Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Speech Defending Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

Sen. Lindsey Graham: “Are you a gang rapist?”

Judge Brett Kavanaugh: “No.” 

Folks, I can’t watch this clip enough, from today’s U.S. Senate hearing on the dubious and grotesque sexual assault accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Well done, Sen. Graham! By the way, in a small way I can relate to Kavanaugh’s ordeal, because for more than two decades I have been falsely and sometimes viciously accused of sexual misbehavior by lying “progressives.” In my case, it’s the demented smear from “gay” militants like Wayne Besen (former spokesman for the Human Wrongs Rights Campaign) that I’m secretly homosexual–or a fan of “gay” porn–because I fight the radical LGBTQ Lobby and expose their perversions. For hardened leftists, the end justifies the means. No matter if they cruelly slander opponents in the process. We cannot succumb to their lies. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

VIDEO: Can Trump Be Pro-‘Gay’, Pro-‘Transgender’ AND Pro-Religious Liberty? – America’s Survival Interview

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

Folks, here is a Google Hangouts interview I just did (Feb. 2, 2017) with Cliff Kincaid, founder and president of America’s Survival. Kincaid is also director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism; see the AIM piece he refers to in the interview, “Trump Joins Ranks of DNA Deniers.

The video is very choppy at times due to connection issues (with words missing), but please overlook that as it covers some interesting material regarding President Trump’s attempt to be pro-“gay” and pro-“religious liberty” at the same time. We also discuss whether Trump-backing Brit, Breitbart editor and vulgar homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos–who talks glibly about his oral sex encounters with other men at his “Dangerous Faggot Tour” college speeches–is actually a “conservative” and whether he helps or hurts the conservative cause. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  [more info after jump]

Here is America’s Survival’s YouTube channel description of the video (links added):

Why did Trump keep Obama’s executive order affirming special rights for the transgendered? How is this compatible with religious freedom and traditional values? Is there such a thing as a “gay conservative?” Who is Milo Yiannopoulos? Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth and talks about these matters with ASI TV host Cliff Kincaid.

VIDEO: AFTAH Extols David Hall, Illinois Government Worker Who Refuses to Watch Pro-Homosexual ‘Diversity’ Video

Saturday, September 17th, 2016
“[David Hall] is absolutely correct: LGBT ‘diversity’ sessions and films are NOT truly ‘diverse’ because they disrespect or ignore faith-based and moral opposition to homosexualism and transsexualism.”–Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

Folks, we can’t expect even a tiny minority of Christians to stand so resolutely for God’s Truth that they are even willing to lose their job over it. So when a man like Illinois government worker David Hall refuses to bow down to the modern idol of pro-perversion “diversity,” he deserves to be called the hero that he is. Pray for David and share this story far and wide! –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera 

[under the WCIA video is a terrific LifeSiteNews article in which I am quoted]

The following is a report by the stellar pro-family news site, LifeSiteNews. Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera is quoted in the article (see bolded portion); to donate to LifeSite, go here. The video above is a newscast by WCIA-TV in Springfield, Illinois:


Christian Could Be Fired for Refusing to Watch LGBT ‘Inclusivity’ Video

By Fr. Mark Hodges

CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, September 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A Christian’s 14-year career is being threatened because he refused to watch a training video on lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer “diversity and inclusivity.”

In April, the Social Security Administration announced all employees must be trained in LGBTQ “diversity and inclusivity.” Longtime information technology employee David Hall, whose Christian convictions do not consider sodomy healthy or normal or good for people, believed that the “training” was against his sincerely held beliefs.

Specifically, Hall, 42, was told by his superiors to view a 17-minute video that includes “tips for increasing cultural awareness in a diverse and inclusive environment.”

Hall refused, explaining that the training endorses sinful behavior. “I’m not going to certify sin,” he explained to WCIA-TV.

Because he refused to participate in the LGBTQ agenda training, Hall was officially reprimanded and then suspended without pay.

Read the rest of this article »

Watch: Order the ‘Light Wins’ Movie to Educate and Mobilize Your Network Against Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Tyranny

Monday, June 15th, 2015
Order "Light Wins" today by sending $22 postpaid to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. In addition to the full-length film, you will receive a 30-minute abridged version and 90 minutes of special features.

Order “Light Wins” today: by sending $22 postpaid to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. In addition to the full-length film, you will receive a 30-minute abridged version and 90 minutes of special features.

Folks, it was my privilege to be a part of this excellent documentary film, “Light Wins,” produced by my friend and pro-family Force of Nature, Janet Porter. Janet did an outstanding job boiling down dozens of hours of interviews with pro-family leaders to make this movie. Now we are asking YOU to show it to your network of friends, including your church family. This is a superb teaching tool and when you order it, you will be helping to sustain both AFTAH and Janet’s ministry, Faith2Action. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

ORDER THE VIDEO: for just $22 postpaid you will get a DVD containing the following:

  • The full-length feature film “Light Wins”  (100 minutes)
  • A 30-minute abridged version for easier showing at house- or church showing parties
  • 90 minutes of extra interviews on special topics like homosexuals in the military

ORDER TODAY: Send $22 postpaid to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522; bulk discounts available: write Brad Wallis at for more information. All proceeds from sales will be split between AFTAH and Faith2Action.

VIDEO: #HatchKids Video Shows Young Children Being Manipulated toward Approving of Bruce Jenner’s Gender Confusion

Monday, June 15th, 2015

“How could a boy turn into a girl?! That’s impossible!”–boy in video protests; other kids say people are scared of change re: “Caitlyn” Jenner

Our Hero in this Video:

Our Hero in this Video: A young boy in the “She Knows” propaganda video below reacts to Bruce Jenner’s girlish transformation by blurting out: “How could a boy turn into a girl?! That’s impossible!”

Folks, this outrageous and highly manipulative short video was published June 9, 2015 and already had 2,735,765 hits on YouTube as of 11:45 PM Central Time June 14; just 15 minutes later, at midnight, it had 2,737,370 hits. The next day, at 11:00 AM Central, the video had 2,763,413 hits. It was produced by a feminist media outlet called “She Knows,” and this “#HatchKids” project video is titled “Empathy.” It would more accurately be titled “Manipulation”–because kids are super impressionable and these children obviously were guided by adults toward making the “right,” politically correct answers.

Hatch Kids’ slogan is “Content for grown-ups, made by kids with a mission,” but it is the She Knows adults who are on a mission here, and they are exploiting kids to accomplish it. Children have always been the target of leftist revolutionary “change agents”–and revolutionaries in general. Radical feminists and LGBTQueer activists are seizing upon Bruce Jenner’s Hollywood- and media-assisted “transition” to “Caitlyn” to indoctrinate children and the wider culture in the Nature-defying illusions of transgender ideology. So-called progressives, imbued with characteristic self-righteousness and superiority, are selling extreme gender confusion as normal–while those who oppose it are cast as lacking “empathy.” Or, the latter are said to be filled with irrational fears (“transphobes”–sound familiar?). Note the video’s high production quality and the femmy adult questioner, likely a homosexual activist.

The producers include one politically incorrect boy in the video, who at the :49 mark blurts out–in a sole affirmation of Truth–“How could a boy turn into a girl?! That’s impossible!” Needless to say, he’s never seen again in the video. Perhaps the producers sent him to Re-Education Camp.

We are in a hot Information War with liberal “change agents” who worship feelings over reality and transcendent morality. Our foes are far more sophisticated in cranking out devious propaganda like this than we are in defending the natural order and God’s Truth. Please use this video to educate your network of family and friends on leftist/LGBT indoctrination tactics. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Related Stories:


Here is the information about the video provided by She Know:

Published on Jun 9, 2015
Kids were presented with two pictures, one of Bruce Jenner and one of Caitlyn Jenner, and their reactions will both surprise you and inspire you. SheKnows Media’s Hatch program creates content for grown-ups, made by kids on a mission.

For more information, visit –

WATCH: Ryan Sorba Video Shows ‘Gays’ Admitting They Were Not Born That Way – Some Homosexually Raped as Boys

Friday, May 1st, 2015

This is a powerful undercover video by Ryan Sorba. Note that several of the homosexual men in the video tell how they were molested as boys. Tragically, an adult man CHOSE homosexuality for them. For example, at the 3:20 mark, a man at a bar says, “I was molested when I was 13”; he says it was by a “family friend who was 21.” The man says that he “liked” the initial sexual experience, but that it “was one of the most terrifying moments I ever had.” And at the 10:00 mark another man says, “I became gay when I was raped”; he was just a 12-year-old boy and his rapist was a man who was his next-door neighbor in Mexico. Yet another “gay” man (11:05) says he was molested as a child “and that affected me!”

You won’t hear about this in the “mainstream media,” but homosexual molestation and predatory seduction are one of the key entry paths into a “gay” identity and lifestyle for many males. Yet for decades homosexual activists like Harvey Milk (who himself was molested as a boy; see the book, “Mayor of Castro Street,” by Randy Shilts) have ridiculed any connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. You don’t get much raw truth on this issue, anymore, so share this video with your family and friends who have bought the lie that homosexuals are “born that way.” We regret that the video contains profanity. Please support Sorba’s “GoFundMe” online fundraising campaign HERE— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


VIDEO: ‘Gay Journalists’ Group NLGJA Auctions Off Male Stripper at Fundraiser – Then Blocks Video Coverage of it

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

Folks, this video by my friend Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival is priceless: a supposedly professional “gay journalists” group, NLGJA, shuts down the videotaping of it auctioning off a male “Chippendales” stripper at the group’s annual New York City fundraiser. Clearly, NLGJA (National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association) leaders cared more about mitigating an embarrassing “PR crisis” than granting reportorial access to their event. Strange, but revealing: it seems a bit of appropriate shame dampened their “gay pride.” You can also watch it on YouTube— Peter LaBarbera,

PS. AFTAH and America’s Survival have led the way in exposing the NLGJA–which is funded by major media corporations including Fox News–as a highly politicized, pro-homosexual activist organization, as demonstrated by Cliff’s observation about the group’s biased “definition” of “ex-gay” (which it puts in quotes; see graphic below or go HERE). See my in-depth AS report on Fox News and the NLGJA. Cliff’s story follows the video:


Male Stripper Performs at Gay Journalists Event

By Cliff Kincaid, reprinted from America’s Survival, April 20, 2015

Their slogan is, “We’re here, we’re queer. We’re on deadline.” But on April 16th, when the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) held their 2015 “Headlines & Headliners” fundraiser in New York City, they were cheering a strip-tease performer from Chippendales.

Chippendales strippers usually perform for sex-starved women. This time the audience consisted of sex-starved gay men.

It was an eye-opening experience that included stars from CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. The emcee was Javier “Javi” Morgado, Executive Producer at CNN’s “New Day” program, who introduced the live auction of two VIP seats at the Las Vegas Chippendales show. He’s a former board member of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association. Tyson Beckford, who has joined Chippendales in Las Vegas as their celebrity guest host, participated in the live auction, encouraging higher bids.

I paid the $150 ticket price to get into the event. This isn’t the first time I had covered and filmed the event, and I never encountered any problems in the past. But this time the group told me to leave. My own video shows the confrontation.

The NLGJA puts "ex-gay" in quote marks in its tendentious "Stylebook" definition.

Just “journalists”? The NLGJA puts “ex-gay” in quote marks in its tendentious “Stylebook” guiding reporters, editors and producers on how to handle “gay”-related news.

The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association is financed by all of the major media organizations, from MSNBC and CNN on the left to Fox News on the right. It has issued a “Stylebook” to advise news organizations on how to use “lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender terminology.” For example, you are not supposed to use the term “ex-gay,” even though thousands of former homosexuals do exist. The gay “Stylebook” warns that the term “ex-gay” is “mostly rooted in conservative religions” and has been “generally discredited as therapy in scientific circles.”

That this is complete nonsense can be demonstrated by the well-known case of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray. For years she publicly called herself a lesbian, even writing an essay titled, “I Am a Lesbian.” But she got married to de Blasio and has two kids. The gay “Stylebook” is why you rarely see interviews with ex-gays on the air. They are not supposed to exist.

Read the rest of this article »

VIDEO: Mark Levin Speech at CPAC 2015

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

This was a tremendous speech by talk show host and author Mark Levin at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) on Saturday (Feb. 28, 2015). Note Levin’s disdain for unprincipled Republicans. CPAC is sponsored by American Conservative Union, which this year (finally) was more inclusive of social conservatives than in past years. Thanks to Breaking News & Political Videos for this video:

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