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Archive for May, 2007
Thursday, May 24th, 2007
A critic, Michael, writes regarding our statement on Mary Cheney’s baby:
The Undeniable Truth about Making Babies
[We wrote:] “And yet, the truth remains: two homosexuals cannot create a baby. Heterosexuals – the people derided in the early days of “gay liberation” as ”breeders” — must be involved.”
Totally incorrect, Pete! A gay man and gay woman can easily make a baby. Try again.
OK, technically, Michael, yes, a “gay” man and a lesbian can unite (physically or through modern technology) to produce a child, but that’s called heterosexual procreation. Egg and sperm from opposite sexes must unite: two women alone or two men alone cannot create a child without help from the opposite sex. Biology 101. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in Conception, Government Promotion, Homosexual Parenting, News, Politicians & Public Officials
Thursday, May 24th, 2007
Mary Cheney and partner Heather Poe at left;
Today’s USA Today reported the birth yesterday of Samuel David Cheney, with the following caption under the White House photo at right above (click HERE to enlarge):
“U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and wife Lynne Cheney hold their sixth grandchild, Samuel David Cheney, born Wednesday in Washington. His parents are the Cheneys’ daughter Mary, and her partner, Heather Poe.”
There should be no touch of sadness when a healthy baby boy is born into a home with two parents, but in this case, we’re afraid, there is.
While we celebrate new life, we cannot celebrate homosexual parenting –– which involves intentionally denying a child either a mom or a dad. In this case, young Samuel David –– who, as a Cheney, will surely enjoy privileges and comforts greater than most children born in 2007 –– will be missing an irreplaceable one: a father, to have as a loving guide, male authority, friend and role model as he grows from boy into man.
The pro-“gay” media have an odd way of reporting stories like this, as if both Mary Cheney and Heather Poe were involved in the baby’s conception. To do otherwise, I suppose, would call unwanted attention to the unnaturalness of the enterprise known as “gay parenting.” And yet, the truth remains: two homosexuals cannot create a baby. Heterosexuality — i.e., the people derided in the early days of “gay liberation” as “breeders” — must be involved.
The USA Today reports that Vice President Dick Cheney has “bristled at questions on the topic.” But he and Mrs. Cheney, an ardent foe of political correctness, and a conservative, should know that there is nothing wrong with asking critical questions about something so patently wrong –– and against Nature, common sense, and God’s wonderful design of the family itself –– as parenting that is fatherless or motherless by design.
We will keep on asking those tough questions, all the while praying for this boy, and that both Mary Cheney and Heather Poe will join Charlene Cothran and the many women who have come out of homosexuality, which surely is not God’s plan for their lives. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Conception, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Government Promotion, Homosexual Parenting, News, Politicians & Public Officials
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007
The following is excerpted from the “A rapper plea: ‘Where homophobia ends, true freedoms begin,’” appearing May 23 in the Lansing, Michigan weekly newspaper City Pulse:
Homosexual activists rallied at the state Capitol Tuesday to protest a Michigan Court of Appeals ruling in February that public employers may not recognize homosexual relationships for the purpose of providing taxpayer-financed spousal benefits…
“Sean Kosofsky, director of policy for the (homosexual) Triangle Foundation, exhorted the crowd: ‘Are you tired of a polluted political atmosphere caused by the toxic diatribes of Gary Glenn and the American Family Association?’ The crowd replied with a resounding ‘yes.’
…Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan and co-author of the 2004 (Marriage Protection Amendment), feels that the outcome lives up to its original intent. ‘The issue is about government recognition,’ he said in an interview last week. ‘And government recognition includes taxpayer-provided benefits.’ …Glenn cited an October 2004 Detroit Free Press poll taken before the proposal’s passage. At the time, 53 percent of those polled approved of the proposal, and 54 percent opposed allowing government and university employers to provide benefits to same-sex couples. According to Glenn, this proves that voter intent was parallel with the authors’ intent and that voters saw the proposal as a way to prohibit such benefits.”
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Government Promotion, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, Triangle Foundation
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007
Americans For Truth Exclusive
Editor’s note: the following firsthand report tells of an invasion of women’s privacy by a male “transgender” activist using the ladies restroom in Maryland — as the state’s pro-family movement was fighting legislation granting rights based on homosexuality. Neither Galladora nor Fortlage can recall the year of the incident, but it was between 1999 and 2001, when Maryland’s legislature passed a “sexual orientation” nondiscrimination bill, later signed into law by the state’s Democratic governor, Parris Glendening.
When a society raises gender confusion (men in dresses) and its cousin, homosexuality, to the level of “civil rights,” it’s time to recognize that this nation is in a state of moral decline unheard of in our history. –– Peter LaBarbera
TAKE ACTION: If enacted into law, The Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA, H.R. 2015) and the federal “hate crimes” bill, H.R. 1592 (recently passed by the House), would be the first time that “gender identity rights” are recognized in federal law. This would usher in a new wave of persecution for people opposed to homosexuality and gender confusion of the sort described below. Call your senators (202-224-3121; www.congress.org/) – and the White House (202-456-1111) –– to oppose H.R. 1592, and call all of your federal elected officials to oppose the ENDA bill.
By Bunny Galladora
The hearing room of the Judicial Committee in Annapolis, Maryland, was overflowing with all sorts of unusual looking people hours before the hearing on a bill to add “sexual orientation” to the list of protected categories was to begin. It would be a very long day. After many people had testified giving their various positions on the issue, the Judicial Committee took a break.
Conrae Fortlage and I left the hearing room to “freshen up” in the ladies’ restroom. When it came time to wash our hands, I finished quickly and waited for Conrae inside the bathroom by the door, a few steps away. Conrae lingered slowly, applying lipstick and fiddling with her hair. She seemed to be staring in the mirror for an unusual amount of time. I paid little attention to the person dressed in a purple ladies pants suit with a white blouse standing next to Conrae — or to Conrae’s behavior which was out of character for her, but instead my thoughts were on the testimony I would be giving soon.
As we left the ladies’ room, the door shutting behind us, Conrae began to tell me that the person standing beside her in the bathroom was actually a man. Conrae said she first noticed that the person was unusually tall for a woman, then, while looking in the mirror, she had focused on his unusually large Adam’s apple — and other features normally found in a male. She noticed that the person was wearing a woman’s wig.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News, Public Indecency
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007
Americans For Truth contacted homosexual activist icon Frank Kameny and he e-mailed us the following response to our report about that he spoke at a NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) meeting in 1981. Our report was based on an account in NAMBLA’s 1997 publication, “A Way Forward”; see excerpt in our story; we have no further information about what he said because NAMBLA did not include any information about Kameny’s talk to them.
We certainly don’t share Kameny’s assessment that this is a “tempest in a teapot and much ado about nothing” — as NAMBLA is about as sick as it gets in this world. But I will reserve comment on his note until later. — Peter LaBarbera
P.S. There was a typo in our original story and we neglected to include the name “Mel Boozer” (a Democratic “gay” activist who also spoke at a NAMBLA meeting) in the NAMBLA excerpt. You can read the corrected story HERE.
Kameny, who turned 82 on Monday (May 21), writes:
In your website I have found no actual quotations supposedly made by me at this 1981 Baltimore meeting which I supposedly attended.
1. The mere addressing of a group says absolutely nothing about the content of that address, and does not in the least necessarily imply support.
2. Starting about 1966 and continuing until very roughly 1985 or a bit earlier, (and to a lesser degree through to the present), I was making some 100-150 public appearances per year — radio, television, panel discussions, private groups, political contexts, formal testimony, schools at various levels, etc.,etc, etc. So few of them stand out individually.
I have no memory of actually appearing before NAMBLA, but that does not constitute a flat denial. I just don’t remember an actual appearance.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Quotes, News
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007
The following piece was published Saturday by Illinois Review editor Fran Eaton:
Falsani Takes a Break to Suck her Thumb
Cathleen Falsani (cfalsani@suntimes.com) apparently is taking the weekend off from blogging to suck her thumb. She deserves a rest. She actually should take more than a weekend off. Her employers at the Sun-Times should mercifully give her a l-o-n-g time off.
This morning on her blog, she lists all the nasty things Christians called her while defending Rev. Jerry Falwell after they read her vicious column this week. Falsani’s wallowing in a self-pity pool this weekend, sucking her thumb and contemplating how mean “Jesus followers” are to her.
Okay, Cathleen didn’t call Jerry Falwell a “nappy-headed ho” like Imus. She didn’t joke about sexually assaulting public officials as others did. Cathleen merely celebrated the Rev’s passing with a chorus of “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead,” and mocked the life ministry of an evangelical leader. She still should be fired.
Maybe Cathleen doesn’t understand that her comments are akin to the Westboro Baptist Church clan picketing a military funeral. Maybe she doesn’t see that her hatred has blinded her own ability to value those who don’t view the world through her eyes. Maybe she absolutely doesn’t tolerate those who believe in absolutes.
I would fight for her right to say and write what she wants. But she broke all forms of civil decorum with her rude and disgusting disrespect of the fallen Falwell. And it wouldn’t be so appalling if it hadn’t come from the keyboard of someone who claims to have a special interest in writing about religion.
Do us all a favor, and move on to entertainment or cooking or interior decorating if you must write, Cathleen. We turn our backs on the Westboro Baptist Clan’s tactics and we turn our backs on yours.
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Media Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Monday, May 21st, 2007
Drag Queens as Role Models? This is a man, but he goes by “Raquel Blake” and served as the Master of Ceremonies at the Boston homosexual “youth pride” event–subsidized by the taxpayers through the Massachusetts “Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth.” One leader celebrated how, for the first time, the (Democratic) Massachusetts governor’s proclamation in support of “youth pride” mentioned “transgender and bisexual” youth.
Porno PFLAG: Another wholesome role model for children….The shirt worn by this man reads, “I [Heart sign] Penis; PFLAG: We Are Family”; PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is a national parents group that erroneously believes that the way to properly love a “GLBT” child is by affirming his or her choice to live in a homosexual, bisexual or transgendered lifestyle. Why are PFLAG and other homosexual groups so reckless in exposing children to promiscuous and perverted sexual messages?
Faces of Lesbian Youth Pride: Remember when kids “hamming it up” meant making funny faces? Here’s the modern, Massachusetts homosexual “youth pride” version: three girls act out lesbian lust for the camera. Yes, children are corrupted when educators and the state promote the acceptance of homosexual behavior and gender confusion.
Is it really “loving” to confirm teenagers (or even pre-teens) as “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered” — without, of course, informing them about the ramifications of those lifestyles? Should the government promote transsexualism (cross-dressing) and bisexuality to young people as normative behavior? On THIS LINK, MassResistance exposes the annual homosexual/bisexual/transgender “youth pride” event in Boston.
You need to see this, even if it takes you FAR from your “comfort zone”! This is where self-styled “queer” activists and their liberal allies want to take the nation: full governmental support for the promotion of radical and dangerous sexual/gender behaviors to impressionable children, organizing through the public schools. Please take the time to view the video and photos on my friend Brian Camenker’s MassResistance website (scroll down a tad for the video), then pass this on to a friend. Get informed, then get involved to stop the corruption of our young people.– Peter LaBarbera
MassResistance writes:
=== 1. View the photos (and video): Homosexual “Youth Pride” event in downtown Boston was worse than you could imagine. Your state government at work. (No wonder the Governor wouldn’t be there!) ===
“Love, simply love. Love, simply love.” That’s the message that was pumped over the loudspeakers at the homosexual lobby’s annual “Youth Pride” Day, May 12. And that was just the beginning.
The annual “Youth Pride” event is a kind of “meet and greet” for the homosexual “Gay Straight Alliance” clubs in high schools (and middle schools) across Massachusetts. It’s where the adult activists bring all the kids to one place for an entire day each year. They mingle with all kinds of very weird adults, many apparently quite disturbed. As in past years, it started with speeches and a carnival of sorts at noon. Then a parade of the kids and adults through the streets of Boston. Later, they all went to the “transgender prom” in the main interior of Boston City Hall, compliments of Mayor Menino.
It’s pretty ghastly to look at. To say this was a sex offender’s candy store is not an exaggeration. This year there were more weird adults mingling everywhere — lots of them official guests of the organizers. The “transgender” element was everywhere — cross-dressing men and women trying to become men. And you could tell that many of the kids were very confused and vulnerable. Kids were encouraged to act out their “gayness” and feel “safe” doing it.
Gov. Deval Patrick, a public supporter of the homosexual movement in Massachusetts, declined to attend this event because of its reputation for depraved activity with children. That turned out to be a good choice for him (tho not for the kids).
But official state support was everywhere. The Governor released an official state proclamation, which was read over the loudspeakers. The new head of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (a man “married” to another man) gave a speech. The police were there for “security” and cleared the streets for the parade. And it was organized by the new super-charged “Massachusetts Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth” created by the Legislature last year.
Take a look for yourself at our report [this link takes you to several others about “youth pride”]: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/events07/youthpride07/index.html
Posted in BAGLY (Massachusetts), Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBT Youth Centers, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, Lesbianism, Massachusetts, News, Promiscuity, Youth and School Related Organizations
Monday, May 21st, 2007
At left is a photo on the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History website announcing that the (taxpayer-funded) museum had acquired “civil rights pioneer” Frank Kameny’s papers. At right is a newsletter of the NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association, the notorious pro-man-boy-sex group, whose conference Kameny addressed in 1981.
By Peter LaBarbera
I was going through some of my old files on the “gay” movement and came upon a nugget of “gay” history that I’d forgotten: longtime homosexual activist Frank Kameny — billed as a “gay civil rights pioneer” by the U.S. Government’s National Museum of American History — addressed a meeting of the notorious “man-boy-love” group NAMBLA in 1981. According to the NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) publication “A Way Forward,” Kameny spoke at a NAMBLA membership conference in Baltimore in 1981.
Now isn’t it interesting that our government — speaking for us as a nation — wants to officially recognize this pro-homosexuality icon as a “civil rights pioneer” when, apparently, Kameny once supported the “civil right” of boys to have sex with men — why else would he attend such a meeting? (NOTE: If you’re opposed to the notion of our Government likening the cause of organized homosexuality to the noble Black civil rights movement, click on AFTAH initial story on Kameny HERE.) The media viciously attack Christian conservative leaders like Jerry Falwell but they give the “gays” a pass. This is why the homosexual “rights” movement has prospered.
Mr. Kameny is an avid letter-writer — and we will be publishing the long interview that Ken Ervin and I did with him several years ago — but maybe he can tell us why he appeared at NAMBLA’s meeting and what he said; Frank, please write me at americansfortruth@comcast.net.
Last year, Americans For Truth alerted you to the U.S. Government’s treatment of Kameny as a civil rights hero by collecting his papers for preservation in the National Museum of American History. Kameny is a brilliant but very confused fellow who, although an atheist, coined the phrase “Gay Is Godly,” and who calls people like me “Christianofascists.”
He also calls us “nutty fundamentalists,” but is there anything more nutty than giving credence to the idea that boys should be able to have sex with men?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, Youth and School Related Organizations

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