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Candidates & Elected Officials
Monday, October 2nd, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
With the efficiency of a Stalinist historian, the homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) has purged this photograph of former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, disgraced homosexual and seducer of teenaged boys, from its website. Foley was among the politicians and pundits whom LCR proudly recorded as speaking at its 2003 national convention in Washington, D.C. But they’re not so proud anymore. We apologize for the poor reproduction quality below, but clearer evidence of Log Cabin’s whitewashing handiwork can be found by clicking on these links: BEFORE (scroll down three rows of photos and Foley is there) and AFTER (magic: Foley is gone).
Too bad Foley’s young victims and their parents won’t be able to erase the effects of his twisted behavior from their minds so easily.
Log Cabin Republicans also removed Foley’s name from the write-up on its 2003 convention. Foley’s photo in the new, pederast-free (at least as far as we know) web account has been replaced by a second photo of political pundit Mort Kondracke.
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Log Cabin Republicans, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Monday, October 2nd, 2006
Excerpted from Who Protected the Pervert Congressman?, by Cliff Kincaid, published Oct 1, 2006, by Accuracy in Media:
It’s one of the worst congressional scandals ever. A top House Republican who denounced sex predators as “animals” stands accused of acting like one. Mark Foley had served as a Deputy Majority Whip in the House and co-chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. His forced resignation, after being exposed as a homosexual pervert who talked dirty to young boys, has done more damage to the GOP than George Soros could ever think of doing. But it remains to be seen whether the liberal media and the Democrats can successfully exploit this scandal.
Brian Ross of ABC News broke the story and publicized the “sexually explicit” messages Foley sent to former congressional pages. Curiously, Ross never once used the word “homosexual” in referring to Foley’s conduct. But if Foley acted out his Internet fantasies in real life, he will be exposed as not only a homosexual pedophile but a predator. The messages indicate Foley is extremely sick and demented.
The failure to use the word “homosexual” in describing Foley’s dirty talk is likely due to fear over being labeled “homophobic” or biased by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), which exists to make sure that only positive portrayals of homosexuality are permitted in the media. Plus, the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association previously warned the media, in connection with sexual abuse by Catholic Priests, to avoid linking homosexuality to pedophilia.
The questionable line we already see emerging in the media is that Foley is guilty of inappropriate behavior toward young people but that it has nothing to do with his “sexual orientation.”
In fact, the entire scandal might have been avoided if Foley’s homosexuality had been exposed and confronted, rather than protected, over the last several years. Top Republicans and the media were part of this cover-up.
Peter LaBarbera, who began his writing career at Accuracy in Media, raised questions about Foley’s secret life back in 2003, after alternative newspapers and columnists began running stories about Foley’s homosexuality, even reporting that he had a “boyfriend.” LaBarbera gave credit to Bob Norman of the Broward-Palm Beach New Times newspaper for exposing Foley. However, LaBarbera found that most non-homosexual newspapers did not pursue the matter and that homosexual Republican groups were protecting him. For example, LaBarbera quoted Patrick Guerriero, executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a homosexual activist group, as saying, “I could care less about [Foley’s] sexual orientation.” Guerriero insisted that the congressman had no obligation to discuss it.
At the time, as Foley was said to be considering running for the Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate, LaBarbera noted that “Many homosexual activists assert matter-of-factly that Rep. Foley is ‘gay’ and resent that he is not running for Senate as an open homosexual. Many social conservatives, on the other hand, argue that Florida’s voters have a right to know what lies behind his pro-homosexual voting record in Congress.”
Continue reading at AIM…
Posted in AFT In the News, Candidates & Elected Officials, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty |
Sunday, October 1st, 2006
Excerpted from Sept 28, 2006, post on The James Hartline Report:
…San Diego City Councilman [Scott Peters] has refused to allow a group of Christian activists to present photographic documentation of children being exposed to sexual obscenities during a July, 2006 San Diego Gay Pride parade and festival.
…On July 25, 2006, it was Councilman Peters, along with lesbian Councilwoman Toni Atkins, who helped pass a city resolution declaring San Diego Gay Pride Week in the city. Peters and Atkins, along with Atkins’ lesbian sex partner Jennifer LeSar, rode together in that parade. During a Sept 12th Council meeting, Hartline and a team of thirty Christians attempted to show photographs of the parade that Peters participated in, but Peters proceeded to censor many of the photos and even attempted to block Hartline from speaking to the council on the issue altogether.
…You can watch the war of words that ensued between Councilman Peters and Christian activist James Hartline during the San Diego City Council meeting when Hartline attempted to present the Gay Pride Parade Photographs…
Click HERE
Select “Sept 12, 2006” and “View Video”
Set time to 1:11:35
The city council video clearly shows Councilman Scott Peters telling Hartline, “I can’t allow you to put those pictures on television.” The pictures in question were taken at the San Diego Gay Pride Parade in which Councilman Peters not only issued a proclamation to honor, but personally rode in the parade along with fellow Councilwoman Toni Atkins. Additionally, sixteen different law enforcement agencies, as well as the Mayor of San Diego, were in the parade where the pictures were taken.
Continue reading at James Hartline Report…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Not with MY Tax money!, Police & Fire Departments |
Saturday, September 30th, 2006
This article about Mark Foley was written by Peter LaBarbera and published by CWA on May 28, 2003.
Rep. Mark Foley Won’t Discuss His ‘Orientation,’ but Others Will
By Peter LaBarbera
Florida columnist ‘outs’ Senate candidate
Mark Foley, a Republican congressman from Florida and a Senate candidate in 2004, is in a swirl of controversy after not answering repeated questions about his alleged homosexuality.
“Gay rights” advocates—including Bob Norman, a columnist with the New Times Broward-Palm Beach newspaper—say Foley’s alleged homosexuality is an open secret, one that he should acknowledge to Florida citizens.
Rep. Foley receives campaign donations from the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual lobby group, and supports various pro-homosexual bills in Congress such as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). His voting record is more conservative on other issues.
“[Foley’s] voting record on gay rights has become a controversial issue. He’s campaigning across Florida for the U.S. Senate. The people have a right to know,” Norman wrote in a long column May 8. “And dancing around the truth is just getting too weird to abide.”
In the column, Norman quotes Tracy Thorne, a homosexual and activist for homosexuals in the military, saying that Foley brought a “boyfriend” along on a visit to Thorne in the early 1990s.
Foley and his spokesman say they will not answer reporters’ questions about his “personal life.” The homosexual newspaper Washington Blade was told the same when it asked spokesman Kirk Fordham “point blank if Foley is gay.”
Most nonhomosexual newspapers did not pursue the story, but after Norman broke the ice with his column, the pressure grew on Foley, who is running for the seat vacated by Democratic presidential hopeful Bob Graham. (Foley has raised far more money for the Senate run than fellow GOP congressman Bill McCullum, who is also in the race.) Foley sought to go on the offensive by holding a conference call with reporters May 22. However, the call, in which Foley restated his refusal to discuss his “orientation,” only generated more press coverage.
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Posted in AFT In the News, Candidates & Elected Officials, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, News |
Monday, September 25th, 2006
Mr. McCullough suggests below that our country has a “new superhero” class of extra-marital fornicators: “Who are they? Men who engage in same-gender sexual activities!” Episcopal bishop (Vickie) Eugene Robinson for example, and, of course, the lastest: Former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey.
Mr. McCullough noticed, as did many puzzled Christians, how many times Jim McGreevey invoked the name of God, stating repeatedly that his open embrace of homosexuality is part of his “path back to godliness.” There could be no greater lie.
- Jesus Himself said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15)…the same Jesus that affirmed God’s design for marriage (one man, one woman, for life) and condemned both divorce and adultery (Matthew 5 & 19).
- The apostle John wrote, “If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the Truth…No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him…He who does what is sinful is of the devil…No one who is born of God will continue to sin…”
If Jim McGreevey knew anything about godliness, he would be sorrowful for what he has done, and is still doing, to his wife and children — and even more grieved by what he has done against a Holy God. Instead, he exposes his innocent little daughter to his homosexual lover and introduces his lover to the world as though such a travesty is laudable.
Jude, the brother of Christ, warned that there already were and would continue to be “godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality” and who “follow their own ungodly desires…who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.” He urged believers to beware, to “contend for the faith,” to “snatch others from the fire and save them,” to “show mercy, mixed with fear – hating even the clothing stained with corrupted flesh.”
Therefore, we must speak in opposition to this latest blasphemy: divorce and adultery and homosexual practice are not godliness. We must pray earnestly for Jim McGreevey and others who are living in open defiance of God’s will, calling evil “good.” And we must reach out with genuine love and compassion to those who are confused by homosexual attractions–those whose consciences are yet tender and responsive to Christ’s healing.–Sonja Dalton
The following is excerpted from Why Liberals Love Adultery, by Kevin McCullough, published Sept 24, 2006, by Townhall:
…there’s a new kid on the scene. Having done all he could to ruin the state of New Jersey – a state he took a solemn oath to protect and serve – the new adulterer that liberals all love is Jim McGreevey. Just in the last week alone he’s held hands with Oprah, and shared New Jersey rest area secrets with Matt Lauer.
He’s also invoked God’s name about three hundred times.
And now he says, “it’s all about telling the truth.”
But I’d like to know, “since when?”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Candidates & Elected Officials, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Oprah, Politicians & Public Officials |
Friday, September 15th, 2006
As my good friend Bob Knight of CWA’s Culture and Family Institute noted, the sad story of homosexual adulterer and former New Jersey governor James McGreevey appears to be one of “selfishness on steroids.” It will be fascinating to watch liberals and homosexual activists try to make a hero of this very troubled (and still confused) man. – Peter LaBarbera
Excerpted from McGreevey Gay Details Leaked, published Sept 13, 2006, by Associated Press:
Former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey revealed during an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey that he first bedded the man who would become a central figure in his downfall while his own wife was hospitalized for the birth of their child…
McGreevey said the encounter was one of countless lies and betrayals he felt compelled to perpetuate…
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Posted in 24/7, Candidates & Elected Officials, News, Oprah, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? |
Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
Excerpted from Log Cabin Congratulates Senator Chafee for Winning GOP Senate Primary, Sept 13, 2006, press release from the pro-homosexuality Log Cabin Republicans:
…Senator Chafee is one of Log Cabin’s strongest allies in the Senate. In addition to twice voting against the anti-family Federal Marriage Amendment, he has supported the hate crimes bill, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), and the Permanent Partners Immigration Act.
Log Cabin supported Chafee’s campaign through the LCR-PAC and through member donations from across the country. Log Cabin joined mainstream GOP groups, Republican Party leaders, and many GOP Senators in working to help Chafee win this primary. “Log Cabin will do everything possible to help Senator Chafee win his election in November,” said Sammon.
Continue reading at Log Cabin Republicans…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Log Cabin Republicans |
Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
AFT’s correction to the revisionist history below: James McGreevey was not elected governor of New Jersey as an openly homosexual man; he was elected as a (twice) married man with two children.
“Dropping a political bombshell, New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey announced his resignation Thursday after revealing that he is gay and that he had an adulterous affair with a man.“
Let’s not forget McGreevey’s now ex-wife, Dina Matos, and two innocent young children whose heartbreak is willfully omitted from thought by those celebrating McGreevey’s new “gay” life. – Sonja Dalton
Excerpted from McGreevey Gay Gov. Book Set To Launch, published Sept 10, 2006, by Associated Press:
James E. McGreevey, the first openly gay governor in U.S. history, is set to launch a month-long national book tour Tuesday with the taping of the Oprah Winfrey show.
The show will be broadcast Sept. 19, the day McGreevey’s political memoir, “The Confession,” hits bookstores.
The interview with Oprah marks McGreevey’s first in-depth remarks since his political career imploded Aug. 12, 2004, when he told a national television audience that he was gay and would resign as governor.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, News, Oprah |
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