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Archive for August, 2008
Saturday, August 16th, 2008
Does God have the right to oppose homosexual behavior?
The following is adapted from my response to a letter from a pro-homosexual activist who wrote AFTAH, making the usual obnoxious charges: that I am a “pornographer” (for exposing San Francisco’s government-tolerated public street depravities) — and, of course, that I am a secret homosexual (“You are gay and part of you knows it and HATES it”). It’s all par for the course when you cover the loving and tolerant GLBT community. — Peter LaBarbera
Note to hostile “gay” activist:
You worry about getting your gay allies in San Francisco to stop having sex in the streets, then you can deal with Zombietime, which is a non-Christian site that exposes all the nutty goings-on re: that World Famous Gay Mecca — and which exposed the San Francisco depravities just as they were. That’s called documenting heinous public perversions — not “porn.”
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, Public Indecency, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Friday, August 15th, 2008
The following E-Alert was sent out by American Family Association:
Take Action!
• Sign the online Boycott McDonald’s petition.
• Forward this to family and friends and ask them to sign the petition.
• Print and distribute the Boycott McDonald’s petition.
August 13, 2008
McDonald’s has done it again. First, the company paid $20,000 to become a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and to have a seat on the board of directors. Next, McDonald’s refused a request to remain neutral in the culture war by choosing to promote the gay agenda. Then McDonald’s accused those opposing the gay agenda, including same-sex “marriage,” of being motivated by hate.
Now we learn that McDonald’s sponsors training for homosexuals on how to promote their agenda among corporations from the inside. Out & Equal™ Workplace Advocates is a national organization devoted to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the workplace. One of its primary purposes is to train employees how to aggressively promote homosexuality within the company they work for, all the way to the corporate boardroom. Part of last year’s Out & Equal Summit in Washington, DC, (sponsored by McDonald’s) was an organized march into congressional offices demanding same-sex “marriage” laws be passed.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Corporations, McDonald's, News, NGLCC, Out & Equal, Stealing Civil Rights
Wednesday, August 13th, 2008
Respecting people does not mean accepting bad behavior
By Thorin Anderson, Illinois Family Institute, 7/30/08
Whenever there is conflict between homosexual activists and conservatives regarding the issues such as the acceptance of same-sex “marriage,” we on the right are accused of lacking respect for homosexuals.
But, I would like to make one thing clear. The debate is not about respecting people, but about accepting bad behavior. There are many human behaviors which we conservatives believe to be unacceptable. They range from lying and cheating to promiscuity before or during marriage. They include murder and rape and a host of other deeds, criminal or otherwise. To say that we don’t respect someone when we disagree with their conduct is to suggest that confronting any bad behavior is inherently disrespectful. Are we to stop speaking about all wrong conduct? Should we stop confronting lying, stealing, or murder? Such a suggestion would be ludicrous.
All humans are worthy of respect as humans, period. But it is utter folly to imagine that behaviors people engage in are automatically respectable simply because a certain number of people are involved in them. Sad to say, many things we human beings do are not only unworthy of respect, but are destructive and dangerous. There is a reason why no one writes in any detail, in public, regarding the activities of homosexuals. And there is a reason why homosexuals have significantly shorter than average life expectancies. There is not a newspaper in the country that would detail their private conduct, and most of our stomachs could not handle it. Yet, we are told we MUST accept such conduct as perfectly normal. Get out your Webster’s and look up “normal.” Homosexuality in no way fits the definition of “normal.” And, it requires no special genius to understand that!
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Baptist, Biblical Truth, News, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Wednesday, August 13th, 2008
DOMA law protects states from being forced to recognize out-of-state homosexual “marriages”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is a Catholic, yet she is an ardent proponent of homosexual activism and abortion-on-demand — both opposed by the Church. Pelosi’s San Francisco district allows men to walk completely nude in public and have homosexual orgies on city streets.
CNSNews.com reports:
Pelosi Backs Obama on Repeal of Defense of Marriage Act
August 01, 2008
By Josiah Ryan, Staff Writer
(CNSNews.com) – If Barack Obama is elected president, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will support him in fulfilling his vow to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which currently protects states from having to recognize same-sex marriages contracted in other states as they ordinarily would be required to do by the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution.
“Yes,” Pelosi said Thursday at a press conference, when CNSNews.com asked if she would support Obama’s policy. Hear CNS Audio HERE.
The DOMA defines marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws. Signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, the DOMA protects states from having to recognize same-sex marriages contracted in other states.
Ordinarily, under the “Full Faith and Credit Clause” of the Constitution, states are required to recognize “the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.”
The “pride” section of the Obama campaign Web site reads: “Obama also believes we need to fully repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions.”
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", California, Candidates & Elected Officials, Democrat Party, Government Promotion, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, San Francisco
Monday, August 11th, 2008
Needed in Sodom-by-the-Bay, aka San Francisco?
Folks, we’ve received a lot of reaction to our e-mail and web article last week highlighting the incredible “Zombietime” web report on San Francisco’s sadistic “Up Your Alley” street fair — just like last year when we exposed its twin event, the Folsom Street Fair. (Click HERE to go to the secular Zombietime story, describing public perversions that could ONLY emerge from the “gay liberation” movement; WARNING: IT’S APPALLINGLY GRAPHIC (and evil).
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — beloved by “gay” activists for her pro-homosexual activism — could use her clout to demand an end to the government-protected street orgies and public nudity in the city she represents; why won’t she?
While our pathetically predictable homosexual critics played their usual game of “Kill the Messenger” (us), even AFTAH readers — far better informed on the homosexual agenda and GLBT lifestyles than most Americans — were stunned by the public depravities. And many people, like L.B. below, are asking how it is that they were allowed to go on by Democratic-led city officials and the San Francisco P.D.:
Question: Can we build a 40-foot wall around that city, and toss food and penicillin over the top? Seriously, how was this event advertised or publicized (exclusively for certain people or everyone is welcome)? Also, how do the \’event coordinators\’ bypass the law? How do they get permission to engage in such behaviors in public? Why are the police instructed to contain but not to arrest? — L.B., writing via the AFTAH website, 8-8-08
Posted in Bathhouses, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Mental Health, News, Police & Fire Departments, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy
Friday, August 8th, 2008
Pro-family attorneys to challenge ruling on AG Jerry Brown’s biased summary language
California Attorney General Jerry Brown redefined the state’s pro-traditional marriage amendment description as taking away people’s rights — even though the so-called “right” to “same-sex marriage” as created by the state’s high court will be only a few months old when voters go to the polls in in November.
From the news site OneNewsNow of the American Family Association:
Judge upholds redefined Prop. 8 ballot language
By Jeff Johnson – OneNewsNow – 8/8/2008
Click HERE to listen to the audio story on OneNewsNow
Pro-family attorneys are vowing to go back to court to get biased, pro-homosexual language removed from the ballot title and summary for the California marriage protection amendment.
The amendment states that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” But somehow, Attorney General Jerry Brown reinterpreted that as eliminating “the right of same-sex couples to marry.” Timothy Chandler, legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), was in Superior Court in California Thursday arguing that Brown’s editorializing is illegal.
“The issue before the voters is whether or not California should define marriage as between one man and one woman,” Chandler explains. “And rather than presenting it that way to the voters, the attorney general got political with it.”
Instead of providing a neutral and unbiased ballot title and summary, says the ADF attorney, Brown bowed to “political pressure” and “gave a biased and prejudicial summary” — in effect failing to follow his obligation under state law. “The attorney general is required by law to provide an objective summary of what the proposition would do to the law,” Chandler explains.
But the Superior Court disagreed Friday, ruling that Brown was within his rights to define the amendment as taking away rights, even though those alleged rights were only recently created by the California Supreme Court.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", California, Candidates & Elected Officials, Court Decisions & Judges, Democrat Party, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, News
Thursday, August 7th, 2008
WARNING: Obscene (albeit covered-up) photos of government -tolerated San Francisco perversion

The secular website Zombietime has documented the incredibly heinous public “pig sex” perversions and nudity that were allowed to take place unfettered by police at the July 27 “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco, which AFTAH also exposed. You can see the UNCENSORED photos like this one (which we covered up) at the Zombietime site and then ask yourself: what have the liberal, pro-homosexual, pro-gay-“marriage” elites and politicians done to America? Why are homosexual perverts allowed to rule the streets and defy the law in a major U.S. city — represented by the woman who is third in line to be President? We must restore public decency in California and in big cities across the nation and stop pandering to radical sexual agendas — including “same-sex marriage” — that undermine U.S. law and God’s moral code. America began to see the ugly truth of abortion through documentaries like “Silent Scream.” Perhaps we will begin facing up to the threat of government-endorsed homosexuality by viewing the horrid public depravities tolerated by pandering police and politicians in San Francisco. Go HERE to the Zombietime site; you can choose between a blurred out version or one in which the photos are NOT COVERED UP as this one is.
Dear Readers,
Occasionally we at Americans For Truth are taken to task by well-meaning but — in my view — woefully naive pro-family people for using graphic (albeit censored) photos to expose the real-life depravities associated with the homosexual movement. Just the other day, I was chided in an e-mail by an evangelical who is well-known as a commentator on GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) issues. He was irritated at AFTAH’s “picture show” — as he snidely called it — exposing the July 27 “Up Your Alley” sadistic street fair in San Francisco.
I expect to take heat from Professional Homosexuality Defenders and fanatical “gay” websites like Pam’s House Blend, Good As You and ExGayWatch — but not “pro-family” people who don’t seem to understand that homosexual activists are serious about destroying America’s Judeo-Christian and moral foundations — and our religious freedom — if we let them!
Truth is, AFTAH’s “picture show” — provided thanks to the selfless efforts of some Californian men who gave up their Sunday to document state-sanctioned sexual anarchy in the City by the Bay — hardly conveyed the full extent of Up Your Alley’s public debauchery. But a secular observer and creator of the Zombietime website has done so. Like AFTAH, Zombietime seeks to document this (in our view, scandalous) toleration of anything-goes perversion and full nudity on city streets.
Zombietime states: “The images shown in the report below have been published here because they are essential documentary components of a news story; they are not intended as titillation or pornography. … I am only publishing these images for their evidentiary and journalistic value, and have no desire to run an X-rated web site. In order to prove that what I’m reporting is really true, I must necessarily post pictures that many will perceive as pornographic.”
AFTAH’s aforementioned, holier-than-thou critic wondered why we couldn’t have just offered a single photo of the nudity-filled street fair to make our point. He implied that we weren’t being “redemptive” in our work. Had we followed his advice, our “gay” detractors surely would have charged us with distorting and exaggerating the reality of it through one measly photo! Offering a message of hope to homosexuals is critically important, but so is exposing the full, radical homosexual agenda that the “mainstream” media is cynically hiding from the public.
Incidentally, Zombietime, like AFTAH’s own eye-witnesses, contradicts homosexual activist Jeremy Hooper’s ridiculous attempt (also belied by the crowd photo above) to discredit AFTAH’s report by falsely claiming that Up Your Alley “was actually not ‘public.’ This is a paid, closed-off event. Yes it takes place in the streets; but these are blocked off streets!” In contrast, Zombietime, who was actually there, writes (emphasis his):
“And remember that this fair is completely free, and open to the public without any admission charge, and is held on public city streets.”
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Posted in BDSM, Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, Current State Law, Democrat Party, Evangelicals, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Physical Health, Police & Fire Departments, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008
The following is adapted from a note sent by Janine, an Illinois mom, to McDonald’s (emphasis added):
I am very conflicted about the boycott taking place because of my history with your company. I stop by my local McDonald’s every day for my large fountain Coke. Even when I travel, I make it a point to get to the nearest McDonald’s for my daily Coke. I have done that for years out of a preference for the taste and out of loyalty. I have read the biography on Ray Kroc and the history of the McDonald’s and have always had admiration for the man and his company. For the first time in my life, you are acting in a way that damages both my admiration and loyalty. I do not want to boycott McDonald’s, but you are forcing me into a position of compromise on doing business with a company every day that undermines my values. I take that personally.
You are going out of your way to put financial resources behind a group of individuals that choose to have sexual relations in an immoral, unnatural and unhealthy way. It would be fine if they were content to keep it to themselves, but they must flaunt this destructive lifestyle, dare to coerce others into supporting it, and threaten and castigate those who do not approve of it.
You have been asked to be neutral and withdraw your corporate sponsorship. It is a fair request for you to simply be neutral and not take a public position either way. Why do you insist on offending the majority of your customers to please a few? Please don’t make me give up my daily visit.
Janine, Illinois
Posted in Corporate Promotion, Corporations, McDonald's, News, Physical Health, Pro-Family Quotes

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