Academic Bias

NARTH Scores ‘Very Strong’ Bias in APA Report against Ex-Gay Therapy

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

‘Some people can and do’ experience full change, says NARTH

PRESS RELEASE by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH)
August 6, 2009

Contact: David Pruden, Phone: (888) 364-4744

NARTH’s Press Release on APA Gay and Lesbian Task Force Report

As a scientific and professional organization the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) welcomes all responsible discussion and investigation into the important psychological factors surrounding homosexuality. The gay and lesbian task force report just released at the American Psychological Association (APA) convention in Toronto suggests no change in the clearly established APA policy that client self-determination is the crowning principle of all ethical mental health treatment. Respect for religious diversity demands that psychologists and mental health professionals give as much weight to belief as they do to sexual identity.

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WND: Media Gag Homosexual Factor in Frank Lombard Duke Boy Rape Case

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Would exposure of the Lombard case hurt Obama’s pet cause of homosexual adoption?


Where’s the media frenzy? Duke University official Frank Lombard is accused of raping his adopted 5-year-old son and attempting to induce someone to cross state lines to engage in sex with the boy. The same media and Duke professors who were all over the bogus 2006 Duke lacrosse “rape” case are not interested in this horrifying homosexual adoption-rape story.

Folks, the jaundiced liberal media deserves much blame for the deterioration of American culture and the collective erosion of morality. Political correctness and identity politics destroy common sense by shielding favored classes and causes from criticism. Ask yourself: what logical reason is there that Matthew Shepard not Jesse Dirkhising is a household name in this country? (And don’t respond that Shepard was targeted “just because he was gay” because that is not true.)

This creep Frank Lombard and anyone — straight, “gay” or bisexual — convicted of the rape of a young child like this ought to be a candidate for automatic life imprisonment without parole or the death penalty, in my view. Homosexuals may not yet have achieved full “protected class” status in the law, but they sure have achieved it in the media. Kudos to WorldNetDaily and UNC professor-scribe Mike Adams for taking up the watchdog role to which journalists with integrity once aspired. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality


WorldNetDaily reports:


News agencies gagging gay’ factor in boy rape

But coverage beyond bonkers or fake Duke lacrosse assault

By Joe Kovacs, WorldNetDaily, posted July1, 2009

Editor’s note: The content of this story is graphic in nature and may be objectionable to some readers.

News coverage of a Duke University official accused of raping his adopted 5-year-old son and offering the child to someone else is apparently lacking what some say is a key piece of information: the fact the alleged perpetrator is a homosexual who lives with another “gay” man.

Frank Lombard, associate director of the Health Inequalities Program at the university’s Center for Health Policy, was arrested last Wednesday in Raleigh, N.C., for attempting to induce someone to cross state lines to engage in sex with the child, who is black.

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We’re All Homophobes Now: Letter to Marc Lamont Hill and FOX’s Red Eye

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

marc_lamont_hill.jpgTemple U. Professor Dr. Marc Lamont Hill (left), a frequent guest on FOX News, believes Americans are “homophobic” because most still don’t like to see homosexuality (compared to heterosexuality) on TV or the big screen. We say Prof. Hill should get off his liberal high horse and stop lecturing Americans for their normal reaction to unnatural and immoral behavior. Lamont can’t change his blackness, while many ex-“gay” men and women have left their old homosexual life behind. In the Fall, Lamont will move to Columbia University.

Folks, I sent the following e-mail to FOX’s late-night “Red Eye” host Greg Gutfeld, and cc’d to guests Marc Lamont Hill and Monica Crowley:

From:  Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
To:  Greg Gutfeld, host of FOX’s “Red Eye” []; (guest) Prof. Marc Lamont Hill; Monica Crowley (FOX commentator and also a guest on that segment)
Date:  March 30, 2009

Greg [Gutfeld] and FOX “Red Eye” Crew…

…. I caught the tail end of the segment on tonight’s Red Eye where Prof. Marc Lamont Hill was lecturing us about “homophobia” – comparing gay sexual content with straight sexual content. So, does the ever-expanding definition of that tendentious term now cover all those who don’t want to see two men kissing on TV, or those who recoil at two guys engaged in “gay” foreplay on the big screen? Then guess what: we’re all “homophobes” now except for a small percentage of homosexuals and straight “progressives.” (Note that use of the latter term is curiously conditional on labeling as “progress” the embrace of aberrant sex linked disproportionately to STDs, including HIV; the CDC reports that a full 71 percent of male HIV cases in 2005 were linked to MSM, or “men having sex with men”:

How condescending and pompous of Dr. Hill to peer into each of our hearts and minds and diagnose us with irrational fear (“phobia”). I didn’t see the rest of the segment — could you please post it online? — but please, please, don’t tell me that FOX is now joining the legions of pseudo-moralists who judge anyone who doesn’t celebrate homosexuality or cheerlead for “same-sex marriage” as somehow fearful, bigoted and hateful.

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Wright State University Bans Christian Group from Campus

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Campus Bible Fellowship wouldn’t accept ‘nondiscrimination’ language that undermines faith creed

wrightstate.gifWright Is Wrong. Wright State University has banned a Christian group in the name of “nondiscrimination.” Homosexual superior rights are incompatible with Americans’ cherished religious and First Amendment freedoms. TAKE ACTION: help the Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) defend liberty on campus by e-mailing Wright State University President David R. Hopkins at to let him know what you think about Wright State’s decision to ban the Campus Bible Fellowship.

Here is more evidence that historic American religious freedoms and homosexual “superior rights” (masquerading as civil rights) are incompatible. Activists on the left love to decry “book banning” but they are the ones doing the “Christian banning” — at least on college campuses. We’ll be happy to report those pro-homosexual activists who join us in decrying this assault on religious liberty in academia. FIRE and Campus Bible Fellowship are wonderful organizations worthy of your support. — Peter LaBarbera,


March 2, 2009

Wright State U. Bans Christian Group from Campus

Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) Press Release

DAYTON, Ohio, March 2, 2009—Wright State University has banned a Christian group from meeting on campus because of its requirement that voting members be Christian and its refusal to accept “nondiscrimination” language that would eliminate faith-based standards for its voting members. In response, the Campus Bible Fellowship has turned to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help.

“A Christian group has the right to be Christian, a Jewish group has the right to be Jewish, and a Muslim group has the right to be Muslim,” said FIRE President Greg Lukianoff. “Courts have affirmed this principle time and time again. It is shocking that in a free society, public universities like Wright State still don’t seem to understand or respect this crucial component of religious liberty.”

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Book — One Man, One Woman by Dale O’Leary

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

dale_oleary_book-2.jpgI’ve only read a couple chapters of this book, which I should have read when it came out in 2007, but I heartily recommend Dale O’Leary’s One Man, One Woman: A Catholic Guide to Defending Marriage, for anyone needing to become conversant in the arguments in defense of marriage and God-ordained (which is to say normal) sexuality.

This book is a must for any social conservative’s library. (Order it HERE.) I’ve known Dale for over a decade, and few in the pro-family movement have demonstrated the diligence, courage, dedication and intelligence that she has in answering the various propaganda myths and lies emanating from the radical feminists and their homosexual and gender-confused (“transgender”) allies. Here is a typically sensible quote from One Man, One Woman (p. 217):

It’s true that human beings can be weak, selfish, and sinful, and not every married couple will be good parents. But a male/female married couple nonetheless has built into it all the things children need for healthy development: a mother and a father to fulfill parenting roles and to model gender identity; a vowed bond of permanent commitment between two persons with sexual complementarity; and freedom from the stigma and distractions that accompany “experimental” family forms.

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PFOX: Help Place Ex-Gay Books in Your Local Library

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

preventing_homosexuality_amazon.JPG carries Joe Nicolosi’s book, A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality; does your local library?

The following appeal was sent out by PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays). Americans For Truth will be working with PFOX and other pro-family groups and ministries to attain — at the very minimum — balance in the selections that libraries carry on the homosexual issue. There is no logical or common sense reason why taxpayer-funded public libraries should make available every latest “gay”-affirming book — including those designed to open up young minds to the false and dangerous notion that homosexuality is normal — while NOT carrying faith-based and ex-“gay” books that oppose a pro-homosexual ideology. — Peter LaBarbera


Ex-Gay Books in Your Library

Please ask your county, school, or city library to order ex-gay books. Many public libraries have book order forms on their website which allow you to request specific books for the libraries to buy. Most local libraries stock gay books, but not ex-gay books. According to the American Library Association, libraries cannot support censorship and a librarian’s professional code requires them to seek out books that represent a wide range of viewpoints. Below is a letter from a PFOX Dad on how to ensure that your local library is not censoring ex-gay books:

Dear Parents and Friends,

Good day to you all and thank you for taking the time to read this letter. It is of critical importance, not only to us as parents and friends, but to all the families that are affected by SAME SEX ATTRACTION (SSA) to get involved with helping others.

Recently, while looking at our public library website for something totally not related to SSA, my wife pointed out all the pro-gay information on the local library web site. After some diligent searching, it became apparent there was little to no information on unwanted SSA. Material on how homosexuality originates was absent. Any resources to help people overcome their SAME SEX ATTRACTION were also absent.

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Can Homosexuals Change to Heterosexuals? Masters & Johnson Said Yes

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

steve_and_irene_bennett.jpg Steve Bennett, a former homosexual, and his wife Irene, with their two beautiful children, are a wonderful testimony to the possibility of healthy change for homosexuals. So if we already know that men and women can leave homosexuality behind, why isn’t this phenomenon studied in the academy? What are “queer” activists and liberal researchers afraid will be discovered?

Check out this fascinating nugget from a near-three-decades-old Time Magazine article on (pro-“gay”) sex researchers William Howell Masters and Virginia Johnson. Note the high success rate of homosexuals seeking change. This begs the question: why isn’t the potential for change for homosexuals studied in the academy today, or the environmental factors common in the development of homosexual identity? Instead, all we hear about are studies — many funded through taxpayer dollars — seeking to prove that homosexuality is genetic.

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