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Sordid Homosexual History: Harry Hay, the “founding father” of the “gay rights” movement who envisioned people in homosexual lifestyles as a “minority,” was an avid defender of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association}, the notorious homosexual pedophile organization. Graphic: America’s Survival.
I look forward to this conference April 21st at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.–put on by my friend and conservative investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid. I will be speaking on: “Barack Obama and the Pro-LGBT Media’s War on Normal–and the Failure of Conservatives and Republicans to Respond.” See Cliff’s America’s Survival site HERE. Also, you can view Kincaid’s recent AS-TV interview with me HERE. AFTAH Board Member Matt Barber, creator of the outstanding site, Barbwire.com, will also be speaking at the AS event, as well James Simpson speaking on “Cultural Marxism.”
AFTAH will also be on hand for a press conference led by Faith-2-Action’sJanet Porter in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday, April 27, and then we will be on hand testifying to the on the steps of the Court the next day, April 28, when the Justices–including two, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, who should recuse themselves–will be hearing a landmark case on homosexuality-based “marriage.” Just remember this: No matter what the Supreme Court decides in June, homosexual behavior and “gay marriage” will always be wrong. –Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Crimes against Nature and the Constitution:
Cultural Marxism and America’s Moral Collapse
April 21, 2015
The Zenger Room of the National Press Club
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Open to the press and public
Cliff Kincaid, President, America’s Survival, Inc.
Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality
Matt Barber, constitutional attorney and founder of the BarbWire website
James Simpson, investigative journalist
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045
The Communist Roots of the “Gay Rights” Movement (will include a detailed analysis of the FBI file on gay rights founder Harry Hay).
Will the Supreme Court subvert the Constitution and Impose Homosexual ‘Marriage’ on the 50 States?
Why Has Fox News Sold Out to the Homosexual Lobby?
Why is David Koch backing gay marriage at the Supreme Court?
Has the Republican Party been infiltrated by homosexual activists?
Condemns VP Biden, who tells “gay” group: “You’re never going to be able to eliminate the bigots”; Rob Bell embraces sin-based “marriage”
It was a pleasure to sit down March 13, 2015 with Jim Schneider of WVCY America on VCY’s TV-30 program “In Focus.” The theme of the show was the “Ingraining of Homosexuality in Society.”In Focus reaches Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin. Here is the Vimeo link, and some of the topics we discussed. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
2:00: Upcoming (April 28) Supreme Court hearing of same-sex “marriage” cases. I call a ruling nationalizing “gay marriage” the “Roe v. Wade” of the homosexual issue.
4:14 – Should Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, who officiated at homosexual “weddings,” recuse themselves from SCOTUS case? [more time breakdowns follow jump and video below…]
5:45 – Insidious comparison of the Black civil rights movement to the homosexual revolution; I bring up the late Ken Hutcherson, a Black preacher (and former NFL lineman), who said: “Don’t compare your sin to my skin”;
6:56 – Comments on Vice President Biden’s castigation of social conservatives at an HRC fundraiser: “You’re never going to be able to eliminate the bigots.”
12:45 – Amicus brief to the Supreme Court urging the (national) legalization of homosexuality-based “marriage” signed by 379 corporations (many major companies like Aetna, Amazon.com, AT&T, Delta Airlines and JP Morgan Chase–but also small firms and homosexual-owned businesses and organizations).
26:30 – Discuss the Republican Party and homosexual “marriage” and an amicus brief to the Supreme Court signed by pro-homosexual-“marriage” Republicans.
32:50 – Renegade evangelical churches and leaders like Rob Bell who are embracing “marriage” based on homosexuality. At 34:30, incredible footage of Bell’s interview with Oprah in which he and his wife embrace counterfeit same-sex “marriage.”
This America’s Survival interview with America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid and Jerry Kenney was conducted March 25, 2015. This aired live on AS’s Roku channel [see more AS episodes on YouTube HERE]. AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera discusses Republican politics and the homosexual agenda, and the escalating saturation of U.S. culture with pro-immorality messages. Specifically, around the 15-minute mark in the video, they discuss the ABC Family network’s promotion of a homosexual “boy romance” between two 13-year-old male characters on the show “The Fosters.” LaBarbera will be joining Kincaid and Barbwire’s Matt Barber for a press event Tuesday April 21 in at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to discuss the April 28 Supreme Court review of homosexual “marriage” cases that has the potential of producing a ruling that could nationalize same-sex “marriage.” After the video is Kincaid’s description of it.
America’s Survival description:
Will Jeb Bush Turn the GOP Gay?
Published on Mar 31, 2015
The homosexual movement has control of President Obama and the Democratic party. Now it is infiltrating the Republican Party. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth discusses the 2016 Republican presidential candidates, what the Supreme Court might do on homosexual marriage, and whether the homosexualization of America can be stopped. We also discuss the Marxist origins of the gay rights movement.
Did America’s “conservative network” violate its anchor Bret Baier’s religious rights in forcing Legatus pullout?
Did Fox News violate anchor Bret Baier’s religious rights by pressing him to pull out as a speaker at the Catholic Legatus summit? Go to 23:40 mark in the video below. Read HERE about how Baier confirmed that Fox “requested” he withdraw as a speaker. And go HERE for Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth report for America’s Survival on Fox News’ escalating pro-homosexual bias,
America’s Survival TV led by veteran conservative media observer Cliff Kincad interviewed AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera January 21, 2015 about Fox News “requesting” that anchor Bret Baier, a Catholic, pull out as a speaker from a Jan. 28-29 conference by the Catholic group Legatus. [See AFTAH stories HERE and HERE.] Note at about the 24:00 mark how Jerry Kenney raises the specter of whether Fox violated Baier’s religious rights, citing a potential Title VII violation under the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)-enforced code. Here is AS’s write-up:
Published on YouTube Jan 24, 2015
The pressure to conform to the left-wing homosexual agenda has scored a direct hit on the Fox News Channel. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth discusses the scandal surrounding Bret Baier’s forced withdrawal from a Catholic conference. Jerry Kenney and Cliff Kincaid join Peter LaBarbera to discuss whether Bret Baier’s rights to free speech and religious expression were violated by his corporate bosses. Can a legal case be brought against Fox News?
JUDGE SAYS NO TO CAMPUS CENSORS: AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera being arrested at the University of Regina last April. Yesterday, Saskatchewan Provincial Judge MaryLynne Beaton rejected the university’s claim that a peaceful protest at U-R against abortion and sodomy somehow interfered with students’ education. Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott–who with LaBarbera was arrested on a “Mischief” charge–says he will return to the camps to disseminate biblical truth.
“I find that the purpose of (their) attending the University of Regina was to communicate information and their actions were passive and non-aggressive,” Judge Beaton wrote. “The university’s response was disproportionate to the peaceful distribution of flyers.” [page 14, decision]
Saskatchewan Provincial Court Judge Marylynne Beaton ruled yesterday that AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott are not guilty of criminal “mischief” after being arrested and jailed April 14, 2014 after peacefully protesting and disseminating factual literature at the University of Regina–against the wishes of school administrators.
In the 27-page decision, available HERE, Judge Beaton relied heavily on Whatcott’s claim under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms that he had a right to disseminate his religious views–and rejected the notion put forth by the prosecution that the two pro-family activists disrupted the educational mission of U-Regina.
Below is YouTube of a Regina Leader Post audio-story with Whatcott’s reaction to the decision, and beneath that the print report by the Leader-Post. You can go to Whatcott’s website HERE, and beneath that an excerpt the Leader-Post’s story on the decision.
Said LaBarbera in response to the ruling:
“I am gratified by Judge Beaton’s well-reasoned decision, and I congratulate my friend Bill Whatcott for once again leading the way in challenging Canada to live up to her ideals of liberty and freedom of conscience. It is preposterous in a country that claims to be free to criminalize dissenting speech at a public university. Yet this is what University of Regina administrators sought to do by cowardly attempting to banish Bill Whatcott and me from their campus. In the process they dishonored their students–who deserved better than clumsy attempts at censorship justified by condescending and odious appeals to ‘protect’ them from ‘hate.’
“Hopefully, this ruling will open up the door to a resurgence of true tolerance and freedom in Canada. The Left in Canada, as in the United States, does not want debate but rather control. They fear unfettered exposure to moral truth and compelling facts about homosexuality–hence their campaign to silence Christians and others who speak out against sexual immorality and gender rebellion.
“The very fact that I was detained and searched at length twice by Border police upon entering Canada–merely because I and AFTAH espouse historic, biblical, Judeo-Christian teachings on homosexuality–reflects escalating ‘thought tyranny’ and anti-intellectualism in Canada which, if allowed to take root, will only lead to more rigid repression against believers in this great land.”
More coming from AFTAH on this story; here is Whatcott’s reaction [order his book “Born in a Graveyard” HERE]:
Homosexual lobby’s report features dark graphic caricature of AFTAH’s LaBarbera
HUMAN SMEAR CAMPAIGN: Who is that shadowy figure? A mafia don? An ISIS terrorist? A drug kingpin? No, it’s AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, as caricatured by the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign in their new report, “The Export of Hate.” See pages 9-10 of the report for the section on LaBarbera and AFTAH.
Special Note to AFTAH Readers from Peter LaBarbera:
Folks, the notion of what constitutes “hate” has become highly politicized. We will have more on the Human Rights Campaign’s deceitful and comically over-the-top report, “The Export of Hate,” which prominently features yours truly–complete with an ominous-looking, blackened graphic of my face designed to cast me as a shadowy figure–in upcoming posts. [Graphic of AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera shown at right; see pages 9-10 for the section on me.]
Take a look at that photo–yes, that’s me, according to the malicious activists at HRC, who apparently must exaggerate and contort their opposition to fit it into their jaundiced redefinition of “hate.” Anyone who knows me wouldn’t recognize me from that graphic–and while I’m a lot of things, a sinister hatemonger isn’t one of them. I am generally an upbeat, affable guy. I love God and I love people, and I want them to come to the knowledge of my Savior, Jesus Christ, so they can find forgiveness and draw close to God.
Please note that in the post-Floyd Corkins world (Corkins was thwarted in a potentially murderous attack on Family Research Council), the ongoing effort to paint pro-family advocates like me as horrible haters on a par with the KKK could incite a violent and even deadly attack against us by a homosexual zealot.
For the record, I enthusiastically stand behind my quotation–on the Alan Colmes Show Jan. 7 of this year–provided by the report as evidence of my supposed “hate.” Colmes had pressed me on whether children were better off in single-parent households or homosexual-led households, to which I responded (this is the excerpt taken from the HRC report):
“Kids would ‘be better off in a single-parent household…because you’re not modeling homosexual behavior. When you have two men raising a young child, that child grows up learning, basically, dysfunction and a sexual perversion as normality.'”
If criticizing intentionally motherless and intentionally fatherless homosexual-led households is hateful, then surely most of the world is hateful! The LGBT Lobby’s campaign to portray the fervent defense of historic, Judeo-Christian teachings on sex and marriage as Hate, Bigotry & Homophobia–Big Gay Inc’s top three slanders against people of faith and morals–is itself profoundly hateful and bigoted. But we should expect such calculated smears from a Sin Movement that is essentially engaged in a political and cultural war against Nature and Nature’s God. Casting aside the lies and slanders, we will not be deterred in our defense of Truth. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Here’s our friend and upcoming banquet speaker Michael Brown’s excellent piece on the HRC report:
The HRC Is Inciting Fear and Hate
By Michael Brown
This essay first appeared in Charisma’s “In the Line of Fire” column. To sign up for Charisma array of e-publications, go HERE.
The pictures are dark and ominous, the charges chilling: “There exists a network of extremists … [who] spew venomous rhetoric, outrageous theories, and discredited science.”
Just who are these evil people, and what are they doing?
According to the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest gay-activist organization, this “network” consists of American, conservative Christian leaders “who are working tirelessly to undercut LGBT people around the world at every turn.”
LYING PROF DOUBLES DOWN: April 17 tweet by Sinclair Community College professor Kate Geiselman, who made up a preposterous “effing” quotation by guest speaker Peter LaBarbera to humiliate him and make him look like an angry “homophobe.” LaBarbera said “effing” only to relay to the audience that one of its members had angrily used the real F-word to attack his speech. Pro-family attorney Charles LiMandri has written Geiselman and Salon Magazine to demand an apology and retraction.
In this post:
2-minute video of Sinclair Community College professor-led “walkout” [begins at :16 point of video];
Part One and Part Two of YouTube videos of Peter LaBarbera’s talk at SCC, sponsored by the Traditional Values Club;
Copy of April 24 web post by SCC professor Rebecca Morean on Salon.com, backing up the “effing” lie told by fellow SCC prof Kate Geiselman in her Salon hit-piece against LaBarbera;
Go HERE to read AFTAH attorney Charles LiMandri’s letter to Geiselman and Salon.com demanding a public retraction and apology.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Refuting a leftist lie is hard work, but it must be done.
Below is the video of the Sinclair Community College walkout on my speech at the Dayton, Ohio college April 9, 2014–provided by the Traditional Values Club, which sponsored the talk. As you can see, the professor-led walkout began right after I started speaking–and ironically, after I had commended the audience for demonstrating true tolerance by listening to a dissenting viewpoint!
Note that I did not come even close to uttering the quotation absurdly attributed to me by SCC writing professor Kate Geiselman in the liberal online magazine Salon. Geiselman accused me (the “antigay bigot” in the headline) of responding recklessly to the walkout: “You’re leaving? Are you ‘effing’ [substituting for the F-word] kidding?”
Below is a transcription of my remarks at the podium as the professor-led walkout begins–painstakingly produced by pro-family writer Gina Miller [see Miller’s excellent piece on the controversy on Barbwire.com HERE]:
“I suppose this is a walk-out. Well, this is, this is what I say, not, not even people willing to hear from the other side. I think this is, this is regretful. [heckler interjects F-word] ‘Your message is ‘effing’ garbage,’ that guy just said. Yeah, yeah this is a shame, but, well, those of you who remained are exhibiting true tolerance… I mean this is—this is the Left in action; I’m sorry. You know, tolerance for me but not for you. Don’t even want to hear a viewpoint. That’s their right, and I just think it’s immature…”
[See my attorney Chuck LiMandri’s letter demanding a retraction and apology from Geiselman HERE.]
Constructing a bogus narrative
Honestly, I think the admittedly hard-of-hearing Geiselman heard me say “effing”–I was merely relaying a barb from a man in the audience who hurled the real F-bomb to denounce my talk–and then used that to concoct a bogus narrative casting me as the angry “homophobe.” Later, Professor Rebecca Morean, who can be seen leading the walkout in the video below, repeated the Geiselman’s lie [see graphic at bottom of this article]. Morean has boasted about her role in the walkout.
What these politicized professors–who greatly dishonor their noble profession–fail to appreciate is that real tolerance and diversity were on display at their college that day, between conservatives like me and the few liberals (including some students) who did not take part in Morean’s cowardly exercise in leftist groupthink. We went back and forth on the homosexual issue, and perhaps emerged with the same views with which we came–but also with greater understanding of the other side’s position. In other words, we had a civil, lively, yet respectful discussion at an institution of higher learning. Imagine that. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Read the Traditional Values Club’s description of their YouTube video of the professor-led “walkout” below. The walkout begins at :16 point of video; notice Prof. Morean standing up and signaling the mass exodus:
Gay Activists Stay Vocal; Christian Leader Goes Silent:Chick-fil-A’s new CEO, Dan Cathy (right), befriended homosexual activist and Campus Pride executive director Shane Windmeyer in the wake of the media hubbub over Cathy’s defense of natural marriage. Now Cathy has heeded Windmeyer’s advice to pull back from publicly from the homosexual “marriage” debate. Photo: Huffington Post.
By Peter LaBarbera
Dear AFTAH Reader,
As usual, the Culture War over sexually immoral same-sex behavior is hot, and AFTAH is in the thick of it. We will have more on the regrettable backpedaling by Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, who says it was a “mistake” for him to speak out for natural marriage. The Atlanta Journal Constitution, which interviewed the chicken fast-food exec, reports:
“Cathy said he decided to step back from the gay marriage debate after prayer and conversations with co-workers and friends, including Shane Windmeyer, a gay supporter of marriage equality who helped Cathy understand why marriage was important to the gay community.”
Talk about snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory!
NOTE:Shane Windmeyer is a homosexual activist and the founder and executive director of Campus Pride, which aggressively pushes for the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism on college campuses. Gee, what a shock that Windmeyer wants his friend, Dan Cathy, to SHUT UP about homosexual “marriage”….Lesson for pro-family advocates: in my experience, when Christians “dialogue” with homosexuality activists, the “gay” activists usually end up winning the most concessions and biblical values are compromised.
I wish I could say I’m stunned, but I’ve grown used to Christians and “pro-family conservatives” selling out in the Culture War over homosexualism. As I told American Family Radio talk show host Bryan Fischer Thursday, the “Gay” Lobby is playing hard ball, and Christians are playing tee-ball. Click HERE to view a “Right Wing Watch” clip of my interview with Fischer. And go HERE to view a story in Huffington Post(“Huff Post Gay Voices”) about my comments. (Yes, HuffPo has its own “gay cheerleading” section–No Moral Voices Allowed!)
I told Bryan that Cathy “sold out” all those good Americans who–after all–had rallied by the hundreds of thousands to support his RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT for God’s natural design for marriage as between a man and a woman. I mean, isn’t that why so many people showed up on “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day”–because we were sick and tired of people of faith being silenced by homosexual militants and their pro-LGBT media enablers?
Also, the Journal-Constitution reports, “Progressive website Think Progress earlier this month reported that Chick-fil-A’s foundations — WinShape Foundation and its namesake Chick-fil-A Foundation — “dramatically” cut donations to groups gay marriage supporters consider anti-gay.” AFTAH will be checking into this as well. How sad if this is true.
One last thing: isn’t it interesting that PRO-homosexual-“marriage” execs like Starbuck’s CEO Howard Schultz don’t retreat from publicly speaking out FOR counterfeit “marriage”? In fact, liberal corporations are more sold out than ever in publicly supporting–and funding–All Things “Gay”–so once again it’s the Christian, “pro-family” side that is engaging in unilateral surrender in the battle for Truth on homosexuality and marriage. Meanwhile, the Homosexual Lobby is louder and more aggressive than ever in pushing its lies and demands!
AFTAH will have much more on this story and other examples of Christian defeatism in the Culture War….
P.S. AFTAH Needs Your Support: Help us out if you can because we cannot take on the well-funded, media-backed “Gay” Lobby without getting funding ourselves. Donate online to AFTAH HERE or use the blue “DONATE ONLINE” button above right. Or send your tax-deductible donation to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Thank you for standing with us!!