Archive for March, 2007

EqualityMaine Names Leather Fetishist, Children’s Performer Their ‘Homosexual of the Year’

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

From our very fine friends at Christian Civic League of Maine: Is this the kind of man you would care to have invited to perform at your son’s elementary or junior high school? In the homosexual activist social sphere, Lew Alessio is considered not just normal, but laudable. Meet their “Homosexual of the Year”…

From Lew Knows Leather, by Mike Hein, published Mar 21, 2007, by Christian Civic League of Maine:

New York’s “New American Leathermen”, 2001

Homosexual activist Lewis (Lew) Alessio of Greene, Maine was recently announced by EqualityMaine to be the 2007 recipient of the Cameron Duncan Award. The annual award is the radical homosexual lobbying group’s ‘homosexual of the year’ award. The award was presented to Alessio at EqualityMaine’s 23rd Annual Awards Banquet on March 10 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland.

The EqualityMaine press release spoke of Alessio as a homosexual demonstrating “extraordinary accomplishment, commitment, and service within the AIDS community” and “an outstanding leader in Maine’s gay community.” Lew Alessio is better known in the central Maine community as being the leader of a homosexual men’s social club called “ Just Guys.” The “Just Guys” motto from their website is “… the new men’s social group for men who have sex with men.” The group meets at MaineGeneral Heath’s Green Street location, located immediately adjacent to the Green Street United Methodist Church in Augusta.

New York Leathermen Contestants

Less well known is Alessio’s recent past, where he competed, and was named 1st runner up, in a homosexual leather bondage fetishist contest in 2001 in New York City. Alessio placed 1st Runner Up in the homosexual leather bondage “New American Leatherman 2001” according to the homosexual leather bondage fetish website Later that same year, Alessio “married” his homosexual partner, Jim Shaffer.

Besides being a leather bondage fetishist and leader of a homosexual sex men-only social club, Alessio is also self-employed as part of the theater troupe “Actors Theater of Maine.” The State of Maine Arts directory website states the theater group charges $500 per performance and caters primarily to children, from pre-kindergarden to 8th grade. Alessio’s ‘Actors Theater of Maine’ troupe stages plays that “all use students in the performances along with the professional casts. [The performances] are accompanied by extensive teaching materials,” according to the Maine government website.

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Former Homosexuals Say Science Can’t Change Morality

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

From Ex-“Gays” Say Science Can’t Change Morality, by Michael Foust, published Mar 20, 2007, by Baptist Press:

The leaders of two ex-gay ministries say that even if scientists someday find a biological basis for homosexuality, such behavior will nonetheless be immoral and the Bible’s condemnation of it will still stand.

tim-wilkins.jpgTim Wilkins (pictured left) of Cross Ministry and Alan Chambers (pictured right) of Exodus International were responding to comments by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr., whose online article about a possible biological basis for homosexuality caused a small media storm.alan-chambers.jpg

Both Wilkins and Chambers say they agree with Mohler’s main point — that a biological basis would do nothing to change the discussion over homosexuality’s immorality. Wilkins and Chambers formerly were homosexual. The two men e-mailed their responses to Baptist Press.

“Many people, including evangelicals, mistakenly believe that if a ‘gay gene’ or a hormonal factor is discovered, such news would mean homosexuality is natural and thus acceptable,” said Wilkins, who is married and has three daughters. “But … natural is not normal.”

Chambers, who is married and has a son and a daughter, agreed.

“Science will never trump the word of God,” the president of Exodus International said. “We already know that we are physically, biologically and spiritually fallen creatures, so in a sense finding a biological link to homosexuality wouldn’t be a huge surprise. However, susceptibility isn’t the same as inevitability. Our genetics aren’t a tyranny over us.

“Just because something is genetic doesn’t make it moral, optimal or healthy,” Chambers added. “Research has suggested that there is a biological link to alcoholism and kleptomania, but as a society we aren’t advocating for the rights of alcoholics or those with a compulsion to steal. For that matter, neither are those who are battling those addictive behaviors.”

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Girls Will Be Boys: The Tragic Life of Laura/”Michael” Dillon, First Person to Undergo “Sex Reassignment Surgery”

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Excerpted from Girls Will Be Boys, by Mary Roach, published Mar 18, 2007, by The New York Times:

Michael Dillon wanted nothing more than to be invisible, to be one of the guys. Problem: he was born with a woman’s body. Everything he did toward realizing his humble dream — the cross-dressing, the hormones and surgeries and the chimera that resulted — pushed it further from his grasp. He went through life as the most visible sort of human being: a physical anomaly. He was the first person on record to undergo surgery (13 operations between 1946 and 1949) to change his gender…

Happiness eluded Michael Dillon. Isolated, depressed, hounded by the press, he traveled to India and, bizarrely, to a series of ever more remote Tibetan monasteries. He could not speak the language of his fellow novices, but with his shaved head and robes, he felt he fit in someplace. Sadly, he faced prejudice in the monasteries too, and his visa ran out before he was allowed to become a full-fledged monk. In 1962, he died impoverished near the border of Ladakh. He was 47, and had been trying to get back to the monastery where he’d felt at home.

Continue reading in The New York Times… 

Brazil Considering Legislation That Will Silence Christians, Ex-“Gays”

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Excerpted from Brazilian Priests Could Face Jail-time for Saying that Homosexuality is A Sin, by Meg Jalsevac, published Mar 19, 2007, by LifeSite News:

Brazil’s Senate is currently engaged in a debate over proposed legislation that would criminalize anything deemed a condemnation of homosexuality.  The new legislation, labeled the ‘homophobia law’ would demand jail time for violations of the law and would not provide for any religious exception.

According to ZENIT, priests who preached against homosexuality could face 3 to 5 years in jail and seminaries would not be permitted to reject applicants based on their sexual orientation.

Exodus Brazil, the Brazilian branch of the international ex-homosexual ministry, has expressed grave concern about the law saying, “It will extinguish ex-gay ministry in Brazil for all practical purposes.”

Brazil has been a recent leader in pushing for gay rights and trumping traditional family values.  In 2005, Brazil legalized homosexual adoption.  As previously reported by, Brazilian ambassadors have been the driving force behind a 2006 proposal to the Organization of American States to designate sexual orientation an “inalienable right” with full human-rights protection.

Continue reading at LifeSite News…

Chuck Colson: Outlawing Conscience

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Excerpted from Outlawing Conscience, by Chuck Colson, published Mar 20, 2007, by Breakpoint:

…The persecution against the Church has taken a decisive turn in the cradle of civil liberty—the United Kingdom (UK). And it will happen in America, also, if we do not wake up to the danger.

In London last month, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights recommended regulations that would make it illegal for private, religious schools to teach that homosexual conduct is immoral…

And we know about this. Last summer, the British government closed down our IFI unit because we teach that sex should be limited to heterosexual marriage. And if these regulations violate the rights of Christians—what does the government say? “Too bad.”

Luke Gormally, a fellow at London’s Linacre Centre, a Christian bioethics institute, put it this way:

“The Committee could not be clearer in saying that they believe the freedom to live a practicing homosexual lifestyle trumps the freedom to live a religious lifestyle.”

…Last Thursday, a House of Commons committee met to decide on the Sexual Orientation Regulations. Many MPs protested the Blair government’s refusal to allow a full debate in the House of Commons. And despite repeated appeals for a postponement, the chairperson insisted on taking an immediate vote: The regulations were upheld.

Now, the Blair government is attempting to rush the law through both houses of Parliament before opponents have time to organize. The vote will take place on Wednesday.

On that day, many Christians will be found at a prayer vigil in Old Palace Yard near the entrance to the House of Lords. [TAKE ACTION –] We need to be praying with them, because it is going to take a miracle to keep this law from passing.

Continue reading at Breakpoint…

Freedom of Speech at Stake in California School

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Excerpted from School Disciplines Students for Using the Term ‘Gay’, by Allie Martin and Jody Brown, published Mar 20, 2007, by One News Now:

…Last month, administrators at Gibson Elementary in Fresno informed parents that students would be disciplined for using the word “gay” in a negative fashion. A fourth-grader at the school has already been suspended for saying “that’s gay” during a soccer game — a phrase school administrators claim constitutes “sexual harassment” — and another student was sent to the principal for a similar infraction.

Brad Dacus is president of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), which recently sent a letter to school officials, informing them of the constitutional issues at stake — and demanding they reverse the policy, or face the consequences…

“This amounts to not only a free-speech violation,” says Dacus, “but a clear breech of parental trust, in that it engages an open endorsement of homosexuality and suppression of students who think differently.”

…Dacus explains that the concern is valid; similar guidelines, he says, could soon be in place throughout the nation. “School districts often follow what California is doing,” he laments, “and the teachers union organization [National Education Association] is in many states across the country — and this is exactly the kind of thing that they inevitably support.”

Continue reading at One News Now…

HIV Positive Man Holds “Conversion Parties,” Deliberately Infects Others (Maybe Even a 16 Year Old Boy!)

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Audio You Must Hear This ABC News Audio!

The Melbourne Magistrates Court today heard a series of disturbing allegations against a man accused of deliberately trying to infect 16 other men with HIV.

Excerpted from HIV Positive Man “Wanted to Infect”, published Mar 19, 2007, by ABC News:

Michael Neal, 48, is charged with infecting two people with HIV and deliberately attempting to infect 14 others.

The DPP alleges Neal told some of his victims he was intent on infecting as many men as possible with HIV to widen his pool of potential partners.

A witness said Neal boasted about breeding youth, meaning infecting them in Coburg toilets.

The witness said he did not believe him but Neal told him he had video evidence.

Victoria’s Human Services Department has told the court it only went to police with concerns about Neal when he was caught with child pornography…

Continue reading at ABC News…

Well, Look Who’s ‘Editing’ Wikipedia on ‘Gay’ Entries…

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

From NARTH Asks Wikipedia to Permit the Group to Correct Inaccuracies On Site, published Mar 19, 2007, by NARTH:

NARTH President Joseph Nicolosi sent a letter of concern to Wikipedia today asking that a lesbian activist be prohibited from editing the content of the article about NARTH. The NARTH Editorial Director recently attempted to make corrections to several errors about the organization on Wikipedia. However, the corrections were changed immediately and the misinformation was reposted. The editorial director discovered that the changes were made by a lesbian activist who routinely edits articles dealing with LBGT issues.

The letter to Wikipedia is reprinted below:

Corrections Needed On Wikipedia Article On The
National Association For Research And Therapy of Homosexuality

March 2007

Dear Wikipedia reviewer:

It was brought to our attention recently that your article about the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) has numerous factual errors in it regarding us.

In an attempt to correct this misinformation, our editorial director Mike Hatfield attempted to make corrections to the article. He attempted this two times. Each time he made the corrections, they were immediately changed back by someone else.

In investigating who was making the changes, he found the name of Joie de Vivre, who is a lesbian socio-political activist and a member of the WikiProject LGBT studies. The WikiProject site describes itself as “a group of editors who aim to improve the general quality and range of Wikipedia articles on LGBT and Queer studies topics.”

Vivre says –with obvious pride!– on her Wikipedia web site that she regularly changes the wording and rewrites articles dealing with gay and lesbian issues. It is dangerous for your credibility to have political activists slanting articles to fit their own political objectives.

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