
New Book: Health Risks of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals

Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Not Politically Correct, but True: One thing the “gay”-cheerleading media refuse to discuss is the connection between homosexual behavior and disease. Order HERE for 29.95 or as an e-book for 9.95 HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.

Folks, if you care about answering the absurd “gay” narrative that God’s design for sex and marriage is “equal” to sexual perversion, buy this book. If you want to support pro-family warriors who are on the front lines of defending what’s right–like the great people at Mass Resistance–buy this book. If you want to educate an LGBTQ-brainwashed friend or millennial, buy this book! C’mon, everyone: the truth matters, and the truth is homosexual behavior is destructive and unhealthy.

TAKE ACTION, Get Informed: Buy the new paperback HERE for 29.95, or as an e-book HERE for 9.95.

–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera [Table of Contents is after the jump]

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Chicago ‘Gay’ Bathhouse Steamworks Again Lures Young Men Through ‘Spring Break Student Discount’

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

steamworks_spring_break-1WARNING: Offensive Descriptions of Homosexual Perversions

“Think twice about mixing alcohol and/or recreational drugs with sex. They can reduce your ability to make good decisions and can lead to risky behavior—like having sex without a condom.

“Limit your number of partners. You can lower your risk for STDs if you only have sex with one person who only has sex with you.”–“CDC Fact Sheet: What Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases,” last updated Nov. 13, 2014


By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

If you haven’t noticed, most of the media debate surrounding homosexuality–insofar as the media even consider there to be a legitimate “debate”–centers around “marriage” and monogamy. Precious little attention is given to the actual set of behaviors that not only has made–especially male homosexuality–a dangerous lifestyle, but which also provides evidence that homosexualism is precisely what moralists say it is: wrong, perverse and destructive behavior.

Homosexual institutions, organizations and “gay” sex businesses actively recruit young people to join their ranks. Catering to male homosexual sex is big business. Below we have a particularly wicked institution, Steamworks–a Chicago homosexual bathhouse where men go for indiscriminate, anonymous sexual encounters with other men–trying to lure college boys to its debauched premises. This ad ran last week (March 21-29) on the Chicago Steamworks website:


Wanted: Young Men: Web ad for the Chicago homosexual bathhouse “Steamworks”–part of a North American chain–advertises a “Student Discount” for Spring Break 2015.

AFTAH has called for the closure of homosexual bathhouses in the interest of protecting the public’s health–e.g., women who are infected with HIV by male spouses who secretly engage in homosexual acts on the “down low. ” And we have reported on this particular Chicago bathhouse before. It sits in a large, nondescript building on Halsted Street in the heart of the city’s homosexual “Boystown” neighborhood (officially demarcated with “gay” rainbow pillars lining the streets). In fact, about a decade ago, I joined some hardy souls in a late-night “protest/Christian witness” outside this bathhouse.

For years, Steamworks has participated in the annual Chicago homosexual “Pride” festivities. It is part of a North American chain of homosexual bathhouses–others are located in Berkeley, California, Seattle, Washington–and in Canada in Toronto, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia.


What goes on in a bathhouse? I can only know from reading accounts by people who have been there: men young and old pay to get in. They buy a locker for their clothes–$5 off the usual price with a student ID, according to the “Spring Break”ad–and then walk around in a towel, which of course makes it easier to engage in sodomies with complete strangers. Customers can pay extra for a private room.

There is a sauna, showers and hot tub–and surely sodomitic acts occur in all three. Homosexual pornography spews from TVs throughout the building to stoke the hyper-sexual, orgiastic atmosphere. I cannot imagine the hygienic violations at a place like Steamworks but it is telling that in online reviews of this and other “gay” sex clubs, men complain about sticky floors.

The depraved and vile goings-on in bathhouses predictably contribute to the astronomically high rates of STD rates among homosexual men, but the response of government health bureaucrats and researchers to the crisis seems to be to use the bathhouses and “gay” sex clubs as distribution points for condoms and “safer sex” information–rather than to close them down or at least regulate them more tightly. That’s sort of like passing out anti-gambling literature at a racetrack but it has been the politically correct “safer sex” mentality for decades.

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2014 Was the Year Elitist Judicial Grinches Stole the People’s Vote on God-ordained Marriage Between a Man and a Woman

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

GrinchAFTAH News Release

December 31, 2014

By Peter LaBarbera,;; 312-324-3787

The year 2014 in America saw an unprecedented overreach by the judiciary, with federal judges–contemptuous or at least dismissive of the people’s clearly-expressed will–striking down as “unconstitutional” popular state ballot measures preserving the age-old definition of marriage as between husband and wife.

Only an “evolving Constitution” could countenance so-called rights and “marriage” based on sexual deviancy. Legislators, not courts, change the law, and well into the 20th Century most states had laws on their books banning homosexual sodomy—once known as the infamous “crime against Nature.” To this day homosexual acts remain “against Nature,” hence their disproportionate association with sexual diseases like HIV and syphilis—which is why MSM (men having sex with men) is a red flag for blood donations.

Today’s judicial supremacists—with media sycophants in tow—don’t care that the United States Supreme Court has already established precedent in 1972 against using the Fourteen Amendment–designed to combat institutionalized racism left over from slavery–to legalize homosexuality-based “marriage.” The Supreme Court dismissed in an appeal of the Minnesota Supreme Court decision Baker vs. Nelson in which the majority wrote:

“[I]n commonsense and in a constitutional sense, there is a clear distinction between a marital restriction based merely upon race and one based upon the fundamental difference in sex.”  

The 2014 judicial avalanche in favor of radically redefining marriage to accommodate homosexual behavior exposes a key contradiction of the Left: on the one hand progressives bemoan voter-ID laws, arguing that these laws are purposely designed to make it harder for African-Americans and likely Democratic voters to cast a ballot.

On the other hand, “progressives” like those inhabiting the offices of the ACLU overwhelmingly support judicial negation of successful state constitutional amendments preserving marriage as between one man and one woman—in states like Utah, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma and Florida. Each of these court rulings imposing “gay marriage” disenfranchises millions of Americans on the issue.

Moreover, polls show that Black Americans are a strong demographic in support of traditional marriage. So effectively, to use Twitter-ese, liberals are saying that #BlackVotesMatter–except when it comes to popular state amendments rejecting homosexuality-based “marriage,” for which (millions of) #BlackVotesDoNotCount.

Sexual revolutionaries have cunningly have mastered the art of using government power through the manipulation of the law to legitimize their sin, in this case homosexual behavior–which God calls an abomination (“detestable”; see Leviticus 20:13) and a sin that can be overcome through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). So naturally the Left has exulted in the tendency of most courts to reject overwhelmingly popular ballot measures designed to protect the historic definition of marriage.

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Latest ‘Gay Disease’: Syphilis Is Predominantly a Homosexual Male Epidemic, CDC Reports

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

As debate over ending “gay” male blood ban escalates, so do homosexual disease rates

Homosexual bathhouse "Steamworks" sits prominently in Chicago's "gay" "Boystown" neighborhood.

Catering to Promiscuous ‘Gays’ Is Big Business: The CDC revealed in 2014 that syphilis is now “predominantly” a homosexual male “epidemic.” Above is a photo of the homosexual bathhouse “Steamworks,” which sits prominently (at the 3246 address) on Halsted Street in the heart of Chicago’s homosexual “Boystown” neighborhood. ‘Homo-promiscuity’ is a major factor in the spread of syphilis, HIV and other STDs, but politically-speaking, orgiastic “gay” sex clubs like this one are apparently untouchable. AFTAH has long called for such perversion centers to be closed down in the name of public health, to no avail. Note the nondescript, windowless Steamworks building and the official “rainbow pillars” demarcating the city’s “gay-borhood.” Photo: AFTAH; click to enlarge.


Help AFTAH Expose Homosexual-Transgender Lies with a Year-End Gift!  AFTAH is David and the well-funded “Gay” Lobby is Goliath. Support AFTAH today with a year-end gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can give! Give online [safe credit-card form HERE] or send a check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. All gifts postmarked by or made online midnight Dec. 31 are tax-deductible for your 2014 taxes.


WARNING: Offensive CDC photo of syphilis

By Peter LaBarbera

One way that 2014 was not unique compared to previous years is that it brought further evidence of the destructiveness of homosexual behavior. In May, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that such a high percentage of new syphilis cases are linked to homosexuality-practicing males that it now considers syphilis “predominantly an MSM [men who have sex with men] epidemic.”

The health agency’s May 9, 2014 Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR) [reprinted in PDF format HERE] found that almost 84 percent of primary and secondary syphilis cases reported in 2012 were among homosexual men (MSM)–up from 77 percent in 2009.

The report states (emphasis added):

“In 2012, primary and secondary syphilis cases in the 35 reporting areas that reported the sex of sex partners for [equal or greater than] 70% of male cases comprised 83.7% (13,113) of all nationwide cases. In those areas, the proportion of male primary and secondary syphilis cases attributed to MSM [men who have sex with men] increased from 77.0 (6,366) in 2009 to 83.9% (8,701) in 2012. Increases in incidence occurred among MSM of all ages and races/ethnicities from all regions. The greatest percentage increases occurred among Hispanics (53.4%, from 1,291 in 2009 to 1,980 in 2012) and whites (38.1%, 2,449 to 3,381), when compared with blacks (21.2%, 2,267 to 2,747)…By age group, the greatest percentage increases occurred among MSM aged 25-29 (53.2%m 1,073 to 1,644).”

In a separate section of the CDC MMWR report (p. 405, in the blue text box), the authors write (emphasis added):

“What is already known on this topic?
Rates of reported primary and secondary syphilis in the United States have increased since reaching historic lows in 2000. Cases of primary and secondary syphilis increasingly are among males, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM).

“What is added by this report?
Primary and secondary syphilis rates increased among men of all ages and races/ethnicities during 2005–2013, from 5.1 cases per 100,000 population in 2005 to 9.8 in 2013, when men accounted for 91.1% of all cases reported in the United States. Although rates remain highest among black men (28.1), recent increases were greatest among Hispanic and white men. Currently, syphilis is predominantly an MSM epidemic.”

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VIDEO: America’s Survival TV – LaBarbera and Kincaid Discuss Hollywood Homosexual Pedophile Scandal and Canada ‘Hate’ Politics

Saturday, April 26th, 2014
Michael Egan

Michael Egan

This interview with America’s Survival President Cliff Kincaid aired on AS’s Roku channel April 24, 2014. In discussing homosexuality and pedophilia, Kincaid references a video by homosexual Walter Lee Hampton complaining about seeing so many homosexual men in thir 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s in sexual relationships with minor boys [go HERE to view]. At about 17:45 the discussion shifts to LaBarbera recounting his run-in with Canada’s homosexuality-affirming “hate” politics, culminating in his arrest for protesting peacefully with Bill Whatcott at University of Regina, in Satchatchewan. [Go HERE to watch this on YouTube.] America’s Survival writes:

Pedophiles Exposed! Peter LaBarbera on Gay Media Power

The mother of the alleged victim of a powerful Hollywood pedophile ring says she tried for years to interest the media in the story. Michael Egan’s mother Bonnie Mound said, “I wrote every news channel, every magazine, every talk show host, everybody, from Oprah to ‘20/20‘ to ‘60 Minutes‘…. Nobody wanted to do anything because of the high-profile people involved.” Although Egan attorney Jeff Herman said the suits are not about homosexuality, but rather pedophilia and child abuse, Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth notes that the founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a communist who supported the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). LaBarbera was recently arrested and jailed in Canada for distributing pro-family values literature on the campus of the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada.

AFTAH Flier on Homosexual Health Risks – Is All Love ‘Equal’? – Passed Out at Canada U-Regina Protest

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

Facts show that Nature discriminates against homosexual behavior

UPDATES: 1) On December 22, 2014, LaBarbera and Whatcott were found innocent of criminal “mischief” by a Canadian judge who affirmed their right to disseminate information at the U. of Regina; see this article with a PDF link to the ruling.

2) Adjusted fact point on Anal Cancer (Endnote 7): our original flier apparently contained a direct citation from the book HIV Essentials about anal cancer that was called to our attention as potentially misleading: “The incidence of anal cancer in gay men is approximately 80 times that of the general population.” To avoid any confusion, we have replaced it with this citation by the CDC: “Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men” [see this 2014 CDC fact sheet]. The 80-percent figure was taken from HIV Essentials 2013 (Sixth Edition), by Paul E. Sax , Calvin J. Cohen, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, [(Jones & Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA, 2013), p. 132; Amazon book link HERE.] We have substituted the CDC source link for the HIV Essentials link in Endnote 7:


The following is adapted from a one-page flier passed out by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at an April 14, 2014 protest at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada [see this excellent video commentary by Canadian pundit Brian Lilley]. At the protest. led by Canadian pro-family/pro-life activist Bill Whatcott, both he and LaBarbera were arrested on the charge of “mischief” for not abandoning their peaceful sign protest against homosexuality and abortion. In explaining why the university felt the need to eject Whatcott and the three other protesters, U or R provost and vice-president Thomas Chase said, “The materials were graphic and the materials were disturbing,” he told the Regina Leader-Post. “The materials, we felt, could harm members of this campus community who we have a duty to protect and support.”


Is All Love ‘Equal’?

hrc-equal-sign-logo-adapted“Love is Love,” same-sex “marriage” advocates are fond of saying. At a recent protest in Weyburan, Saskatchewan, Canada, a pro-“gay” activist said, “It doesn’t matter who you love, it just matters that you love.” The implication is that homosexual sex and relationships are equivalent—morally, practically and health-wise—to natural sex and relationships (i.e., marriage) between a man and a woman. But is that true?

Capacity to Produce Life

Sex between men or between women alone can never produce children.  “Gay parenting” requires a previous heterosexual relationship by one or both of the same-sex partners, or adoption or artificial means to acquire a child.  That child will then intentionally be denied a father or a mother.  In contrast, heterosexuality and natural marriage produce children, families and future generations.

‘HIV Is a Gay Disease’

Homosexual sex between men is the biggest risk factors for HIV/AIDS. A stunning 94-95 percent of all HIV diagnoses in 2011 among boys and young men were linked to homosexual sex, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports.[1] A 2008 CDC study of “gay” men in 21 major cities found that nearly one in five were HIV positive while 44 percent of those did not know it. [2] Facts like these have led some homosexual activists to admit that, “HIV is a gay disease.”[3] Yet students rarely are educated on the heightened health risks associated with homosexual behaviors.

CDC slide demonstrates the strong correlation between

CDC slide demonstrates the strong correlation between “male-to-male sexual contact” and HIV among adolescent boys and young men. To view the full CDC slide presentation, go HERE; to read the related AFTAH article, go HERE. Yellow highlighting did not appear on original CDC slide.

Viral Hepatitis and High-Risk Homosexual Sex                         

“Among adults, an estimated 10% of new Hepatitis A cases and 20% of new Hepatitis B cases occur in gay or bisexual men,” the CDC reported in October 2013. The disproportionate risk is linked to high-risk sexual behaviors by “men who have sex with men” (MSM). The CDC reports: “Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter—even in microscopic amounts—from an infected person. Among men who have sexual contact with other men, Hepatitis A can be spread through direct anal-oral contact or contact with fingers or objects that have been in or near the anus of an infected person.”[4]

Sex Practices Common Among Homosexual Men Are ‘Highly Efficient Ways of Transmitting Disease,’ Says ‘Gay’ Writer 

“Some practices common among gays–especially rimming [mouth-to-anus sex] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”–“Gay” writer Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men [5]


A 2010 CDC study on “Intimate Partner Violence” among homosexuals and bisexuals found higher rates of “rape, physical violence, and/or stalking” among lesbians and bisexual women compared to heterosexual women–and higher rates of “sexual violence” among homosexual and bisexual men compared to heterosexual men. Go HERE to read CDC report summary.

Domestic Partner Violence Higher for Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals

  • “Rates of some form of sexual violence were higher among lesbian women, gay men, and bisexual women and men compared to heterosexual women and men,” the CDC reported in 2010.
  • “Forty-four percent of lesbian women, 61% of bisexual women, and 35% of heterosexual women experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime…
  • “Four in 10 gay men (40%), nearly half of bisexual men (47%), and 1 in 5 heterosexual men (21%) have experienced SV [sexual violence] other than rape in their lifetime. This translates into nearly 1.1 million gay men, 903,000 bisexual men, and 21.6 million heterosexual men.” [6]

Anal Cancer: Homosexual Men 17 Times More Likely to Develop Anal Cancer than Straight Men

“Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.”–CDC [7]


 “In 2012, 75% of the reported primary and secondary syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men (MSM)/” the CDC reported. [8]


Dr. Stephen Goldstone

Dr. Stephen Goldstone

Anus: ‘Highest Risk Place for STDs,” Says Homosexual Doctor 

“[An] anus is the highest risk place for STDs [sexually transmitted diseases].”–Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men [9]



1. “CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases among Boys and Young Men Linked to Homosexual Sex,” AFTAH website, September 11, 2013 [link HERE]; links to CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatisis, STD and & TB Prevention, Div. of HIV/AIDS Prevention:

2. CDC Press Release: “1 in 5 men who have sex with men in 21 U.S. cities have HIV; nearly half unaware,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention; “The CDC study tested 8,153 MSM in 21 cities participating in the 2008 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS).” [link HERE]

3. Sharon Bernstein, “HIV Ads Embrace, and Stun, Audience,” Los Angeles Times, September 30, 2006: “the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center had embarked on a controversial ad campaign with this stark declaration: ‘HIV is a gay disease,’ with the tag line ‘Own It. End It.’ on billboards and in magazines.” [story link HERE].

4. CDC, “Viral Hepatitis: Information for Gay and Bisexual Men,” October 2013;

5. Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men who Love Men (Revised & Updated, Second edition, October 1998). Published by [now defunct] Alyson Books (Los Angeles, New York), pages 194, 212-213. [AFTAH link HERE] Full quote by Hart, a homosexual, is below:

“Many sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) occur more often among gay men than in the general population. Several factors contribute to this difference: Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men, and some practices common among gays–especially rimming [oral-anal perversion*] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease….”

6. NISVS: “An Overview of 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation,” The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), 2010:

7.  CDC Fact Sheet: “Gay and Bisexual Men’s Health,” last updated:  July 2, 2014:; Note: “Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.”

8. CDC, “Syphilis & MSM (Men Who Have Sex With Men) – CDC Fact Sheet; page last updated: January 7, 2014.

9. Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: 1999), p 16; in the passage, Dr. Goldstone, a homosexual and “gay” advocate, is urging condom use. For more quotations by Goldstone, see this AFTAH article. [Amazon book link HERE]


Copyright: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (, a Chicago-based organization that defends natural, biblical sexual morality and opposes the LGBT activist movement. Permission to reprint provided credit is given to “”; AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  Phone: 312-324-3787.  E-mail:

Homosexual and Bisexual Men Account for 75 Percent of Syphilis Cases: CDC

Friday, January 10th, 2014

Graph provided by CDC indicates rising syphilis infections among homosexual and bisexual men. The politically correct CDC blames “homophobia” and “stigma,” in part, for the disproportionate homosexual disease rate. But the CDC also recommends frequent screenings for syphilis and other STDs for “men who have sex with men” — especially those “who have multiple or anonymous partners,” or practice homosexual sex in conjunction with illegal drugs like meth. Click to enlarge.

A new fact sheet put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports a “troubling rise in syphilis infections among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM).” The federal health agency reports that MSM “account for three quarters (75 percent) of all primary and secondary syphilis cases.”

The CDC Fact Sheet, “Reported STDs in the United States: 2012 Data for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis,” states:

“Trend data show that men who have sex with men
(MSM)* account for three quarters (75 percent) of all
primary and secondary syphilis cases. Primary and
secondary syphilis are the most infectious stages of the
disease, and if not adequately treated, can lead to visual
impairment and stroke. Syphilis infection can also place
a person at increased risk for acquiring or transmitting
HIV infection. Surveillance data from several major cities
throughout the country indicate that an average of four
in 10 MSM with syphilis are also infected with HIV.”

The CDC reports an 11.1 percent rise in primary and secondary cases of syphilis from 2011 to 2012, with 15,667 reported cases in 2012. It states that the “rate increase was solely among men, particularly gay and bisexual men.”

As is typically the case, the (very pro-homosexual) CDC cites factors like “homophobia” and “stigma” to attempt to explain the high homosexual syphilis rates. The Fact Sheet states:

“Although a number of individual risk behaviors (such as higher numbers of lifetime sex partners or unprotected sex) contribute to disparities in the sexual health of MSM, other social and cultural factors may also play a role. For example, MSM with lower economic status may have limited access to health care and therefore may be particularly vulnerable to poorer health outcomes compared to other men. Complex issues like homophobia and stigma can also make it difficult for gay and bisexual men to seek appropriate care and treatment.”

Nevertheless, the CDC Fact Sheet’s own “Screening Recommendations” for homosexual and bisexual men point to high-risk practices among MSM, including sex with “multiple or anonymous partners” and having “gay” sex in conjunction with illicit drugs, as more salient factors behind the high STD rates:

Screening at least once a year for syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV for all sexually active gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM who have multiple or anonymous partners should be screened more frequently for STDs (i.e., at 3-to-6 month intervals). In addition, MSM who have sex in conjunction with illicit drug use (particularly methamphetamine use) or whose sex partners participate in these activities should be screened more frequently.

— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

VIDEO: Homosexual Man Responds to ‘It Gets Better Project’ with Video: ‘It Got Worse’

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Single gay man in his thirties compares “flakey” homosexual men to shallow, vicious 14-year-old girls…

It_Got_Worse_14-year-old-girlsFolks, here is a fascinating eight-and-a-half-minute YouTube video that reminds me of how — despite 20 years of monitoring the “gay” movement — AFTAH has only skimmed the surface in exposing the tragic reality of the homosexual lifestyle. AFTAH is excoriated by “gay” activists for allegedly exaggerating homosexuality’s downsides, but the reality is quite the opposite: as outsiders (I am not nor have I ever been homosexual or homosexually-tempted), we fail to convey how dysfunctional, superficial, and destructive it actually is.

The anonymous author of this video is no fan of AFTAH, to be sure. On Dec. 18, he tweeted: “My video is not meant for hetero[sexual] bigots. [It] is meant for other gay men who have to deal with the same things I do.” But that only makes the video more authoritative, not less. God only knows how representative and accurate this fellow’s bitter assessment of male homosexuality is. However, the video is a necessary and frank rebuttal to the ubiquitous cheerleading for homosexuality, as typified by the thousands of videos inspired by homosexual militant Dan Savage’s youth-oriented “It Gets Better Project.”

Few could doubt that LGBT advocates — desperate to rationalize their own (or a friend’s or relative’s) homosexuality, tend to downplay its many negatives. And of course the media and Hollywood — pressured by GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) — glamorize homosexuality. Think of this presentation as a lone, politically incorrect — and well documented — counterpoint to all the “gay”-affirming buzz. Following the video is research provided by the author to back up his claims. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

 [WARNING: Video contains vulgar language and sexual references]


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