Illinois Congressional Candidate Democrat Sean Casten Refuses to Disavow ‘Gay’ Cyber-bully Dan Savage

Wednesday, October 31st, 2018

WARNING: Offensive graphic (created by hateful homosexual militant)

Dan Savage’s “Progressive” Hate: When it comes to dishing out “progressive” hate, few activists on the Left can match the antics of Dan Savage, homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist, sex columnist, author and pornographer. Here is a graphic from Savage’s hate-site,–which he created to demonize and literally destroy the name of Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania. Dan and his left-leaning fans came up with this mean-spirited, grotesque “definition” after Savage was offended by something Santorum had said. It is telling that Savage decided the best way to punish Santorum was to associate his name with a disgusting by-product of homosexual sodomy. Despite his hateful stunts and anti-Christian rhetoric–including “flu terrorism” against GOP presidential contender Gary Bauer and an “Impeach the Mother-[F–k-r] Already (ITMFA)” campaign against President Trump, most media, and apparently Democrat politicians like Sean Casten in Illinois, treat Savage like a cultural hero. See video showing Savage’s anti-Christian bigotry below, and the Breitbart story on Casten HERE.


Folks, the Democrats have become the Party of Homosexual-Bisexual Transgender activism and the Abortion Lobby. Here in Illinois (in Congressional District 6), we witness the incredible spectacle of Sean Casten, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Peter Roskam (R), refusing to take back his stated admiration of homosexual activist and proud cyber-bully Dan Savage. AFTAH readers will recall that Savage is the creator of the vile hate-site depicted above,–demonizing and mocking former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Breitbart has the story:

Democrat Sean Casten Refuses to Disavow Anti-Christian Bully Dan Savage in Debate Against Peter Roskam

By Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart News, Oct. 22, 2018

Democrat Sean Casten embraced anti-Christian bully Dan Savage in a debate Monday evening against incumbent Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) over the seat for the 6th congressional district of Illinois.
Casten, challenged to defend some of the harsh rhetoric he has used in his campaign, and some of the controversial figures he has embraced, refused to dissociate himself from Savage (at 9:27 in the Facebook video of the debate).

“The person I embraced — and I will stand to this day — is Dan Savage, who has been a voice for the LGBT community, and particularly for the It Gets Better project, of teens who were considering suicide.”

Savage, a talented sex advice columnist, founded the “It Gets Better” organization to help gay and lesbian teenagers overcome bullying by peers.

Ironically, Savage then became a bully himself, publicly shaming Christian teenagers at a high school journalism conference in April 2012, abusing his position at the podium to mock their beliefs.

In a video of the event (below), Savage trashed the Bible as “bullshit”:

The Bible — we’ll just talk about the Bible for a second. People often point out that they can’t help with the anti-gay bulling, because it says right there in Leviticus, it says right there in Timothy, it says right there in Romans, that being gay is wrong. We can learn to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about gay people the same way we have learned to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about shellfish, about slavery, about dinner, about farming, about menstruation, about virginity, about masturbation — we ignore bullshit in the Bible about all sorts of things.

Some students cheered, but others walked out in protest. Savage later taunted those who left: “So you can tell the Bible guys in the hall that they can come back now, because I’m done beating up the Bible.”

He went on to call the students “pansy-ass” for protesting, then offered a fake “apology” for hurting anyone’s feelings, adding, “I have a right to defend myself and to point out the hypocrisy of people who justify anti-gay bigotry by pointing to the Bible and insisting we must live by the code of Leviticus on this one issue, and no other.”

Casten justified his support for Savage by suggesting that Roskam, in his sixth term, is not pro-LGBT.

“Mr. Roskam has been a horrible advocate for that community. Maybe he doesn’t like that I support them, but I do.” ….  [Article continues at Breitbart News]

WATCH: Ryan Sorba Video Shows ‘Gays’ Admitting They Were Not Born That Way – Some Homosexually Raped as Boys

Friday, May 1st, 2015

This is a powerful undercover video by Ryan Sorba. Note that several of the homosexual men in the video tell how they were molested as boys. Tragically, an adult man CHOSE homosexuality for them. For example, at the 3:20 mark, a man at a bar says, “I was molested when I was 13”; he says it was by a “family friend who was 21.” The man says that he “liked” the initial sexual experience, but that it “was one of the most terrifying moments I ever had.” And at the 10:00 mark another man says, “I became gay when I was raped”; he was just a 12-year-old boy and his rapist was a man who was his next-door neighbor in Mexico. Yet another “gay” man (11:05) says he was molested as a child “and that affected me!”

You won’t hear about this in the “mainstream media,” but homosexual molestation and predatory seduction are one of the key entry paths into a “gay” identity and lifestyle for many males. Yet for decades homosexual activists like Harvey Milk (who himself was molested as a boy; see the book, “Mayor of Castro Street,” by Randy Shilts) have ridiculed any connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. You don’t get much raw truth on this issue, anymore, so share this video with your family and friends who have bought the lie that homosexuals are “born that way.” We regret that the video contains profanity. Please support Sorba’s “GoFundMe” online fundraising campaign HERE— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Homo-Promiscuity: Queerty’s Perverse ‘Age 30 Goals’ for Homosexual Men – Including Having a Non-Sexual Guy Friend

Monday, December 8th, 2014

Many friendships between homosexual men “were born of casual sex,” says “queer” website, which also recommends S&M and threesomes to young “gay” men

The #LGBTQueer website "Queerty" advises homosexual men to engage in sadomasochism or a sexual "threesome" by the time they reach 30.

A THREESOME BY 30? The LGBTQueer website “Queerty” advises homosexual men to engage in sadomasochism or a sexual “threesome” by the time they reach the age of 30. Click on graphic to enlarge.

WARNING: Offensive descriptions of perverse behaviors

By Peter LaBarbera

When it comes to promiscuity and perversion, homosexual men are in a league by themselves. Here are some examples of what I’m calling “homo-promiscuity” covered by AFTAH over the years: go [HERE: San Francisco “leather” street festival]; [HERE: Chicago “International Mr. Leather” deviant-sex convention]; and [HERE: “Monogamish” homosexual activist and adoptive parent Dan Savage’s three-ways].

Homo-promiscuity-graphic-colorThe phenomenon of male homo-promiscuity–which is routinely denied by LGBTQueer activists–makes sense, if you accept the presumption that men are more sexually aggressive than women–or at least civilized by women and genuine monogamy and marriage. As homosexual writer Jack Hart said, “Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men.” Put two (or more) guys together in relationships that are deviant by definition and you are asking for trouble (and higher rates of sexual disease, to be sure).

Here is a recent post (11/15/14) in the edgy website “Queerty,” which is geared to homosexual men. The article is titled, “Thirty Thing Every Gay Man Must Do before Turning 30,”Number 30 reads:

30. Make friends with someone you haven’t slept with

Any guy guy who says he hasn’t hooked up with at least 50 percent of his male friends is either lying or exhibits amazing self-control. Many a [sic] lifelong friendships between gay men were born of casual sex. But by the time you’re 30, you should have at least one close gay friend who you have not touched below the waste.

Below is the actual Queerty graphic:


QUEER INDEED: Queerty web article advises homosexual men to have at least one non-sexual friendship with another guy by the age of 30. Translation for the non-“hip”: “hooked up with” means ‘had a sexual encounter with.’

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WATCH: Dan Savage Praises Nestle Butterfinger Super Bowl Ad for Promoting Sexual Threesomes

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

Sexual revolutionary advocates (very “gay”) “monogamish” agenda among straights


Vulgar homosexual activist Dan Savage–who advocates “monogamish” relationships tolerating outside sex–was excited by a Nestle Butterfinger Super Bowl ad (above) that seemed to promote sexual threesomes. Watch the Nestle ad HERE.

By Peter LaBarbera [on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera]

TAKE ACTION: Call Nestle at 1-800-225-2270, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST. Or reach them online HERE. Watch the “threesome” ad at bottom after the jump.


Predictably, libertines on the Left are applauding Nestle’s Butterfinger Super Bowl ad [watch it HERE], in which a man representing “Butterfinger” joins with a presumably married couple (the man is “Peanut Butter” and the unfulfilled woman is “Chocolate”) in a counseling session to spice up their relationship. He begins massaging the woman, who is instantly happier.

Last evening saw this Twitter exchange between Dan Savage, a homosexual activist and urban sex-advice columnist, and a fan [expletive is blocked for decency]:

Alison Brown: Ooo, @Butterfinger promoting threesomes? [Dan Savage] would be so proud!

Dan Savage: Proud of #Butterfinger for promoting threesomes?!? [F–k] proud! I want residuals and credit for the concept!


To which this writer responded with the following tweets:

Like the thief who cheers when others steal, [Dan Savage] (a “3-way” guy himself) celebrates 3-ways for straights [Advocate story link]…

So what I’m hearing is that [Dan Savage] is pushing Fake Monogamy so that straights can act like “gay’ men.



Savage, who adopted and raised a boy with his male homosexual lover-turned-“husband” Terry, has written about at least two of the sexual threesomes that he has engaged in with Terry–each with a third man whom they both knew. [See AFTAH story with my odd correction HERE.] Savage invented the term “monogamish” for couples who stay together while allowing outside sex–much like so many “monogamous” homosexual men who notoriously tolerate outside sexual “cheating” by their partners. He avidly promotes this decidedly anti-Judeo-Christian concept–knowing that the more straight couples embrace his twisted “monogamish” vision, the less interest there will be in society for virtuous, truly faithful (man-woman) marriage.

In this sense, Savage personifies how ‘gay marriage’ erodes the godly, noble marital ideal: rather than elevating marriage as the Left claims, homosexualizing it will drag it downward by trivializing the fidelity that is at the heart of this bedrock institution.

Dan Savage

Dan Savage is the leading social revolutionary working to mainstream promiscuous, “gay” male sexual mores among straights.

But it goes way beyond marriage: if Savage can get millions of straights to engage in {or approve of} acts and lifestyles once universally condemned as perverted and unnatural–e.g., open relationships, three-ways and rectal sex–then it becomes more difficult to label homosexual conduct itself as abnormal and wrong. If everybody seemingly is pushing the sexual envelope, how can you call it “deviant” and sinful?

Read the rest of this article »

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