“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

WATCH: Video of Walkout at Sinclair Community College Proves Professor Kate Geiselman Lied in Salon Hit-Piece

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
Tweet by Sinclair Community College professor Kate Geiselman, who made up a quotation by speaker Peter LaBarbera to make him look like an angry "homophobe."

LYING PROF DOUBLES DOWN: April 17 tweet by Sinclair Community College professor Kate Geiselman, who made up a preposterous “effing” quotation by guest speaker Peter LaBarbera to humiliate him and make him look like an angry “homophobe.” LaBarbera said “effing” only to relay to the audience that one of its members had angrily used the real F-word to attack his speech. Pro-family attorney Charles LiMandri has written Geiselman and Salon Magazine to demand an apology and retraction. 

In this post:

  1. 2-minute video of Sinclair Community College professor-led “walkout” [begins at :16 point of video];
  2. Part One and Part Two of YouTube videos of Peter LaBarbera’s talk at SCC, sponsored by the Traditional Values Club;
  3. Copy of April 24 web post by SCC professor Rebecca Morean on Salon.com, backing up the “effing” lie told by fellow SCC prof Kate Geiselman in her Salon hit-piece against LaBarbera;
  4. Go HERE to read AFTAH attorney Charles LiMandri’s letter to Geiselman and Salon.com demanding a public retraction and apology.


Dear AFTAH Readers,

Refuting a leftist lie is hard work, but it must be done.

Below is the video of the Sinclair Community College walkout on my speech at the Dayton, Ohio college April 9, 2014–provided by the Traditional Values Club, which sponsored the talk. As you can see, the professor-led walkout began right after I started speaking–and ironically, after I had commended the audience for demonstrating true tolerance by listening to a dissenting viewpoint!

Note that I did not come even close to uttering the quotation absurdly attributed to me by SCC writing professor Kate Geiselman in the liberal online magazine Salon. Geiselman accused me (the “antigay bigot” in the headline) of responding recklessly to the walkout: “You’re leaving? Are you ‘effing’ [substituting for the F-word] kidding?”

Below is a transcription of my remarks at the podium as the professor-led walkout begins–painstakingly produced by pro-family writer Gina Miller [see Miller’s excellent piece on the controversy on Barbwire.com HERE]:

“I suppose this is a walk-out. Well, this is, this is what I say, not, not even people willing to hear from the other side. I think this is, this is regretful. [heckler interjects F-word] ‘Your message is ‘effing’ garbage,’ that guy just said. Yeah, yeah this is a shame, but, well, those of you who remained are exhibiting true tolerance… I mean this is—this is the Left in action; I’m sorry. You know, tolerance for me but not for you. Don’t even want to hear a viewpoint. That’s their right, and I just think it’s immature…”

[See my attorney Chuck LiMandri’s letter demanding a retraction and apology from Geiselman HERE.]

Constructing a bogus narrative

Honestly, I think the admittedly hard-of-hearing Geiselman heard me say “effing”–I was merely relaying a barb from a man in the audience who hurled the real F-bomb to denounce my talk–and then used that to concoct a bogus narrative casting me as the angry “homophobe.” Later, Professor Rebecca Morean, who can be seen leading the walkout in the video below, repeated the Geiselman’s lie [see graphic at bottom of this article]. Morean has boasted about her role in the walkout.

What these politicized professors–who greatly dishonor their noble profession–fail to appreciate is that real tolerance and diversity were on display at their college that day, between conservatives like me and the few liberals (including some students) who did not take part in Morean’s cowardly exercise in leftist groupthink. We went back and forth on the homosexual issue, and perhaps emerged with the same views with which we came–but also with greater understanding of the other side’s position. In other words, we had a civil, lively, yet respectful discussion at an institution of higher learning. Imagine that. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Read the Traditional Values Club’s description of their YouTube video of the professor-led “walkout” below. The walkout begins at :16 point of video; notice Prof. Morean standing up and signaling the mass exodus:


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VIDEO: Starbucks Mother’s Day Ad Says Two Lesbian ‘Moms’ Are Better Than One

Monday, May 12th, 2014
Are two lesbian moms better than one? Apparently Starbucks and Oprah think so.

Are two lesbian moms better than one mom–especially one raising children with her husband and their father in the home? Apparently Starbucks and Oprah think so.

TAKE ACTION: E-mail Starbucks online HERE [or starbucksstore@starbucks.com] or call 877-421-9062.

For Mother’s Day Starbucks released the commercial below, voiced by Oprah Winfrey and hawking a new “Oprah Chai” tea. The ad celebrates all sorts of moms–including the “two moms are better than one mom”–shown with the affectionate lesbian “moms” at right and the “M’s” in “MOM” in what I suppose is an alphabetic homoerotic embrace (see :24 point in ad). [Watch ad on Starbucks YouTube page HERE.]

Messages like this no long shock a post-Christian America shaped in part by decadent corporations pandering to the highly organized LGBT lobby. Starbucks already has sold its corporate soul (is that an oxymoron?) to the homosexual agenda. Its executives made that clear in 2012 when they defiantly rebuffed a boycott threat by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and affirmed that support for homosexual “marriage” is a “core” Starbucks value.

The NOM “Dump Starbucks” boycott that followed seems anemic two years later (only 68,200 pledges)–but Starbucks [877-421-9062] remains a plump target for a more effectual and better organized boycott. Let’s face it: finding substitutes for overpriced yuppie coffee is pretty easy. We’ll see what happens, but one thing is certain: Starbucks execs are not backing down in their support of sexual sin and they surely aren’t acting like they fear the consumer power of mobilized religious conservatives.

As for the content of the ad, Oprah and Starbucks are dead wrong: Two lesbians “moms” are NOT better than one mom–especially one raising children with her husband and their father in a real marriage. And if higher numbers are better, wouldn’t three or four lesbian moms be best? We used to take it for granted that kids do better with a married mother and father, but now that’s a point of contention and marriage itself is being radically redefined. The reality is, this liberal social engineering is bad for kids: Kansas State professor Walter Schumm confirmed “[Paul] Cameron’s (2006) hypothesis that gay and lesbian parents would be more likely to have gay, lesbian, bisexual or unsure (of sexual orientation) sons and daughters.”

As for single moms, our hearts go out to the many women who find themselves struggling to provide for their children with no dad in the house. But at least in most cases, single moms did not set out to deny their kids a father–just as single straight dads–unlike homosexual two-“dad” households–did not intentionally create motherless homes. And unlike those snuggling Starbucks lesbians in the ad below, single moms are not modeling deviant and immoral behavior condemned by God to their innocent children. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Indiana Election Update: Huge Wins, Vindication for Social Conservatives – Is Mike Pence Listening?

Friday, May 9th, 2014
Grassroots pro-family conservatives in Indiana have complained that Gov. Mike Pence--a potential presidential candidate for the GOP in 2016--did not use his office effectively to help push through an amendment protecting the sanctity of marriage as one-man, one-woman.

Taking Social Conservatives for Granted? Some leading Indiana grassroots, pro-family conservatives have complained that Gov. Mike Pence (above)–a potential GOP presidential candidate in 2016–did not use his office more boldly and effectively to help push through an amendment, HJR 3, that would preserve the sanctity of marriage as one-man, one-woman in Indiana.

Congratulations to Micah Clark, the Indiana Family Association, and all Indiana pro-family and pro-life conservatives for their resounding victories on Election Day! Gov. Mike Pence, here’s the bottom line: are you listening to the people of your state, or the ‘liberal-tarian’ or “moderate” Republican elites and left-leaning media pundits inside the Beltway? The latter’s tired mantra to “avoid the social issues” is–like so much that goes on in Washington, D.C.–out of touch with the GOP’s grassroots conservative base. Yes, we needed this good news! — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

This article is taken from AFA-Indiana e-newsletter, May 7, 2014:


Huge Wins for Conservatives; Vindication in Primary Results

By Micah Clark, Executive Director, Indiana Family Association

[The May 6, 2014 Indiana] primary election was as close to an across the board sweep as you will ever see in politics. Republican voters finally got their chance in a few state legislative districts to express their anger over the failure of the GOP-dominated statehouse to pass a marriage protection amendment [HJR 3]. If only there had been more conservative challengers in legislative races where establishment Republicans had voted for the unraveling of marriage.

In addition, incumbents targeted for their defense of social conservatism won as well. You may recall when Rep. Bob Morris stood alone under immense criticism for pointing out that the Girl Scouts of America’s national organization had grown closer and closer to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. The establishment loathes conservatives whom they cannot control and Bob is one of those. In spite of a misguided high-profile pro-life endorsement of his pro-homosexual “marriage” opponent, Bob won the primary re-election yesterday.

Likewise, same-sex “marriage” supporters targeted Rep. Milo Smith, who chaired the committee that passed HJR 3 on to the House floor after Representatives Torr, McNamara and Leonard blocked it in the House Judiciary Committee. Liberals, who claim to support homosexuals, viciously “outed” Rep. Smith’s son–trying to personally hurt the Smith family and Milo’s re-election. Milo’s challenger was an executive with Cummins Engine, a key proponent of homosexual “marriage” in Indiana. Yet, when all was said and done, even in the sometimes more moderate Columbus area, Smith won with 59 percent of the vote.

The House author of HJR 3, Rep. Eric Turner, was tarnished with an ethics investigation that the media covered extensively. Yet, when he was exonerated of any wrong doing last week, the media coverage was incredibly thin. (Pro-same-sex “marriage” Republican legislators may have leaked his privately speaking about a bill upon which he did not even vote.) Rep. Turner also won with 59 percent opponent who had ironically called Turner’s authoring of HJR 3 “an abomination.”

The biggest victories for conservatives came in northern Indiana where the Chair of the House committee on Family and Children, Rebecca Kubacki, was trounced nearly 2-1 by her opponent. She had voted against the marriage amendment after previously campaigning as “a Catholic who would defend marriage” when first elected. She then seemed to lie about the entire process the amendment went through. Curt Nisely hammered Kubacki on her voting record, which included votes against natural marriage, against religious freedom for church childcare ministries, and for the Common Core.

Nearby, Rep. Kathy Heuer in Whitley and Allen Counties lost big as well for the same three issues. Chris Judy, an outstanding candidate, surprised even his own team by winning 60% of the vote, even handily defeating Heuer in her home county. Not even an endorsement from the Governor helped Rep. Heuer, in fact, it may have hurt her. (More on that later.)

The third establishment candidate mutually targeted by pro-family activist groups, including the AFA of Indiana PAC was Rep. Casey Cox. He was gifted with a three-way primary in which both candidates split the protest vote that came mostly from our radio exposure of Casey’s flip-flop in support for homosexual “marriage.” Even though neither of his opponents did any mail or radio, Cox ended the night with less than 50 percent of the vote in a race that he should have easily won with his significant money and campaign staff advantages.

Yesterday’s primary also saw the selection of two outstanding pro-family newcomers to the State Senate who should win their Republican districts this fall. The first is Liz Brown in Fort Wayne who replaces the retiring state Senator Tom Wyss. The other newcomer is Jeff Raatz in Richmond who won in the seat of retiring Senator Allen Paul. Jeff Raatz will bring a good perspective on education, charity and family with his work with New Creations Ministry for troubled teens.

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Sexual Revolution Slippery Slope: Higgins on Throuples, Twincest and Remembering

Thursday, May 8th, 2014
Twincest Rights?

DEVIANCE BEGETS DEVIANCE: We should not be surprised that the ongoing “Sexual Revolution” breaks down one taboo after another. This altered photo (minus the “perversion” graphic) of “twincest” men Elijah and Milo Peters–brothers who once appeared together in “gay” porn–ran in a homosexual website called the “Gayest Blog of All Time.” The writer, Jonny McGovern, attempts to redefine incest to accommodate homosexuality by claiming, “Obviously with 2 men no one is going to get pregnant so again, legally speaking, 2 brothers/twins having sex together is NOT incest.”

By Laurie Higgins

This essay was first published by Illinois Family Institute, 5-7-14

Remember what the world has taught.

Remember the days when homosexual activists told the soothing lie that all they sought was tolerance — the freedom to be left alone to engage in homoerotic acts in private?

Remember when they mocked conservatives into humiliated silence for their warnings about the unctuous slope from tolerance to approval to same-sex mock-marriage?

Remember when they said that legally recognizing same-sex unions as marriages would not lead to anything other than an America with uber-strong marriages?

Remember when they said homoerotic attraction and activity per se are analogous to skin color?

Remember when they said that sexual complementarity is extrinsic to marriage, but the number of partners is intrinsic and, therefore, will remain in the legal definition of marriage?

Remember the indignation they would express when conservatives compared the moral status of homoerotic activity to that of consensual adult incestuous activity?

Remember these deceits as you see what’s next on our darkening horizon: throuples and twincest.

  • Three young women, Doll, Kitten, and Brynn, had a commitment ceremony last August in Massachusetts to solemnize the addition of Doll to the union of the legally “married” Brynn and Kitten. The “brides,” apparently enamored of tradition, wore white dresses and veils and were escorted down the aisle by their foolish fathers. This is 34-year-old Brynn’s third faux-marriage to women, which points to the instability of same-sex relationships. Even more tragic, the youngest member of the “throuple” is reportedly pregnant via a sperm donor.
  • In the January issue of Italian Vogue, twin brothers Juan and Cesar Hortoneda appeared in a series of homoerotic nude photos shot by infamous 67-year-old bisexual Abercrombie and Fitch photographer, Bruce Welb;ijber.The Hortoneda twins, however, are not the first twins to appear in homoerotica. Weber also photographed identical twin brothers Kyle and Lane Carlson in a series of nude photos. And then there are Elijah and Milo Peters, Czech twins who appear in homoerotic porn together and who in 2010 announced they were in a romantic relationship. Twincest is a tragically appropriate image to represent a culture that worships the autonomous self. If you’re feeling shocked, just know that your shock is nothing more than a culturally constructed provincial prejudice. Elijah and Milo love each other. Isn’t that all that matters? Surely siblings in love should be able to “marry.” While we’re in the business of jettisoning archaic marital detritus, shouldn’t we jettison the criterion regarding blood kinship? Shouldn’t we further “expand” the elasticized definition of marriage? Should sibling couples (or “throuples”) be denied their equal “rights?” Shouldn’t courageous sibling couples have access to all the benefits historically accorded to sexually complementary unrelated couples?

Now remember some of the reasons we’re in this cultural miasma.

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Michigan Homosexual Group ‘TC Equality’ Tells Horrific Lie About Scott Lively and AFA

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

‘Gay’ group gets country and motive wrong in crude attempt to smear Christians


ANOTHER LGBT LIE: This web post by a Traverse City, Michigan homosexual group (TC Equality) gets it totally wrong by attributing a gruesome vigilante murder-by-fire of a criminal in Kenya to alleged “anti-gay” activity in Uganda. Then it blames such violence and murders on Scott Lively and the American Family Association. AFTAH added ** Misinformation** to this graphic. Click to enlarge photo.


Folks, I’m dealing with an outrageous lie told by Sinclair Community College writing prof Kate Geiselman, who fabricated the “effing” quote attributed to me by in the headline of her recent Salon column on my speech (click HERE)]. But that pales in comparison to the monstrous falsehoods regularly used to defame my friend Scott Lively, an international pro-family, Christian advocate and leading critic of homosexualism who is nothing–nothing–like the evil “gay” activist caricature of him.

This sophomoric slam on Lively by Traverse City Equality  is one of the worst and crudest LGBT lies I’ve ever seen. But hey, for the LGBT Left, the end justifies the means, right? Also, please pray that Scott soon will be freed of the harassing and equally absurd “Crimes Against Humanity” lawsuit against him brought by homosexual and left-wing activists. The release below is a good short history of some the nasty attacks against Scott over the years. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Scott Lively’s release follows:



For Immediate Release

Contact: Dr. Scott Lively, 413-250-0984


“Gays” Smear Pastor Lively and AFA with Horrific Murder Hoax

Springfield, MA. Pastor Scott Lively of Abiding Truth Ministries and the leaders of American Family Association (AFA) are today demanding a retraction and apology from a Traverse City, Michigan homosexual activist group called TC Equality which has published a horrific photograph on the Internet of an African man being burned to death while a crowd of people including young children look on. TC Equality stated that this photograph depicts the beating, stoning and murder of a Ugandan homosexual man “for being gay” and placed the blame for this murder upon Lively and AFA for “promoting violence against gay and lesbian people around the world.” This photo and message was apparently circulated by email and posted on Facebook, with an urgent plea to “Please share this alarming picture so the world can know.”

However, the gruesome picture was actually taken in the Kibera slums of Kenya and the man in question was an accused mugger and thief killed by a vigilante mob stirred up by his victims. It had nothing to do with homosexuality, Pastor Lively or AFA. Furthermore, the allegation that Pastor Lively and AFA have promoted violence against homosexuals is an absolute fabrication without a shred of truth behind it. http://kevinaloo.wordpress.com/2013/05/23/crime-in-kibera/

“This is the most disgusting piece of libel by the LGBT community that I have ever seen, and I‘ve seen a lot of it” said Lively, who was at one time the California director of AFA. “It is as evil and Satanic as the murder that it misrepresents. What kind of sick minds exploit such a horrific tragedy to implicate innocent people just because they oppose their political agenda?”

Sadly, this in not the first time that the LGBT community has defamed Pastor Lively by accusing him of inciting murder. In early 2011, Ugandan “gay” activist David Kato was beaten to death with a hammer in Kampala by his “gay” lover, Enoch Syudney Nsubuga. However, the global “gay” activist network portrayed the Kato murder as a “homophobic hate crime” inspired by Pastor Lively’s preaching against homosexuality there in 2009. They continued to perpetuate this hateful myth even after Nsubuga, a male prostitute whom Kato had bailed out of jail to be his live-in lover, confessed to the crime and was sentenced to thirty years in prison for it.

So intent have the “gays” been in smearing Lively with false charges that they filed a federal lawsuit against him in 2012 for “Crimes Against Humanity” based almost entirely on the Kato incident — omitting the truth about Nsubuga even to the federal judge!! And on the day of filing the action, a group of them marched to Pastor Lively’s church in a “funeral procession” carrying a giant black cardboard coffin bearing a large photo of David Kato.

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VIDEO: America’s Survival TV – LaBarbera and Kincaid Discuss Hollywood Homosexual Pedophile Scandal and Canada ‘Hate’ Politics

Saturday, April 26th, 2014
Michael Egan

Michael Egan

This interview with America’s Survival President Cliff Kincaid aired on AS’s Roku channel April 24, 2014. In discussing homosexuality and pedophilia, Kincaid references a video by homosexual Walter Lee Hampton complaining about seeing so many homosexual men in thir 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s in sexual relationships with minor boys [go HERE to view]. At about 17:45 the discussion shifts to LaBarbera recounting his run-in with Canada’s homosexuality-affirming “hate” politics, culminating in his arrest for protesting peacefully with Bill Whatcott at University of Regina, in Satchatchewan. [Go HERE to watch this on YouTube.] America’s Survival writes:

Pedophiles Exposed! Peter LaBarbera on Gay Media Power

The mother of the alleged victim of a powerful Hollywood pedophile ring says she tried for years to interest the media in the story. Michael Egan’s mother Bonnie Mound said, “I wrote every news channel, every magazine, every talk show host, everybody, from Oprah to ‘20/20‘ to ‘60 Minutes‘…. Nobody wanted to do anything because of the high-profile people involved.” Although Egan attorney Jeff Herman said the suits are not about homosexuality, but rather pedophilia and child abuse, Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth notes that the founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a communist who supported the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). LaBarbera was recently arrested and jailed in Canada for distributing pro-family values literature on the campus of the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada.

New Ohio Poll Finds Declining Support for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Thursday, April 24th, 2014
Phil Burress

Phil Burress

Here is a new survey that cuts through the media-manufactured hype that the battle over homosexual “marriage” is over and that legalized same-sex “marriage” with popular support is “inevitable” across the United States.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA)


April 14, 2014

Contact: Phil Burress, Chairman, Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA)

New Poll Shows Decline in Support for Same-Sex Marriage

A new independent poll of 405 registered Ohio voters confirms a decline in support for same-sex marriage in Ohio. The poll was commissioned by Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA) and conducted during the week of March 31 – April 3.

Highlights of the poll show:

1) Only 33% of respondents are certain they would vote to allow marriage between two people of the same sex. Correspondingly, 52% of people are certain to vote to keep marriage as only between one man and one woman.

2) 55% do not think it is necessary to have another vote this year on homosexual marriage

3) On the question, “Do you personally agree or disagree that marriage should only be between a man and a woman?”  56% agreed and 34% disagreed, with 9% don’t know/no response.

4) 89% of those polled are either absolutely (66%) or very likely (23%) to vote.

“These are the kind of numbers we saw prior to the 2004 vote when Ohioans passed Issue 1, the Marriage Amendment, with nearly 62% of the vote,” said Phil Burress, CCVA Chairman. “I believe this return to pre-2004 polling numbers is a direct result of the open hostility and bullying being experienced by citizens and people of faith who hold a natural or traditional view of marriage.”

“Like Ohio, voters in 31 out of 34 states have voted with margins as high as 60-80% to recognize marriage as only between one man and one woman,” Burress stated. “The shockingly intolerant decision by Federal Judge Black to invalidate the clear will of more than 3.3 million Ohio voters is egregious. It’s another example of homosexual activists using sympathetic judges and the courts as a blunt instrument to force a redefinition of marriage and family on the people of Ohio. It seems clear that when advocates of ‘marriage equality’ cannot convince the people and win at the ballot box, they resort to the courts and judicial fiat. But it’s also clear that most Ohioans still understand that natural marriage has no equal.”

“We believe Judge Black’s decision will be overturned – as it should be – by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit,” Burress concluded.

The survey, attached HERE, was conducted by QEV Analytics among registered Ohio voters with at least nominal voting history.

AFTAH Flier on Homosexual Health Risks – Is All Love ‘Equal’? – Passed Out at Canada U-Regina Protest

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

Facts show that Nature discriminates against homosexual behavior

UPDATES: 1) On December 22, 2014, LaBarbera and Whatcott were found innocent of criminal “mischief” by a Canadian judge who affirmed their right to disseminate information at the U. of Regina; see this article with a PDF link to the ruling.

2) Adjusted fact point on Anal Cancer (Endnote 7): our original flier apparently contained a direct citation from the book HIV Essentials about anal cancer that was called to our attention as potentially misleading: “The incidence of anal cancer in gay men is approximately 80 times that of the general population.” To avoid any confusion, we have replaced it with this citation by the CDC: “Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men” [see this 2014 CDC fact sheet]. The 80-percent figure was taken from HIV Essentials 2013 (Sixth Edition), by Paul E. Sax , Calvin J. Cohen, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, [(Jones & Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA, 2013), p. 132; Amazon book link HERE.] We have substituted the CDC source link for the HIV Essentials link in Endnote 7:


The following is adapted from a one-page flier passed out by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at an April 14, 2014 protest at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada [see this excellent video commentary by Canadian pundit Brian Lilley]. At the protest. led by Canadian pro-family/pro-life activist Bill Whatcott, both he and LaBarbera were arrested on the charge of “mischief” for not abandoning their peaceful sign protest against homosexuality and abortion. In explaining why the university felt the need to eject Whatcott and the three other protesters, U or R provost and vice-president Thomas Chase said, “The materials were graphic and the materials were disturbing,” he told the Regina Leader-Post. “The materials, we felt, could harm members of this campus community who we have a duty to protect and support.”


Is All Love ‘Equal’?

hrc-equal-sign-logo-adapted“Love is Love,” same-sex “marriage” advocates are fond of saying. At a recent protest in Weyburan, Saskatchewan, Canada, a pro-“gay” activist said, “It doesn’t matter who you love, it just matters that you love.” The implication is that homosexual sex and relationships are equivalent—morally, practically and health-wise—to natural sex and relationships (i.e., marriage) between a man and a woman. But is that true?

Capacity to Produce Life

Sex between men or between women alone can never produce children.  “Gay parenting” requires a previous heterosexual relationship by one or both of the same-sex partners, or adoption or artificial means to acquire a child.  That child will then intentionally be denied a father or a mother.  In contrast, heterosexuality and natural marriage produce children, families and future generations.

‘HIV Is a Gay Disease’

Homosexual sex between men is the biggest risk factors for HIV/AIDS. A stunning 94-95 percent of all HIV diagnoses in 2011 among boys and young men were linked to homosexual sex, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports.[1] A 2008 CDC study of “gay” men in 21 major cities found that nearly one in five were HIV positive while 44 percent of those did not know it. [2] Facts like these have led some homosexual activists to admit that, “HIV is a gay disease.”[3] Yet students rarely are educated on the heightened health risks associated with homosexual behaviors.

CDC slide demonstrates the strong correlation between

CDC slide demonstrates the strong correlation between “male-to-male sexual contact” and HIV among adolescent boys and young men. To view the full CDC slide presentation, go HERE; to read the related AFTAH article, go HERE. Yellow highlighting did not appear on original CDC slide.

Viral Hepatitis and High-Risk Homosexual Sex                         

“Among adults, an estimated 10% of new Hepatitis A cases and 20% of new Hepatitis B cases occur in gay or bisexual men,” the CDC reported in October 2013. The disproportionate risk is linked to high-risk sexual behaviors by “men who have sex with men” (MSM). The CDC reports: “Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter—even in microscopic amounts—from an infected person. Among men who have sexual contact with other men, Hepatitis A can be spread through direct anal-oral contact or contact with fingers or objects that have been in or near the anus of an infected person.”[4]

Sex Practices Common Among Homosexual Men Are ‘Highly Efficient Ways of Transmitting Disease,’ Says ‘Gay’ Writer 

“Some practices common among gays–especially rimming [mouth-to-anus sex] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”–“Gay” writer Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men [5]


A 2010 CDC study on “Intimate Partner Violence” among homosexuals and bisexuals found higher rates of “rape, physical violence, and/or stalking” among lesbians and bisexual women compared to heterosexual women–and higher rates of “sexual violence” among homosexual and bisexual men compared to heterosexual men. Go HERE to read CDC report summary.

Domestic Partner Violence Higher for Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals

  • “Rates of some form of sexual violence were higher among lesbian women, gay men, and bisexual women and men compared to heterosexual women and men,” the CDC reported in 2010.
  • “Forty-four percent of lesbian women, 61% of bisexual women, and 35% of heterosexual women experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime…
  • “Four in 10 gay men (40%), nearly half of bisexual men (47%), and 1 in 5 heterosexual men (21%) have experienced SV [sexual violence] other than rape in their lifetime. This translates into nearly 1.1 million gay men, 903,000 bisexual men, and 21.6 million heterosexual men.” [6]

Anal Cancer: Homosexual Men 17 Times More Likely to Develop Anal Cancer than Straight Men

“Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.”–CDC [7]


 “In 2012, 75% of the reported primary and secondary syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men (MSM)/” the CDC reported. [8]


Dr. Stephen Goldstone

Dr. Stephen Goldstone

Anus: ‘Highest Risk Place for STDs,” Says Homosexual Doctor 

“[An] anus is the highest risk place for STDs [sexually transmitted diseases].”–Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men [9]



1. “CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases among Boys and Young Men Linked to Homosexual Sex,” AFTAH website, September 11, 2013 [link HERE]; links to CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatisis, STD and & TB Prevention, Div. of HIV/AIDS Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/statistics_surveillance_Adolescents.pdf.

2. CDC Press Release: “1 in 5 men who have sex with men in 21 U.S. cities have HIV; nearly half unaware,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention; “The CDC study tested 8,153 MSM in 21 cities participating in the 2008 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS).” [link HERE]

3. Sharon Bernstein, “HIV Ads Embrace, and Stun, Audience,” Los Angeles Times, September 30, 2006: “the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center had embarked on a controversial ad campaign with this stark declaration: ‘HIV is a gay disease,’ with the tag line ‘Own It. End It.’ on billboards and in magazines.” [story link HERE].

4. CDC, “Viral Hepatitis: Information for Gay and Bisexual Men,” October 2013; http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/Populations/PDFs/HepGay-FactSheet.pdf.

5. Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men who Love Men (Revised & Updated, Second edition, October 1998). Published by [now defunct] Alyson Books (Los Angeles, New York), pages 194, 212-213. [AFTAH link HERE] Full quote by Hart, a homosexual, is below:

“Many sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) occur more often among gay men than in the general population. Several factors contribute to this difference: Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men, and some practices common among gays–especially rimming [oral-anal perversion*] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease….”

6. NISVS: “An Overview of 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation,” The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), 2010: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_victimization_final-a.pdf

7.  CDC Fact Sheet: “Gay and Bisexual Men’s Health,” last updated:  July 2, 2014: www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/STD.htm; Note: “Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.”

8. CDC, “Syphilis & MSM (Men Who Have Sex With Men) – CDC Fact Sheet; page last updated: January 7, 2014. http://www.cdc.gov/std/syphilis/STDFact-MSM-Syphilis.htm

9. Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: 1999), p 16; in the passage, Dr. Goldstone, a homosexual and “gay” advocate, is urging condom use. For more quotations by Goldstone, see this AFTAH article. [Amazon book link HERE]


Copyright: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (www.AFTAH.org), a Chicago-based organization that defends natural, biblical sexual morality and opposes the LGBT activist movement. Permission to reprint provided credit is given to “AmericansForTruth.org”; AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  Phone: 312-324-3787.  E-mail: americansfortruth@gmail.com.

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