A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

‘Dare to Stand’ Video Answers Homosexual ‘Day of Silence’ Propaganda

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Check out this church-produced video (also available on YouTube HERE) responding to today’s homosexual activist “Day of Silence,” posted by our friends over at Illinois Family Institute — which recently was smeared by the anti-Christian morality-phobes over at the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center:

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Mega-pandering Mega-pastor Rick Warren Sells Out on Prop 8

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

rick_warren_prop_8.jpgNOTE:  Watch the Rick Warren-Larry King interview at the bottom of this article, or read a transcript HERE. You can write Pastor Warren at Saddleback Church at: info@saddleback.net, or call: 949-609-8000.

Folks, Rick Warren’s recent interview with Larry King (view the YouTube at bottom or go HERE to read the transcript) was one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to watch as a pro-family advocate.  To behold Mr. Warren cravenly playing down his role in helping Proposition 8 pass in California – and tell how he “apologized” to his “gay friends” when if anything he should be apologizing to Americans for not doing more for Prop 8 and more to defend marriage nationwide – was pathetic and disheartening.  And what’s up with Warren claiming that he was “oblivious” to the Iowa supreme court’s homosexual “marriage” ruling?  “Oblivious” to liberal judicial elites who unanimously imposed sodomy-based “marriage” as a constitutional “right” in America’s heartland?  And of course, there’s the lesson from the playground: by rewarding the “gay” activist bullies who savaged him for supporting Prop 8, Warren has now guaranteed that they will step up their bullying against other pastors and churches. (And they won’t be lovin’ you, either, Rick, unless you complete your capitulation by: denouncing “homophobia”; embracing “same-sex marriage” and “queer parenting”; lobbying for a federally-observed “Harvey Milk Day” in honor of LGBT Americans; and declaring homosexuality and transgenderism special “gifts from god” that should be taught as normal to all schoolchildren.)

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Iowa Court, Vermont Legislators Ban Common Sense

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

The young girl in this photo needs a father, and will be scarred by “gay marriage”

iowa_dmregisterphoto_bre_needs_a_dad.jpgHomosexual “marriage” corrupts children: a lesbian couple celebrates Iowa’s pro-homosexual-“marriage” ruling, with “their daughter, Bre, 6,” as the Des MoinesRegister reports comments. (Two women cannot produce a child — disproving the nonsensical claim that homosexual “marriage” is “equal” to the real thing.) Liberal media like the Register have become shills for the “same-sex marriage” revolution. They ignore the potential harm it will bring to innocent children: how can one assert that young Bre will not be deeply affected emotionally, psychologically and spiritually by growing up in an intentionally fatherless home where deviance like this is modeled as the norm? Go HERE to see the Register’s photo gallery and click on graphic above to enlarge.  

This article excerpted below by my good friend (and former boss) Bob Knight was published today on Townhall.com. Today (April 7, 2009) is another tragic marker of America’s decline into a “post-Christian” nation. A northeastern state, Vermont, has voted in homosexual “marriage” — through an override of the governor’s veto, no less.  This profane legislative act cannot be blamed on reckless judges or “unelected courts.” No, this instead is reckless, godless liberalism in action — as wrongheaded as justifying the convenience killing of innocent, unborn life in the name of personal “choice.”

Most Americans have gotten too comfortable with same-sex perversion (we at AFTAH reject the activist concept of innocuous, innate “sexual orientation”) and extramarital sex. But liberals especially have lost their fear of God — and children, like the one above who (through no choice of her own) is part of an Iowa lesbian couple’s celebration, will pay the price. It’s asking too much of God to “bless America” when America is blessing the counter-Biblical idea of state-sanctioned, homosexually-redefined “marriage.”  — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com


Robert Knight writes:

Iowa Court, Vermont Legislators Ban Common Sense

By Robert Knight
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

To a disturbing number of judges, most of the media, and now the Vermont legislature, marriage was created only to shut out homosexuals. That’s it. There’s no other reason for its presence in the law.

How else to interpret the vote today (April 7) in the Senate and House to override Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas’s veto and to legalize same-sex “marriage?”  Or the rulings in Massachusetts, California, Connecticut and Iowa that find nothing unique about men and women bonding for life? Or headlines like this from the April 4 Wall Street Journal:

“Iowa Supreme Court Overturns Gay-Marriage Ban”

The Iowa law, as with most states, does not mention same-sex relationships. It establishes requirements, beginning with a male-female couple. Characterizing this ruling as overturning a “ban” defines the institution negatively – by what it is not.

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Iowa Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ruling an Assault on Midwestern Values, Says AFTAH’s LaBarbera

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

male_homosexuality_is_wrong.jpgNews Release

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

April 3, 2009                    Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631

CHICAGO– Today’s Iowa Supreme Court decision imposing “same-sex marriage” as a constitutional “right” is an assault on not just the Judeo-Christian moral foundations of that state, but also on the God we ask to “Bless America” — and the common-sense, pro-family values of the Midwest, said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.

LaBarbera, who is also on the board of Protect Marriage Illinois, issued the following statement regarding the court’s reckless decision:

“Today Iowa becomes the first state not on either of the nation’s two liberal coasts to impose counterfeit, homosexual ‘marriage’ or its mischievous twin, ‘civil unions,’ on its citizens through judicial tyranny. To call this decision bankrupt is to understate its perniciousness. The evil genius of the pro-sodomy movement is that it targets noble institutions like marriage and adoption in the name of ‘rights,’ and then perverts and uses them to normalize aberrant and destructive behaviors.

“Homosexual ‘marriage’ is wrong because homosexual behavior itself is wrong and destructive – as proved by its role in the needless, early deaths of countless ‘gay’ men. We must shake loose of the secularists’ and libertarians’ amoral nonchalance regarding ‘same-sex marriage’ by asking questions like this: how exactly would two men consummate their ‘gay marriage”’ Answer: by engaging in what one Founding Father, Noah Webster, writing in saner times, rightly defined as a ‘crime against nature.’

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eHarmony Launches Homosexual Dating Site — after Capitulating to ‘Gay’ Legal Bullies

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

A profile in corporate cowardice … 

compatible_partners-2-gay-couple.jpg ‘Gay’ Legal Bullies Rewarded: new homosexual dating website, “Compatible Partners” — which was created as part of a legal settlement after eHarmony founder Neil Clark Warren chose to capitulate to a homosexual activist’s harassment lawsuit in New Jersey. Will eHarmony’s sellout inspire other acts of Christian and corporate cowardice?

Folks, we’ve written before on how eHarmony.com and its founder, Neil Clark Warren, failed the test in defending their (and our) religious liberties when they caved in to a homosexual activist’s harassment lawsuit last year. Now I hope that eHarmony.com pays a price for its capitulation, which hopefully will not spawn other acts of corporate cowardice. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” said abolitionist Wendell Phillips, and creating “civil rights” based on human wrongs (homosexuality and gender confusion) naturally undermines our First Amendment freedoms.

Even lesbian Georgetown law professor Chai Feldblum is honest enough to admit that the battle between “gay rights” and your freedom to act on your moral beliefs is a “zero-sum” game. Of course, Prof. Feldblum thinks homosexual “rights” usually should come out on top. (And speaking of capitulations, what’s up with a “Catholic” school employing a lesbian activist attorney who thinks “rights” based on homo- and transsexuality trump religious freedoms, anyway?)

eharmony-powered-by.jpgAs a pro-marriage guy who believes that true masculinity is bound up in being a good husband and father — not in sexual conquests and certainly not in homosexuality — I’m all for matchmaking (although my matchmaking attempts for others have been duds so far). I realize that singles are looking for something that works, and eHarmony has been successful in this regard, but I hope that principled single men and women will at least consider using an alternative dating company; here’s one that has remained Christian in focus: www.christiancafe.com.

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We’re All Homophobes Now: Letter to Marc Lamont Hill and FOX’s Red Eye

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

marc_lamont_hill.jpgTemple U. Professor Dr. Marc Lamont Hill (left), a frequent guest on FOX News, believes Americans are “homophobic” because most still don’t like to see homosexuality (compared to heterosexuality) on TV or the big screen. We say Prof. Hill should get off his liberal high horse and stop lecturing Americans for their normal reaction to unnatural and immoral behavior. Lamont can’t change his blackness, while many ex-“gay” men and women have left their old homosexual life behind. In the Fall, Lamont will move to Columbia University.

Folks, I sent the following e-mail to FOX’s late-night “Red Eye” host Greg Gutfeld, and cc’d to guests Marc Lamont Hill and Monica Crowley:

From:  Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
To:  Greg Gutfeld, host of FOX’s “Red Eye” [redeye@foxnews.com]; (guest) Prof. Marc Lamont Hill; Monica Crowley (FOX commentator and also a guest on that segment)
Date:  March 30, 2009

Greg [Gutfeld] and FOX “Red Eye” Crew…

…. I caught the tail end of the segment on tonight’s Red Eye where Prof. Marc Lamont Hill was lecturing us about “homophobia” – comparing gay sexual content with straight sexual content. So, does the ever-expanding definition of that tendentious term now cover all those who don’t want to see two men kissing on TV, or those who recoil at two guys engaged in “gay” foreplay on the big screen? Then guess what: we’re all “homophobes” now except for a small percentage of homosexuals and straight “progressives.” (Note that use of the latter term is curiously conditional on labeling as “progress” the embrace of aberrant sex linked disproportionately to STDs, including HIV; the CDC reports that a full 71 percent of male HIV cases in 2005 were linked to MSM, or “men having sex with men”: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/resources/factsheets/msm.htm.)

How condescending and pompous of Dr. Hill to peer into each of our hearts and minds and diagnose us with irrational fear (“phobia”). I didn’t see the rest of the segment — could you please post it online? — but please, please, don’t tell me that FOX is now joining the legions of pseudo-moralists who judge anyone who doesn’t celebrate homosexuality or cheerlead for “same-sex marriage” as somehow fearful, bigoted and hateful.

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Former Homosexual DL Foster Says Hook-up Culture that Killed George Weber Is Common in Gay World

Friday, March 27th, 2009

“I probably will get hate mail for saying this but this type of hookup culture is common in the homosexual world. Another guy in NY who did the same thing was murdered. And yes heterosexuals do it to, but no matter what type of sexual proclivity it is, SIN leads to death. The best course of action is to get out of the deadly sin business and live for Christ.
DL Foster, former homosexual and publisher of Gay Christian Movement Watch, commenting on the murder of homosexual New York City newsman George Weber.

dl_foster_family.jpgDL Foster, founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch, and
the beautiful family that his former life of homosexuality could not have produced.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, I heartily recommend that you become regular readers of DL Foster’s important blog, Gay Christian Movement Watch, analyzing and monitoring the so-called “gay christian” movement. DL gets attacked often by loving and tolerant homosexual activists because he tells it like it is. Go there often, tell all your friends about it, and take a stand for truth with DL against those who would pervert the Gospel of Christ.

(Speaking of which, renegade Christian and Grove City College prof Warren Throckmorton now seems to be on a crusade against pro-family veteran Scott Lively — joined by Warren’s homosexuality-promoting buddies, of course. We think Warren ought to deal with that heretical log in his own eye —  Throckmorton agreed in a 2007 interview with “gay” activist Mike Signorile that “being gay” is “normal, natural and healthy” — before picking at the speck in Scott’s.)

But I digress. Below Foster comments on the sad irony that less than a year before his death, George Weber — who was murdered by a 16-year-old boy he hooked up with for sex — complained about evangelical Christians witnessing at an airport. “Jesus freaks,” he called them. DL is right: many of America’s problems can be traced to the fact that there is so little fear of God in this nation. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12).

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LISTEN ONLINE – More Homosexual Hate: Peter LaBarbera Called ‘Satan’s Lover’

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

satans_lover.jpg “Peter LaBarbera Is Satan’s Lover” (reads sign at left) — Homosexual activists excel at name-calling — all in the name of “tolerance,” of course. At left and below, protesters with the Congregational United Church of Christ and the far-left Gay Liberation Network (GLN) protest outside Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois — where AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera gave a talk on the homosexual lobby’s threat to religious freedom [Click HERE to listen to the speech online]. Click here for GLN’s hateful and inaccurate story: “Protesters Counter Illinois [sic] #1 Anti-Gay Bigot Tonight in Arlington Heights.”  Click on photos (obtained from GLN website) to enlarge.


Dear AFTAH Readers,

The following is an account by my good friend Dave Smith of the Illinois Family Institute, on the leftist “queer” protest last night against my talk at the Christian Liberty Academy [listen to the speech or download it HERE]. I’ve been called a lot of nasty names in the last 15 years by loving and tolerant homosexual activists, but “Satan’s Lover” is certainly at the top of the list in terms of perverseness! Oh well, comes with the territory. Per the usual, Gay Liberation Network (GLN) — a far-left homosexual group in Chicago that once slandered Chicago’s historic Moody Church as a “House of Hate” — lied about the number of people who attended the talk (30 as opposed to 80-90).

Also note that GLN is on record supporting Wright State University’s banning of a Christian Bible group because it would not sign the university’s “nondiscrimination” policy — which would force it to violate its Christian teachings against homosexuality. Dave is right: the “Queer” Left is itching to take away our First Amendment freedoms, and it’s up to you and me to stop them. Stay strong. — Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com

Dave Smith of Illinois Family Institute writes:


Name Calling is O.K. for Anti-Christian Radicals3/24/2009 12:22:00 PM
By David E. Smith, Executive Director –Illinois Family Institute

Last night I joined approximately 80 to 90 other concerned citizens in Arlington Heights to listen to pro-family advocate Peter LaBarbera talk about the homosexual agenda and our diminishing freedom of conscience. Peter is the President of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, an organization dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda.

He did a fantastic job! (Listen to it online or download it HERE.)

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