensive photo showing a young woman who had a body-mutilating, transgender “breast reduction surgery”
Walmart is now publicly pro-“gay” and giving major grants to homosexual/transgender events and organizations, including $25,000-50,000 in 2014 to the “Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund”–a group that helps elect “out” homosexuals to political office (mostly Democrats).
Giving corporate dollars to “gay/trans” groups like GLVF helps Walmart increase its score on the rigged “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI) put out annually by the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign.
Walmart’s pro-homosexual/-transgender CEI score is now 90 percent–up from 40 percent in 2008. The world’s largest company has embraced a pro-homosexual/bi/transgender agenda in recent years, especially after granting homosexual “domestic partner” employee benefits in 2013.
The CEI scoring system is completely biased against social conservatives: if Walmart were to give a grant to a pro-family group like AFTAH that opposes homosexual “marriage” and male “transgenders” using female restrooms, it would lose 25 points according to HRC’s rigged CEI scoring system.
The only way for Walmart to get the 10 points it needs to reach a perfect “100-percent” score on the CEI scorecard is for it to provide “transgender health benefits”–paying for or subsidizing body-mutilating “sex reassignment surgeries” like the one shown below (as a “health” benefit).
Call Walmart’s headquarters at 479-273-4000 [or 1-800-WALMART (800-925-6278)] — or use Walmart’s online Contact Page to make your voice heard on their capitulation to Big Gay Inc.
TAKE ACTION:The retail giant Walmart has increased its pro-homosexual/pro-“transgender” profile–giving $25,000-$50,000 to the highly political Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund in 2013. Call Walmart’s headquarters at 479-273-4000 [or their Customer Service line: 1-800-WALMART (800-925-6278)] –or use theirContact Page HEREto politely express your concerns about Walmart turning its back on godly morality and traditional marriage by pandering to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby groups like the Victory Fund with large donations.
WALMART’S GROWING PRO-“GAY” RATING:Also, take note of Walmart’s 90 percent score on the Human Rights Campaign’s pro-“gay” “Corporate Equality Index”–for which “philanthropic support of at least one LGBT organization or event” helps to earn a corporation 15 points out of a perfect 100. The CEI report–like HRC itself–is heavily biased against biblical, Judeo-Christian moral values. Thus Walmart’s 2014 score of 90 (up from 40 percent in 2008) shows that the company with a conservative reputation is now actively promoting sexual immorality and gender confusion. Please urge Walmart to stop giving to homosexual-transgender lobby organizations and to at least return to neutrality on LGBTQueer issues.
By Peter LaBarbera
Dear AFTAH Readers,
As I was researching alleged man-boy sex predator and Obama major donor Terry Bean, I stumbled upon a rather startling fact that indicates how rapidly Corporate America is caving in to the Homosexual Lobby: Walmart is now giving large donations to one of the most political of all the homosexual/transgender groups, the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund–which works to elect openly homosexual legislators, and which Bean co-founded.
In at least each of the last two years, Walmart has paid for a full-page ad in the GLVF’s newsletter, “Victory Magazine.” Walmart is listed as having donated between $25,000 and $49,999 to the Victory Fund in 2013 as a “Strategic Partner” of the homosexual organization, in the GLVF’s Spring/Summer newsletter. That is a higher level of giving than Southwest Airlines, which in recent years has been a much more active corporate donor to homosexual/transgender activist causes. (Southwest was listed as giving the Victory Fund in range of $10,000-$24,999 in the same period.)
The Walmart ad in the GLVF newsletter reads:
“Walmart is proud to support LGBT LEADERS 2014.
“We celebrate with you the gift of leadership that inspires us to do all we can, together, to help people live better.”
Walmart’s five-figure gift to a homosexual activist political organization, and its other gifts to “gay pride” events and causes like an ad in the 2014 “New York City Pride Guide,” paralleling Walmart’s increasingly pro-homosexual rating in the Human Rights Campaign’s“Corporate Equality Index”–from — percent in 2007 to 60 percent in 2012 to 90 percent today [see CEI 2015 report on PDF HERE]. As AFTAH has reported in a previous article [“HRC’s Rigged CEI Rating System”], the CEI report is geared toward pressuring companies to building a pro-homosexual profile, including through corporate gifts to “gay” groups–with the ultimate “reward” for homosexually-compliant corporations being their designation by HRC’s as a “100-percent” CEI-ranked business.
Macy’s’ LGBTQueer Agenda: Macy’s float in homosexual “pride parade” in West Hollywood, CA. To contact Macy’s, call 800-289-6229, or go to their Online Contact Page. Click to enlarge.
TAKE ACTION: My friend and stellar cultural warrior Linda Harvey of Mission America is calling for a boycott of the pro-homosexual-bisexual-transgender (LGBTQueer) retail giant Macy’s. Make it count: If you choose to join Linda, please make your decision count by contacting Macy’s to tell they WHY you are no longer shopping there. Call their Customer Service line at 800-289-6229, or use their online “Contact Us” form HERE.
I called the 800-number, and the only way to reach a human being is by hitting an option to buy something. The Macy’s operator who took my call totally agreed with me that it is inappropriate for biological men to dress in women’s private spaces! Also, on the Macy’s Contact Page, you can find local stores using your zip code. Try calling your local store to inform them of your decision not to shop at Macy’s until they at least approach neutrality on homosexuality and transgender issues. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Say No to Shopping at Pro-‘LGBTQueer’ Macy’s
By Linda Harvey
Hey, ladies, would it bother you if a guy changing into a dress occupied the fitting room stall next to you at Macy’s? If this creeps you out, you should thank Natalie Johnson.
She tried to preevent this from happening at a Macy’s in San Antonio several years ago. And of course, the Macy’s management was extremely thankful to her for telling a teen cross-dressing male, accompanied by several other “LGBTqueer” friends, that he could not enter the female fitting room.
No, wait. They weren’t thankful. In fact, the Macy’s managers told Natalie to turn in her badge, so to speak. Natalie was terminated but the pushy and deluded young male (a non-female) was given honor and respect for the worthy goal of
invading the privacy and safety of actual women.
Natalie cited the Macy’s employment non-discrimination policy, one that includes the category of “religion.” She’s a Christian and found it offensive for a male to undress in the women’s fitting room.
But religious rights are only included in the Macy’s employment manual for show, apparently. In a head-to head contest against boys in lipstick and heels, the boys win. That’s the culture of Macy’s.
This is why I have not been inside a Macy’s since 2011. I used to spend quite a bit of money during the holidays at our local Macys—but no longer. This decision was reinforced as I watched and photographed the huge Macy’s red star balloon flying high above the Columbus “gay” pride parade in both 2013 and 2014. The banner carried by the Macy’s employee group marchers read, “Pride and Joy.”