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LGBTQ Liberalism Is Destroying Young Women’s Bodies: Alex Matheny, 20, shows off her “transgender” “top surgery” at right after she had her healthy breasts surgically removed to have a flat chest like the “man” she wants to be (and yet never can be). At left is photo of Alex as a beautiful girl a few years ago in high school. Ideas have consequences, and the “transgender” ideology pushed by powerful LGBTQ groups like the Human Rights Campaign is leading thousands of youth to mutilate their bodies to fulfill a disordered fantasy of becoming the opposite sex. This dangerous agenda is most aggressive in deep-blue states like Washington and Oregon. Matheny is shown October 6, 2016, one month after her breast-removal operation; at this point she had been on (male) testosterone hormone therapy for about nine months. Photos: Alex Matheny’s Twitter page. Click on graphic to enlarge.
Folks, here is another column on gender insanity by Linda Harvey, who is the keynote speaker at the AFTAH dinner-banquet in less than two weeks, on Friday, October 28, 2016 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, in Bensenville, Illinois (in northwest suburban Chicago). Full details HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
The Worst State to Raise Children
By Linda Harvey, first published by WND.com Oct. 9, 2016
Warning: This column contains graphic content.
Linda Harvey comes to Chicagoland for the annual AFTAH dinner-banquet Friday, Oct. 28. Tickets are just $25/person. Full details HERE.
It’s official: Oregon is in free-fall.
And if possible, you really don’t want to raise children there until some big changes are made.
Among a badly behaving peer group – the rest of the states in the U.S. – Oregon still sinks below them all, even radical Massachusetts and loony California.
It’s not just the legalized marijuana and assisted suicide. It’s not just the bisexual governor and the after-school Satan clubs that some Portlandia-dazed educators have welcomed.
Oregon’s liberals – who dominate the government and schools – consider children guinea pigs for grotesque experiments in sexual and spiritual corruption. Praise God for the few Christians and conservatives who have managed to limit these programs to some extent.
But much more remains to be done to protect Oregon’s children from permanent harm.
Consider these facts:
In Oregon, a 15-year-old can now embark on hormone and sex-change surgical treatment without a parent’s consent, paid for by Medicaid. This policy was quietly enacted in 2015 by an appointed commission of the Oregon Health Authority. Judicial Watch accessed documents and found that 56 children were treated for gender “assessment” in the first six months of the program, some under age 9.
Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins University, has called the Oregon policy for gender-confused youth “child abuse” and that such operations for youth are “never appropriate.”
The option for young teens to have healthy breasts and penises amputated is being advocated through the many school-based health clinics that bypass parental rights to advise children about intimate issues and often refer them to Planned Parenthood. Among the services the clinics promote for minor children are “reproductive health” and counseling for “LGBTQ” issues.
So middle-school girls are given birth control and referrals to Planned Parenthood, and students questioning their sexuality will most likely be told, inaccurately, that some people are “born that way” and that such sexual expression is just as natural as heterosexuality.
Won’t Certify Sin: Read more about federal worker David Hall’s refusal to view a pro-homosexual “diversity” video HERE. Sign up for the Americans For Truth dinner-banquet featuring Linda Harvey HERE.
This column first appeared in WND.com. To learn about Linda Harvey’s keynote speech at the AFTAH fundraising dinner-banquet Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL, go HERE. To read AFTAH’s reprint of LifeSite News’ initial article on David Hall, which contains the initial WCIA-TV (Champaign, IL) story on Hall, go HERE.
Workers and Soldiers: Rebel Against ‘Diversity’ Training
By Linda Harvey, Sept. 28, 2016
David Hall is a hero for standing up and saying “no” to the lies and depravity wrapped up in on-the-job homosexual “diversity” training. He may lose his federal government job in Illinois, although based on what federal law would be anyone’s guess.
There is no U.S. statute that defines homosexuality and gender confusion as “civil rights.” The Social Security Administration, where Hall works, will be inventing a reason for his dismissal if they make that decision.
Hall believes the word of God, that homosexuality and gender rebellion are offenses in the sight of the Lord. “I’m not going to certify sin,” he told WCIA-TV. He also urged others to do the same.
He told the local newspaper in Champaign, Illinois:
“This is something I want to fight and expose, to give other Christians the courage of their convictions. I can’t tell you how many I’ve worked with that have told me, ‘Dave, we agree with you 100 percent. I wish I had the courage to do that.’ But they’re scared. … Their fears are being realized through me.”
Taking such a stand is a huge risk – financially, occupationally, personally – but it’s a risk more Americans need to take where they can. Our enlisted men and women in the military are facing the same daunting choice: condone deviance, or suffer the professional consequences.
The Navy has announced plans to require sailors to attend “training” to accept men who want to dress as women and vice versa. This would be, in a word, illegal.
“The average mom and dad probably have no clue that their little 7-year-old daughter just learned to distinguish between Genderqueer and Gender Non-Conforming in school today.” — Dr. Michael Brown
Engendering Classroom Confusion: Sex and gender activism has penetrated the classroom, as newfangled ideas like separating one’s biological sex from their “gender identity” are mainstreamed to impressionable minds. The above graphic is just one that has been used to teach children radical “gender” ideology–but even this “teaching tool” has come under criticism from the LGBTQ Left as not being sufficiently “inclusive.” Click to enlarge.
By Dr. Michael Brown, 9-29-16
Do you need to lock your doors and windows at night because a homosexual predator is coming after your kids? That is absolutely not what I mean when I say that LGBT activists are coming for your children.
I’m talking about educators and government leaders; I’m talking about celebrities and judges; I’m talking about people of influence who want to indoctrinate your children even before they get to school. I’m talking about an all-out war for the minds and hearts of your kids.
Are you equipped and ready to do what is best for these little ones?
By all means, as parents, we should teach our kids to be kind to all, especially to those who seem different and are ostracized by their peers. And we should teach by word and example that bullying is always wrong. In other words, we don’t need to teach gay is good in order to teach that bullying is bad. In the same way, we don’t need to push every boy to be a football player and every girl to be a ballerina to combat transgender activism.
But you better believe that we need to take a stand for our kids — in the schools; in the world of entertainment and social media; in the courts; in the churches — if we want to keep them safe from this destructive and deceptive indoctrination.
USCCR chairman Martin Castro says “religious freedom” and “religious liberty” are “code words” for “discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy”
Truth Teller: Linda Harvey of Mission America is the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s annual dinner-banquet Friday, Oct. 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, in Bensenville, IL. Full banquet details HERE.
Folks, here is another excellent column by our AFTAH 2016 banquet keynoter, Linda Harvey of Ohio-based Mission America. Click the banner ad above for full details on the dinner-banquet Friday, October 28 (only $25 per person). This column was first published by WND. To read all of Linda’s WND columns, go here.
The Left to Christians: Your Turn in the Closet
By Linda Harvey, 9-20-16
They want us to believe it’s “peaceful coexistence.” Others call it an unjust declaration of war.
The federal U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) just published a scandalous report that scorns authentic Christian faith and recommends severe restrictions of its full expression by American citizens – expression protected by the First Amendment.
The report, “Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles with Civil Rights” [get PDF here], is another Washington agency telling Christians it’s their turn in the closet. Now that homosexuals and transvestites are “out,” their desires, plans, demands and delusions take priority.
Religious exemptions, the commission report contends, “infringe” on civil rights. But hold on. Commission Chairman Martin Castro in this report unlawfully equates “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” demands to legally established U.S civil rights. Actual U.S. civil rights law bars discrimination about race, color, religion, sex, national origin and disability status.
No law designates homosexuality and gender confusion as federally protected civil rights. Just like the disguise of a “drag queen,” the rationale for much of this report is a lie.
States that have foolishly passed homosexual and gender rebellion “non-discrimination” laws have their own civil rights agencies. Let those states invent bogus recommendations to further restrict citizens’ concerns over the mandatory embrace of “LGBT” behaviors, ramping up the use of law as a weapon to fine Christians, get them fired, or close their businesses.
A Republican Party first in pro-homosexual/-transgender outreach — Party of family values?
Sodomy Shirts — Brought to You by the RNC: “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts are being sold online as a joint project of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and the Republican National Committee. To read more on Trump’s past support for homosexual activism, go HERE. To read where Hillary Clinton stands on homosexualism and transsexualism, go HERE. And to see a video of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson supporting homosexual “marriage,” go HERE.
By Peter LaBarbera
There are many Republicans in high places who are trying to remold the GOP into a “gay”-affirming party–sort of a “Democrat-lite” party on homosexuality and transgenderism. Donald Trump could be their ticket: the liberal New York Timesreports that Trump’s accepting views on homosexuality set him apart from past GOP standard bearers.
So we were not shocked to learn that the Republican National Committee (RNC) is joining with Donald Trump to market “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts. Trump and the RNC are calling his “gay”-rainbow apparel “Trump Pride Men’s Tees.” The move comes after Trump shocked social conservatives by giving a primetime speaking spot at the Republican National Convention to homosexual businessman and “gay” advocate Peter Thiel.
In another development, the Trump campaign announced that its child care plan will cover homosexuals. The proposal would provide a series of government benefits and incentives for parents using child care, including tax deductions for child care expenses and a requirement that employers offer six weeks of paid maternity leave.
Hillary champions LGBTQ “Equality Act,” is friends with HRC president Chad Griffin
Folks, homosexualism has not been a major issue in this presidential campaign–due mainly to the media’s suffocating political correctness and unprofessional pro-LGBTQ bias–and partly due to political cowardice. Nevertheless, the issue is extremely important to many millions of Americans. So it is stunning that the YouTube video below of Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) on October 3, 2015 had only received 10,759 views as of the morning of September 23, 2016.
AFTAH is covering all major presidential candidates’ positions on homosexualism and transsexualism for this election–including when Republicans embrace or ignore the “gay” or “trans” agenda. (Some GOP political types hate us for that.) [See Hillary’s campaign partner Tim Kaine’s HRC speech HERE and Donald Trump’s past support of homosexualism HERE.] We are cleaning up the YouTube transcript of this speech and will provide that ASAP. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Human Rights Campaign description of video:
Published on Oct 3, 2015
Hillary Clinton celebrates equality and commits to the work that still lies ahead with Human Rights Campaign’s volunteer leaders #EqualityForward
“[David Hall] is absolutely correct: LGBT ‘diversity’ sessions and films are NOT truly ‘diverse’ because they disrespect or ignore faith-based and moral opposition to homosexualism and transsexualism.”–Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth
Folks, we can’t expect even a tiny minority of Christians to stand so resolutely for God’s Truth that they are even willing to lose their job over it. So when a man like Illinois government worker David Hall refuses to bow down to the modern idol of pro-perversion “diversity,” he deserves to be called the hero that he is. Pray for David and share this story far and wide! –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera
The following is a report by the stellar pro-family news site, LifeSiteNews. Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera is quoted in the article (see bolded portion); to donate to LifeSite, go here. The video above is a newscast by WCIA-TV in Springfield, Illinois:
Christian Could Be Fired for Refusing to Watch LGBT ‘Inclusivity’ Video
By Fr. Mark Hodges
CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, September 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A Christian’s 14-year career is being threatened because he refused to watch a training video on lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer “diversity and inclusivity.”
In April, the Social Security Administration announced all employees must be trained in LGBTQ “diversity and inclusivity.” Longtime information technology employee David Hall, whose Christian convictions do not consider sodomy healthy or normal or good for people, believed that the “training” was against his sincerely held beliefs.
Specifically, Hall, 42, was told by his superiors to view a 17-minute video that includes “tips for increasing cultural awareness in a diverse and inclusive environment.”
Hall refused, explaining that the training endorses sinful behavior. “I’m not going to certify sin,” he explained to WCIA-TV.
Because he refused to participate in the LGBTQ agenda training, Hall was officially reprimanded and then suspended without pay.
Video does not mention ‘prostitution’ even though that is a major factor in violence against “male-to-female” transsexuals
Simplistic Stats: Criminal violence and abuse are always wrong, but the DOJ transgender police video never mentions the major role of prostitution in violence against “male-to-female” transsexuals. Above is homosexual D.C. cop Sgt. Brett Parson, who serves as narrator for the biased video. The above graphic (7:07 in the video) alludes to “1 in 4” transgender people being victimized in “hate crimes” allegedly “because of who they are.” This is simplistic and misleading since it ignores reckless behaviors and realities within the LGBTQ subculture–especially urban “transgender” (biological) men who prostitute themselves posing as “women.” Click to enlarge.
So Obama’s DOJ worked hand-in-hand with D.C.-area “transgender” and homosexual activists–including narrator and D.C.’s top “gay” cop Sgt. Brett Parson(pardon the pun)–to produce this tendentious video with its misleading “trans” advocacy talking points. Your tax dollars at work.
Note the video’s manipulative bias and lack of context, for example: 1) the bathroom scene in which the hetero mom holding a baby is the villain (and what about localities and businesses where it is not legal or allowed for men to use the women’s restroom?); and 2) how the word “prostitute” is not mentioned even though street hustling is a major factor in violence against “male to female” transsexuals. Can you think of anything more dangerous than a biological man walking the street (or being an escort) as a prostitute pretending to be a woman–offering his services to strange men who may think they are about to commit sex acts with someone who is really a woman?!
I wonder: when will the DOJ produce a video teaching sensitivity toward people of faith and those defending biblical morals? It is a sad day when our men and women in blue become change agents for a lobby promoting disordered sex and gender rebellion. More on the Obama administration’s extreme (and unchecked) LGBTQ agenda coming. — @Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [A full transcript follows after the jump]: