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Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty
Thursday, May 3rd, 2007
We share Austin Ruse’s outrage at the arrogance of the European Parliament for re-defining Judeo-Christian morality in Poland as “homophobia.” Regarding pedophiles marching in the streets, the notorious NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) once marched in homosexual “pride” parades until “gay” organizers got smart and started banning the pederasty group. However, one “father of gay rights,” Harry Hay, avidly defended NAMBLA, and protested the man-boy-sex group’s exclusion from the 1986 Los Angeles “gay pride” parade, holding a sign that read, “NAMBLA walks with me.” In 2005, ex-gay Christian activist James Hartline made headlines when he revealed that two convicted pedophiles were were working as volunteers for San Diego’s homosexual “pride” festival. Please help Poland by signing C-FAM’s petition.– Peter LaBarbera
Dear Colleague,
The power of the radical homosexual movement in Europe has just been shown. The European Parliament just voted to condemn Poland on what they term “homophobia.” What was Poland’s crime? The Polish Prime Minister said that Polish school children should not be subject to “homosexual propaganda.”
Polish authorities have also resisted demands from radical homosexuals that they be allowed to march in the streets. If you live in any major city you know these marches where leather boys and pedophiles march freely and disruptively through the streets.
The response of the European Parliament was to pass a resolution calling these sensible actions “hate speech” and asks competent legal authorities to take action against these officials and the government of Poland.
This is outrageous and all people of good will must stand with the Polish people against the radical homosexual movement in the European Union.
I ask you to go immediately to the petition “Homosexual Hands Off Poland” at www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php.
The petitions will be delivered to the Polish authorities on Thursday, May 10. I will personally deliver them to Polish Members of the European Parliament and to members of the Polish government when I am in Warsaw for the World Congress of Families.
We only have a few days to get as many names as possible. I urge you to go to www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and sign the petition, then send this message to everyone you know. We need to deliver thousands of names of supporters from all over the world. I especially urge those in the EU countries to get this message to everyone you know. We must tell the radicals in the European Union to keep homosexual hands off of Poland!
Go to www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and sign the petition and send this email message to everyone in your address book.
Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
PS Poland stands almost alone in the European Parliament against an enormous coalition of radicals. Poland needs our help right now. Please sign the petition at www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and help Poland fight back.
Posted in Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Europe (also see "Meccas"), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Quotes, NAMBLA, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007
TAKE ACTION: Find out if your child’s middle or high school is participating in or endorsing the homosexual “Day of Silence” Wed., April 18th and remove him or her from school that day to protest the promotion of unhealthy and immoral lifestyles to our young people. For more information on HOW to find out about the Day of Silence in your kids’ school, go to www.NotOurKids.com.
By Peter LaBarbera
WARNING: Graphic, pornographic-like descriptions of homosexual perversions are contained in this flier for “boyz”— so why was it being distributed to young men? Why are homosexually-tempted teenagers being told that they are “superstars” and that “being queer is a gift”? And why are they being coached on how to “safely” perform sodomitic sex acts like anal sex, homosexual oral sex and even “rimming” — (licking their “partner’s” anus) — yet they are NOT told how deadly these immoral homosexual behaviors can be?

It’s time for everyday Americans to face the reality of homosexual perversions being promoted by “gay” activist adults to impressionable children. If you want to know why Americans For Truth so strongly oppose pro-homosexual youth/school campaigns like the “Day of Silence” (Wed., April 18th), study this “100% Hate Free” flier — created by Chicago’s leading “gay health” organization and passed out to teen boys at a homosexual street fair. Like me, you will probably get angry when you read it, but better to be angry and informed than naive and uninformed about the evils being promoted to young people in the name of “gay pride.”
Parents simply have no clue as to what lies behind that lavender curtain of tolerance and the dangers that lurk there. Depraved homosexual acts that were once taboo and unspeakable among adults are now being taught and promoted openly to kids. Folks, this is pure evil.
Anyone who has monitored the homosexual, bisexual and “transgender” movements (as I have done for the last 15 years) will not be shocked by this. GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which launched the Day of Silence, should be banned from schools for the reckless corruptions of youth it has already been a part of — see the story of their 2000 Massachusetts “Fistgate” scandal HERE. Again and again I have seen firsthand how recklessly homosexual activist adults promote their destructive lifestyle to minors. Such corruption of youth is unconscionable, but it serves the needs of the hyper-sexualized “gay” adult male subculture. (To be sure, there are homosexuals who will share our horror at this flier.)
Please carefully read each of the facsimile pages below of this “queer pride” flier that targets teenage boys with the message that it’s “cool” to be “gay.” Print it out and show your friends. Our online copy is hard to read, so we have transcribed the wording on each page below. This flier was distributed by the Howard Brown Health Center, the leading homosexual-oriented “health center” in Chicago.
- Page 2: “You’re queer, you’re a SUPERSTAR”;
- Page 3: “Being QUEER is a gift”; promotes schools “gay/straight alliance” clubs;
- Page 4: Encourages youth to “come out” as “gay”: “Coming out is all about being freer and happier”;
- Page 5: Guides “boyz” on how to perform oral sex on a male “safer” [WARNING AGAIN: GRAPHIC CONTENT, BUT THIS WAS BEING PASSED OUT TO YOUNG MEN!] The flier even guides “boyz” on how to “safely” perform the heinous act of oral-anal “sex” (“rimming”): “…by putting a DENTAL DAM over your partner’s pleasure holes before you get down for a good licking”;
- Page 6: More homosexual perversion: guides the boys on how to prepare their body for anal penetration — by using lubricated “dildos,” etc. This is disgusting but read it if you can: youth should be told to avoid unnatural homosexual acts at all costs, not taught how to do them! And why after decades of “safer sex” instruction are “gay” men still dying in the prime of their life? Could it be that various homosexual sodomies are so lethal that they will never be “safe”?
- Page 7: Advocates sex without condoms after a period of “monogamy” is established between partners, but “Agree to tell each other immediately if you do stray into risky sexual behavior outside of your relationship.” (True fidelity is extremely rare among homosexual men.) Once again tells boys that “Being QUEER is something SPECIAL…Now go find some GAY, BI, TRANS teems and other COOL PEOPLE to CELEBRATE YOURSELF! SPREAD THE WORD, STOP THE VIRUS, and SHARE THE PRIDE!

Page 2:

Text: “Superstars — BEING DIFFERENT IS DEFINITELY A PLUS! Being different is what makes you a SUPERSTAR! Especially if you’re young, queer, and proud, just like millions of other GAY, BI, and TRANS teens. OK, so you’re HERE, you’re QUEER, you’re a SUPERSTAR. Now what? Hopefully we can answer some of those questions. — Respect with a capital R — First off, respect yourself, and expect others to respect you. We are ALL UNIQUE and SPECIAL. If someone is RUDE to you because they have a problem with your QUEER PRIDE, remember that there are a lot of other people who are caring, welcoming, and respectful. For more info on where you can get in touch with QUEER-FRIENDLY folks and fun spaces for GAY, BI, and TRANS teens, check out the back of this brochure.”
Page 3:

Text: “[a question of self] — love — Second thing, LOVE YOURSELF! And others will come to LOVE you. Start by getting to KNOW YOURSELF and BEING COMFORTABLE with who you are. Get together with people who bring out the best in you. Find people who know that BEING QUEER IS A GIFT, but also a challenge. Two places to go for a dose of QUEER PRIDE: gay student alliances and support groups. And don’t forget to find yourself a QUEER-FRIENDLY doctor to keep your body and mind in good shape. STAY HEALTHY, STAY HAPPY! Start with the listings on the back of this brochure.”
Page 4:

Text: “breaking down the closet door — Third, think about COMING OUT. It could really take a huge load off your mind. You won’t have to keep your feelings to yourself anymore. And that will make your life a lot more livable. Coming out is all about being freer and happier. But you may want to wait if you live with parents who can’t understand or if coming out might put your life in danger. Try to get some advice from other GAY, BI, and TRANS SUPERSTARS. Ask them what it was like for them to COME OUT and stay out! And remember to look at the back of this brochure for info on support groups that can help you along the way.”
Page 5:

Text: “SAFER SEX — The Basics — [next to picture of condoms] It’s important to know that you don’t have to have sex to be GAY, BI, or TRANS. Being QUEER is about a lot more than just sex. You don’t need to cave in to people who pressure you into having sex. Third, if you’re wondering what SEX is like for GAY, BI, or TRANS SUPERSTARS, be sure to read on and play it safer! —
SAFER SEX 201 — SEX is SPECIAL. Especially if you’re OK with yourself, your body, and your partner(s). SEX can make for a really GOOD TIME. But there are some RISKS, like HIV and STDs. So take care of yourself: PLAY SAFER. Here’s HOW YOU CAN DO IT. Let’s start with ORAL SEX. HIV can be spread through oral sex. But using a CONDOM makes it much safer. You don’t like the condom? You can still play it safer if you AVOID CUM and PRECUM. Work your guy’s balls and shaft; move away from the head of his penis. If you still get some cum in your mouth, SPIT, DON’T SWALLOW. And remember NOT TO BRUSH your teeth for a few hours before or after ORAL SEX. Finally, when it comes to other STDs and ORAL SEX, play safer by putting a CONDOM on your guy’s joy stick. Or by putting a DENTAL DAM over your partner’s pleasure holes before you get down for a good licking. BI and BI-CURIOUS BOYZ, AVOID VAGINAL FLUIDS because they can spread HIV too. Ask some of the folks listed on the back of this brochure. Get the facts so you can make up your own mind. We don’t judge anyone.”
Page 6:

Text: HIV and STDs can also be spread through ANAL SEX. Before you get someone else to go up your butt, spend some time getting to KNOW YOUR OWN BUTT first. Start with your fingers, maybe a lubed-up PINKY. Work your way in and around till you can take two fingers. You can also try a lubricated DILDO or a BUTT-PLUG. And if you decide to share, put a new condom on the dildo each time you, or a buddy, takes it in. Want the REAL THING? Make sure you get your guy to work up your butt before he goes in easy. If you’re not relaxed and comfortable, it’ll hurt. So get him to work it good. Hint: You can never use too much lube. Not only is it safer, it helps everything feel better, too.
— healthy, happy sex — Remember: UNPROTECTED ANAL SEX is very RISKY, just like UNPROTECTED VAGINAL SEX, so play it safer! Use a LATEX CONDOM with lots of WATER-BASED LUBE every time you take it UP THE BUTT and every time you fuck someone.
— drugs — You don’t have to get drunk or high to party like a SUPERSTAR. Mixing chemicals and sex is a VERY RISKY thing to do. Sure, some drugs can make the music sound better and alcohol might make you feel less insecure around people, but DRINKING AND TAKING DRUGS DON’T MAKE YOU A QUEER SUPERSTAR! It might be tempting to use drugs to escape the homophobia from people who don’t respect us, but ALCOHOL & OTHER DRUGS CAN MESS WITH YOUR THINKING and even take you on A ONE-WAY TRIP TO THE E.R.! If you still want to use ’em, keep some condoms handy where you party, plan ahead. Tell your partner(s) straight up that you PLAY SAFER. You could also USE LESS stuff. Drink less or not at all if you think you might be having sex, or go check out drug-free venues and activities put on by QUEER support groups. The listing on the back of this brochure will be useful.”
Page 7:

Text: “lovin your man — OK, so you don’t want to play the field? Feel like it’s time to have JUST ONE GUY, just one and only one BOYFRIEND? That’s not something new for GAY, BI, and TRANS teens. It’s called m-o-n-o-g-a-m-y. And it’s a way of PLAYING SAFER. Here’s HOW YOU COULD DO IT, if you’re in a relationship, and thinking about losing the condoms. 1-Discuss monogamy with your partner. 2-After six weeks of monogamy, go TOGETHER and get HIV and STD tests. Keep using barriers or behaviors to prevent the exchange of semen/cum. 3-Pick up your results together and then give the condoms four more months (it’s a long time, but this way the test is most accurate). 4-At that point (around six months), get tested one more time. If you are both comfortable with your status, monogamy and have open communication in your relationship, then you can drop those condoms. 5-Agree to tell each other immediately if you do stray into risky sexual behavior outside of your relationship. It’s important to do this BEFORE you have sex again with each other.
— a final word — BEING QUEER is something SPECIAL. Something to CELEBRATE. Your SEXUALITY isn’t everything, but it makes you WONDERFULLY DIFFERENT. Now go find some GAY, BI, TRANS teems and other COOL PEOPLE to CELEBRATE YOURSELF! SPREAD THE WORD, STOP THE VIRUS, and SHARE THE PRIDE!”
Back Cover:

Text: “PLACES WITH A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON — It’s not always easy to go it alone when you’re young and queer. Here are some places where you can go to get the help and support that you might need. Check ’em out. And pass on the word to other GAY, BI, and TRANS teens who might also need a helping hand. — Place sticker with appropriate adolescent referral services here.
— If you have any other questions about HIV/AIDS, feel free to call: Howard Brown Health Center’s Gay/Bi Men’s HIV Prevention Project, 3651 N. Halsted Chicago, IL 60613, 773.871.3300 stopaids@howardbrown.org, www.howardbrown.org”
Posted in GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Tuesday, March 20th, 2007
The Melbourne Magistrates Court today heard a series of disturbing allegations against a man accused of deliberately trying to infect 16 other men with HIV.
Excerpted from HIV Positive Man “Wanted to Infect”, published Mar 19, 2007, by ABC News:
…Michael Neal, 48, is charged with infecting two people with HIV and deliberately attempting to infect 14 others.
The DPP alleges Neal told some of his victims he was intent on infecting as many men as possible with HIV to widen his pool of potential partners.
…A witness said Neal boasted about breeding youth, meaning infecting them in Coburg toilets.
The witness said he did not believe him but Neal told him he had video evidence.
Victoria’s Human Services Department has told the court it only went to police with concerns about Neal when he was caught with child pornography…
Continue reading at ABC News…
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Internet Dangers, News, Physical Health, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? |
Friday, March 9th, 2007
Excerpted from NAMBLA PAMBLA, posted Mar 8, 2007, by Catholic World News:
Now here’s a Thinking Catholic who knows his Crit Legal Theory. Multiple pederast and former L.A. priest Michael Baker is claiming California’s foul lines are skewed in favor of right-handed hitters:
A former Roman Catholic priest said in court Wednesday that the rights of homosexuals have been violated by a state law that makes it easier to prosecute gay pedophiles than heterosexual child molesters. … The state law in question has no time limit for prosecuting homosexual offenders, but there are various limits for heterosexual offenders…
What’s the novelty? Baker is here affirming what the psychotherapy guilds, the prestige media, the bishops conferences, and every gay lib organization in the world have been at pains to deny: that his choice of an underage male as a sexual partner is a function of his being gay — and not the operation of an unrelated pathology such as pedophilia or ephebophilia. No, he’s not saying that all gay males are pederasts. He’s claiming that his identity — and thus his right to equal protection under the law — is inextricable from his orientation, and that laws asymmetrically putting boys out of bounds asymmetrically penalize him: they penalize them precisely as a gay man. The upshot? The choice for little boys in preference to little girls is a gay choice.
Continue reading at Catholic World News…
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, News |
Thursday, March 8th, 2007
Excerpted from James Hartline’s Action Alert dated Mar 7, 2007:
…The Gay and Lesbian Times is now reporting that the organizers of [San Diego Pride parade and festival] are actually planning to increase the amount of explicit adult entertainment that has been a staple of this annual anti-family carnival. This announcement follows on the heels of the Gay Pride organization’s recent press release that they will be hiring a high school teenager to recruit other minors to participate in this very vile party.
Here is what the March 1, 2007, Gay and Lesbian Times article stated about the increased porn industry presence for this year’s San Diego Gay Pride festival:
The Freedom Zone will be located at the south end, near the large beer garden. It will allow vendors with adult-oriented items and materials to fully display their merchandise. “Vendors who sell adult-oriented merchandise will be stationed in the Freedom Zone,” deHart said. “We’re also going to encourage special events such as autograph signings and contests and other events to take place in the Freedom Zone. It may be an opportunity to partner up with some of our local bars and clubs to do fun events and activities inside the Freedom Zone.”
The Freedom Zone was created to serve the percentage of the adult GLBT population who want to see more adult-themed booths. “The Freedom Zone will appeal to a segment of the population that hasn’t had their own space for a while,” said Philip Princetta, Pride co-chair.
…One carryover from last year will be the Youth Express Entrance, which offers 16- and 17- year-olds free entrance to the festival in exchange for participation in a brief orientation. The program was an experiment last year, partially in response to the 2005 Pride scandal, in which three Pride volunteers and one Pride employee were discovered to be registered sex offenders.
Rather than ban youth as a result of the scandal, the organization is educating them with regard to participating safely.
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Not with MY Tax money! |
Tuesday, March 6th, 2007
It would be worthwhile to read this article in its entirety to appreciate the writer’s perspective:
- Adult men having sex with a 14 year old boy is viewed as consensual,
- The boy’s family is neither loving or supportive in interferring with his Gaydar experimentation,
- The police have traumatized the boy,
- The newspaper who exposed 40 adults answering an ad from a 15 year old were sensationalizing,
- The boy himself is blamed for manipulating and intimidating adults, and
- Homosexual pedophilia/pederasty is condoned — after all, the age of consent in Spain is 13; in Malta it’s 12.
Excerpted from Gay Teen Sex Scandal Shocks Ireland, published Mar 5, 2007, by the pro-homosexuality UK Gay.com:
…A 14-year old boy was caught having sex with older men that he’d met through Gaydar…
His mother went through his mobile phone messages and found saucy texts from a number of men whose numbers were saved in the phone. She went straight to the local police station and made a complaint.
…Police seized his phone and computer and identified at least eight men who had been in touch with him…
He claims to have hooked up with two men and that on one occasion he romped at home while his parents were away. Two men in their 40s – a language lecturer from north county Dublin and a truck driver from Rathfarnham – were arrested and have admitted having sexual relations with the boy but deny they were ever in his house…
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Internet Dangers, News |
Monday, March 5th, 2007
Excerpted from German Police Hunt Paedophile After Boy Killed, by Hannah Cleaver, published Feb 28, 2007, by Telegraph:Police in Germany used dogs, helicopters and heat-seeking equipment yesterday in their hunt for a convicted paedophile who they are certain sexually abused and killed a nine-year-old boy.
Authorities in the eastern city of Leipzig released chilling photographs of the last sighting of Mitja Hofmann. Captured by CCTV as he sat on a tram, the boy was smiling broadly as he made what was supposed to be his first ever journey home from school unaccompanied by his mother.
But the man sitting next to him was named by police as Uwe Kolbig, 43, a man known to police after serving two years in prison for sexually abusing children in 1998.
In an unusual step by police, they stated that they are certain that later that day, last Thursday, Kolbig sexually abused and murdered Mitja.
The boy’s body was found on Saturday evening in Kolbig’s allotment.
Police said that he had died after being strangled. Kolbig himself could not be found.
Continue reading in Telegraph…
Posted in Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Victims of Homosexual Murderers |
Monday, March 5th, 2007
Our good friends at MassResistance have published a disturbing letter, originally sent to Mike Heath of Christian Civic League of Maine, from a young man who was active as a teenager/high school student with a group called “OUT!…As I Want to Be“ (we’ve linked to a cached website since the actual website has been taken out of service). This young man courageously discloses “negligence and abuse” by OUT staff and student leadership.
Excerpts from the letter follow (emphasis ours). Pray for Adam Flanders as he tries to pull his life together.
Jan 13, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Adam Flanders. I am 20 years old and a current resident of Belfast, Maine. I am writing to you on behalf of my own concerns, as well as the concerns of other youth members and past members (who wish to remain anonymous) of the nonprofit organization, OUT! … As I Want to Be located in Rockland, Maine. We wish to inform you of the negligence and abuse of OUT advisors and adult members…
OUT has since been mismanaged in many ways, but I (we) wish to inform you of the apparent negligence of the adult advisors and board members resulting in the emotional distress, abuse, and harm brought to youth members as young as fourteen years old. We can only speak from personal experience, and since I am the only individual willing to reveal my identity, I will begin with my personal experience of OUT and I will then summarize the complaints of those individuals who wish to remain anonymous.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Drug Abuse, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Mental Health, News, OUT! (Maine), Suicide |

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