“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Gary Glenn – Part Two

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

This is Part 2 [click HERE to listen] of our 4-part interview with Gary Glenn, president of American Family Association of Michigan [see Part 1 HERE]. It was pre-taped and aired Feb. 6, 2011. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Glenn discussed how “sexual orientation” laws are inherently discriminatory against people of faith and anyone who opposes homosexuality. Glenn ticks off case after case of Christians and moral organzations like the Boy Scouts being victimized by pro-homosexual “sexual orientation” laws. Glenn also holds a mini radio “Truth Academy” on the proper mindset for pro-family work — urging activists not to use defensive language that suits the Homosexual Lobby’s debate frame but rather to put homosexual activists on the defensive by “telling the truth” that the “homosexual agenda itself discriminates against people.” Glenn and LaBarbera agree that the idea of “civil unions” as a supposed compromise is a non-starter — noting how the concept was regarded as “radical” in Vermont just a few years ago, while today leading liberal elites easily jump from backing “civil unions” to “gay marriage.”  Glenn also discusses school bullying laws, urging an approach that protects ALL students without “segregating” them by singling out “sexual orientation.” 

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-5-11, Gary Glenn

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt – Part Two

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

Chaps Klingenschmitt

Part Two of our  interview with “Chaps” Gordon Klingenschmitt of the Pray in Jesus Name Project. This was pre-recorded and aired Jan. 22,  2010 on WYLL-AM 1160 in Chicagoland. This is the second of a two-part interview; click HERE to listen to Part One. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Chaps discuss the next steps in the debate over “homosexualizing” the U.S. military — following the lame-duck congressional repeal of the ban against homosexual servicemembers. They discuss the prospects of Republicans in Congress making a serious move to thwart or reverse the implemtation of the new plan to open up the Armed Forces to open homosexuals. Chaps also rebuts left-wing accounts that accuse him of deceit in his public efforts as a then-Navy chaplain to “pray in Jesus’ name.”

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

1-22-11, Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt

Obama’s Attitudes on Homosexual ‘Marriage’ ‘Evolving’ — God’s Remain the Same

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

AFTAH in the news: Obama “man without a biblical conscience”

President Obama talks with The Advocate, a magazine for homosexuals.

By Peter LaBarbera

It’s the Christmas holiday — the perfect time for President Obama and his veep, Joe Biden, to move closer toward the embrace of so-called “marriage” based on an unnatural sexual sin, right? Nothing like a little pandering to Homosexual-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transsexual activists to profane the Holy Season! (Read the president’s recent interview with the homosexual magazine The Advocate HERE, in which he says his “attitudes are evolving” on homosexual “marriage.” As for Biden, he calls same-sex “marriage” “inevitable”; see One News Now story featuring AFTAH below; listen to it by clicking on the audio button at the top right HERE.)

Evolving? Please. Did you know that in 1996 Obama explicitly came out FOR “same-sex marriage” in a candidate questionnaire? See my article HERE on Obama’s homosexual “marriage” doublespeak. For him, it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” and “how” he gets there — and his homosexualist allies know it. But he’s slick: I still get mad thinking back to how Obama conned Rick Warren during the presidential debate with McCain — gaining bogus “pro-marriage” credentials with gullible Christians who had no clue as to how committed to homosexuality this mysterious man from Chicago really was.

Of course, from a Truth and moral formation perspective — Obama’s “evolving” views on homosexual “marriage” are worth about as much as Pee-Wee Herman’s. But Obama is our president, and he can and already is using his significant power to erode the meaning of marriage in our culture — promoting sexual sin in the guise of compassion and “rights” (and abortion-on-demand as a “reproductive right”). Make no mistake, this self-described “fierce” advocate of civil unions — fresh from his victory in homosexualizing the U.S. military — is sold out to the homosexual cause, including oxymoronic homosexual “marriage.” He will advance it any way he can — beginning with the evisceration of DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act, signed into law by Bill Clinton).

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Listen Online: AFTAH Interview with Dave Smith on the ‘Civil Unions’ Vote in Illinois

Monday, December 13th, 2010

IFI Executive Director Dave Smith got lied to by a few "pro-family" legislators who caved on Civil Unions in Springfield.

This interview with David Smith, Executive Director of Illinois Family Institute (IFI), aired Dec. 11, 2010 [click HERE to listen]. Smith was lobbying in Springfield against the “Civil Unions” bill successfully pushed by the Democratic leadership in the House and Senate, and by Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn. (See the Civil Unions roll call in the Illinois Senate and the House.) Smith describes how supposedly pro-family legislators reneged on their “No” pledge as they caved under the tremendous pressure that the Democratic leadership brought to bear on legislators. Several politicians who had indicated they were against Civil Unions switched their vote — as House Speaker Mike Madigan and Quinn wheeled and dealed to secure passage of legislation that constitutes a giant step toward recognizing “same-sex marriage” in the Land of Lincoln. (Madigan and Quinn are “cafeteria” Catholics who disregarded the Illinois Catholic Conference’s strong opposition to the bill.) 

AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera comments on the lone Senate Republican who voted to pass Civil Unions: Sen. Dan Rutherford, who was just elected Illinois Treasurer. He notes that Rutherford’s alleged homosexuality is a fairly open secret (or widely suspected) among the state’s Republican activists. In 2005, LaBarbera, then executive director of IFI, challenged Rutherford — who (mis)represents a conservative, rural district in central Illinois –to be forthright and honest about his sexual behavior, after Rutherford made his first major pro-homosexual vote (a pro-homosexual “sexual orientation/gender identity” bill). Rutherford avoided the question. Smith and LaBarbera also note the pathetic GOP opposition to Civil Unions in the state House — with just two Republicans rising on the floor to speak against the bill.

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Illinois Legislator: ‘They Bought Passage of Civil Unions Bill’

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Vanden Bosch describes arm-twisting by Democratic leader Madigan in Springfield

Rev. Bob Vanden Bosch

Folks, Rev. Bob Vanden Bosch of Concerned Christian Americans is a minister and veteran full-time pro-family lobbyist in Springfield, Illinois. Below are his accounts of the “lame duck” Civil Uions votes in the Ilinois General Assembly. Here are Rev. Bob’s two reports on the Civil Union votes in the House and Senate; note the ridiculous analogy to Jim Crow laws in the second article. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


It’s Getting Dark in Illinois!

By Rev. Bob Vanden Bosch, Concerned Christian Americans, published 12/1/10

It is said of Jesus in John 1:5, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” It is getting darker in Illinois. Today the Illinois Senate passed the Civil Unions bill (SB 1716) by a vote of 32-24 with 1 member voting present, and another absent. Much of what was done to pass this legislation was done in darkness.

This morning, I talked to a Democratic House member who voted No on SB 1716. He had tears in his eyes as he said, “Bob, they bought the passage of that bill.” Yesterday [Tuesday], Governor Quinn was running House members in and out of his office to pass the bill out of the House. Today [Wednesday], Governor Quinn was running Senate members in and out of his office. Both days, Governor Quinn was on the floor as the bill was voted on in the House and the Senate.

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Illinois House Passes ‘Civil Unions’ after Massive Democrat Push — only Two Republicans Stand in Opposition

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

House Speaker Mike Madigan, a Catholic, used his considerable power to advance the homosexual agenda in Illinois by successfully pushing for a "civil unions" bill -- even though the state's Catholic Conference urged opposition to the bill.

The following e-Alert was sent out yesterday prior to the House vote. Pathetically, only two downstate Republicans, Rep. Dave Reis (Olney) and Rep. Ron Stephens (Greenville), rose on the floor to speak against this bill — which that takes a giant step toward government promotion of homosexuality in Illinois. Good for Reis and Stephens, and bad for the IL-GOP, which continues to live down to its reputation as one of the weakest Republican parties in the nation when it comes to actually fighting for the conservative GOP Platform.

We hear from a key pro-family lobbyist in Springfield that some “pro-family” legislators lied about their voting intention — saying they would vote against “civil unions” and then caving like cowards under the pressure of Mike Madigan’s and the Democrats’ lobby campaign. Now the vote goes to the Illinois Senate. TAKE ACTION: call your state senator at 217-782-2000 (see below for more info).

And so Illinois, dominated by Chicago and its corrupt Democratic machine, continues its moral descent. Land of Lincoln? In name only, as Abe Lincoln — whom some very troubled homosexual activists have tried to smear as a homosexual (it’s easy when the targeted victim is deceased) — actually revered the Bible, and thus surely respected its moral teachings — including the sinfulness of homosexual behavior and all sex outside of marriage. 

Here is a PDF with the House vote tally, and Illinois Family Institute’s initial story on the vote. And here is the Chicago Tribune story in which the reporter seems surprised that Stephens linked the embrace of homosexuality to the decline of American civilization. No, I’m afraid America is not “special” in that regard: every advance of homosexualist legislation strengthens a powerful perversion movement that ingeniously plays the victim while promoting acceptance of its pet sin in the name of “civil rights.” Aren’t you tired of politicians like Madigan who ignore the teachings of their own church because they presume to be smarter than God?  — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


AFTAH’s e-Alert sent out Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010:

Dear Illinois Readers,
TAKE ACTION TODAY!  If you are an Illinois resident and care about marriage, it is imperative that you make your voice known NOW about the “Civil Unions” bill that liberal Democrats are pushing in the lame-duck session in Springfield!  A vote could come today, tomorrow or at any time before the new session if they extend the lame-duck Veto Session.  Call your state legislators at 217-782-2000 (find them here: www.ilga.gov or use your your zip code to find them here: www.congress.org; or call IFI at 708-781-9328 and get the information).  Dem power-brokers like Rahm Emmanuel, Lisa Madigan, and her powerful father Mike Madigan are lobbying hard to pass Civil Unions.  They are cutting deals to get votes for this bill (S.B. 1716) — so “We the People” must act now to defend real marriage and resist their pro-“gay” machinations! 

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Yes, AFTAH ‘Discriminates’ …

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

AFTAH banquet’s Married Couples Discount not available to counterfeit homosexual “marrieds”

New York City homosexual activist blogger Jeremy Hooper (right) and his boyfriend/"husband" can attend AFTAH's banquet Saturday, but they will not get our $50 Married Couples Discount, even though they went through a legal "marriage" ceremony in Connecticut.

When:  Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010; 6:00 PM; doors open at 5:30.

Who/What: Pastor Ken Hutcherson, keynote speaker. Catering by Maggiano’s Little Italy. Hutch is founder of the “Mayday for Marriage” rallies, a former NFL linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys and Seattle Seahawks, and pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, WA. [More info on Hutch HERE.] There may also be a testimony by a former lesbian who now helps others change through the Gospel of Christ.

Where:  Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

Tickets:  $75 per person (after Nov. 8) and at the door. Married couples discount (one man/one woman only!): $100 per couple, no matter when you sign up.  Pay online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate. Or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Pastors attend FREE; sponsor a pastor with your extra gift of $50!


Yes, AFTAH Discriminates…in Favor of Real Marriage

By Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:

Dear Readers,

It struck me yesterday as I was reviewing my recent e-pitch for our AFTAH banquet — this Saturday, Nov. 13th at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights — that I wasn’t quite clear about the “discriminatory” intent of our invitation. Well, I wouldn’t actually use that word, but our fanatical homosexual activist opponents certainly would. You see, AFTAH is offering a Married Couples Discount for the banquet of $100 per married couple – a savings of $50 off the cost for last-minute registrants (and those at the door), who normally would have to pay $75 per person (or $150 per couple).

Here’s what I forgot to mention in the e-mail: our Married Couples Discount is available only to legitimately married couples (one man, one woman) – not homosexual “couples” playing house and pretending to be “married” as they practice a changeable and destructive lifestyle that defies their loving Creator and mocks the bedrock institution that they’ve politically appropriated in the name of “equality.”

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LISTEN: Part Two – AFTAH Interview with D.L. Foster

Monday, November 8th, 2010

D.L. Foster, founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch (www.gcmwatch.com).

Part Two of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with D.L. Foster, founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch (www.gcmwatch.com). This pre-taped interview aired Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010. Part Three will air this Saturday at 11:00 on WYLL-Chicago (AM 1160). Foster and LaBarbera discuss the Republican landslide that swept the GOP into control of the U.S. House of Representatives. They also note the stunning vote in Iowa denying retention to three state Supreme Court judges who voted to legalize homosexual “marriage” in that state. LaBarbera compares the arrogance of liberal congressional leaders to that of homosexual activists like Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign — who recently declared — in a column attacking Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council — that homosexuality is not sinful.

“The arrogance of homosexuality is part and parcel of its sin,” says Foster. He says he does not let strident opposition from homosexual activists divert him from his calling before God to expose the false “gay Christian” movement and to speak the truth in love to homosexuals. LaBarbera and Foster affirm that staying principled on social issues like abortion and homosexuality transcends party politics, and warn that many Christians will abandon the GOP if it fails to defend the truth on those issues.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

11-6-10, Pastor D.L. Foster, All

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