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Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays
Thursday, October 11th, 2007
Wows Americans For Truth Audience with Testimony of Leaving Behind 29 Years of Lesbianism
Get a DVD of Cothran, Parker Speeches at AFTAH Banquet!
All proceeds will go to help the work of Americans For Truth
To order a complete DVD (or CD) of both Charlene Cothran’s and David Parker’s outstanding talks, make an online donation of at least $25 postpaid to Americans For Truth (please use the online form to specify ‘2007 Banquet DVD’. You can substitute an audio CD but you must request this specifically. To order by regular mail, send your check or money order specifying “2007 Banquet DVD” (or CD) to: Americans For Truth, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
Bulk Orders available (all postpaid): 2 for $40; 3 for $55; 4 for $70; add $10 for each additional DVD or contact us (630-717-7631) for large bulk order pricing.
NOTE: What better occasion than the homosexual activists’ misguided “National Coming Out Day” (October 11th every year) to publish Charlene Cothran’s testimony — representing a “coming out” story that we who agree with God on homosexuality can get behind? To contact Charlene, write editor@venusmagazine.org.
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, Americans For Truth’s banquet Friday night was a wonderful event that exceeded our expectations. We packed out our banquet room at the Embassy Suites Hotel – which was actually a fallback location for our event after another hotel had abruptly cancelled our reservation – and everything went smoothly, despite the small “gay” protest outside.
(Click HERE to read about how Gay Liberation Network and other homosexual activists – obsessed as they are with smearing Americans For Truth – are now lying about our banquet numbers, saying that as few as 30 people attended our banquet (do I hear 20?…) when our room was actually packed out with more than 110 attendees.)
Our two keynote speakers, Charlene Cothran and David Parker, were riveting and held the audience in rapt attention until the evening’s end – as I have rarely seen at such an event. Charlene’s heartfelt testimony (portions of which are excerpted below) about how God drew her from her (very “successful”) lesbian lifestyle had so many wonderful lessons to teach: the faithfulness of God; the answered prayers of a faithful mother; the possibility of radical change in the life of even a longtime homosexual (Cothran had lived 29 years as a lesbian); and the need of loving Christians to reach out to homosexual strugglers trying to leave the lifestyle.
Charlene had the Americans For Truth audience laughing right off the bat when she said:
If you had told me two years ago that I would be a featured speaker at the Americans For Truth about Homosexuality banquet, I would have laughed in your face! Because I was one of those girls who would have been outside across the street with the gang trying to prevent this from happening. But God has a way of bringing us full circle, doesn’t He?
Full circle, indeed. As a leading African-American homosexual activist and the most successful minority publisher in the “gay” world with her Venus Magazine – which she now uses to spread the Gospel of Christ — Cothran once partnered with a host of homosexual activist groups to advance that cause: Human Rights Campaign (back then it was called Human Rights Campaign Fund); the National Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum; the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; and PFLAG (Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays), to name a few.
Many of those groups do everything they can to hide the truth from the public that men and women like Charlene are walking away from homosexuality.
Cothran continued:
“It was right here in Chicago … back in 2003 at a ‘gay pride’ event – out in Bryant Park, on a sunlit afternoon where I should have been the proudest lesbian out there….At any other pride event, I was always very proud to be there. … But on this day a shame fell on me, and something spoke in my spirit and said: ‘This is that road that’s leading to destruction, and you are on it.’ And it was such a loud voice that I could no longer ignore that what I was doing and how I was living was wrong.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Authors & Journalists, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Chicago, Christian, E - Praying for the Lost, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, HRC, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, PFLAG, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |
Wednesday, October 10th, 2007
The same Gay Liberation Network that lied about Americans For Truth’s banquet numbers and tried to pressure the Embassy Suites Hotel to drop our reservation once called Chicago’s historic Moody Church (in background) a “House of Hate” — because Moody pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer wrote a book critical of “same-sex marriage.” The anti-Christian GLN claimed that “40-50” people attended AFTAH’s banquet, when in truth over 110 showed up, packing the room. Photo courtesy Illinois Family Institute.
By Peter LaBarbera
The same homosexual activist group, Gay Liberation Network (GLN), that led a pressure campaign to oust Americans For Truth from the hotel where it held its successful banquet Friday night, is now spreading lies about the number of attendees — saying that “40-50” people came when in actuality over 110 people packed out the banquet room at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Lombard for the successful event.
GLN’s lie has surfaced on lesbian blogger Pam Spaulding’s site and presumably others as well. (We’re anxiously awaiting “The Pam’s” correction….) As you might imagine, the prodigious Gay Fib Machine is quite busy when it comes to smearing Americans For Truth, about which they are quite obsessed.
The GLN’s Andy Thayer — who led a contingent of what looked like about 10 or fewer scruffy protesters at our event Friday, somehow determined that “There were only about 40-50 people in attendance” at our banquet. But Thayer and his small band of followers were kept off the Embassy Suites property; they were forced to hold their protest signs (one slammed the “Bigot Banquet”) on the nearest big road (Butterfield Rd.), at least 50 yards from the hotel — so we’re not sure how they got their curious crowd estimate.
A couple of homosexual men did come to the banquet room to harass us after the event had ended and many people had left, so maybe that explains it.
The Gay Liberation Network has some warped priorities, to be sure: while it crusaded against the “hateful” Americans For Truth — even trying to knock us from our hotel — it recently praised Miller Beer for sponsoring the deplorable, sadomasochistic “Folsom Street Fair,” at which hundreds of men walked around totally nude and where orgies on the streets and various “consensual” beatings went undisturbed by San Francisco police.
Here’s more falsehoods from GLN’s Thayer, as relayed by Spaulding:
I doubt they were getting anywhere near $50/person from their paltry attendance, as one of our people went in to scope it out and was told by a person at the door that all that was needed to get in was a free reservation. No way they covered their overhead, let alone raised any money.
Truth be told, all of our guests paid their $50, and many much more, so thankfully we had a good night raising funds for our cause of answering “gay” activist lies in the culture.
I did have an interesting conversation with one GLN protester. As I was in the parking lot, a woman popped out of her car, hugged me and proclaimed — smirk on her face — that she loved me. I hugged her back and told her that I loved her, too. But when I touched her, another woman (perhaps her partner?), still sitting in the car, called out: “Don’t touch him, he’s diseased.”
Diseased? I wish that poor, deluded woman would have come in to hear Charlene Cothran’s wonderful presentation about overcoming homosexuality rather than stand outside with the GLN’s ridiculous signs: she’s welcome to call me any time and I’ll put her in touch with Charlene, who once, too, let anger and ideology keep her from the truth.
Posted in B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Chicago, E - Praying for the Lost, Gay Liberation Network, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quotes, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Monday, September 17th, 2007
Last week, we spoke with John Lisle, a spokesman for the Arlington County, Virginia, Police Department, who confirmed PFOX’s account of the assault August 18 at the Arlington Country Fair — homosexual activists’ claims of fraud against PFOX notwithstanding. Click HERE to view the original PFOX release describing an assault that “gay” bloggers Wayne Besen (Truth Wins Out), Jim Burroway (Box Turtle Bulletin) and David Roberts (Ex-GayWatch) said never happened.
The following is Lisle’s statement, e-mailed to Americans For Truth on September 11 (emphasis added):
Here is what I can tell you about the alleged incident at the Arlington County Fair on August 18.
I have now spoken to two officers who are familiar with an incident similar to what has been described [i.e., by PFOX–Editor].
One officer told me this week he was on patrol at the Fair when a woman approached him and told him a man had knocked over pamphlets at the PFOX booth and assaulted another man there.
The officer then spoke to the alleged victim. He did not want to press charges and therefore no written report was filed.
Based on the description the officer was given, he located the suspect at the Fair. Another officer escorted that gentleman off the Fair grounds.
If you have any additional questions please let me know.
John Lisle
Media Relations Office
Arlington County Police Dept.
1425 N. Courthouse Rd.
Arlington, VA 22201
703-228-4311 phone
703-524-3674 fax
Posted in Assaults, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, News |
Sunday, September 16th, 2007
Predictably, homosexual activists are already touting the “failure rate” revealed by this study. However, many of the same activists have denied that people can change their “orientation” (i.e., their homosexuality) at all, a claim that is belied by Jones’ and Yarhouse’s research and ample evidence in the real world. Hopefully, this will be the first of many serious studies proving the reality of change to skeptical secularists and the media.
Another factor from my experience as a close observer of the “ex-gay” phenomenon is that many former homosexuals do not linger in “reparative therapy” programs, or participate in them at all. They attribute their dramatic and (relatively) rapid transformation to the power of God, and likely would not show up in a study of this kind. In fact, these “unstudied” overcomers would appear to be the most successful ex-homosexuals because they’ve moved on with their lives — as “reborn” Christians move on after overcoming any besetting sin. Moreover, they are not proud of their former sinful lifestyle and may not even wish to discuss it.
Who knows how many thousands of formerly “gay” men and “ex-lesbians” fit into this category — who will likely never be a statistic in this type of research? — Peter LaBarbera
The following is taken from a Baptist Press report on the ex-“gay” study. For the full Baptist Press article, click HERE.
Landmark Study: Change for Homosexuals Is Possible
By Michael Foust, Baptist Press
Sep 14, 2007
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–In what some are calling groundbreaking research, a new four-year study concludes it is possible for homosexuals to change their physical attractions and become heterosexual through the help of Christian ministries.
The data was released Sept. 13 at a news conference in Nashville, Tenn., and will be published in the forthcoming book, “Ex-Gays?” (InterVarsity Press) by psychologists Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse. Thirty-eight percent of the subjects followed in the study said they had successfully left homosexuality, while an additional 29 percent said they had had only modest successes but were committed to keep trying. In another significant finding, Jones and Yarhouse said attempts at conversions do not appear to be psychologically harmful.
Experts in the field call it the first scientific study performed on a sample of individuals undergoing Christian counseling, monitoring their successes and failures from the beginning. A follow-up study is being conducted and will be released in the future.
“These findings contradict directly the commonly expressed views of the mental health establishment that change in sexual orientation is impossible, and that if you attempt to change it’s highly likely to produce harm for those who make such an attempt,” Jones, professor of psychology at Wheaton College in Illinois, said at the news conference.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
The following letter was sent today by the leftist, Chicago-based organization “Gay Liberation Network,” which routinely protests pro-family and Christian events — and which once blasted historic Moody Church in Chicago as a “House of Hate.”
Note how Bob Schwartz equates the defense of historic Judeo-Christian morality with “hate.” We encourage readers to pray for Bob, who, is a very bitter and angry man. Readers can contact Dennis Igoe, General Manager of the Holiday Inn Select in Naperville, at dennis@naperselect.com or 630-505-4900.
E-mail subject header: “Thank you for cancelling bigot banquet”
Dennis Igoe
Manager, Naperville Holiday Inn
Naperville, Illinois
Dear Mr Igoe:
It has just come to our attention that you canceled a banquet by “Americans For Truth,” an antigay hate organization. We thank-you for doing so, given that antigay hate under the guise of religion is still hate. Similarly, anti-immigrant hate under the guise of patriotism is the real agenda of the Minuteman Project, a group barred from another Holiday Inn in Crystal Lake.
No doubt Peter LaBarbera had our organization, Gay Liberation Network, in mind when he informed you that “homosexual organizations” might picket his hate fest.
It has become the cant of bigot organizations like Americans For Truth to cry that there is “anti-christian discrimination” at work whenever anyone stands up for fair play, such as in this instance of a private corporation refusing to provide a platform for rank bigotry.
Sincerely yours,
Gay Liberation Network
Copy: Americans for Truth
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Chicago, E - Praying for the Lost, Gay Liberation Network, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News |
Tuesday, August 28th, 2007
A news release from Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays:
Arlington, VA (Aug. 28, 2007) — Last week Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) exhibited at the Arlington County Fair in Arlington, Virginia. PFOX has exhibited at this county fair for the past four years and hands out materials on same-sex attraction and tolerance for the ex-gay community to a hungry public. A local gay group also exhibits there and distributes materials on gay rights.
As happens every year, gay activists disrupted our booth activities. They screamed obscenities, threw our materials from the exhibit table to the ground, insisted we recognize their same-sex “spouses,” demanded that PFOX leave, and hit a PFOX volunteer because he is ex-gay.
When we explained that the county’s sexual orientation law allows both the gay booth and our ex-gay booth to exhibit, the unhappy gays insisted that sexual orientation laws on hate crimes and discrimination do not apply to ex-gays — only gays — and no tolerance should be extended to former homosexuals.
All the gays who stopped by our booth that week insisted that no one could change their sexual orientation from gay to straight, although they knew of people who had changed in mid-life from heterosexual to a gay lifestyle or had changed their gender.
The gays became infuriated when our ex-gay volunteers testified about leaving homosexuality. They adamantly refused to accept the ex-gays’ sexual orientation. One gay man went so far as to hit our ex-gay volunteer because he refused to recant his ex-gay testimony. We summoned a police officer, who ejected the gay man off of the fairgrounds. Our ex-gay volunteer decided not to press assault charges against the gay man because he wanted to turn the other check as Jesus had done.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Assaults, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Monday, August 27th, 2007
Kevin McCullough is one of the few talk radio hosts who is not afraid to take on the homosexual activist movement.
As one who has been on the receiving end of too many online “gay” lies to count, I can sympathize with Kevin McCullough — one of the few radio conservatives nationwide who doesn’t downplay the homosexual issue. (And there are some pretty big names in conservative radio who do by going ‘PC’ on this issue with their silence … so support Kevin.)
McCullough’s basic point is one that cannot be repeated enough: people have a choice over their sexual (mis)behavior — which is why homosexual activists stress the expedient ideological construct of (supposedly innate) “sexual orientation.”
Racial minorities have no such choice. Unlike homosexuals, they cannot leave their minority group, as every ex-gay or ex-lesbian does when he or she abandons that destructive lifestyle choice. Thus the biggest “gay” lie of all is that “being gay” — i.e., naturally predisposed toward homosexuality — is “who you are.” — Peter LaBarbera
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Why do angry gay bloggers always lie?
Posted by: Kevin McCullough at 8:17 AM
NGBlog [WARNING: NGBlog has a hard time making his point without cussing–Ed.] and OutsideTheTent have had me in their sights for sometime.
And when the towering intellects that they both are come up short against an actual point of substance the best they can do is call me stupid, or poopy pants, or whatever brilliant turn of phrase pops into their skull.
They are so desperate to make me appear stupid they slow down the video of me discussing the Mary Cheney pregnancy on CNN to the one frame where in the middle of speaking I appear half-inebriated. [See an AFTAH post on the Mary Cheney baby story HERE.]
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, Conception, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Parenting, News |
Tuesday, August 21st, 2007
 Charlene Cothran and David Parker: two heroes for truth coming to Chicago.
Folks, you won’t want to miss Americans For Truth’s first annual banquet, on Friday, Oct. 5 at 6:00 PM, outside Chicago, Illinois. This surely will be one of the most compelling and exciting evenings for defending truth in the area of homosexuality that you will ever experience!
Our dynamic speakers represent both sides of pro-family advocacy on this issue: the loving Gospel message of hope through Christ in overcoming unwanted same-sex desires — and the bold defense of truth in the public square, in this case parents’ right to protect their children from manipulative, pro-homosexual lessons in taxpayer-funded public schools. Here are the details:
WHAT: Americans For Truth Dinner Banquet: Celebrating Truth and the Freedom to Be Moral
WHEN: Friday, Oct. 5: Silent Auction 6:00 PM, Dinner 6:45 PM
WHERE: Lombard, Illinois, west of Chicago, location TBA; call AFTAH’s Banquet Coordinator at 312-315-6152 for information on room reservations for those coming from out of state. (It is easy to get cheap flights into Chicago’s O’Hare or Midway airports.)
WHO: Keynote Speakers:
Charlene Cothran
Former lesbian who, after her dramatic Christian conversion, retooled her Venus Magazine from a publication for fellow “gay and lesbian” African Americans to a Christian magazine seeking to help men and women overcome homosexuality through Christ
David Parker
Caring father who became a nationally known parents’ rights crusader after being arrested at his 1st-grade son’s Lexington, Mass., elementary school for insisting that he and his wife be notified before their son was exposed to any pro-homosexual teachings
ADMISSION: $50 per person; table of ten, $500. Pay online HERE.
PAYMENT AND RESERVATIONS: E-mail Americans For Truth at americansfortruth@comcast.net; or call AFTAH’s Banquet Coordinator at 312-315-6152 to reserve your seats. SEATING IS LIMITED SO DON’T DELAY. Pay using your credit card using AFTAH’s new and improved Online Donation Page (designate “Banquet” in the comments section). Or send checks payable to “Americans For Truth” at $50/person to: AFTAH, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. You may also pay by credit card by calling 312-315-6152.
WHY: At this special event, pro-family leaders will celebrate God’s power to transform men and women struggling with homosexuality; and expose the relentless attack on children’s innocence, parental rights and religious freedom by a “gay/transgender” lobby that seeks to discredit and silence the voice of faith in America.
Posted in 02 - Lesbian, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Chicago, Christian Persecution, Court Decisions & Judges, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate Speech, NEA, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Youth and School Related Organizations |

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