A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Scott Lively’s Fact Sheet on Uganda and Homosexuality

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

Click on the above graphic to go to a printable PDF of Scott Lively’s “Fact Sheet on Uganda.”

Click on the link below or the graphic at right for a PDF “Fact Sheet on Uganda and Homosexuality,” by pro-family advocate Scott Lively — who has been sued by the Ugandan homosexual group SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) — working with the far-left American group Center for Constitutional Rights — for “Crimes Against Humanity” for his Christian advocacy in that African nation. We’ve also reprinted the Fact Sheet below (after the jump).

Scott Lively – Uganda Fact Sheet–PDF link 


Scott Lively

Few people in the world have been lied about and demonized by homosexual activists as much as Lively. This Fact Sheet is merely the beginning of what must become a comprehensive effort to set the record straight. Clearly, the nefarious goal the CCR and its leftist/LGBT comrades in its legal harassment of Lively is to intimidate pro-family advocates everywhere from speaking out against the aggressive homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. In the Left’s playbook, the ends justify the means — but even for the Hard Left, charging a decent, Christian man like Scott Lively with “Crimes Against Humanity” — for his public advocacy — is beyond outrageous. In fact, it is evil and profoundly un-American. And yet, Clinton-nominated federal District Judge Michael Ponsor has allowed the SMUG lawsuit to proceed. We will be following this case closely. Please pray for Scott Lively. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews John Stemberger – Founder of Wholesome Alternative to the Boy Scouts – Part Two

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Stemberger says senior BSA official admitted to him that new “gay” policy “will increase boy-on-boy sexual contact.”

John Stemberger has overseen the formation of a new, wholesome  alternative to the Boy Scouts of America -- which sold out to the homosexual agenda by allowing openly homosexual Scouts.

John Stemberger has overseen the formation of a new, wholesome alternative to the Boy Scouts of America — which sold out to the immoral homosexual activist agenda by opening its membership to boys who openly identify as “gay.” Stemberger founded OnMyHonor.net.

Here is Part Two of AFTAH’s interview with “On My Honor” founder and CEO, John  Stemberger [click HERE to listen], who is also President and General Counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council. We apologize for the delays (due to technical issues) in publishing this interview, which was recorded August 15, 2013. Stemberger discusses On My Honor’s upcoming inaugural 2013 National Leadership Convention in Nashville (Sept. 6-7) — where this new wholesome alternative to the (now pro-homosexual) Boy Scouts of America will unveil its new name and logo. The convention is sold out but you can follow the proceedings online for $24 via a live streaming connection (go HERE). Stemberger compares the new organization’s policies to the BSA’s (which he says is slated to lose 200,000-400,000 members). He notes that the BSA has still not issued a policy on “how it’s going to tent” openly homosexual boys (i.e., in camping trips) [listen at 11:28]. He says that one of the highest-ranking officials in the Boy Scout organization admitted to him privately: “This [the BSA’s new pro-“gay” policy] will increase boy-on-boy sexual contact” [listen at 12:20]. Stemberger also discusses his previous work in Florida leading the successful campaign to pass an amendment preserving marriage as one-man, one-woman.  And Stemberger addresses the recent Supreme Court decisions affecting the marriage debate.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show:

8-15-13, John Stemberger, Part Two

Video: One-time ‘Gay’ Michael Glatze on Becoming Whole in Jesus Christ

Friday, August 30th, 2013

Here’s a wonderful video by Christian pastor Michael Glatze, who overcame the shallow “gay” lifestyle to become whole in Jesus Christ. (He lived a decade in the homosexual life, and at one time was a rising “gay” activist.) I encourage you to watch the entire 20-minute video. But if you are impatient, about halfway through the video, Glatze states, “Homosexuality is not something you need to do…It is not necessary for you to become gay.” Here is a website on the “Romans Road” explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To reach Michael, write michaeleglatze@gmail.com. Watch this on YouTube HERE. You can also listen to AFTAH’s (two-part) radio interview with Glatze in 2010 HERE.

AFR Talker and FOX News Contributor Sandy Rios to Keynote AFTAH Dinner-Banquet Nov. 16

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013
Sandy Rios is one of the few reliable social conservative "Contributors" at FOX News.

Sandy Rios is one of the few reliable socially conservative “Contributors” at FOX News. For a printable PDF flier for AFTAH’s Nov. 16 banquet, click HERE.

We at AFTAH are very excited to have Chicago’s longtime and beloved Christian talk show host, Sandy Rios, as the keynote speaker at our annual Americans For Truth dinner-banquet Saturday, Nov. 16.  Please save the date. [For a printable PDF flier for the banquet, click HERE.]

As always, it will be hosted by our good friends at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois.  We are again making it very affordable to attend: just $20 per person in advance or $25 at the door, so please help us by telling your network of family and friends about it.  Better yet, buy a table of 10 for just $200!

WHO: Sandy Rios [www.SandyRios.com], Host, “Sandy Rios in the Morning,” AFR Talk (American Family Association’s talk radio network); FOX News Contributor; longtime Christian talk show host on Chicago’s WYLL Radio; vice president of Family-Pac Federal; and former president of Concerned Women for America;

WHAT: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) annual fundraising dinner-banquet.

WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 16; doors open at 5:30 PM. Dinner served at 6:30

WHERE: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 (2 miles east of IL-53 N.; take the East Euclid Ave. exit).

COST: $20/person in advance (to be paid online or received by regular mail by Nov. 14, 2013); $25 at the door. Sponsor a table of 10 for only $200!  PAY ONLINE: at www.aftah.com/donate/ [check the “Individual Banquet Registration” box on the Donate Page Form];

REGULAR MAIL: send your check for $20/person to AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522 (put “Banquet” in memo line).

RSVP/More Information: Write Brad Wallace at connops@yahoo.com. Call us at 312-324-3787 or e-mail him at americansfortruth@gmail.com.

To go to a printable PDF flier of this event, click on this link: AFTAH Banquet PDF Flier_2013-Sandy-Rios-FINAL

America’s Survival Special Report Documents FOX News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and Gay Journalists Group’s Record of Advocacy

Friday, August 16th, 2013

Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid:

Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Gay & Lesbian Journalists Association


Fox News’ Megyn Kelly: new hero to the “Gay” Lobby. Here she is shown appearing at “gay journalists” fundraiser. To read a PDF version of this report, go HERE. Photo: WireImage.


This is a Special Report published by America’s Survival, Inc.; www.usasurvival.org; 443-964-8208 (Cliff Kincaid, president), and authored by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, in advance of ASI ‘s August 20, 2013 conference, “The Crisis in American Journalism and the Conservative Response.” Following is an HTML version of the ASI report, or see the PDF version here: Fox_Report-PDF. The Endnotes contain live web links. Click on photos and graphics to enlarge.


Unfair, Unbalanced, and Afraid: Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association

By Peter LaBarbera, exclusive to America’s Survival

Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; for a printable PDF version of this report, click HERE

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News and Business Channels, has heavily funded the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA), a pro-homosexual advocacy organization in newsrooms. Here a News Corp endorsement ad appears in the program for the 2009 NLGJA “LGBT Media Summit.”

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News and Business Channels, has heavily funded the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA), a pro-homosexual advocacy organization in newsrooms. Here a News Corp endorsement ad appears in the program for the 2009 NLGJA “LGBT Media Summit.”

It is difficult to overstate the impact of wide-scale liberal media bias in the advancement of the pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” revolution in American society. In the last two decades, media imbalance (and de facto censorship) on the issue has morphed into frequent media celebration of homosexuality — thus leaving citizens starved for impartial and accurate information on this critical topic. “Journalism” has become pro-homosexual propaganda, with many media stories appearing as if they were written by LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists. By effectively joining the “gay” activists’ crusade, major media outlets – and even “conservative” Fox News — have contributed greatly to the growing pro-homosexual political correctness in U.S. culture. This in turn has fueled even more aggressive militancy among pro-LGBT groups and bloggers who are lobbying the media to block social conservatives from TV appearances, etc., on the grounds that such anti-homosexual-agenda voices are “hate groups.” The result is the further degradation of journalism that has contributed to Republican and conservative ambivalence on issues like same-sex “marriage” and allowing open homosexuals in the military. So bad is the media groupthink on homosexuality that even self-described “conservatives” like Glen Beck and Tucker Carlson have either endorsed or made positive soundings on “gay marriage,” or gone silent on LGBT issues.1

The degree to which the “mainstream” media have become promoters of the homosexual- and transgender activist movements is astonishing. Below is a graphic from a recent Pew Research Center study analyzing media coverage surrounding the U.S. Supreme Court’s hearing in March 2013 of two cases related to homosexual “marriage.” Pew labeled a story as “supportive” of homosexual “marriage” if it included at least twice as many pro-“gay marriage” statements as opposing statements – and vice versa for stories labeled “opposing”2:

Note the extreme one-sided bias in favor of homosexuality-based “marriage” in most of the categories – and the finding that all media (including Fox News) except conservative talk radio were heaving biased toward “gay marriage.”

Pew_Breakdown_by_Media_Sector-PBS-Zero-Oppos-StoriesWith pro-“gay” attitudes dominating newsrooms, few journalists seem willing to pursue stories that might offend America’s powerful and well-funded homosexual activist lobby.3 This would include investigating:

  • how escalating “gay power” represented by pro-LGBT “nondiscrimination” laws subject even very young children to inappropriate pro-homosexual “lessons” in school, thus undermining both children’s innocence and parental rights4;
  • the growing HIV crisis among “gay youth” (a study of young “men who had sex with men” in 21 cities found that one in 10 tested positive for HIV in 2008);5 and
  • how pro-homosexual laws including legalized “civil unions” and homosexual “marriage” negate Americans’ cherished religious and First Amendment liberties.

On the latter point, there is now a large and growing body of evidence that pro-homosexual laws and corporate “diversity” policies oppress Americans’ freedom of conscience to oppose homosexualism and live out their religious and moral beliefs, including the once universally-held Western idea rooted in the Judeo-Christian teachings that marriage is between one man and one woman (see below).


Schieffer gets a lesson on the growing ‘gay’ tyranny

CBS' Bob Schieffer was unaware that Christians  across the nation are being prosecuted by the state for living according to the dictates of their faith by refusing to participate – through their own businesses -- in immoral homosexual "marriages."

CBS’ Bob Schieffer was unaware that Christians across the nation are being prosecuted by the state for living according to the dictates of their faith by refusing to participate – through their own businesses — in immoral homosexual “marriages.”

A recent appearance by Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” exposed how ill-informed the major media are when it comes to the threat that government-backed “gay marriage” (and pro-homosexual “sexual orientation”) laws pose to religious liberty. Perkins writes that with the Supreme Court’s de facto invalidation of California’s Proposition 8 amendment defining marriage as one-man, one-woman [emphasis added]:

“…people are about to experience (if they haven’t already) the profound loss of liberty that accompanies this march down the same-sex “wedding” aisle. … “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer — like so many Americans — was surprised to hear that business owners (and wedding vendors in particular) are being persecuted, and in some cases prosecuted, for refusing to participate in a same-sex “marriage” ceremony. .. “I must say this is under my radar,” Bob told me. “I haven’t — I haven’t heard this.” And he’s not alone.”[6]

Perkins writes that “the media isn’t covering the stories of these victims — not because they don’t exist — but because liberals recognize their potential to swing the debate.” See this footnote for the examples he provided of moral-minded Americans whose freedom has been jeopardized by their opposition to homosexual “marriage” and State-enforced “gay rights.”[7]

This report for America’s Survival, Inc., documents the rampant and often egregious media bias in favor of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist agenda. It puts special focus on the growing (and sometimes radical) pro-homosexual bias of Fox News personalities like Megyn Kelly and Bernie Goldberg. Why concentrate on Fox? Because Fox News has inordinate influence with conservative Americans and with the Republican Party — which is also retrenching its opposition to “gay rights.” And because Fox holds itself to a high standard of being “Fair and Balanced” – i.e., not sharing the notorious bias of the dominant liberal media.

This report will also investigate the role of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA; motto: “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re on Deadline”) in distorting and molding news coverage on homosexuality- and transgender-related issues. Like other major media, Fox News through its parent company, News Corp., is a long-time funder of the NLGJA.

Read the rest of this article »

AFA Radio’s Sandy Rios Interviews Peter LaBarbera and Ex-‘Gay’ Christopher Doyle

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Rios to give keynote speech at AFTAH fundraising banquet Nov. 16

FOX News Contributor Sandy Rios will be the keynote speaker at AFTAH's banquet Saturday, Nov. 2.

FOX News Contributor and stellar Christian culture warrior Sandy Rios will be the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s annual banquet Saturday, Nov. 16, at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL.

SAVE THE DATE (Nov. 16): We at AFTAH are very excited to have Chicago’s longtime and beloved talk show host, Sandy Rios, as the keynote speaker at our annual Americans For Truth banquet Saturday, Nov. 16. Our banquet host, as always, is Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Please save the date. Tickets are just $20/person in advance or $25 at the door.


Folks, it is always a pleasure and a privilege for me to sit down with my good friend (and former boss) Sandy Rios for an interview, which I did Tuesday, as a guest on her “Sandy Rios in the Morning” show on American Family Radio (AFR Talk) network. (AFR is part of Don Wildmon’s wonderful organization, American Family Association.) In this interview [click HERE to listen] with Sandy — who is also a FOX News Contributor and the vice-president of Family-Pac Federal — we discuss media distortions of the pope’s recent comments about not judging “gay people.” I point out that the pope did not disavow but actually affirmed Catholic teaching, which proscribes ALL pro-homosexual advocacy and legislation. In fact, Pope Francis specifically stated that “the problem is lobbying by this [sexual] orientation” and compared that to lobbying on the basis of a greedy “orientation.” I tell Sandy:

The last thing that the Catholic Church needs is more homosexual priests…. The devastation that they wrought — the whole penetration of the Church [by] homosexual pederasts [who] got into the church ….by [relaxing] the rules to get in [the priesthood]… They molested boys and teenagers [which is consistent with] …the whole history of homosexuality and pederasty…Then they covered up the pederasty. They moved these priests around. And now the same homosexual activists say, “Well, you can’t believe the Catholic Church because they harbored pedophilia!” So homosexuality has done incredible devastation to this Church…But you listen to homosexual activists and it’s like they don’t acknowledge that. It’s so bizarre…Homosexual activists never take responsibility for their own behavior and the repercussions from it.

Rios agrees and notes that the “homosexual activist movement …is very narcissistic. Everything is about them….”

Next we discuss homosexual activist strategy (basically, more lawsuits) following the Supreme Court’s landmark rulings that cleared the way for recognition of homosexuality-based “marriages” by the federal government, and in California despite that state’s Prop 8 vote. Later, former homosexual Christopher Doyle, a former homosexual and director of International Healing Foundation, discusses “Ex-Gay Pride Month” and his take on why Exodus International leaders Alan Chambers and Randy Thomas brought about the downfall of that “ex-gay” umbrella organization.

Please mark your calendars for November 16 and save the date for our banquet with Sandy Rios. You will not want to miss this! As usual we are  keeping the cost low — $20 per person in advance or $25 at the door — so plan on bringing some friends. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

Pete LaBarbera & Chris Doyle with Sandy Rios in the Morning, AFR, 7-30-13


LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews John Stemberger of OnMyHonor.net on New Wholesome Alternative to the Boy Scouts – Part One

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

John_Stemberger-flagThis interview with John Stemberger [click HERE to listen], founder of OnMyHonor.net, was recorded today, July 18, 2013. Stemberger describes the formation of a new boys organization that will provide a wholesome alternative to the pro-homosexual Boy Scouts of America (BSA). [Watch an introductory video HERE.] The new boys organization [later named “Trail Life USA”] will be devoted to building good character among boys, centered on biblical principles. The new group holds its first national convention this September after holding a recent planning meeting of national pro-family leaders in Louisville, Kentucky. Stemberger, who is also president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council, led the grassroots coalition effort to stop the Scouts’ tragic cave-in allowing openly homosexual youth members. (He explains how the BSA voting process on the proposed pro-“gay” change was weighted heavily in favor of the Scouts, in part because BSA leaders would not reveal who was voting.)

Stemberger clarifies the membership requirements for boys — saying that no immoral sexual behavior or advocacy of any kind will be tolerated in the new organization. He said if a boy struggles with same-sex issues (or other issues), it will be seen as a “ministry opportunity” in the organization — which, unlike the Scouts, will be explicitly Christian. (Membership will be open to boys of all religions and backgrounds.) Regarding the BSA, he said that within a couple of years, it will be driven by the courts to allow openly homosexual adult Scoutmasters, which will further cripple that once-noble organization. Stemberger said the BSA was done in by the paid “professionals” who ran the organization, who ultimately were not dedicated to upholding the BSA’s principles. Click HERE for Part Two of this interview. [Click HERE for Matt Barber’s column on the opening convention of Trail Life USA.]

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

7-18-13, John Stemberger

San Francisco ‘Leather’ Homosexuals Put the ‘P’ Back in Perversion: Folsom Street Fair Poster 2013

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013


“In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” (Romans 1:27)

Below is the “official” promotional poster for the Folsom Street Fair, an annual, sadomasochism-celebrating street festival in San Francisco. The “fair” is notorious for its open-air perversions, mocking of religion [also see this], sadistic whippings, “master-slave” couples, and full nudity — and the latter will be allowed again this year due to an exemption granted to FSF to a new anti-public-nudity law passed by city supervisors. Words can barely convey the evil captured by this image — a rebellious wickedness that comes from glorifying sin in defiance of the wholesome boundaries for sex established by God. Folsom is also the creepy cousin of “gay pride” and “diversity” — there would be no Folsom Street Fair were there not first a “gay” revolution, with its ground zero in the homosexual Mecca of San Francisco. Click on the graphic to enlarge, if you must. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


A new San Francisco law banning public nudity makes an exceptions for the homosexual-dominated outdoor “leather” festival, Folsom Street Fair. Click to enlarge.

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