“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

AFA Takes on Newsweek’s Shameful Distortion of the Bible to Shill for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Lisa Miller twists Scripture as media seek to discredit Prop 8

newsweek_shills_for_counterfeit_marriage.jpg At right is a Newsweek graphic for its new, scandalous hit piece in support of homosexual “marriage.” It appears the magazine’s Religion Editor, Lisa Miller, is now a theological expert — declaring that — contrary to 2,000 years of Church history — the Word of God actually supports homosexual “love” and thus same-sex “marriages.” Albert Mohler takes Miller’s piece apart HERE. Readers might also check out Professor Rob Gagnon’s website to learn what the Bible really says about homosexual practice.

American liberal media bias is out of control. Somebody get Newsweek’s religion editor, Lisa Miller, a job with the “gay christian” (small “c”) activist group Soulforce, where she belongs. Kudos to Albert Mohler for refuting her nonsense. And once again, American Family Association (AFA) provides a valuable service by helping Americans confront liberal media bias — in this case, Miller’s embarrassing attempt t0 make a Biblical case for sodomy-based “marriage.” — Peter LaBarbera


AFA sent out this E-Alert:

Take Action! 
Send an e-mail to Newsweek telling Newsweek you are disappointed with its distorted interpretation of scripture.
Forward this e-mail to your friends and family. They need to see how the media distorts scripture to support same-sex marriage. Ask them to send the e-mail to Newsweek.  Call CEO Thomas E. Ascheim at 212-445-5245. Please be polite.
If you subscribe to Newsweek, cancel your subscription and tell them why.


Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.

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Hollywood Humbugs Mock Jesus and Prop 8 Voters Just in Time for Christmas

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Don’t look for the video mocking Muhammed and marriage any time soon

Gosh, I think Jesus Christ might be reconsidering his endorsement of the divine institution of marriage now that actor Jack Black (playing Jesus in the blasphemous video below) thinks it’s wrong to prevent two guys from getting hitched. I mean, after all, Black is the star of “School of Rock”; what greater cultural authority do we need than that? (Oh, I forgot: Ellen DeGeneres is also mad at Prop 8 — well that settles it: God is wrong!)

Here we have anti-religious bigotry and Hollywood snobbery at its worst. There are a lot of things funnier than this video, but one of them is the idea that a bunch of spoiled Hollywood actors have any moral authority on right vs. wrong, Christian truth, marriage, etc.  Note how money (alleged “gay” tourist $$$ for homosexual “weddings”) tops transcendent morality in the video. We’ll deal with the silly shellfish canard later. — Peter LaBarbera

Another Limerick – Tolerance for Me But Not for Thee

Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Here’s another AFTAH limerick:

“Tolerance for me but not for thee!”
That’s the “queer” way, can’t you see?
All that yelling and screaming
Christian Right-haters teeming
Can “Gay” America preserve liberty?

Well, our entry into the world of poetry predictably was met with some “gay” responses — many of which were ad hominem. (The Left lives in Ad Hominem.) You can read a couple entries from New York City “queer” blogger Jeremy Hooper below or more on this left-wing pacifist site. Pray for young Jeremy: he’s sort of stuck in that liberal “Mean People Suck” rut, wondering if Prop voters were “cruel, mean or sick” — as if defending Judeo-Christian tradition and marriage is about being mean or demented. (All those mean-spirited, crazed African Americans in California who just don’t understand ‘civil rights’…How dare you stray from that liberal plantation!)

I suppose, by extension, those in Jeremy’s camp hold that: 1) traditionalists like the many supporters of Americans For Truth are either misreading the Bible (even though we follow the ancient teachings of churchmen through the centuries); or that: 2) God Himself is a big meanie. Of course, they can’t come right out and say that God Is a Mean Homophobic Bigot (although some do), so instead most pro-“gay” ideologues go for Option 1 and — if they’re not simply dismissing “organized religion” — attempt to radically redefine the Bible and Christianity itself to accommodate their homosexual/bisexual/transgender/“genderqueer”/[insert rebellious sexual/gender preference HERE] lifestyle.

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Gay Parent Dan Savage on Homosexual ‘Three-ways’ and Nonmonogamy

Friday, December 5th, 2008

dan_savage.jpg PERVERTED PARENTING: Homosexual sex-columnist Dan Savage — one of the nation’s leading proponents of homosexual adoption — says he and his “husband” Terry have twice engaged in sexual “three-ways” with another man. (That was Savage writing in 2004: maybe there have been other shared perversions since.) But Savage — always the responsible parent — writes, “We’ve never done anything, nor would we ever do anything, that would put our child at risk.” What a comfort.

The excerpts below are from Dan Savage’s 2004 essay, “What Does Marriage Mean?” in Salon.com. Savage and his homosexual ‘husband,” Terry, have adopted a child, which he recounts in his book, “The Kid: What Happened after my Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant.” We’ll leave it to the psychoanalysts to study Savage’s apparent need to rationalize his perverted practices as a parent by pointing to Bill Clinton and heterosexual couples who are also nonmonogamous. — Peter LaBarbera

____________________Dan Savage writes in Salon (emphasis and headers added):

Rare Three-ways

“Have you ever cheated on Terry?” she [a friend] asked me.

I looked at [Savage’s homosexual partner (“husband”)] Terry and made my “am I allowed to answer this question truthfully?” face. He nodded his head to one side, making his “if you must” face.

“Sure, I’ve cheated on Terry,” I said, after checking to make sure the kids were all out of earshot. “But only in front of him.”

She laughed and looked at me, then Terry, then me again. Were we joking? I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn’t a joke. I had “cheated” on Terry — but only in front of him, only with his permission, only with someone we both liked and trusted, only when we were in one city and our son was in another. So, yes, we’ve had a three-way — actually we’ve had a couple, and while three-ways barely register on the kink-o-meter anymore, they’re considered the absolute height of kink for people like us — for parents, I mean, not for gay people. As parents we’re not really supposed to be having sex with each other, much less have sex with someone else.

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Limericks on Prop 8

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

There once were some people called “gay”
Who were used to getting their way.
They lost on “queer marriage,”
Then set out to disparage
Churches, and make Mormons pay.


“Down with Prop 8!”
Angry “gays” said it was all about “hate.”
Their hypocrisy uncanny,
They roughed up a granny
As for liberal court activism they wait.

— by Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com

Happy ‘Thanksgiving Gay’ from the Homosexual Task Force

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

Challenge to homosexual activists: prove ‘gay marriages’ are ‘equal’ to the real deal

rea_carey2.jpgALL GAY, ALL THE TIME: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force leader Rea Carey urged fellow homosexuals to promote “gay marriage” to family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday. Carey is wrong: homosexual unions are NOT equal to real marriage — as proven by the fact that homosexual couples cannot produce children without help from heterosexuality.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

I suppose if you are a pro-homosexuality activist, there’s never a time that’s not appropriate to promote the acceptance of your lifestyle. In the e-message below, the new head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund, Rea Carey, presses her group’s followers to turn Thanksgiving into a persuasive moment for homosexual “marriage” and same-sex “equality.” If only Christians were this “evangelistic”!

Carey’s letter is wrong and troubling on many levels. First, note how she chalks up as a Task Force “accomplishment” that the California Supreme Court is reviewing a ballot amendment voted in by the citizens of that state on November 4. The Task Force spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to defeat Prop 8 and lost — even after the California Attorney General changed the ballot language to make it more favorable to the homosexual side. Now the Task Force and other “gay” organizations are fighting democracy itself and undermining the integrity of a statewide vote. If they prevail and a few judges overturn the people’s expressed will, there will be a constitutional crisis in California that reverberates across the country.

Second, let’s address the misleading “gay” mantra of “equality.” Carey and fellow LGBT activists — and straight fellow travelers like libertarian Margaret Hoover (who masquerades as a conservative commentator on FOX) — like to plead for “marriage equality” for homosexuals. But it is easy to demonstrate that whatever homosexual “marriages” are, they are NOT equal to natural, God-ordained marriages. For one thing, there is the simple, indisputable fact that same-sex unions cannot produce children on their own. They can acquire children only with the help of heterosexuality and procreative-enhancing science, but they can’t reproduce or “have children,” as homosexual activists like to say. In contrast, normal marriages produce children and families without any help from homosexuality.

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Prop 8-Related Crimes

Friday, November 28th, 2008

The Associated Press and Salt Lake Tribune report the following highlights of Proposition 8-related crimes and incidents:

  • Lansing, Mich. » Services at an evangelical church were disrupted by members of an extremist group called Bash Back! An affiliated group claimed it poured glue into the locks of an LDS [Latter-Day Saints] church building near Olympia, Wash., and spray painted its walls. [Note: we went to a Bash Back! website and apparently there is a dispute over whether the Washington attack occurred and if so, whether it had a connection to the lesbian/anarchist group that carried out the Michigan church assault–AFTAH];
  • Riverside, Calif. » Forty to 50 signs supporting Proposition 8 were found arranged in the form of a swastika on the front lawn of a Roman Catholic church.
  • San Luis Obispo, Calif. » Vandals poured adhesive on a doormat, key pad and window at two LDS churches and peppered a nearby Assembly of God church with eggs and toilet paper.
  • Sacramento » Ten area church buildings were vandalized, according to The Sacramento Bee.
  • Orangevale, Calif. » An LDS chapel sign and walkways were tagged with the phrases, “No on 8” and “hypocrites.”
  • Arapahoe County, Colo. » The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a case of a Book of Mormon that was set on fire and left burning on an LDS church’s doorstep as a bias-motivated arson.
  • Wasatch Front » More than seven LDS churches have had glass doors shattered, six of them by BB gunshots.
  • LDS temples in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles » The temples, along with a Catholic Knights of Columbus printing press in Connecticut, all received packages with white powder substances in the mail.
  • Syracuse » A Syracuse Junior High seminary was evacuated after a mysterious letter was sent to the building
  • Weber State University » A plastic plant was lit on fire inside a Weber State University Institute building after an evening talk given by LDS Apostle Elder Boyd K. Packer.
  • Farmington » Farmington police are looking for a person who spray painted “Nobody is born a biggot” (sic) on a concrete wall outside an LDS church.
  • A Torrance, Calif.» A man is charged with a felony hate-crime assault for allegedly using an anti-gay marriage lawn sign to attack a gay man wearing a “No on 8” button
  • San Jose, Calif.» Police were called to a house in the southern part of town after homeowners reported their garage had been spray-painted with “No on 8” messages. The homeowners had signs on their lawn supporting the measure
  • Sacramento suburb » Police arrested three teens after finding 53 stolen “Yes on 8” signs in their car
  • Salt Lake City » A man reported his lawn sign, opposing the LDS church’s role in politics, was set on fire outside his home near 900 East and 900 South

Cartoon — Hate on BOTH Sides?

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

To watch the YouTube video of the Palm Springs news broadcast that inspired this cartoon by the Culture and Media Institute, see our story, “Homosexual Protesters against Prop 8 Engulf Elderly Woman, Stomp on her Cross.” Be warned: the video automatically launches when you click on the page, and will only shut off when you close the page. Note the male anchorman who attempts to sum up the story with his silly “both sides” comment.


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