“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

VIDEO: Watch Progressive Bakers’ Reaction to Ted Shoebat’s Request to Make Anti-‘Gay Marriage’ Cakes

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Folks, I know we’re three weeks into 2015, but these videos get my award for the smartest pro-family activism of 2014. Congrats to Theodore Shoebat–the son of ex-radical-Muslim-turned-Christian Walid Shoebat–for exposing the hypocrisy of homosexual activists, or at least those who would force Christian and moral-minded small businessmen to violate their conscience in the name of “gay equality.” Watch it on YouTube HERE.

Shoebat asks pro-homosexual bakeries to make anti-homosexual “marriage” cakes (that say, “Gay Marriage Is Wrong”) and watch what happens. And for the record, AFTAH completely supports the right of bakers of any political or religious persuasion to refuse to bake cakes that convey ideas with which they disagree. It’s called Freedom. Of course, that includes Christian, Orthodox Jewish or Muslim bakers who are asked to celebrate homo-sexual immorality (e.g., “Gay Pride”) and counterfeit, sodomy-based “marriage.”  This is Part 1, and Part 2 follows after the jump; they were published December 12, 2014.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


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LISTEN: ‘Crosstalk’ Interview: Peter LaBarbera Recaps LGBTQ News from 2014

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015
Retail giant Walmart's foray into subsidizing homosexual activism was one of the biggest AFTAH stories of 2014.

Walmart’s “Gay Pride”: Retail giant Walmart’s foray into subsidizing homosexual activism was one of the biggest AFTAH stories of 2014. See AFTAH story HERE.

This radio show featuring VCY America’s Jim Schneider interviewing AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera is an excellent recap of 2014. It aired on VCY’s “Crosstalk” on December 29. 2014. Click on the link below to listen to the 50-minute program. The Crosstalk description follows the link (you can click the “Order” link provided to purchase CD copy of the show):

Listen: Crosstalk America-Jim Schneider & Peter LaBarbera,Year In Review-LGBTQ Issues,12-29-14 (50 min)


Crosstalk Show Information

Air Date: December 29, 2014

Host: Jim Schneider

Guest: Peter LaBarbera

Listen: MP3|Order

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

This Crosstalk began with news that on December 22nd, a judge issued a ruling in a case involving Peter who was arrested while protesting with Bill Whatcott at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan. Peter was put in jail for one night and charged with criminal mischief. The charge was thrown out in the recent ruling. [See AFTAH article HERE.]

Jim then updated listeners with a statement from the pro-homosexual organization known as the Human Rights Campaign as they looked back at 2014. Peter followed up by noting that what the homosexual community couldn’t pass through the people, they attempted to obtain via the courts.

As the program continued, Jim had Peter comment on the following:

  • Same-sex divorce;
  • The increasing acceptance of polyamory; 
  • The push for special rights for transgender individuals;
  • The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA);
  • Homosexual bakers refusing to bake cakes for Christian weddings;
  • Support for alternative family lifestyles through the product known as Tylenol and LGBT support from Walmart [see AFTAH story HERE];
  • Tim Cook at Apple references God to justify his homosexuality [see AFTAH stories HERE and HERE]; 
  • The Obama FDA and their desire to modify the homosexual blood donor rules;
  • The arrest of homosexual activist (and Human Rights Campaign and Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund co-founder) Terry Bean for allegedly sodomizing a 15-year-old boy;[see AFTAH stories HERE]
  • The LGBT influence in sports.

Jeb Bush Earns ‘Gay’ Praise for Urging Respect for ‘Rule of Law’ as Activist Judge Overthrows Florida’s Traditional Marriage Amendment

Thursday, January 8th, 2015
GOP Too "Anti-Gay"? Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush says Republicans come off as too "anti-gay."

Jeb Bush: GOP Too “Anti-Gay”: Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush worries that Republicans come off as being too “anti-gay.” He said Floridians need to “respect the rule of law” after a Clinton-appointed judge struck down the state’s marriage-protection amendment, passed by 62 percent of the Sunshine State’s voters in 2008.

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality


January 8, 2015

Contact: Peter LaBarbera, 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

It is becoming apparent that Jeb Bush is the favorite Republican Party presidential contender of the Washington Blade—D.C.’s “gay news source”–due to his politically-correct evolution on homosexuality and same-sex “marriage.”

The Blade and other liberal media report favorably every time the former Florida governor moves away from the conservative, pro-family, Republican platform defending marriage as between man and woman.

On January 5, the “gay” Blade happily reported that Bush “struck a softer tone” with his nuanced response to District Judge Robert Hinkle’s overthrow of Florida’s pro-natural-marriage amendment, which had passed with 62 percent of the vote in 2008. Here is Bush’s wishy-washy reaction to the Clinton-appointed judge’s outrageous overreach:

“We live in a democracy, and regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law…I hope that we can show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue – including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty.”

Rule of law? What rule of law?! Perhaps a few hundred thousand Republicans–of the 4,890,883 Florida voters who cast ballots to preserve the common-sense definition marriage–might demand an answer from Bush to this question:

“Why should we respect a judge’s ‘evolving-Constitution’ interpretation of the law when the same judge shows zero respect for We the People—as he arrogantly casts aside the people’s clearly expressed will against legalizing homosexuality-based ‘marriage’?”

Of course, such trivialities as rendering nearly five million Florida votes meaningless matter little to the “gay” Blade, whose reporter cooed:

“While [Bush’s] remarks don’t signal support for the right of same-sex couples to marry, they’re a shift in tone from comments the former Florida governor made to The Miami Herald in which he said states should decide the marriage issue. [Bush said:} ‘It ought to be a…state decision…The people of the state decided. But it’s been overturned by the courts, I guess.’”

A few weeks earlier, under the gushy headline, “Is Jeb a kindler, more gay-friendly Bush?” the Blade reported excitedly Bush’s complaint that Republicans come off as being too “anti-gay” (and anti-immigrant, etc.).

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2014 Was the Year Elitist Judicial Grinches Stole the People’s Vote on God-ordained Marriage Between a Man and a Woman

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

GrinchAFTAH News Release

December 31, 2014

By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; americansfortruth@gmail.com; 312-324-3787

The year 2014 in America saw an unprecedented overreach by the judiciary, with federal judges–contemptuous or at least dismissive of the people’s clearly-expressed will–striking down as “unconstitutional” popular state ballot measures preserving the age-old definition of marriage as between husband and wife.

Only an “evolving Constitution” could countenance so-called rights and “marriage” based on sexual deviancy. Legislators, not courts, change the law, and well into the 20th Century most states had laws on their books banning homosexual sodomy—once known as the infamous “crime against Nature.” To this day homosexual acts remain “against Nature,” hence their disproportionate association with sexual diseases like HIV and syphilis—which is why MSM (men having sex with men) is a red flag for blood donations.

Today’s judicial supremacists—with media sycophants in tow—don’t care that the United States Supreme Court has already established precedent in 1972 against using the Fourteen Amendment–designed to combat institutionalized racism left over from slavery–to legalize homosexuality-based “marriage.” The Supreme Court dismissed in an appeal of the Minnesota Supreme Court decision Baker vs. Nelson in which the majority wrote:

“[I]n commonsense and in a constitutional sense, there is a clear distinction between a marital restriction based merely upon race and one based upon the fundamental difference in sex.”  

The 2014 judicial avalanche in favor of radically redefining marriage to accommodate homosexual behavior exposes a key contradiction of the Left: on the one hand progressives bemoan voter-ID laws, arguing that these laws are purposely designed to make it harder for African-Americans and likely Democratic voters to cast a ballot.

On the other hand, “progressives” like those inhabiting the offices of the ACLU overwhelmingly support judicial negation of successful state constitutional amendments preserving marriage as between one man and one woman—in states like Utah, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma and Florida. Each of these court rulings imposing “gay marriage” disenfranchises millions of Americans on the issue.

Moreover, polls show that Black Americans are a strong demographic in support of traditional marriage. So effectively, to use Twitter-ese, liberals are saying that #BlackVotesMatter–except when it comes to popular state amendments rejecting homosexuality-based “marriage,” for which (millions of) #BlackVotesDoNotCount.

Sexual revolutionaries have cunningly have mastered the art of using government power through the manipulation of the law to legitimize their sin, in this case homosexual behavior–which God calls an abomination (“detestable”; see Leviticus 20:13) and a sin that can be overcome through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). So naturally the Left has exulted in the tendency of most courts to reject overwhelmingly popular ballot measures designed to protect the historic definition of marriage.

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AFTAH Adopts ‘LGBTQueer’ Designation to Replace ‘LGBT’ – Applauds Homosexual Task Force for Adding ‘Q’ to its Name

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

LGBTQueer_GraphicUPDATE: most major homosexual organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign, have now followed the Task Force in adding “Queer” to their group’s name or mission. — Peter LaBarbera, Oct. 2017

A Special Announcement from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Warning: Some descriptions of unnatural homosexual acts and an offensive photo



  • National Gay & Lesbian Task Forces becomes “National LGBTQ Task Force”
  • The “Q” stands for “Queer”
  • “Queer” is an appropriate catch-all term for the myriad of LGBTQ sexual and gender perversions, including extreme transgenderism (even for young children), polyamory and sexual sadism
  • What used to be called the”gay agenda” is getting ‘queerer’ every day. Confident of victory, homosexual groups like the National LGBTQ Task Force and Human Rights Campaign are aggressively pushing ever more radical agendas in the false name of “equality”–e.g., laws banning pro-heterosexual change therapy and taxpayer funding for grotesque transsexual “sex change” operations
  • AFTAH will use “LGBTQueer” to designate homosexual-bisexual-transgender-“queer” activist agendas


By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Recently, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)–the nation’s oldest homosexual activist organization–announced a name change to accommodate the never-ending permutations of out-and-proud “gayness” and gender confusion (our term for transgenderism). Their new name is “National LGBTQ Task Force” with the “Q” standing for “Queer”–a slang term once and sometimes still used against homosexuals that has been “reclaimed” by “gay” and “transgender” activists to defiantly describe their revolutionary movement.

“The new more inclusive name adds bisexual, transgender and queer to lesbian and gay in the form of LGBTQ,” the Task Force said in an October 8 press release. [Watch an accompanying Task Force video HERE.]

We at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) rarely have anything good to say about the Task Force–a far-left organization that maligns defenders of Judeo-Christian morality as “haters” and celebrates all kinds of sex and gender perversions, including “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual relationships) and sadomasochism. (Every year, the Task Force gives out a “Leather Leadership” award to honor its favorite sexual sadist.) However, in this instance we applaud the Task Force for taking a step toward semantic accuracy.

Above is the new logo of the grassroots leftist "gay" organization formerly known as the "National Gay and Lesbian Task Force." The "Q" stands for "Queer."

QUEER INDEED: Above is the new logo of the grassroots leftist “gay” organization formerly known as the “National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.” The “Q” stands for “Queer.” In addition to promoting homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism, the Task Force promotes a “Sexual Freedom” agenda that includes “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual unions) and sadomasochism.

Henceforth, Americans For Truth will use the descriptor “LGBTQueer” instead of merely “LGBT” or even “LGBTQ” for the homosexual-bisexual-transgender-queer movement. For example, whereas in the past we would have described Human Rights Campaign–whose founder and (former) Board Member Terry Bean was arrested recently for allegedly sodomizing a 15-year-old boy–as an “LGBT lobby group,” we will now describe HRC as an LGBTQueer lobby organization. (For the record: a 65-year-old man sodomizing a 15-year-old boy is well beyond “queer.”)

By writing out “Queer” in the acronym, we mean to accentuate how that word is the best catch-all term to identify a movement that increasingly embraces any and all types of sex- and gender nonconformity (e.g., “genderqueer” as a self-identity; look it up HERE). At the same time, we avoid the sterile acronyms–however long they become–that serve to hide the radicalism and desensitize us to the extreme nature of the expanding LGBTQueer agenda.

Think about it: how often do we think of homosexual activist groups championing “Bisexuality”–the “B” in LGBT–when we hear that politically correct acronym? Most people don’t consider the wisdom of promoting “bisexual” identities as normative to schoolchildren, yet that is certainly a part of the “LG-Bisexual-T” education agenda.

On the other hand, even though the most accurate thing we could do is to write out “Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer,” that is far too cumbersome for daily use. Even the modern Greek-Latin construct “homosexual” is unwieldy, especially when used as a noun, compared to the popular and oversimplistic term “gay.” And while most LGBTQueer activists despise the word “homosexual” as anachronistic and “homophobic” (another manipulative LGBTQueer invention), we at AFTAH have used it because at least the H-word reminds us that we’re talking about sexual misbehavior, not some innocuous “gay” identity.

The late Anthony Falzarano, a former homosexual, used to say: "We're here. We're EX-queer. Get used to it!" Somehow the LGBTQueer movement has room for all kinds of sexual/gender "diversity," yet it campaigns against EX-"gay" change.

NO DIVERSITY FOR EX-‘QUEERS’:  The late Anthony Falzarano, a former homosexual, turned around a defiant homosexual activist protest chant, by saying: “We’re here. We’re EX-queer. Get used to it!” Even as the “gay”/bi/trans movement makes room for all kinds of sexual/gender identities and fetishes under the rubric of  “diversity,” it campaigns viciously against EX-“gays”–even lobbying lawmakers to ban pro-heterosexual change therapy. The new Gay Task Force slogan is “Be you,” but LGBTQueer activists routinely dehumanize former homosexuals rather than accept and affirm their life and identity choices. See the testimony of another successful EX-“gay,” Christopher Doyle, HERE.

Homosexualism and gender rebellion are not about “civil rights” but rather the practice of engaging in, justifying and celebrating immoral and perverse behaviors–which we on the side of Nature and Nature’s God rightly understand are not the basis for inherent, healthy identities. Sinful and confused behavior patterns are changeable–as testified by the many happy and successful ex-“gays” like Christopher Doyle, who give the lie to the LGBTQueer myth that “being gay” is “who you are.”

As the late ex-homosexual activist and my friend Anthony Falzarano used to say, taking liberties with a “Queer Nation” chant:

“We’re here. We’re EX-queer. Get used to it!”

Thus “LGBTQueer” seems to strike the appropriate balance of being easy to use–while highlighting the reality that the aberrant “L,” “G,” “B” and  Transgender “T”–and whatever other letters of the alphabet are appropriated by Big Gay Inc to designate some new sexual/gender fad or fetish. They all fall under the rubric of “Queer” behavior, especially by historical Western, Judeo-Christian moral standards. AFTAH will encourage other organizations, leaders and blogs to join us in using and popularizing “LGBTQueer.”

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U.S. Sixth Circuit Court Upholds Traditional Marriage Laws in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee

Friday, November 7th, 2014
Judge Jeffrey Sutton

Judge Jeffrey Sutton. Read his decision upholding defense-of-marriage laws HERE.

The following release was put out yesterday by CCV Action, the legislative action arm of Citizens for Community Values. Finally, some good sense and humility out of a federal court on the same-sex “marriage” issue! [Read the full decision HERE.]  We reprint Judge Jeffrey Sutton’s words below because they represent such a stark contrast to those of other federal judges who, like so many “progressives” and judicial elitists, relish “making history” on homosexuality-based “marriage” even if it means invalidating millions of votes and disenfranchising millions of American citizens on this critical moral and social issue.

Judge Sutton said:

“Of all the ways to resolve this question, one option is not available: a poll of the three judges on this panel, or for that matter all federal judges, about whether gay marriage is a good idea. Our judicial commissions did not come with such a sweeping grant of authority, one that would allow just three of us—just two of us in truth—to make such a vital policy call for the thirty-two million citizens who live within the four States of the Sixth Circuit: Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee.”

The 2-1 majority decision continues:

“This case ultimately presents two ways to think about change. One is whether the Supreme Court will constitutionalize a new definition of marriage to meet new policy views about the issue. The other is whether the Court will begin to undertake a different form of change—change in the way we as a country optimize the handling of efforts to address requests for new civil liberties.

“If the Court takes the first approach, it may resolve the issue for good and give the plaintiffs and many others relief. But we will never know what might have been. If the Court takes the second approach, is it not possible that the traditional arbiters of change—the people—will meet today’s challenge admirably and settle the issue in a productive way?”

What a concept: let ‘We the People’ have our say on one of the most controversial issues of our time–rather than imposing a “solution” through the dubious application of laws and amendments intended to correct societal racism to reinventing marriage itself.

Congratulations to Phil Burress and CCV–and pro-family advocates in the other states–for all their hard work in defending marriage as what it is: a sacred union between one man and one woman. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH



Contact Phil Burress, President

By a 2-1 vote, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court has ruled that the marriage laws of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee do not violate the federal Constitution. Judge Jeffrey Sutton, joined by Judge Deborah Cook, wrote the majority opinion.

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Black Pastors Assail Equating Racial Discrimination to Quest for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Thomas More Law Center promises “game changer” in new “national strategy to defend traditional marriage”


SEXUAL IMMORALITY IS NOT A “CIVIL RIGHT”: Pastor Emery Moss (L.), Pastor Danny Holliday, and Evangelist Janet Boynes (a former lesbian) listen during Thomas More press conference announcing national strategy to defend marriage. Said Holliday: “We all know that the 14th Amendment was made because Black folk were considered as property. Gays have never been considered as property.”

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national, nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI held a press conference yesterday to reveal its national legal strategy to combat the slew of recent federal court rulings which have overturned state laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.


A Game Changer—Thomas More Law Center Reveals National Strategy to Defend Traditional Marriage

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, disclosed that a legal team has been formed to file friend-of-the-court briefs (amicus briefs) on behalf of a Coalition of African-American pastors and Christian leaders. The legal team consists of the Law Center’s senior trial counsel, Erin Mersino, and co-counsels William R. Wagner and John S. Kane of Lansing, MI.

Thompson explained, “In its briefs, the Law Center reflects the voice of a majority of African-Americans that discrimination because of one’s sexual preference is not the same thing as racial discrimination and that tradition and morality should not be discarded as a basis of the law; as the pro-homosexual judges have done in their opinions.”

Several pastors representing the African-American community spoke at the press conference, including Bishop Samuel Smith, and Pastors Danny Holliday and Emery Moss. Evangelist Janet Boynes, a former lesbian and a member of the group, also spoke. In eloquent and at times fiery words, they all defended the definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

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Fox News – and CNN, ESPN, CBS & NBC – Sponsor and Recruit at Biased ‘Gay Journalists’ (NLGJA) Convention

Friday, August 29th, 2014

AFTAH exclusive: FOX, CNN, NBC, CBS, ESPN fund conference where mainstream journalists heard highly partisan, pro-“gay” presentations

Fox News recruiting table at  homosexual journalists (NLGJA) convention.

Recruiting Homosexual Journalists: Fox News’ recruiting table at homosexual journalists (NLGJA) convention, at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The event featured one-sided presentations by speakers in favor of “gay rights,” with no countervailing advocates of traditional morality. To read Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth 2013 report for America’s Survival, Inc., on the NLGJA’s long record of advocacy and Fox News’ emerging pro-“gay” bias, go HERE. Click on photos to enlarge. Credit: AFTAH.org


By Peter LaBarbera

CHICAGO–As it has year after year, Fox News Channel served as a major sponsor of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association (NLGJA), providing a $10,000 grant for its 2014 annual convention, which recently concluded here (August 21-24). The conservative-leaning network also recruited at the homosexual journalists event.

Fox signed on as a “Feature Sponsor” for the convention–which included several one-sided presentations in favor of homosexual and transgender activist goals, and zero speakers advocating against LGBT goals such as the legalization of same-sex “marriage.” I attended a day and a half of the three-day conference, which was held at the swank Palmer House Hilton hotel in the downtown Loop. As in the past, NLGJA organizers allowed me (a critic, and not a homosexual journalist) to attend, but only after paying a “non-member” registration fee ($330/day).

Other media and corporate sponsors of the event included: CNN; CBS; ESPN; Comcast-NBC; Bloomberg; Gannett; Coca-Cola (the largest sponsor at $25,000); JetBlue airlines; Eli Lilly & Co.; Toyota; Nissan and the homosexual lobby organization Human Rights Campaign.

A natural bias?

Proud 'Gay' Christianity? Openly homosexual Lutheran (ELCA) Bishop Rev. Dr. Guy Erwin (far left) and former Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson (second from right) pose for photo following their presentation at the NLGJA convention. Robinson, who gained international fame as the first openly homosexual bishop of a major Christian denomination, criticized Christians who do not wish to participate in homosexual "weddings." Robinson said there is something "profane and sacrilegious" about "religious people arguing for the right to discriminate." No opposing orthodox Christian viewpoint was included on the panel.

Proud ‘Gay’ Christianity? Openly homosexual Lutheran (ELCA) Bishop Rev. Dr. Guy Erwin (far left) and former Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson (second from right) pose for photos following their joint presentation at the NLGJA convention. Robinson, who gained international fame as the first openly homosexual bishop of a major Christian denomination, criticized Christians who do not wish to participate in homosexual “weddings.” He said there is something “profane and sacrilegious” about “religious people arguing for the right to discriminate.” No opposing orthodox Christian viewpoint was included on the homosexual journalists association panel.

What I found at the Chicago conference is what I have observed at every other NLGJA convention I have attended in the last two decades: the natural bias that one would expect from an organization whose members view homosexuality personally and mainly through a “civil rights” prism.

The prevailing viewpoint at the conference–surely shared by most secular media professionals these days–is that “gay, lesbian and transgender” journalists are a legitimate sexual (or gender) “minority,” not unlike racial and ethnic minorities, deserving solicitous attention in newsrooms. That would include allowing LGBT journalists to guide coverage on homosexual-bisexual-transgender stories in culture and politics.

Even the NLGJA panel on religion and “gay rights” was bereft of a traditionalist perspective, while the two openly homosexual speakers—former Episcopal Church bishop V. [Vicky] Gene Robinson and new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA) Bishop Rev. Doctor Guy Erwin—were heralded in the program as leaders of “this next wave of the civil rights movement.”

Both Revs. Robinson and Erwin compared opposition to homosexuality and Christian businessmen’s principled refusal to participate in “gay weddings” to racist bigotry (see below).

Perhaps it is asking too much of “mainstream” journalists who consider homosexuality part of their intrinsic identity (“who they are”) to cover LGBT-related issues impartially. Nevertheless, intellectual diversity and ‘opposing’ viewpoint inclusion—the watchwords of this conference and pro-LGBT advocacy in general—were in short supply at the NLGJA convention. That is a peculiar and glaring deficit for a profession that ideally is supposed to cover “both sides” of controversial issues.

To quote the famous Fox News’ slogan: the NLGJA religious panel was hardly “Fair and Balanced” regarding the controversial question of (pro-) “gay Christianity”: who could argue that openly homosexual bishops advocating for rights based on homosexuality is not a divisive issue?

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