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Full Convert to Immorality: Chris Dodd (D-CT) joins Al Gore and other Democrats who have embraced “same-sex marriage” despite the judgment of their own religion that homosexual acts are immoral and disordered. Dodd, a Catholic, is also strongly in favor of abortion-on-demand and received a 100 percent ranking from NARAL.
By Peter LaBarbera
I just saw this on homosexual activist Joe Jervis’ blog: Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) becomes the latest liberal Democrat to sell out his purported religious faith (Dodd is Catholic) to embrace the revolutionary, oxymoronic concept of homosexual “marriage.” More proof that the jump between “civil unions” and “gay marriage” is far shorter than the chasm between government recognition and non-recognition of immoral homosexual relationships. What motivates Dodd? It appears that it mostly comes down to the “principle of fairness” — a principle that seems to elude pro-homosexual advocates when faced with the quest of multiple-partner “truples” or “quadruples” (or whatever) to “marry.” (If marriage is gender-neutral and just about “love,” then why not allow “committed” polygamous “marriages”?)
Says President does not know the difference between God-given rights and sinful, changeable behavior
The following are the remarks of Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) at AFTAH’s pro-family coalition press conference in Chicago June 17 highlighting President Obama’s radical homosexualist agenda (links added):
The homosexual agenda is only one symptom of the real problem in America. The problem is that we have forsaken the Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded. Noah Webster declared: “The principles of genuine liberty and of wise laws and administrations are to be drawn from the Bible.”
There are two conflicting worldviews vying for power. The secular humanist worldview versus the Judeo-Christian or Biblical worldview. Humanism sees the world as impersonal matter shaped by chance with man just another animal. There is no basis for values or laws. The Biblical worldview recognizes a Creator who established moral laws and absolute truth as revealed in the Bible. Man, made in God’s image, is priceless.
The following letter regarding the proposed Hate Crimes Prevention Act was sent by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to Senate leaders:
June 16, 2009
Re: S. 909
Dear Mr. President and Distinguished Senators:
We write today to urge you to vote against the proposed Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act (S. 909) (“MSHCPA”)
We believe that MSHCPA will do little good and a great deal of harm. Its most important effect will be to allow federal authorities to re-prosecute a broad category of defendants who have already been acquitted by state juries—as in the Rodney King and Crown Heights cases more than a decade ago Due to the exception for prosecutions by “dual sovereigns,” such double prosecutions are technically not violations of the Double Jeopardy Clause of the U.S. Constitution But they are very much a violation of the spirit that drove the framers of the Bill of Rights, who never dreamed that federal criminal jurisdiction would be expanded to the point where an astonishing proportion of crimes are now both state and federal offenses. We regard the broad federalization of crime as a menace to civil liberties. There is no better place to draw the line on that process than with a bill that purports to protect civil rights.
Folks, we’re way behind on our posts, so I apologize for the delay in bringing you this piece by Randy Thomasson. What a sorry nation we are becoming when a woman like Carrie Prejean is punished and vilified for her polite defense of traditional marriage. And to think that the “gay” movement has gotten this far by playing the victim. Perversion movements are not “nice” in that they are willing to sacrifice much good for the sake of legitimizing their perversion. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com
First, a homosexual activist “judge” kept Carrie Prejean from winning the Miss USA contest.
Next, the homosexual “marriage” activists who led the California pageant tried to get Carrie fired, but Donald Trump said no.
Finally, the homosexual activist director of the Miss California Pageant persisted and got rid of Carrie.
Keith Lewis, the director of the Miss California USA Pageant, is an open homosexual and obviously very insecure. After Carrie said on national TV on April 19 that marriage is only for a man and a woman, Lewis said he was personally offended. For weeks, he campaigned unprofessionally, publicly and continually attacking Carrie and aggressively lobbied Donald Trump to fire her.
“Discredited” Appointee? Obama “Faith Advisory Council” appointee Harry Knox called Pope Benedict a “discredited leader” of “an army of oppression” — leading a group of Congressmen to call for Knox’s dismissal. The “gay” activist claims his homosexuality is an “unchangeable gift from God, one for which I am very grateful. And it would fly in the face of my respect for God to give that gift back.” TAKE ACTION: Call or write your Senators and Congressmen (202-224-3121/202-225-3121) and President Obama (202-456-1414) and urge the removal of the bigoted Knox from the president’s faith council.
“President Obama’s much vaunted ‘search for a common ground’ no longer passes even a perfunctory smell test. His bromides are designed to soothe and assuage. But his hypnotic rhetoric belies his actions.
“By appointing Harry Knox to his Faith Advisory Council, Obama panders to the homosexual movement, and manifests cynicism at its worst.
“Knox is the very incarnation of hate-filled, anti-Catholic bigotry and must go. His militant, hate-mongering anti-Catholicism is amply on display. Knox’s malicious attack on Pope Benedict as a “discredited leader of an army of oppression” is the rallying cry portending the persecution of the Church.
“Knox is the ugly new face of anti-Catholic oppression and persecution. President Obama has a choice: either give Knox a pink slip or be known not only as the abortion president but the anti-Catholic president as well.
HATE CRIMES ALERT:FoxNews and the “gay” press are reporting that the Senate could vote today or tomorrow on “Hate Crimes” legislation. It reportedly will be attached to an innocuous bill, S. 1023, the Travel Promotion Act. Please call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 (www.congress.org) and urge them not to pass “Hate Crimes” legislation, which would create unequal protection and federalize “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (transsexual “rights”) in the law. After “hate crimes” laws invariably come “hate speech” laws (e.g., in Canada and Great Britain), so this bill represents a grave threat to our First Amendment liberties. Please forward this e-mail on to your network. — Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com
CHICAGO, Ill. – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is organizing a news conference Wednesday, June 17th at 11:00 AM, to highlight President Obama’s radical homosexual appointments and overall “gay” agenda:
Where: 29 South LaSalle Street, Suite 610, Chicago, IL When: Wednesday., June 17, 11:00 AM Who: Scheduled speakers:
Does America Share Obama’s “Gay Pride”? President Obama is in a bind: he promised homosexual activists almost everything they wanted, yet homosexuality was virtually a non-issue in the general election campaign. Thus Obama has no mandate for his radical homosexual-agenda goals such as repealing the Defense of Marriage Act — signed into law by Bill Clinton — and homosexualizing the U.S. military (repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”). At left is the “gay” version of Obama’s famous campaign logo, complete with the homosexual “rainbow flag.” TAKE ACTION: call your Congressman and Senators (202-224-3121/202-225-3121), and President Obama (202-456-1414) and urge them not to force immoral pro-homosexuality policies on the American people, especially our men and women serving in the military.
Press Release, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
AFTAH to Protest Obama Speech in Chicago, Says President Has No Mandate to Push Radical Homosexual Agenda
June 15, 2009; contact: Angela: 847-722-5330
CHICAGO, Illinois – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) will be protesting President Obama during his speech here today, with the message that Obama has no mandate from the election to advance the radical, pro-homosexual agenda that his “gay” and transsexual activist allies are demanding of him.
AFTAH will be present Monday morning at the Hyatt Regency Chicago (151 E. Wacker Dr.) as Obama delivers a speech to the American Medical Association –– with a banner proclaiming: “Barack Obama: “Radically Pro-Abortion. Radically Pro-Homosexual.” Americans For Truth is also organizing a Chicago press conference Wednesday, June 17, featuring national pro-family leaders speaking out against Obama’s bigoted “gay” activist political appointments and his wider GLBT agenda.