Biblical Truth

Yes, AFTAH ‘Discriminates’ …

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

AFTAH banquet’s Married Couples Discount not available to counterfeit homosexual “marrieds”

New York City homosexual activist blogger Jeremy Hooper (right) and his boyfriend/"husband" can attend AFTAH's banquet Saturday, but they will not get our $50 Married Couples Discount, even though they went through a legal "marriage" ceremony in Connecticut.

When:  Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010; 6:00 PM; doors open at 5:30.

Who/What: Pastor Ken Hutcherson, keynote speaker. Catering by Maggiano’s Little Italy. Hutch is founder of the “Mayday for Marriage” rallies, a former NFL linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys and Seattle Seahawks, and pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, WA. [More info on Hutch HERE.] There may also be a testimony by a former lesbian who now helps others change through the Gospel of Christ.

Where:  Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

Tickets:  $75 per person (after Nov. 8) and at the door. Married couples discount (one man/one woman only!): $100 per couple, no matter when you sign up.  Pay online at Or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Pastors attend FREE; sponsor a pastor with your extra gift of $50!


Yes, AFTAH Discriminates…in Favor of Real Marriage

By Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:

Dear Readers,

It struck me yesterday as I was reviewing my recent e-pitch for our AFTAH banquet — this Saturday, Nov. 13th at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights — that I wasn’t quite clear about the “discriminatory” intent of our invitation. Well, I wouldn’t actually use that word, but our fanatical homosexual activist opponents certainly would. You see, AFTAH is offering a Married Couples Discount for the banquet of $100 per married couple – a savings of $50 off the cost for last-minute registrants (and those at the door), who normally would have to pay $75 per person (or $150 per couple).

Here’s what I forgot to mention in the e-mail: our Married Couples Discount is available only to legitimately married couples (one man, one woman) – not homosexual “couples” playing house and pretending to be “married” as they practice a changeable and destructive lifestyle that defies their loving Creator and mocks the bedrock institution that they’ve politically appropriated in the name of “equality.”

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AFTAH Banquet Sat., Nov. 13th: Hutch Will Inspire You — to Be a Better Christian, and a Better Citizen!

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

Dear Readers,

Our nation just had a momentous election in which many politicians who were pro-homosexuality and pro-abortion were thrown out. Still, our work defending God’s Truth will only become more important after a new Congress is sworn in.  So why not get energized on Saturday, Nov. 13 by coming to the Americans For Truth banquet at Christian Liberty Academy in Arl. Heights, IL, to hear our keynote speaker, Pastor Ken Hutcherson?  “Hutch” will psych you up to stand boldly for Truth in the Culture War — but more important than that, he will motivate you in your spiritual life to pursue godliness through Jesus Christ!

EARLY SIGN-UP DISCOUNT: Tickets for the banquet are $75 per person (after Nov. 8) and at the door. Married couples (one man, one woman only!) get a discount and can attend for $100 per couple. Please RSVP to and let us know you are coming — or that your pastor is coming for free.  You can make your gift online at  or send your check to: Americans For Truth, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

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LISTEN: Part Two – AFTAH Interview with D.L. Foster

Monday, November 8th, 2010

D.L. Foster, founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch (

Part Two of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with D.L. Foster, founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch ( This pre-taped interview aired Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010. Part Three will air this Saturday at 11:00 on WYLL-Chicago (AM 1160). Foster and LaBarbera discuss the Republican landslide that swept the GOP into control of the U.S. House of Representatives. They also note the stunning vote in Iowa denying retention to three state Supreme Court judges who voted to legalize homosexual “marriage” in that state. LaBarbera compares the arrogance of liberal congressional leaders to that of homosexual activists like Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign — who recently declared — in a column attacking Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council — that homosexuality is not sinful.

“The arrogance of homosexuality is part and parcel of its sin,” says Foster. He says he does not let strident opposition from homosexual activists divert him from his calling before God to expose the false “gay Christian” movement and to speak the truth in love to homosexuals. LaBarbera and Foster affirm that staying principled on social issues like abortion and homosexuality transcends party politics, and warn that many Christians will abandon the GOP if it fails to defend the truth on those issues.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

11-6-10, Pastor D.L. Foster, All

LISTEN: Part One – AFTAH Interview with D.L. Foster of Gay Christian Movement Watch

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

D.L. Foster, ex-homosexual and founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch (

This AFTAH interview — the first of three parts — with D.L. Foster, founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch, which defends the Bible’s teachings on homosexuality — aired October 30, 2010. Foster lived as a homosexual for 11 years before he found Jesus Christ (or rather, Christ found him) and he left the homosexual lifestyle. He just celebrated his 18th anniversary and has five children. Though many “gay” activists claim people like Foster don’t exist — or never actually were “gay” — his story is a compelling one of radical and lasting transformation away from homosexuality.  Foster’s heartwarming testimony of his providential encounter with God occurs toward the end of the program. Foster also describes his childhood, the moment as a teenager when he decided he was “gay,” and his promiscuous, unsatisfying life as a “gay” man serving in the military. — Peter LaBarbera 

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

10-30-10, Pastor D.L. Foster, All

Dude, Obama: Here are Some Less Hip Questions We Wish Jon Stewart Had Asked You on the Daily Show

Friday, October 29th, 2010

President Obama degraded the Office with liberal Stewart’s help 

Barack Obama may be setting new highs when it comes to presidential appointments of People Practicing Homosexuality (PPH) in his administration — already more than 150, according to AP — but he’s setting new lows everywhere else. Yesterday, leftie Comedy Central “anchor” Jon Stewart referred to the Commander-in-Chief as “dude” in the course of his half-hour interview with Obama. (Obama is the first president to appear on the show.) 

Read liberal Washington Post writer Dana Milbank’s slam on Obama and his appearance (“On Comedy Central, the joke was on President Obama Wednesday night”) HERE, and watch the “dude” reference in context starting at about 1:45 on Part 3 of the videos of the Daily Show interview HERE.

I agree with this comment responding to a YouTube critical of Obama’s Daily Show disaster: “Obama has diminished himself so many times enough already that even liberals don’t treat? him with presidential respect.” We at AFTAH are not nearly as cool as Jon Stewart, and don’t have anything approaching his cultural sway (especially with young people), but here are some questions and comments we wish he would have delivered to the Dude-in-Chief:

  • Dude, stop undermining our military by using illegal means to homosexualize it (under the existing law that only Congress can change, homosexuals are barred from serving in the Armed Forces; see; 
  • Dude, abortion is the murder of an innocent life; stop promoting it and don’t make taxpayers subsidize it;
  • Dude, aren’t you trashing the Defense of Marriage Act and the Constitution by granting via Executive Order marriage-type benefits to homosexual “spouses“?;
  • On the same point: dude, you really pulled the wool over America’s eyes (and Rick Warren’s…) with all that talk in the 2008 campaign about how you believe marriage should be preserved as between a man and a woman. If that were true, why didn’t you use your Bully Pulpit to criticize the homosexual activist judge who recently single-handedly overturned California’s Proposition 8 — even though this marriage-defense amendment had passed in a statewide referendum?
  • Read the rest of this article »

Researcher Confirms Cameron Hypothesis: Children of ‘Gay’ Parents More Likely to Identify as ‘Gay’

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

No surprise here, except that an academic has the guts and integrity to report findings that challenge “gay” activist propaganda. Parents are role models for their children. Homosexual parents are more likely to have children who identify as homosexuals (like their “moms” or “dads”…). Duh. Note that try as he might, Schumm could not invalidate the hypothesis of Family Research Institute founder Paul Cameron — whom “gay’ activists and their fellow travelers have gone to considerable lengths to demonize.

Now we anticipate a coming attempt to discredit Schumm from “authentically Christian” Grove City College’s Special Professor for the Advancement of Ugandan Homosexual Rights Warren Throckmorton (see our posts HERE and HERE, and Lifesite’s post HERE). The latter is vying with Jim Wallis and Andy Marin (Marin Foundation) for the dubious distinction of being the Homosexuality Lobby’s leading evangelical Useful Idiot. (Here’s a good post, albeit by a socialist, on Useful Idiots, a phenomenon that “implies cynicism, contempt and manipulation, and has Stalinist roots,” according to the author. Also see the late New York Times columnist and wordsmith William Safire’s take on it HERE.) — Peter LaBarbera,


LifeSiteNews reports [to sign up for LifeSite’s daily updates, go HERE]:                                                           

Children Raised by Homosexual Parents More Likely to Identify as Gay: Study

By Kathleen Gilbert, LifeSite, first published Oct. 25, 2010

MANHATTAN, Kansas, October 25, 2010 ( – A study due out next month has found that children raised by homosexual parents are far more likely to identify as homosexual themselves.

Walter Schumm, a family studies professor at Kansas State University, told AOL News that he questioned the conviction – ironclad in both popular culture and the academic world – that parents could not influence their children’s sexual orientation, while being able to influence so many other aspects of their lives.

“I just want to know the truth about something,” he said.

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LISTEN: Part Three – Interview with Ken Hutcherson

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Here is Part Three of our interview with Pastor Ken Hutcherson — the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s annual fundraising banquet Saturday, Nov. 13. This aired on Oct. 23. (Click HERE to listen.) Hutcherson describes how he was harassed by pro-homosexual activists after he took a stand against the promotion of homosexuality in local schools. Death threats and vandalism in his neighborhood — this is what happens to a man who takes on the “tolerance” movement to normalize homosexuality. But “Hutch” remains undeterred and says effective pro-family advocates are known by their enemies. Hutcherson also discusses how his church would treat unrepentant homosexuals. Go to the AFTAH Radio Hour Archive page HERE for Part One and HERE for Part Two to listen to the other two segments of this interview.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

10-23-10, Dr. Ken Hutcherson, All

Kudos to Manchester Union-Leader for Rejecting Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Notice

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

Two men or two women cannot get "married" truthfully before God any more than they can produce a child on their own. Homosexual "marriage" may be legal in some states and nations, but it will always be immoral in the eyes of God. This graphic was adapted from the website of "gay" blogger Jeremy Hooper (pictured at right;

By Peter LaBarbera,

The Manchester Union-Leader in New Hampshire — which has a long and storied history of defending conservatism — has rejected publication of a “marriage” announcement for a male homosexual couple (who are going through a “marrage” ceremony today). [Editor’s Note: AFTAH always puts homosexual “marriage” in quotation marks because — although “same-sex marriage” is legal in New Hampshire —  two men cannot “get married” before God any more than they can produce a child on their own.]

TAKE ACTION: The Union-Leader is now being attacked by pro-homosexuality activists. Contact the Union-Leader HERE. The following is Publisher Joseph McQuaid’s statement: 

This newspaper has never published wedding or engagement announcements from homosexual couples. It would be hypocritical of us to do so, given our belief that marriage is and needs to remain a social and civil structure between men and women, and our opposition to the recent state law legalizing gay marriage.

That law was not subject to public referendum and the governor (John Lynch) who signed it was elected after telling voters that he was opposed to gay marriage. Indeed, in no state where the public has been allowed a direct vote on the subject has gay marriage prevailed.

We are not “anti-gay.” We are for marriage remaining the important man-woman institution it has always been.

While the law sanctions gay marriage, it neither demands that churches perform them or that our First Amendment right to choose what we print be suspended. In accordance with that right, we continue our longstanding policy of printing letters to the editor from New Hampshire citizens, whether or not they agree with us.”

–Joseph W. McQuaid Publisher

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