AFTAH Open Letter to Michael Sam

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014
AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent. Men were never intended by God to be sexual with other men, nor women with women.

NOT A GOOD ROLE MODEL: AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent. God never intended men to be sexual with other men, nor women with women. This fundamental reality is confirmed by Nature, which clearly discriminates against homosexual conduct (intercourse between two people of the same sex cannot produce life). Michael Sam is doing a great disservice to young people by promoting the idea that immoral and destructive  homosexual behavior is natural and acceptable. Pray for Michael Sam that he will one day join the many men and women who have left homosexuality behind.

The following open letter to Michael Sam–who has gained fame as the first openly homosexual NFL draftee–is adapted from a printed version written and distributed by AFTAH Board Member John McCartney, who has devoted many years to the critical study of homosexuality. I recommend reading this CDC report on HIV and Black MSM (men who have sex with men)–though it is tinged with politically-correct bias–for more background on this aspect of HIV crisis linked to homosexual behavior.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


An Open Letter to Michael Sam

Michael, do we have to tell you that, especially with your current publicity, you are a role model  because of your athletic prowess, but since “coming out” you are also modeling a lifestyle that the cost for those living it, has been unpublicized but appalling—as it has for society. The troubling fact is minorities are suffering most and in growing numbers. The evidence:

  • Black youth–your fans among them–ages 13-24 are twice as likely to get HIV/AIDS than those of other ethnic groups.
  • 94-95 percent of all HIV cases in 2011 among boys and young men ages 13-24 were linked to homosexual sex, the CDC reports.
  • Youth 13-24 incur 26 percent of new HIV/AIDS infections each year.
  • An estimated 60 percent of 13-24 year-olds are unaware that they’re infected with HIV; such ignorance can be a death sentence.
  • Black men having sex with men (MSM) accounted in 2010 for 39 percent of all HIV/AIDS diagnoses.

Secondary to the toll in pain and death among MSM is the drain on U.S. medical and financial resources; for example, anti-viral drugs, which can prolong MSM life about 20 years, cost over $24,000 per year. They do prolong life but must be taken scrupulously or the MSM becomes infectious. To treat an HIV/AIDS victim costs from $400,000 to $600,000 from infection to death. In total, the HIV/AIDS epidemic costs the country about $5 billion per year, says CDC Director Dr. Tom Freiden.

Believe it or not, no one is born “gay”; molestation, emotional  deprivation, parental or peer rejection, or other traumatic factors can foster same-sex attraction–but many men and women have managed it, diminished it, or eliminated it altogether. [See these heartwarming ex-“gay” testimonies.] Many accomplished this through Reparative Therapy and counseling, despite the relentless, unwarranted condemnation of and campaign against both by self-serving “gay” activists.

What we hope for from you, Michael, is that you don’t make your feelings, well-publicized as they have been, your claim to fame. Your achievements on the football field will earn you a legacy you can be proud of; your “coming out” as one celebrating homosexuality as normative can earn you only regret, as well as notoriety among millions of us.

Peter LaBarbera

President, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)

John  J. McCartney, Jr.

AFTAH Board Member

Chicago, Illinois

VIDEO: America’s Survival TV – LaBarbera and Kincaid Discuss Hollywood Homosexual Pedophile Scandal and Canada ‘Hate’ Politics

Saturday, April 26th, 2014
Michael Egan

Michael Egan

This interview with America’s Survival President Cliff Kincaid aired on AS’s Roku channel April 24, 2014. In discussing homosexuality and pedophilia, Kincaid references a video by homosexual Walter Lee Hampton complaining about seeing so many homosexual men in thir 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s in sexual relationships with minor boys [go HERE to view]. At about 17:45 the discussion shifts to LaBarbera recounting his run-in with Canada’s homosexuality-affirming “hate” politics, culminating in his arrest for protesting peacefully with Bill Whatcott at University of Regina, in Satchatchewan. [Go HERE to watch this on YouTube.] America’s Survival writes:

Pedophiles Exposed! Peter LaBarbera on Gay Media Power

The mother of the alleged victim of a powerful Hollywood pedophile ring says she tried for years to interest the media in the story. Michael Egan’s mother Bonnie Mound said, “I wrote every news channel, every magazine, every talk show host, everybody, from Oprah to ‘20/20‘ to ‘60 Minutes‘…. Nobody wanted to do anything because of the high-profile people involved.” Although Egan attorney Jeff Herman said the suits are not about homosexuality, but rather pedophilia and child abuse, Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth notes that the founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a communist who supported the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). LaBarbera was recently arrested and jailed in Canada for distributing pro-family values literature on the campus of the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada.

AFTAH Flier on Homosexual Health Risks – Is All Love ‘Equal’? – Passed Out at Canada U-Regina Protest

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

Facts show that Nature discriminates against homosexual behavior

UPDATES: 1) On December 22, 2014, LaBarbera and Whatcott were found innocent of criminal “mischief” by a Canadian judge who affirmed their right to disseminate information at the U. of Regina; see this article with a PDF link to the ruling.

2) Adjusted fact point on Anal Cancer (Endnote 7): our original flier apparently contained a direct citation from the book HIV Essentials about anal cancer that was called to our attention as potentially misleading: “The incidence of anal cancer in gay men is approximately 80 times that of the general population.” To avoid any confusion, we have replaced it with this citation by the CDC: “Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men” [see this 2014 CDC fact sheet]. The 80-percent figure was taken from HIV Essentials 2013 (Sixth Edition), by Paul E. Sax , Calvin J. Cohen, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, [(Jones & Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA, 2013), p. 132; Amazon book link HERE.] We have substituted the CDC source link for the HIV Essentials link in Endnote 7:


The following is adapted from a one-page flier passed out by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at an April 14, 2014 protest at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada [see this excellent video commentary by Canadian pundit Brian Lilley]. At the protest. led by Canadian pro-family/pro-life activist Bill Whatcott, both he and LaBarbera were arrested on the charge of “mischief” for not abandoning their peaceful sign protest against homosexuality and abortion. In explaining why the university felt the need to eject Whatcott and the three other protesters, U or R provost and vice-president Thomas Chase said, “The materials were graphic and the materials were disturbing,” he told the Regina Leader-Post. “The materials, we felt, could harm members of this campus community who we have a duty to protect and support.”


Is All Love ‘Equal’?

hrc-equal-sign-logo-adapted“Love is Love,” same-sex “marriage” advocates are fond of saying. At a recent protest in Weyburan, Saskatchewan, Canada, a pro-“gay” activist said, “It doesn’t matter who you love, it just matters that you love.” The implication is that homosexual sex and relationships are equivalent—morally, practically and health-wise—to natural sex and relationships (i.e., marriage) between a man and a woman. But is that true?

Capacity to Produce Life

Sex between men or between women alone can never produce children.  “Gay parenting” requires a previous heterosexual relationship by one or both of the same-sex partners, or adoption or artificial means to acquire a child.  That child will then intentionally be denied a father or a mother.  In contrast, heterosexuality and natural marriage produce children, families and future generations.

‘HIV Is a Gay Disease’

Homosexual sex between men is the biggest risk factors for HIV/AIDS. A stunning 94-95 percent of all HIV diagnoses in 2011 among boys and young men were linked to homosexual sex, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports.[1] A 2008 CDC study of “gay” men in 21 major cities found that nearly one in five were HIV positive while 44 percent of those did not know it. [2] Facts like these have led some homosexual activists to admit that, “HIV is a gay disease.”[3] Yet students rarely are educated on the heightened health risks associated with homosexual behaviors.

CDC slide demonstrates the strong correlation between

CDC slide demonstrates the strong correlation between “male-to-male sexual contact” and HIV among adolescent boys and young men. To view the full CDC slide presentation, go HERE; to read the related AFTAH article, go HERE. Yellow highlighting did not appear on original CDC slide.

Viral Hepatitis and High-Risk Homosexual Sex                         

“Among adults, an estimated 10% of new Hepatitis A cases and 20% of new Hepatitis B cases occur in gay or bisexual men,” the CDC reported in October 2013. The disproportionate risk is linked to high-risk sexual behaviors by “men who have sex with men” (MSM). The CDC reports: “Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter—even in microscopic amounts—from an infected person. Among men who have sexual contact with other men, Hepatitis A can be spread through direct anal-oral contact or contact with fingers or objects that have been in or near the anus of an infected person.”[4]

Sex Practices Common Among Homosexual Men Are ‘Highly Efficient Ways of Transmitting Disease,’ Says ‘Gay’ Writer 

“Some practices common among gays–especially rimming [mouth-to-anus sex] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”–“Gay” writer Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men [5]


A 2010 CDC study on “Intimate Partner Violence” among homosexuals and bisexuals found higher rates of “rape, physical violence, and/or stalking” among lesbians and bisexual women compared to heterosexual women–and higher rates of “sexual violence” among homosexual and bisexual men compared to heterosexual men. Go HERE to read CDC report summary.

Domestic Partner Violence Higher for Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals

  • “Rates of some form of sexual violence were higher among lesbian women, gay men, and bisexual women and men compared to heterosexual women and men,” the CDC reported in 2010.
  • “Forty-four percent of lesbian women, 61% of bisexual women, and 35% of heterosexual women experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime…
  • “Four in 10 gay men (40%), nearly half of bisexual men (47%), and 1 in 5 heterosexual men (21%) have experienced SV [sexual violence] other than rape in their lifetime. This translates into nearly 1.1 million gay men, 903,000 bisexual men, and 21.6 million heterosexual men.” [6]

Anal Cancer: Homosexual Men 17 Times More Likely to Develop Anal Cancer than Straight Men

“Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.”–CDC [7]


 “In 2012, 75% of the reported primary and secondary syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men (MSM)/” the CDC reported. [8]


Dr. Stephen Goldstone

Dr. Stephen Goldstone

Anus: ‘Highest Risk Place for STDs,” Says Homosexual Doctor 

“[An] anus is the highest risk place for STDs [sexually transmitted diseases].”–Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men [9]



1. “CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases among Boys and Young Men Linked to Homosexual Sex,” AFTAH website, September 11, 2013 [link HERE]; links to CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatisis, STD and & TB Prevention, Div. of HIV/AIDS Prevention:

2. CDC Press Release: “1 in 5 men who have sex with men in 21 U.S. cities have HIV; nearly half unaware,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention; “The CDC study tested 8,153 MSM in 21 cities participating in the 2008 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS).” [link HERE]

3. Sharon Bernstein, “HIV Ads Embrace, and Stun, Audience,” Los Angeles Times, September 30, 2006: “the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center had embarked on a controversial ad campaign with this stark declaration: ‘HIV is a gay disease,’ with the tag line ‘Own It. End It.’ on billboards and in magazines.” [story link HERE].

4. CDC, “Viral Hepatitis: Information for Gay and Bisexual Men,” October 2013;

5. Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men who Love Men (Revised & Updated, Second edition, October 1998). Published by [now defunct] Alyson Books (Los Angeles, New York), pages 194, 212-213. [AFTAH link HERE] Full quote by Hart, a homosexual, is below:

“Many sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) occur more often among gay men than in the general population. Several factors contribute to this difference: Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men, and some practices common among gays–especially rimming [oral-anal perversion*] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease….”

6. NISVS: “An Overview of 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation,” The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), 2010:

7.  CDC Fact Sheet: “Gay and Bisexual Men’s Health,” last updated:  July 2, 2014:; Note: “Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.”

8. CDC, “Syphilis & MSM (Men Who Have Sex With Men) – CDC Fact Sheet; page last updated: January 7, 2014.

9. Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: 1999), p 16; in the passage, Dr. Goldstone, a homosexual and “gay” advocate, is urging condom use. For more quotations by Goldstone, see this AFTAH article. [Amazon book link HERE]


Copyright: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (, a Chicago-based organization that defends natural, biblical sexual morality and opposes the LGBT activist movement. Permission to reprint provided credit is given to “”; AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  Phone: 312-324-3787.  E-mail:

The Reality and Roots of Gay-on-Gay Violence and ‘Gay Men’s Obsession with Sex,’ in One Homosexual Writer’s Words

Friday, March 21st, 2014

“For young gay men…[the] urge for sex is strong, compulsive and obsessive. It dominates conscious thought with lustful fantasies which society does not grant expression without censure and judgement. For many gay men, a salient goal of life is to fulfill their sex fantasies and achieve some sort of intimacy with other men. …We seek intrigue and danger in our sexual netherworld. The threat of HIV infection may even nurture these yearnings. The greater the danger, the greater the thrill. Our masculine ideal is of strong, fearless men willing to inflict pain, aloof to suffering, and undaunted by sin. Virility is immortal, masculinity ever powerful and everlasting…Though the reality is often ugly, scarred, sordid and stupid, we willingly cower in the presence of that ersatz ideal, submit to its potency, genuflecting and suckling at the font of another man’s virility while scorning our own. Sometimes the power is fully consummated. I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a ‘trick’ [sexual hook-up]…Yet, as we survive each anonymous act, we only move farther away from the goal. We find no intimacy, fulfill no male ideal, and only confirm our deep-seated self-loathing….” –Garey Lambert, homosexual writer, “AIDS activist,” and editor of [homosexual newspaper] Baltimore Alternative, 1993

Ad for homosexual FLEX bathhouse in Atlanta--where men go for anonymous sexual encounters with other men. (We blocked the address and web site.) It is telling that such de facto perversion centers thrive in Atlanta, home to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control--which, though tasked with fighting the spread of HIV, refuses to advocate closure of sex businesses that encourage "gay" hyper-promiscuity. The late homosexual writer Garey Lambert described how and why "gay" men are compulsively drawn to dangerous sexual encounters. He wrote, "I daresay there isn't a gay man of 50 who doesn't know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a [sexual] 'trick.'"

Ad for homosexual FLEX bathhouse in Atlanta–where men go for anonymous deviant sexual encounters with other men. (We’ve blocked the address and web site.) It is telling that such de facto perversion centers thrive in Atlanta, home to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control–which, though tasked with fighting the spread of HIV, refuses to push for closure of sex businesses that encourage “gay” hyper-promiscuity. The late homosexual writer Garey Lambert described how and why “gay” men are compulsively drawn to reckless, anonymous sexual encounters, which can be dangerous and even lethal. He wrote, “I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a [sexual] ‘trick.'”

[Warning: graphic language]


There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.

Proverbs 14:12 (NASB)

Dear Readers,

This is the side of homosexualism that the secular-minded chattering classes–in their zeal to normalize sodomy as an innocuous identity and mere “orientation”–choose to avoid. Below is a verbatim reprinting of a column written two decades ago in the now-defunct homosexual newspaper, The Baltimore Alternative. I recently rediscovered this in the Americans For Truth archives. It is dated “1993” but the copy of the article does not give the month and date (we will attempt to find that). The writer is the late Garey Lambert, an “AIDS activist” and former editor at the Alternative, who died of AIDS at age 49 in 1996. This piece is a fascinating look into the the “consuming depravity” of homosexualism, to quote Pastor Ralph Ovadal–and of the overpowering lustful quests that motivate “men who have sex with men,” and which in all too many cases drive them to an early grave.

Reading the essay, I am reminded of how, even as much as AFTAH tries to convey the debauched, confused and destructive reality of homosexuality, we have only skimmed the surface. What is at work here is a type of indulged sexual addiction I have difficulty understanding. Let the astonishing words below sink in; obviously, “gay” men are endangered more by their own obsessive sexual pursuits with strangers than by any kind of anti-homosexual “hate” violence:

“I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a ‘trick’ [sexual hook-up] .

Writings like this expose the “enslavement” (Lambert’s word) of male homosexual lust–and the same-sex desperation that seems to result from libidinous young men pursuing the wrong answer to their own masculinity crisis. LGBT ideologues will attempt to explain away Lambert’s observations–or claim they are made obsolete by the “domestication” of homosexuality (e.g., same-sex “marriage”). But he describes a root problem–emotional and spiritual–that cannot be cured by politics, or “pride.” (Note Lambert’s obligatory attempt to blame “society” and “parents” for the plight of homosexuals and the proper judgment of homosexuality as abnormal and wrong.)

Read the rest of this article »

WATCH: Homosexual Walter Lee Hampton on Man-Boy Sex (‘Gay’ Pederasty): “I Would Not Let My Teenage Sons Around Gay Men!”

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Says he has seen adult homosexual men in their 30s, 40s and even 50s sexually pursuing minor teen boys


A lot is to be learned about the homosexual subculture from honest “gay” men like Walter Lee Hampton II [see his Facebook Page and YouTube site]. In this video, Hampton explains that pederasty–older men pursuing sex with underage boys–is some thing he has seen a lot of in his life as a homosexual. Here is his own description of the video, published February 8, 2014.

“Based upon my life experiences ..if I had Teenage sons I would NOT allow them around GAY MEN!..because over the years I have seen many GAY MEN pursue TEENAGE BOYS (ages 14-17) for SEX. and I have seen this VERY OFTEN.”

What Hampton is revealing helps us understand how teenage boys are contracting HIV. You might want to check out the comments at the YouTube page for his video HERE. Thanks to Jason Salamone, AFTAH’s Research Associate and our Facebook Page administrator, for spotting this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Part Two: Matt Barber’s Liberty Counsel Interview with Peter LaBarbera

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Part Two of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Matt Barber on Liberty Counsel’s online TV program “Faith and Freedom.” This segment focuses mainly on Train Life USA, the wholesome alternative to the now officially pro-homosexual Boy Scouts of America. It aired September 20, 2013; go here for Part One of the interview, which will have five parts:

Peter LaBarbera Appears on Bryan Fischer’s AFR Talk Show: ‘HIV Is A Gay Disease’

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Angry homosexual activists wish death upon pro-family advocates

UPDATE, Sept. 19, 2013: The hateful comments — copied below — to the “New Civil Rights Movement” post about Bryan Fischer’s AFR Talk interview with Peter LaBarbera have been removed.]

I appeared on Bryan Fischer’s AFR Talk Show “Focal Point” yesterday (September 17. 2013) to discuss the astonishing CDC data unearthed by AFTAH showing that among boys and young men ages 13-24, 94-95 percent of the HIV cases are linked to homosexual sex. (I apologize for the poor sound quality of my voice in this broadcast.) Our interview and focus on the CDC data have not been popular with homosexual activists: David Badash of the The New Civil Rights Movement (NCRM) accuses Bryan and me of engaging in “dangerous advocacy.” And the hateful homosexuals at “Truth Wins Out” attack us with the requisite name-calling HERE. [Watch video on YouTube HERE.] — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

PS. To document the type of over-the-top, wish-your-opponents-dead hatred that is all too common among radical homosexual activists, we reproduce uncensored four vicious “comments” from the NCRM piece following the video and after the jump:

Read the rest of this article »

CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases among Boys and Young Men Linked to Homosexual Sex

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

CDC funds “gay” activist groups like GLSEN that promote acceptance of behavior tied closely to HIV

By Peter LaBarbera

The following is a graphic from a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) online slide presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults” [1]— breaking down the incidence of HIV among young men ages 13-24. In 2011, an astonishing 94.9 percent of HIV diagnoses among teenage boys (13-19-years-old) were linked to homosexual (“male-to-male”) sex. And 94.1 percent of the cases among young men ages 20-24 (more analysis follows graphic) were from “gay” sex:


With the incidence of HIV among men so closely tied to homosexual sex, shouldn’t the government and all concerned and compassionate adults be urging young men and teenaged boys NOT to engage in or experiment with dangerous homosexual behavior? And yet, the CDC and other pro-“gay” institutions (including many schools public and private) are doing exactly the opposite, as they focus instead on affirming “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender” youth as a “sexual minority.”

Feds Fund ‘Gay’ Youth Activist Groups

Another CDC document, “HIV and Young Men Who Have Sex with Men” (June 2012), reports that in 2011, the CDC awarded funds to two homosexual activists groups — the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSAN) — “to assist CDC-funded public health and environmental changes to help schools and communities meet the health and medical needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.” See this CNSNews article on the CDC grant.

With HIV rates growing among YMSM (young men who have sex with men), the CDC’s focus on building self-esteem among LGBT youth and creating a “positive school climate” for homosexuals — includes forming “gay”-affirming clubs in schools — seems disconnected from reality. The aforementioned CDC report on HIV and YMSM states:

“Gay-straight alliances (GSAs) are one approach being used to create safe and welcoming school environments. Research has shown that in schools with support groups such as GSA’s, lesbian, gay and bisexual students were less likely to experience threats of violence, miss school because they felt unsafe, or attempt suicide than those in schools without such groups.”

In the same report, the CDC identifies the behaviors among young homosexuals that are causing the escalating HIV rates:

“A CDC analysis of date from 13 YRBS [Youth Risk Behavior Survey] sites found that sexual minority students, especially those who identified as homosexual or bisexual, were disproportionately likely to engage in many health risk behaviors, including sexual risk behaviors (such as having sexual intercourse for the first time at younger ages, having multiple sex partners, and not using condoms); tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use; and behaviors related to attempted suicide.”

Elsewhere in the CDC report it touts CDC funding for “school health professionals … to help them understand the needs of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and shape behavioral messages accordingly.” But those behavioral messages apparently do not include discouraging students from engaging in homosexual sex.

Elephant in the room

The chasm between the obvious and extreme health risks associated with “gay” male sex and the CDC’s politically correct, pro-homosexuality mindset reflects public policy malpractice on an Orwellian scale. “Gay” activist ideology and assumptions — including intrinsic (many would claim innate) “gay”/bi/transgender identities — go unquestioned at the CDC. Ironically, the most direct answer to the HIV-youth crisis — teaching young people NOT to practice unhealthy homosexual sex — is the one thing that is essentially forbidden.

All across America, “gay” activists and their straight liberal allies are advocating “gay”-positive lesson plans and strategies in response to anti-homosexual bullying. However, while everyone can agree that all bullying is wrong, many “anti-bullying” programs double as pro-LGBT affirmation programs. This is troubling because:1) bullying can be discouraged with neutral messaging that does not promote “out and proud” homosexuality and transgenderism; and 2) in the name of “safety,” educators and cultural elites are advocating a sexual lifestyle that has continually been shown to be dangerous, particularly for males.


[1] Produced by the CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention, a division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. Data is for 2008-2011.


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