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Politicians & Public Officials
Friday, April 4th, 2008
The following speech was given by Stephen Black, executive director with Oklahoma City-based First Stone Ministries, at the “Rally for Sally” in support of Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R), held April 2 at the state Capitol :
Good afternoon and thank you for the privilege of sharing with you today. My name is Stephen Black and I am the Executive Director with First Stone Ministries located here in Oklahoma City. First Stone is dedicated to helping men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attraction and to live in accordance with what we believe is God’s design for sexuality — which is one man and one woman in a covenant marriage relationship.
I stand with Rep. Sally Kern today to say that I, who once lived as a gay man, agree with her assessment, that there is a political agenda and a cultural message about homosexuality [and] that it is destructive to our country.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Sally Kern, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

By Peter LaBarbera
It will be my privilege to stand tomorrow with Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) at a grassroots “Rally for Sally” at the state capitol — to defend her against the vicious homosexual activist onslaught unleashed by those who confuse opinion with “hate speech”:
DATE: Wednesday, April 2
TIME: 12:00pm Noon
WHERE: Rotunda of the Oklahoma State Building
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City Oklahoma
Dozens of pro-family groups and leaders outside of Oklahoma have come to Kern’s defense, and she has not backed down, while demonstrating grace toward those who seek to destroy her.
Incidentally, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund — which launched the web campaign against Kern and alleged in a public letter that she is somehow partly responsible for the murders of homosexuals (“your words give aid and comfort to those who would hurt, maim and even kill people who are different from you”) — conveniently edited out the part of her speech where she said that, “the book that I base my life upon is God’s word. And it says to love everybody and I try to love everybody.”
You can see below in this portion from the full Kern speech transcript where the GLVF stripped out that phrase — highlighted in red — from the half-sentence (in blue) that followed it, and which was used in the online “hit-recording” against Kern:
Now, I don’t know about you, but the book that I base my life upon is God’s word. And it says to love everybody and I try to love everybody but not everybody’s lifestyle is equal. Just like not all religions are equal. Okay. All money isn’t equal. You know, we have this dumb idea now days, that tolerance means that everything is equal. Well, everything is not equal. We see that in many areas of our lives. You know, all things are not equal. All religions are not equal.
So, you blind-side a public official with charge that her speech is of the sort that leads to heinous murders, but you leave out the part where she tries to follow God’s command to love everyone? (Of course, the media engage in this type of selective editing all the time to make Christian conservatives and others look bad.)
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bullying & Victimhood, C - Heroes for Truth, Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Media Promotion, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Sally Kern, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, March 27th, 2008
There has been ample speculation in the alternative press that Florida Governor Charlie Crist is homosexual or bisexual.
By Peter LaBarbera
Here we go again, everyone. Can both sides of the homosexuality debate agree that it is incumbent on political candidates to be completely open and honest about their involvement in homosexual behavior — or any sexual misconduct? We understand that homosexual activists and many social liberals do not view homo-sexual behavior as misconduct, but many voters do, and even those in the middle on this issue have a right to know what their representative is up to and what biases he holds. Too many politicians with a homosexual problem are hiding this “special interest” from the voters; they should run as openly homosexual Republicans (or Democrats) so we can avoid post-election surprises like the pathetic Gov. Jim (“I’m a gay American”) McGreevey scandal in New Jersey.
We will need another column to discuss the new, post-Mark Foley politics and media ethics surrounding “outing.” Suffice it to say that such “outings” are usually done (or forced) only when they suit pro-“gay” interests — putting pressure (unbeknownst to the voters) on pols who are publicly conservative yet privately homo/bi-sexual. The message is clear: if you don’t want to be “outed,” stop opposing the “gay” agenda. I was told as much by homosexual “outing” activist Mike Rogers, who said he is not interested in “outing” politicians whose politics are pro-homosexual.
Enter Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a popular Republican who is reportedly under serious consideration for the party’s vice-presidential nod. Based on what’s already out there, if Crist were to be chosen, it would only be a matter of days — make that hours — before there would be national political and media speculation about his “sexual orientation.” You won’t believe the amount that’s already been written and discussed in the media about Crist’s sexuality and related issues in the homosexual and liberal press (see links below).
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 03 - Bisexual, News, Outing, Politicians & Public Officials, South Florida |
Thursday, February 28th, 2008
Stephen Green, national director of [British group] Christian Voice, said, “It seems that Christians are gradually being squeezed out of the adoption process. It’s exactly what we said would happen. In the name of equality, it’s discriminating against Christians.”
British couple Owen and Eunice Johns are being denied as foster parents because they agree with their Creator about homosexuality.
By Peter LaBarbera
Commenting on LifesiteNews story by Hillary White: http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/feb/08022705.html
For more information, see the British Christian Legal Centre’s site at: http://www.christianlegalcentre.com/view.php?id=253
The once-great nation of Britain is being reduced to a bastion of politically correct silliness. Is America next? So now British couples aren’t qualified to raise children unless they can recite pro-“gay” shibboleths?
Why no, Johnny, you don’t have to have a man and a woman to get married — in fact, two daddies are often better at raising children than a mommy and a daddy. When you are old enough, we will tell you all you need to know so we can support you if you have a gay or transgender orientation. Did you know that being gay is a one of God’s gifts for special people?”
You chuckle, but it is surreal to behold the deterioration of Western civilization before our very eyes — one sad story like this at a time. Meanwhile, smug, agnostic pundits and religious leftists like Jim Wallis castigate the “Religious Right,” which is made up of people who are merely trying their best to hold back the march of evil (masquerading as progress). Which reminds me: when is the last time you heard the media use the phrase “Religious Left,” anyway?
Destructive and radical ideologies (e.g., Marxism) often are imposed from above by force, relying on disinformation — or stealth strategies — because an informed, moral (and generally conservative-leaning) citizenry would never approve such nonsense on their own. Hence the homosexual activists’ drive for power culminates in state punishment and repression of their opponents — mainly Christians and other religious adherents. Invariably, as we are seeing abroad and now here in the USA, “gay rights” comes at the expense of religious freedom.
Liberals and “gay” activists alike ask: “But how does granting equal rights for gays and lesbians affect you?” It’s the wrong question (it’s not all about ME), and one that radically redefines civil and human rights, but here’s part of the answer: state-enforced, pro-homosexuality ideology ultimately criminalizes Judeo-Christian ethics, ideas and even compassion (per the U.K.) — and that destroys societies and hurts children. “Gay” ideology is at war with common sense and “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” — as our Declaration of Independence from Britain states — giving rise to misguided social policies like that below.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Adoption & Foster Parenting, Christian Persecution, Court Decisions & Judges, Custody, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Government Promotion, Homosexual Parenting, Media Promotion, News, Politicians & Public Officials, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, UK |
Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
Gore Expresses Support for Homosexual Marriage
By Pete Winn, CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
January 30, 2008
(CNSNews.com) – Al Gore, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and self-proclaimed “inventor of the Internet,” has earned a new moniker: champion of homosexual marriage. And while some observers are excited about Gore’s endorsement of same-sex marriage, the laws at the state level show overall that traditional marriage is supported by a vast majority of Americans and legislatures.
“I think gay men and women ought to have the same rights as heterosexual men and women – to make contracts, to have hospital visiting rights, to join together in marriage,” Gore said in a video he posted recently on the Current TV Web site. “I don’t understand why it is considered by some people to be a threat to heterosexual marriage ….”
Advocates for changing laws to create homosexual marriage welcomed the unequivocal support of the former vice president, who also won an Academy Award for his documentary on global warming, “An Inconvenient Truth.”
“Gore is again pointing the way – and ending exclusion from marriage is one climate change the world will be better for,” said Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, a pro-homosexual marriage group, on its Web site.
But Gore is simply “reading right off the playbook of the far left,” according to Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, a conservative group that opposes the homosexual agenda.
“This is what we predicted two or three years ago – that it wouldn’t take long for the liberals who went for civil unions or domestic partnerships to move on to so-called gay marriage,” LaBarbera told Cybercast News Service.
As vice president, Gore publicly supported the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which passed Congress in 1996 and was signed into law by President Clinton. In 2000, when he ran for president, Gore announced his support for civil unions.
LaBarbera said it is easier for liberals to make the jump from support of civil unions to support for full-scale same-sex marriage than it is to go “from zero to marriage.”
“Anybody who is being realistic would see that the liberals are trending toward homosexual marriage,” he added.
Click HERE to read the entire CNSNews.com article, “Gore Expresses Support for Homosexual Marriage.”
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Celebrities, News, Politicians & Public Officials, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, January 17th, 2008
Epidemic Feared — “Gays” May Spread Deadly Staph Infection to General Population Concerned Women for America press release, 1/15/2008
Washington, D.C. — Reuters has reported that, “A drug-resistant strain of potentially deadly bacteria has moved beyond the borders of U.S. hospitals and is being transmitted among gay men during sex, researchers said on Monday.
“They said methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is beginning to appear outside hospitals in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles.”
“‘Once this reaches the general population, it will be truly unstoppable,’ said Binh Diep, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco who led the study.”
According to the study, at this point, homosexual men are 13 times more likely to contract the potentially deadly, drug-resistant strain of staph infection, but the fear is that, because the infection is spread via skin-to-skin contact, homosexual men may soon spread it to the general population.
Matt Barber, Policy Director for Cultural issues with Concerned Women for America (CWA), said, “The medical community has known for years that homosexual conduct, especially among males, creates a breeding ground for often deadly disease. In recent years we have seen a profound resurgence in cases of HIV/AIDS, syphilis, rectal gonorrhea and many other STDs among those who call themselves ‘gay.’
“The human body is quite callous in how it handles mistreatment and the perversion of its natural functions. When two men mimic the act of heterosexual intercourse with one another, they create an environment, a biological counterfeit, wherein disease can thrive. Unnatural behaviors beget natural consequences.
“In recent years our culture has adopted a laissez faire attitude toward sexual deviancy. Television shows like Will and Grace glorify the homosexual lifestyle while our children are taught in schools that homosexuality is a perfectly healthy, alternative sexual ‘orientation.’ ‘Stay out of our bedrooms!’ we’re often commanded by militant ‘gay’ activists.
“Well, now the dangerous and possibly deadly consequence of what occurs in those bedrooms is spilling over into the general population. It’s not only frightening, it’s infuriating.
“Citizens, especially parents, need to stand up and say, ‘No More! We will no longer sit idly by while politically correct cultural elites endanger our children and larger communities through propagandist promotion of this demonstrably deadly lifestyle.’
“Why does it take a potentially deadly staph epidemic for people to acknowledge reality? Will that even do it? Enough is enough!” concluded Barber.
For Information Contact:
Natalie Bell
(202) 488-7000
Posted in Gay Culture, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
And the Punch Line Is …
Will the ACLU’s bathroom-sex agenda stall?
By Brenda Zurita
Reprinted with permission from CWA’s Beverly LaHaye Institute, Jan. 16, 2008
Due to the current Hollywood writer’s strike, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has jumped in to fill the gap existing in late-night monologues and sit-coms. If only that were true there might be a joke in there somewhere.
Alas, the title refers to a brief filed by the ACLU in the Larry Craig case in Minnesota. Yes, the senator of the “wide stance” fame has a new defense argument, courtesy of the ACLU.
The Associated Press reported that the ACLU is arguing there is an expectation of privacy when people have sex in public bathrooms.
Hmmm, when I enter a public bathroom I have the expectation of toilet paper being in the stall, not a sex encounter. And privacy in a public bathroom is at a minimum. The gap around the door frame and the open space between the dividers and the floor and ceiling provide only a modicum of coverage. Not exactly a rendezvous spot for randy patrons expecting privacy. It does however make an excellent place for exhibitionists to meet.
Imagine taking your child to a public restroom and hearing two people engaging in a sex act six inches away. Again, due to the construction of the average public restroom stall, there is little that is private. Having an expectation of privacy there is laughable. And what about the expectation of people using the restroom for what is was intended and not being subjected to sex acts?
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Court Decisions & Judges, Current State Law, Equality of Maryland, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Government Promotion, Mental Health, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
While obviously we disagree with Al on some major points, we agree with him on the outrage that is the annual Folsom Street Fair — and the even greater outrage that this perverse spectacle was welcomed by San Francisco leaders including Mayor Gavin Newsom. (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi so far has refused to criticize the event, which occurred in her district, and which featured rampant full nudity and even orgies in the streets as San Francisco police stood by and did nothing.)
Al writes via the AFTAH website:
I cannot believe the city of San Francisco allows that Folsom Street public lewdness to take place. While I am a Christian man who also identifies as “gay,” I cannot agree with you more about that kind of behavior being allowed anywhere in this country. Certainly, no gay Christian man who loves the Lord would approve of that crap going on. While I don’t agree with you on some things, I heartily agree with your outrage on this most disgusting and shocking event. Get these numbskulls to keep their damned clothes on or else get arrested for indecent exposure. Damned fool idiots!
Posted in Government Promotion, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Quotes, News, Politicians & Public Officials, San Francisco |

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