Archive for September, 2006

Former NJ Governor Committed Homosexual Adultery While Wife Was in Hospital Bearing His Child

Friday, September 15th, 2006

As my good friend Bob Knight of CWA’s Culture and Family Institute noted, the sad story of homosexual adulterer and former New Jersey governor James McGreevey appears to be one of “selfishness on steroids.” It will be fascinating to watch liberals and homosexual activists try to make a hero of this very troubled (and still confused) man. – Peter LaBarbera

Excerpted from McGreevey Gay Details Leaked, published Sept 13, 2006, by Associated Press:

Former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey revealed during an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey that he first bedded the man who would become a central figure in his downfall while his own wife was hospitalized for the birth of their child

McGreevey said the encounter was one of countless lies and betrayals he felt compelled to perpetuate…

Read the rest of this article »

Stoning Homosexuals: Which Is The Real Voice of Hatred?

Friday, September 15th, 2006

By Peter LaBarbera

Christians are called “haters,” “bigots,” “homophobes,” and worse simply for proclaiming God’s Word to homosexuals (for the best defense of Christian orthodoxy on homosexuality, see Rob Gagnon’s brilliant website). As believers, our most fervent hope and prayer is that those tempted to embrace homosexual attractions would recognize that they are not inherently “gay” and find spiritual healing and salvation through the resurrected Christ — an intent which, while offensive to those not inclined to hear, cannot fairly be described as “hatred.”

Many men and women who once considered themselves “gay” or “lesbian” have embraced the path of change and overcome the pull of homosexuality in their lives. See Stephen Bennett’s heartwarming story HERE and Linda Jernigan’s wonderful testimony HERE. Some people have changed through secular therapy (see NARTH’s website), but it seems the more typical story in the United States is people overcoming homosexuality with the help of God through Jesus Christ.

Perhaps the citation below of a radical Islamic book’s prescription for treating homosexuals (dropping them from a building and then stoning them) will shed light on the superiority of Biblical “tough love” (oppose sinful behavior while extending forgiveness through Christ). We at Americans For Truth condemn in no uncertain terms all violence and hatred directed at homosexuals. The same God who rescues people from bondage to any number of sinful inclinations can rescue those who are caught up in homosexuality–and has countless times, despite the vain efforts of fanatical “gay” activists like Wayne Besen who strive to show that “sexual orientation” (an unbiblical construct) is unchangeable.

While contemplating what this Islamic book recommends, consider also the contemptuous and ridiculous statement of Rosie O’Donnell, who said on ABC’s The View on the anniversary of 9/11:

“Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam…”


The following is excerpted from Official OK with Islamic law in Netherlands, published Sept 13, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:

…As WND reported in 2004, [Netherlands’ Justice Minister Piet Hein] Donner hasn’t always been open to every aspect of Muslim culture.

He joined with [Dutch Integration Minister Rita] Verdonk in banning a Muslim book [”The Way of the Muslim”] distributed by the Dutch Lel Tawheed mosque condoning the stoning of homosexuals, female circumcision and the beating of wives.

“Gay people should be thrown head first off high buildings and if not killed on hitting the ground, they should be then stoned to death,” says a book titled “The Way of the Muslim.”

Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…

Listen to CWA Interview with Peter LaBarbera

Friday, September 15th, 2006

Dr. Michael Campion, a psychologist who for years has provided screening services for police departments in the Midwest region, was recently suspended by the Minneapolis Police Department. The apparent reason for Dr. Campion’s suspension: he is a Christian and served on the board of the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), which one liberal newspaper called “an anti-choice and anti-gay organization.”

Martha Kleder has more on this story with Peter LaBarbera, spokesman and former Executive Director for IFI and President of Americans for Truth. You will also here more about FOX News and Walmart‘s support of a homosexual activist group, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association.

Click HERE to listen.

Colorado “Domestic Partner” Ballot Measure Threatens to Undermine Pro-Marriage Momentum

Friday, September 15th, 2006

A test of principle…A ballot victory in Colorado for government recognition of “domestic partners” would be a devastating loss for family forces–even if Colorado’s marriage protection amendment passes, as it surely will (none has ever lost, even in “blue” states like Oregon).

Marriage alone deserves special government recognition. Awarding marriage-type benefits to non-married couples, either heterosexual or homosexual, undermines this core institution, and respect for (real) marriage itself. Surely this strategy of going for “gay marriage lite” will be replicated in other states. All eyes should be on the Rocky Mountain State.–Peter LaBarbera

Excerpted from Colorado Ballot Offers Two Choices on Gay Marriage, by Kevin Simpson, published Sept 14, 2006, by The Denver Post:

Colorado’s ballot in November will be the first in the country to offer voters two distinct options on gay marriage: Amendment 43, which would prohibit gay marriage, and Referendum I, which would grant domestic partners certain rights and responsibilities…

Coloradans could pass either, neither or even both measures, thereby banning same-sex marriage but allowing couples certain legal rights.

Coloradans are clear in their stand on marriage, said Jim Pfaff, a policy analyst for Focus on the Family, which has supported Amendment 43.

But he suspects that the domestic-partnership referendum may cloud voters’ views.

“It’s obvious to people that marriage is between one man and one woman,” Pfaff said. “Confusion comes in when people try to think about benefits. Every person says, ‘Yeah, we need to be fair.’ What they don’t realize is that those (domestic partner) benefits are available.”

Continue reading in The Denver Post…

Defending Morality Is Not “Hate”

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

This letter was submitted to the Naperville Sun in response to Arlene Hudson’s letter (published Sept 3, 2006) and was printed on Sept 20, 2006:

I find it odd when people use intolerant words to lecture others about “hate” and intolerance. Arlene Hudson did just that in her judgmental attack against me and Americans for Truth (“Anti-gay campaign causes pain, shame,” Sept. 3).

First of all, I too am a Naperville resident, and I agree with Ms. Hudson that this city is peaceful, loving and family oriented. In the true spirit of tolerance, she should resist the temptation to demonize defenders of historic Judeo-Christian morality as “haters.”

Jesus did say, “Love one another,” and the way He loved people was not to condone their sin but to offer redemption–such as when he protected the adulteress from being stoned, forgave her sins and then told her, “Go and sin no more.” Americans for Truth recognizes that homosexuality is wrong, and that Christianity should never be used to authenticate conduct opposed by our Creator. Having personally met more than 100 former homosexuals, I know that God can help people overcome same-sex temptations. Homosexuality is not inborn, and it need not be permanent in a person’s life.

By smearing advocates of traditional Judeo-Christian morality as “hateful,” homosexual activists pronounce an earthly judgment that contradicts the revealed wisdom of God. This clever ploy threatens to victimize Christians and others who uphold traditional sexual mores. We do not want America to follow Canada , where laws against “sexual orientation discrimination” are intimidating pastors and people of faith into silence or, worse, forcing moral-minded citizens to approve of immoral behavior or face expensive litigation. One Toronto Christian printer who refused a print job for a homosexual group was fined $5,000 and has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees just to clear his good name.

Naperville can handle real diversity, but free citizens must never be forced to sanction wrong and harmful behavior. Please visit our website at before rushing to judgment.

Peter LaBarbera

Bob Knight: NY Transsexual Teacher Inappropriate Role Model

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

Excerpted from NY Transsexual Teacher Inappropriate Role Model, Says Knight, by Jim Brown, published Sept 13, 2006, by American Family Association:

School officials announced a male teacher at the high school — who has been diagnosed with a “transsexual disorder,” says AP — is going through a medical transition and is dressing as a woman. Bob Knight with the Culture and Family Institute says the district should be putting the interests of its students first, but “like much of the public educational blob, is [instead] showing utter contempt for the parents.”

Knight contends that, by its actions, the district is telling parents it does not care if children become “sexually confused” by the transsexual teacher, or that someone “with a serious gender-identity disorder is being placed as a role model” in front of the students. In addition, he suggests the district is so committed to what he calls the “pansexual revolution” that it is telling parents “you’re going to go along with it, and we’re not even going to give your kids an out.”

Such an attitude, says the pro-family spokesman, is “arrogance at its worst.” He also feels the district, which has instructed students to refer to the teacher as “Mrs.,” is failing to ensure students have the best possible role model before them.

“I think that the district is well within its authority to tell the teacher …’If you can’t figure out that you’re really a man — you’ve got the DNA, the genetic sequence for being a man — you can’t be a teacher,'” says Knight…

School officials says the teacher will instruct about 100 students this year…

Continue reading at AFA…

Five More Reasons to Get Your Kid OFF

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

Nearly every junior high and high school student I know has a profile on Parents, if you don’t understand what is really about, you need to learn (perhaps by attending i-safe training, as I did at my local police department) and then get your child’s profile OFF MySpace (and/or similar sites). If you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll believe this advice from homosexual author Josh K. of the “Josh & Josh” blog. — Sonja Dalton

Five Reasons Why MySpace Is the New

[Posted Sept 9, 2006 on “Josh & Josh”]

One) There are more pull-up-my-A&F-graphic-t-shirt-with-my-left-hand-and-use- -my-right-hand-to-capture-my-moderately-sculpted-and- hairless-torso-in-the-bathroom-mirror-while-I-throw-my-head- back-and-purse-my-lips pics on MySpace than any friday night on Manhunt [a raunchy website for homosexual male hook-ups]. And that’s really saying something.

Two) MySpace gives every man-about-town hopeful the option to list his “stats” and “body type.” …

Three) Most people who have a MySpace profile also have a Friendster profile. As a general rule, you can count on a user’s pictures on MySpace to be a lot trashier (e.g. shirtless, PBR in hand) than their pictures on Friendster. (Also: see #1.)

Four) MySpace is free…

Five) Okay, now here’s the deal: you know MySpace is the new [another raunchy site for homosexual male hook-ups] when a guy you’ve been messaging admits he’s pretty much flirted, dated, or had sex with the same people you’ve flirted, dated, or had sex with. And that’s all I have to say about that.

–Josh K.

Canadian Citizens: Your Tax Dollars Supported the Vancouver Queer Film & Video Festival

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

Excerpted from Why is the Conservative Government Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on “Queer” Film Festival? by John-Henry Westen and Gudrun Schultz, published Aug 31, 2006, by LifeSite News:

…[T]he Conservative Government [of Canada]…funded the 2006 Vancouver Queer Film Festival, which ran from August 17-27.

The festival’s sponsorship page lists the Department of Canadian Heritage as the offending federal government branch. (See the sponsorship page here.)

Dominique Collin, spokesperson for Canadian Heritage Minister Beverley Oda, told the Vancouver regional branch of the Heritage department conducted the funding allocation which consisted of $23,000 (Canadian).

Ginette Montreuil, regional manager with the Vancouver office, confirmed that the Conservative Government approved the Arts Presentation Canada funding for the 2006 Festival on March 27, 2006.

The festival line-up included films with titles such as Deconstructing Crack Ho, Dyke After Dyke, I cum I, Lesbians On Ecstasy, Post-Porn & New Technologies Of Pleasure, and Toilet Sex In Canadian Cinema.

Continue reading at LifeSite News…

Notes from AFT:

Actually, SIX Canadian government offices are listed on the sponsor page linked above.

Corporate sponsors include: Vancity, Showcase, Ramada Hotels, Quality Hotels, Opus Hotels, Visa, and many others.

Of particular note: the “youth-rated” queer films, about which the website suggests: “School is out, but you can queerify your summer.” Three companies are listed as sponsors specifically for this “Out in Schools” portion of the festival: Vancity, BC Hydro, and Vancouver Foundation.

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