A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

BREAKING NEWS: Palin’s Church in Alaska Believes that Jesus Christ Is God, He Created the World and – GASP — He Helps Gay Sinners Overcome Homosexuality

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

‘Pray away the gay’ and hope Wayne Besen gets a one-way ticket to Alaska

wayne_besen_2.jpg Homosexual gadfly Wayne Besen is begging for money to fly to Alaska to embarrass Gov. Sarah Palin and promote the lie that homosexuals cannot change. And Associated Press is happy to parrot Besen’s line ridiculing healthy change for homosexuals.

‘News’ Release
Americans For Truth

September 9, 2008

Contact: Peter LaBarbera, americansfortruth@comcast.net; 630-717-7631

Secular City, USA — The alternative new media and old establishment media alike are swarming around startling revelations concerning Alaska Governor and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s church in Alaska.

Huff-And-Puff Post has learned that Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin worships, actually believes the Bible that Christ came to earth as a man, professed to be God Himself and forgave peoples’ sins, and performed miracles that only God could do, like raising Lazarus from the dead. Wasilla doctrine teaches that this same Jesus now sits at the right hand of His Heavenly Father and lovingly intervenes in the lives of human beings.

“We have discovered that these brainwashed Christianists who cling to their religion and their guns also cling to fairy tales about Jesus as some prayer-answering ‘savior,’” said Arianna Huff-and-Puff, publisher of the online H&P Post. “It’s one thing to believe that this unseen God-man Jesus helped create the world and performs miracles in the lives of his followers — like healing drug addicts and transforming the hearts of hardened criminals. But believing that He can help also people leave homosexuality – what are they, nuts?!”

Associated Press reports ominously that Wasilla Bible Church supports programs to help men and women overcome homosexual desires. AP, consistent with its well-earned reputation as Always Politically-correct, chose to use the homosexual pejorative “Pray Away the Gay” to describe Wasilla’s ex-“gay” ministry.

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Here Come the Christian-Bashers — Huffington Post Attacks Gov. Palin’s ‘Controversial Worldview’

Friday, September 5th, 2008

sarah-palin.jpg Left targets Gov. Palin’s Christian worldview.

Evangelical Christians and religious conservatives who want to abandon the “Culture Wars” ought to consider how that directly matches the goal of homosexual activists, who seek to minimize conservative religious influence in the public square. Read this piece by my good friend Brian Fitzpatrick of the Culture & Media Institute, and click on the story’s links about the recent homosexual journalists’ convention in Washington, D.C. — Peter LaBarbera

Fitzpatrick writes:

Pro-Gay Journalist: Palin’s Religious Worldview ‘Controversial’

Huffington Post suggests that applying Christian values to public policy is inappropriate

Culture & Media Institute, Sept. 4, 2008 

In an obvious attempt to creat a Jeremiah Wright-style scandal for the Republican presidential ticket — and to marginalize conservative Christian values — Huffington Post National Editor Nico Pitnew is questioning the religious beliefs of GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin and her former pastor.

A Sept. 2 Huffington Post article by Pitney and Political Reporter Sam Stein begins with an ominous headline: “Palin’s Church May Have Shaped Controversial Worldvie.” They write, “And if the political storm over Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright is any indication, Palin may face some political fallout over the more controversial teachings of Wasilla Assembly of God.” …

In an effort to marginalize Palin’s religious values, Pitney appears to be advancing a political agenda. Just two weeks ago, the self-described “advocacy journalist” was scheduled to participate in a panel on opinion writing at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention in Washington, D.C. Pitney told CMI [Culture & Media Institute] that he is neither homosexual nor a member of the NLGJA, but he is clearly an ideological fellow traveler. …

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LISTEN ONLINE: A Former Homosexual Who Knew Him Remembers Harvey Milk

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

‘Gay life is a lie,’ Chaplain Gerard Dols tells CWA; says Milk was ‘very deceived,’ ‘never had opportunity to meet Jesus’

harveymilk.jpgConcerned Women for America’s Martha Kleder writes:

The California legislature is considering a bill that would create a state holiday honoring Harvey Milk, the first openly “gay” city supervisor for San Francisco who was gunned down in 1978. Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, introduces us to Gerard Dols, a man who both knew Harvey Milk and who now knows the Lord. Dols was befriended by Milk when he was a youth, struggled with rejection by the greater homosexual community following Milk’s murder, and later accepted Christ and left the homosexual lifestyle. Dols shares his testimony and his thoughts on “the mayor of Castro Street.” Listen HERE ; Download HERE.

Hallmark Panders to Homosexuals — Offers ‘Gay Marriage’ Cards

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Company chooses ‘relevance’ over morality

hallmark_logo.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

Needless to say, the AP (Always Politically-correct?) story below contains no critical comments from a pro-natural-family critic of homosexual “marriage.” I sent this note to Hallmark, after calling the company (816-274-5111) and being informed that Hallmark CEO Don Hall is not taking critical calls:

Dear Hallmark CEO Don Hall,

My wife and I won’t be buying Hallmark cards again until you stop promoting homosexuality and “gay marriage.” It’s very sad that your company — which most Americans would associate with more wholesome values — has now chosen to profit off of sexual immorality. (Homosexual behavior is sinful, changeable — see this EX-gay site: www.janetboynesministries.com — and often linked to serious health risks.)

Good luck with your new, politically correct business plan, but I will be informing as many people as I can to stop buying Hallmark cards until you get out of the homosexuality-promotion business.


Peter LaBarbera

You’ll actually get a human being when you call Hallmark at 816-274-5111 as opposed to their computerized customer service line at 1-800-HALLMARK (800-425-5627). Please politely communicate your disappointment to them, as the operator is not responsible for this bone-headed move and might actually share your values. You can also e-mail them off their web contact page. Below is Associated Press’ biased story:


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California Supreme Court Rules Against Christian Doctors Who Refused to Artificially Inseminate Lesbian

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

Pro-homosexual laws kill religious freedom

benitez_lesbian_insemination_case.jpgGuadalupe Benitez (right) with her twin daughters Sophia, left, and Shane, and her lesbian partner Joanne Clark and son Gabriel, at their Oceanside, Cal., home. Benitez sued two Christian doctors who refused to artificially inseminate her. Playing the victim, Benitez said after winning her case before the California Supreme Court: “It’s wrong and shocking that some doctors felt their religious beliefs allowed them to ignore the law and discriminate … Anyone could be the next target if doctors are allowed to pick and choose their patients based on religious views about other groups of people.” (photo: Sandy Huffaker)

Folks, if California is truly a pacesetter for the nation, then America is in big trouble. How ironic that pro-homosexual so-called “nondiscrimination” laws are the new tool for activist-minded judges and liberal legislators to DISCRIMINATE against people of faith.

This astonishing 7-0 California Supreme Court decision is further proof that homosexual agenda laws — which create newfangled “rights” based on deviant sexual and gender preferences — are incompatible with our cherished, historic American liberties, in this case, the right NOT to violate one’s own religious beliefs.

The “gay” movement is in the vanguard of destroying religious freedom in this nation — even as “queer” activists (and their attorneys) continue to play the victim card. Homosexual “Rights” vs. Religious Freedom is a zero-sum game: when “gay” lawyers win, as in this case, look for freedom to lose. What further proof do we need that “rights” based on sexual perversion are themselves a perversion of genuine civil rights?

The lesson for pro-family advocates and lovers of liberty is clear: in states where there are no ‘sexual orientation’ laws, they must never be passed. In states where pro-homosexual laws are on the books, they must be repealed to preserve freedom. And God help us if the Gay Lobby and its (mostly) Democratic allies in Congress succeed in their goal of creating federal “rights” based on homosexuality. That would be a homosexual lawyer’s dream come true. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org (see below for Pacific Justice Inst. release)


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Reverse Hatred, Steve Wessler and the New Totalitarians

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

mike_heath_10_commandments.JPGMike Heath of the Christian Civic League of Maine is a committed Christian who –like millions upon millions of pro-family Americans — opposes homosexual practice and all sex outside marriage. But to social leftists like Steve Wessler, Heath is an extreme “hater” whose views should not even be published in a major newspaper. Can we afford to let the anti-Christian Left become the arbiter of “hate” in America?

“[I]rresponsible and biased speech legitimizes extreme prejudice.” — Steve Wessler, Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence

By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Catching up on unpublished stories here: I sent a version of the following letter May 6 to Steve Wessler, executive director of a liberal outfit called the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence in Portland, Maine — in response to his April 26 column in the Portland Press-Herald advocating that this major newspaper gag my friend (and AFTAH Board Chairman) Mike Heath. The Left aspires to be the arbiter of “hate” in our society, but their absurd, radical and, yes, hateful arguments equating pro-family Americans with anti-Semites and racists — even slavery advocates — constitute a form of reverse-hatred. If the Left’s non-diverse “diversity” ideology ever gets full backing by the government here in the United States, it would be used to criminalize Christian practice, as is already happening in Canada and Great Britain.

Social conservatives need to wake up to the escalating threat to freedom that comes from arrogant, absolutist ideologues on the hard Left. If we fail to answer the poisonous smear-attacks by anti-religious activists like Wessler (e.g., labelling groups like the Christian Civic League of Maine and AFTAH “hate groups”), we will lose our freedoms as America inches toward the brand of left-wing totalitarianism found in Europe and Canada.

Truth is, nobody hates and itches to censor others like the Left, but Wessler and his ilk rely on intimidation tactics and the media’s help to silence debate and box conservative voices out of the public square.

Morality is not prejudice, and defending the time-tested Judeo-Christian sexual ethic is not “hate.” (If you warn your children against doing something that is wrong and potentially harmful to their health, and which could alienate them from God, do you “hate” them?) Equating sincere Christians and conservative citizens with racist and anti-Semitic practices of the past is one of the Pro-Homosexual Left’s most insidious tactics.

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Will Homosexual Activist ‘christians’ Admit that They Hate God’s Moral Law on Sex?

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

Does God have the right to oppose homosexual behavior?

The following is adapted from my response to a letter from a pro-homosexual activist who wrote AFTAH, making the usual obnoxious charges: that I am a “pornographer” (for exposing San Francisco’s government-tolerated public street depravities) — and, of course, that I am a secret homosexual (“You are gay and part of you knows it and HATES it”). It’s all par for the course when you cover the loving and tolerant GLBT community. — Peter LaBarbera

Note to hostile “gay” activist:

You worry about getting your gay allies in San Francisco to stop having sex in the streets, then you can deal with Zombietime, which is a non-Christian site that exposes all the nutty goings-on re: that World Famous Gay Mecca — and which exposed the San Francisco depravities just as they were. That’s called documenting heinous public perversions — not “porn.”

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Respecting Homosexuals

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Respecting people does not mean accepting bad behavior

By Thorin Anderson, Illinois Family Institute, 7/30/08

Whenever there is conflict between homosexual activists and conservatives regarding the issues such as the acceptance of same-sex “marriage,” we on the right are accused of lacking respect for homosexuals.

But, I would like to make one thing clear. The debate is not about respecting people, but about accepting bad behavior. There are many human behaviors which we conservatives believe to be unacceptable. They range from lying and cheating to promiscuity before or during marriage. They include murder and rape and a host of other deeds, criminal or otherwise. To say that we don’t respect someone when we disagree with their conduct is to suggest that confronting any bad behavior is inherently disrespectful. Are we to stop speaking about all wrong conduct? Should we stop confronting lying, stealing, or murder? Such a suggestion would be ludicrous.

All humans are worthy of respect as humans, period. But it is utter folly to imagine that behaviors people engage in are automatically respectable simply because a certain number of people are involved in them. Sad to say, many things we human beings do are not only unworthy of respect, but are destructive and dangerous. There is a reason why no one writes in any detail, in public, regarding the activities of homosexuals. And there is a reason why homosexuals have significantly shorter than average life expectancies. There is not a newspaper in the country that would detail their private conduct, and most of our stomachs could not handle it. Yet, we are told we MUST accept such conduct as perfectly normal. Get out your Webster’s and look up “normal.” Homosexuality in no way fits the definition of “normal.” And, it requires no special genius to understand that!

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