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“Why do these adult activists so desperately want little children to learn all about homosexuality and gender deviance? Without parents present? That fits the definition of grooming.”
Be Your ‘True,’ Deviant Self? Leading homosexual-bisexual-transgender pressure organization Human Rights Campaign’s digital booklet, “Coming Out Authentically: Living as Bisexual+,” encourages youth to embrace aberrant and sinful identities in the name of “truth.” HRC is a leading opponent of the Florida pro-parental-rights-in-education bill just signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Folks, if there’s anyone in the USA who has a right to say, “I told you so” about the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, [__Insert current, trendy perversion HERE__]) lobby’s penetration of our educational system, it’s my good friend and longtime pro-family warrior, Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America. Please share this important piece far and wide.–Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.News; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
‘Don’t Allow Grooming’ Bill Exposes ‘LGBTQ” Child Agenda
By Linda Harvey, reprinted by permission from MissionAmerica.com, March 30, 2022
There are times when many of us would really love to say, “We told you so.” Despite the mocking and scorn over the years, it turns out there actually is a “gay” agenda directed toward children– depraved and aggressive– and it’s now more obvious than ever.
The Florida Parental Rights Bill (HB 1557) reveals the crass, exploitative underbelly of “gay” activism and is a threat to the prize target of many wayward adults—vulnerable children.
This important bill recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis protects children in kindergarten through third grade from homosexual and gender deviance indoctrination in lessons, books and so on. It also prohibits schools from withholding physical/mental health information from a parent.
The law makes perfect sense and my hope is that we can pass many such bills in other states. I wish lawmakers had extended it to all grade levels, but perhaps that seemed an unreachable goal. Yet the measure is a good start. It also helpfully elicited a furious reaction from the “LGBTQ” community.
The sexual anarchy lobby named the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and even organized walkouts of mostly high school students, showing a limited understanding of what the bill does.
Human Rights Campaign, for instance, is already selling “Ok to Say Gay” T-shirts—but ironically, none in sizes for small children. Doesn’t HRC believe these “youth” should have the “right” to identify as “LGBTQ”? Or is that just for backroom discussions?
Once again, it’s all about the adults and their preferences/depravities, and child human shields are mostly unimportant, except for perhaps the hard-to-locate gender-confused 6-year-old, who will be sadly paraded as a literal poster child in upcoming court cases in the hope of overturning this bill.
Does the sustained outrage mean that Big Gay will now openly push small grade schoolers to identify as LGBTQ? There’s a term for that: grooming.
Dr. Brown notes Big LGBTQ silence as perverse “drag” culture is promoted to children
Liberals Love Gender Confusion:Instagram photo of 11-year-old “drag kid,” “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. See the videos below of Desmond doing a “drag show” at a San Francisco “gay” club, and being celebrated (read: exploited) by ABC’s Good Morning America.
Folks, I can’t find the words to express my dismay at this, the latest cultural atrocity emanating from the immoral LGBTQueer movement. Our friend Dr. Michael Brown focuses below on the lack of “gay” activist criticism of the shocking spectacle of “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. In future posts we will hone in on other disturbing factors, including:
1) the media’s activist role in uncritically ushering in ALL aspects of the gay/bi/trans agenda, no matter how radical, even sexualizing and corrupting young children; and
2) the role of “progressive” parents/enablers, including those in homosexual-led households, in foisting adult immoralities on the children in their care.
This poor boy is being abused and exploited by his own mom, in addition to countless other sexual “progressives.” Today’s liberalism is bad for kids because it seemingly has no moral boundaries.
America is becoming a very dark place, as large segments of our society collectively give God the finger, as it were. This is what a post-Christian society looks like after 50 years of “gay” revolution. (Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York City that birthed modern homosexual activist radicalism.)
A terrific column by Dr. Brown follows after the jump and these two appalling videos: 1) A shameless puff piece on ABC’s recent “GMA Day” featuring the Napoles and some adult male “drag queens”; and 2) video of the boy doing a “drag” performance at a homosexual club in San Francisco as men throw and give dollar bills to him as he prances on stage!
No wonder so many nations don’t want to be like America anymore. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Obsessed with Mike Pence and Corrupting Kids: in HBO host John Oliver’s world, it’s a really good thing to teach toddlers that rabbits are “gay” and that only meanies (like Vice President Pence) are against homosexuality-based “marriage.” Photo is from his recent HBO rant against the VP.
Folks, this email article is by Micah Clark, the very able president of American Family Association of Indiana — the state where Vice President Mike Pence served as governor before being chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate. Clark cites an important piece by Matt Walsh of The Blaze, “The Left’s Insane Hatred of Mike Pence Is Nothing But Anti-Christian Bigotry,” regarding the escalating pro-LGBTQ campaign demonizing the VP. I discussed the same phenomenon on VCY America radio HERE and with Christian talker Janet Mefferd HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
I rarely send two emails in a week, particularly when the legislature is not in session. However, in the past couple of years, I have become increasingly concerned about a growing hostility toward religion, (and Christianity in particular) in our state and nation. Some of our biggest and most rancorous battles at AFA-IN now involve the defense of our religious freedoms.
I am sure that you remember the vitriol and hatred against people of faith on display during the RFRA [Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act] battle. You may also recall that two years ago, Indiana State Senator Travis Holdman nearly succeeded in passing two bills that not only would have opened up bathrooms and locker rooms to sexually confused men, placing women and children at risk, they would also, “decide who enjoys [religious] liberty and who will be denied liberty” according to a Liberty Council legal review of SB 100 and SB 344.
I want to pass along two articles that came out this week pointing out the bigotry against Christianity that has escalated with the election of Indiana’s own Mike Pence. The first article can be read here from The Indianapolis Star editorial cartoonist and columnist Gary Varvel. He observes:
“In this age of tolerance, there is one group that the preachers of tolerance will not tolerate – Christians.”
“You’re a bigot and an [a**hole],” lead protester yells at McCrory; state senator vows to pursues law criminalizing vengeful harassment of public servants
NC St. Sen. Dan Bishop wants to protect former public servants from being bullied and harassed by vengeful protesters.
WARNING: profanity
Folks, all I can say is, thank God the “progressives” lost this election! Because they are out of control (cut to the 2:10 mark in Madonna’s vulgar and extremist women’s march speech HERE). Below is a YouTube video shot by a profane North Carolina revolutionary socialist named Udai Basavaraj.
On a visit to DC for the inauguration (and leftist feminist march) weekend, Basavaraj apparently led a harassing protest against former North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory–yelling “Shame on you, shame on you!” etc., at the recently defeated Republican because he signed the HB2 “bathroom” bill into law.
The cowardly ringleader (his face not shown) yells out at McCrory, calling him a “bigot and an [a**hole]!” Then, as reported below, “just after the one minute mark [and with McCrory and two women backed into a locked door], he says, “We’ve got you now.” Watch the creepy three-and-a-half minute video, then pass this story on.
HB2 requires that people use the restroom matching their biological sex. I suppose in the minds of these ideological bullies, supporting such a bill makes one a monster. More news and commentary after the video and jump:
Thankfully, there are still many patriots in this country like North Carolina State Senator Dan Bishop (R), who is as outraged as we at AFTAH are over these hateful fanatics. Sen. Bishop wants to do something to protect people like McCrory, and he is disgusted with the neutral, innocuous way in which the Charlotte Observer newspaper reported this outrageous episode. I will add that homosexual activist publications like LGBTQNation seem to have no problem with it.
Hmmm. Can you imagine the media outrage if a screaming crowd of “conservatives” cornered a few homosexuals into a closed alley?
As Sen. Bishopwrites, “One also wonders if the mob fell upon the former governor by coincidence or if they stalked him.” Note the young woman scurrying uncomfortably (with her face away from the camera) from the approaching gaggle of screaming protesters. She is obviously scared. The lead LGBTQ protester-bully (Basavaraj?) screaming “shame on you!” clearly has no regard for the fear that he and his “mob” of yelling activists are inducing in her–as they pin their targets against a locked door.
After all, in the leftist scheme of things, the end–in this case, humiliating and intimidating Christian “haters” and “transphobes”–justifies the means. And “bigotry” knows no gender, right?
Think about this: is the modern “LGBTQ” activist phenomenon a “New Civil Rights Movement”–or rather a spoiled Sin Movement so steeped in its own self-rationalizing ideology and warped self-righteousness that it is willing even to scare a young woman if that’s what it takes to achieve its unattainable goal of “equality”?
Of course, many homosexuals would share my outrage at this despicable conduct. This is an extreme case, but all homosexual activists are compelled to sacrifice some social good, or some transcendent truth–e.g., about the essence of marriage itself–to serve their aberrant, self-justifying worldview. The more power they achieve, the more the War on Normal (which is actually a futile fight against our Creator) is ratcheted up. And the more innocent casualties mount.
Although it must not undermine the First Amendment, we hope Sen. Bishop succeeds in his bid to protect public servants from overt harassment. Stay tuned. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Homosexual and transgender activists in the District of Columbia hold a “Queer Dance Party” protest against Vice-President-elect Mike Pence Wednesday night. The vulgar protest was widely covered by media. Watch MRC video HERE. Click on photo to enlarge.
The following is excerpted from the Media Research Center NewsBusters site, regarding the “Queer Dance Party” protest Wednesday night at Vice-President Pence’s pre-Inaugural temporary home in the District of Columbia. Watch the MRC video HERE.
Video: LGBT Activists Tell ‘Daddy’ Pence ‘Stop the Hate! F–k You!’
By Sarah Stites and Katie Yoder, January 19, 2017, MRC NewsBusters
On Wednesday night, an estimated crowd of 200 queer folks and LGBT activists shook their booties and danced their way to VP-elect Mike Pence’s neighborhood. And the media were all over it.
“We are here tonight to send a clear message to Daddy Pence that we will not tolerate bigotry and hate in our country,” yelled organizer Firas Nasr amidst cheers at the protest gathering point. “We are here today to take the streets as our dance floor,” he continued. “Through dance, we choose to embrace one another, we choose to choose love over hate!”
Protesters say ‘F- you” to Pence; can you imagine media’s reaction if conservatives did this to Obama’s VP?
WARNING: Explicit language from immature LGBTQ leftists in video
Folks, this is from our friends at Media Research Center; see the MRC NewsBusters story that accompanies the videoHERE. As I tweeted:
“Petty, mean, spoiled, classless, hateful, intolerant, morally corrupt: LGBTQ leftists throw “queer” party outside Pence’s temporary DC home.”
The most ironic line from the protesters in this video is when the guy yells out, “We choose love over hate!” Are you kidding me? Vice President Mike Pence, a very decent man, has been on the receiving end of a non-stop barrage of LGBTQ activist and “progressive” *hate* since Trump picked him as running-mate. Thank God these leftists lost on Nov. 8. American needs a very long break from their self-righteous, destructive foolishness. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
MRCTV video description:
WARNING: explicit language. MRCC covered the “Queer Dance Party” through Mike Pence’s neighborhood Wednesday night. WATCH: We caught on camera everything from “f*ck you” interviews to vandalism to poking fun/dancing circles around a lone Trump supporter.
JONAH attorney Chuck LiMandri of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund is shown to the left of JONAH’s logo. JONAH changed its name from “Jews Offer New Approaches to Homosexuality” to “Jews Offering New Approaches to Healing.”
Dear AFTAH Friends and Supporters,
The following sorrowful email was sent December 31, 2015, by our good friends Arthur Goldberg and Elaine Silodor Berk of Jews Offering New Alternatives to Healing (JONAH) announcing that JONAH must permanently cease operations, including providing referrals and operating its website and listserv, due to “the unjust and unwarranted verdict in Ferguson vs JONAH from the New Jersey Courts this past June.” The case was brought with the help of the well-financed Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
What we have here is “Law-fare” in action: the abuse of the law to crush the opposition–including the forced reimbursement of impossibly expensive legal fees following a politicized case like this. I spoke with JONAH Co-Director Arthur Goldberg and he noted that a bunch of SPLC lawyers would be present at every legal proceeding in the JONAH case–to run up the cost of paying the legal fees against his small organization as part of the final settlement. (Is that “justice”? By the way, regarding our headline, Homo-fascism, and Gay-stapo, GayKK, Homo-Communist, etc., are what we use to lightheartedly describe the LGBT Left’s neo-totalitarian pursuits.)
Talk about chutzpah: the SPLC shopped for a fellow liberal judge who applied an “anti-consumer fraud” New Jersey law against this tiny Jewish organization that has helped many people overcome and manage unwanted same-sex desires–and which is now banned from even referring same-sex strugglers to places where they can get help with their unwanted homosexual desires. The judge in the case, State Superior Court Judge Peter F. Bariso Jr., limited testimony on JONAH’s side and reportedly was about as impartial as the notoriously far-left SPLC itself (see JONAH note below).
Fraud & the SPLC
The SPLC knows a little about *fraud*: it cunningly mislabels a myriad of pro-family groups (including AFTAH, AFA and FRC) opposed to Big Gay Inc as “hate groups” on a par with racist fringe kooks like the KKK. (This vilification tactic is called “bracketing.”) Then the LGBT and “progressive” cyber echo-chamber–joined by the subservient media–repeat the SPLC’s vicious smear ad nauseam to demonize and discredit the targeted family advocates, and ostracize them from the Public Square.
Needless to say, the self-styled “hate arbiters” over at the amateurish SPLC (who seem to think Blacks can’t think for themselves) have never labeled an LGBTQueer organization, website or activist–say, Dan (“Santorum.com”) Savage–as “hateful.” Quite a scam the SPLC’s got going–now they’ve taken it up a notch by legally bullying a small group into oblivion through another “gay” tactic, which I call “Focusing on the Failures.” All you do is highlight the failures among homosexuals who have tried pro-heterosexual therapy–while largely ignoring the EX-“gay” successes–former homosexuals like Greg Quinlan, Charlene Cothran, David Kyle Foster, Anne Paulk, Mario Bergner and Janet Boynes (many of whom have left homosexuality through other means, including Christian rebirth).
Can you imagine if we used the examples of relapsed drug addicts to condemn all programs aimed at overcoming drug addiction?
Joyce Kilmer Elementary School (right) is located on Greenview Ave., just three blocks from the deviance-honoring “museum,” Leather Archives (left), which sits at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., near Devon Ave., in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood. Two other public schools are also within walking distance of the mainly homosexual-oriented sadomasochistic perversion “museum”–which celebrates “fisting’ and other depraved homosexual acts, including porn that eroticizes adult-child sadistic sex. See AFTAH PDF Flier about the despicable “museum” HERE.
The following statements were issued by Illinois pro-family leaders at the Americans For Truth press event held May 22, 2015 directly in front of the Leather Archives & Museumat 6418 N. Greenview Ave., down the street from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. Links to related stories on the LA&M S&M “Perversion Musuem” are at bottom:
“We were shocked to hear that there is a museum in a Chicago neighborhood, Leather Archives & Museum, dedicated to celebrating obscene and offensive sexual practices. Does tolerance have any limits? Are families supposed to welcome a museum dedicated to perversion in their neighborhood? Can parents protect the innocence of their children from exposure to behaviors that should not even be practiced or celebrated in private? The Leather Archives & Museum is located in a neighborhood of families. Children walk to the Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and the Roger C. Sullivan High School within blocks of the ‘Museum.’
“This weekend, the annual International Mr. Leather convention will take place in Chicago and it is anticipated that thousands of homosexuals will arrive in our city to ‘celebrate’ this event. We call upon the Mayor of Chicago and the people of Chicago to stand against the degradation of our communities and to uphold standards of decency to protect families and children.”
Nick Costello, Board Member, Catholic Citizens of Illinois:
“The ‘cultural’ underpinning the Leather Archives & Museum reflects the general disintegration of our sexual sanity as a nation. Of course, proponents of this “leather” deviance (rooted in sadomasochism) will present it with a smile as harmless sexual expression, while hiding the harmful effects spiritually, psychologically, and physically on those who practice it. This museum should be nowhere near Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and area parents must be put on notice. If the proprietors do not have the decency to close this ‘museum’ or relocate to an area unfrequented by children, then area parents have every right and duty to demand it. May God’s Holy Spirit lead us to a just and peaceful resolution to this pitiful situation!”