Homosexual Hate

VIDEO: Speaker Pelosi Should Condemn the ‘Un-American’ ‘Drowning Out’ of Critics in her Own District

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

‘Drowning out opposing views’ is the Left’s modus operandi in San Francisco


Ironic Indignation: will Speaker Pelosi work use her unprecedented influence to stop the anti-Christian intolerance and gross incivility toward people of faith in her own congressional district?

Recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) accused Americans protesting Obama-care at congressional townhall meetings of engaging in “un-American” conduct. Wrote Speaker Pelosi August 10: “These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task [health care reform] for decades.”

Speaker Pelosi, representing the intolerant glass house of San Francisco, should hardly be throwing stones with her selective outrage designed to discredit Americans opposed to expansive government. In her city, “shouting down” opponents has become an art form for the Left. Below is a video by veteran homosexual activist Michael Petrelis, founding member of the homosexual extremist group ACT UP, in which Petrelis shouts down an Americans For Truth-led coalition protest last year condemning San Francisco’s allowance of public nudity and sex in the streets (i.e., at the annual deviance sex-fest known as the Folsom Street Fair). Note in this homosexual activist video how the police officer ignores my plea for speech rights and allows Petrelis to disrupt our press event. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

In future posts, we’ll have more on Pelosi’s subsequent ironic pleas for civility. Note the vulgar Petrelis’ simulation of a sex act on a banana and his enthusiastic defense of public sex and nudity in his city. In most other cities, police put a distance between opposing sides so that each can exercise its right to speak out. Shown in the video are AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera (asking police to prevent Petrlelis from disrupting the press conference), Diane Gramley of American Family Association of Pennsylvania, and Linda Harvey of Mission America. The coalition press conference occurred September 27, 2008, a day before the perverse “Folsom Street Fair,” which again “tolerated” public nudity.

Obama Appointee Kevin Jennings Can’t Remember Saying the F-Word to Bash Christians — in a Church

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

kevin_jennings-older.jpgDouble Standard for “Gay” Appointees? If a conservative Republican presidential appointee had told gays to “drop dead” and said, “[F**k] ’em” to the religious left — in a church — he would be dumped in a heartbeat due to liberal media pressure. But Kevin Jennings — who wears his hatred of religious conservatives on his sleeve as America’s leading activist “promoting homosexuality” in schools — is so far untouched as Obama’s “Safe Schools” deputy in the Department of Education. TAKE ACTION: urge your Congressman and Senators (202-224-3121; www.congress.org) to push for this dismissal of this troubled man whose abject bigotry and reckless promotion of wrong and unhealthy lifestyles make him a poor role model for children.

Peter LaBarbera

Check out FoxNews.com’s first major piece on the controversy surrounding Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s “Safe Schools” Education Department appointee and the nation’s leading activist promoting homosexuality in schools. Much of the article’s information against Jennings — including Brian Burt’s firsthand piece from a GLSEN conference exposing Jennings’ open desire to “promote homosexuality” in schools — came from Americans For Truth’s work (and that of our previous publication, Lambda Report).

What the FOX report left out was that Jennings used the F-word in 2002 to convey his hatred of the “religious right,” in a church no less. He says he can’t recollect” making the comment. Back in 2002, Americans For Truth and this writer (then writing for Concerned Women for America), obtained the audio tape from Jennings talk at the liberal Marble Collegiate Church in New York City — which I transcribed for the 2002 report by CWA below. (The tape has since been misplaced and FOX won’t report Jennings’ church expletive until an audio of the speech is produced.)

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Homosexuality and ‘Man-Boy Love’: ‘Gay’ Pioneer Harry Hay Defended NAMBLA to the End

Monday, September 21st, 2009

harry-hay.jpg“NAMBLA walks with me,” declared homosexual activist pioneer Harry Hay (left) — speaking of the “North American Man/Boy Love Association,” which advocates the legalization of sex between adults and children. Hay, who died in 2002, formed the first homosexual activist group — and later was among a dissident group of homosexual activists who defended NAMBLA as a “responsible gay organization.” Sex between men and boys has long been a part of homosexual history, as openly “gay” U.-Mass.-Boston history professor William Armstrong Percy III documents in his book, “Pederasty and Pedagogy in Archaic Greece.”


From the archives of Concerned Women for America’s online “Culture and Family Institute” newsletter (Oct. 30, 2002):

Father of ‘Gay Rights’ Dies; Media Ignore NAMBLA Connection

Harry Hay Was Sexualized Early, Defended Pedophiles to the End

By Peter J. LaBarbera, CWA, 10-30-2002

In noting the passing of Harry Hay — the man who first organized homosexuals as a political minority — no mainstream media outlets reported that Hay was an advocate of pedophile rights and the notorious group NAMBLA.

NAMBLA is the North American Man/Boy Love Association, a group that advocates for the legalization of sex between men and boys, and an end to all “age of consent” laws.

Hay, who died on October 24, at age 90, formed the first American homosexual activist group, the Mattachine Society, in 1950. He conceived of the idea of organizing homosexuals at a time when most were afraid to even be discovered as such. Hay was also a committed Communist who married to hide his homosexuality so that he could join the Party.

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More Gay Hate: Leatherman Joe Jervis’ Infantile Response to AFTAH Post Defending Fired Christian Soap Actress Patricia Mauceri

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

By Peter LaBarbera

WARNING: Offensive Language (required to expose hateful “gay” extremism)

joe_jervis_joe-my_god-3.jpgLying Leatherman: homosexual atheist blogger Joe Jervis (left) didn’t appreciate that Americans For Truth called attention to the vicious comments posted by his online followers against Patricia Mauceri (below right) — the Christian soap actress who was dumped by ABC’s “One Life to Live” after objecting to a pro-homosexuality story line. And it looks like Mauceri is not the first soap actor to object to the faith-undermining requirements of pro-“gay” political correctness in the business. Blogs like Jervis’ “Joe. My. God.” give evidence that no activists are as mean and hateful as homosexual activists — who project their beef with the Creator (unacknowledged, in Joe’s case) on to His followers.

TAKE ACTION: contact ABC and tell them enough is enough with their promotion of the homosexual agenda and sexual immorality in general. patricia_mauceri_21.jpgTell them you are outraged at the politically correct firing of Patricia Mauceri (right). And ask them to cast happy, contented “ex-gays” in major TV roles and sympathetic Christian/religious characters who remain faithful to their faith convictions — for the sake of diversity. 


Ah, I see that Joe Jervis (above), the non-average “Joe” behind the homosexual activist “Joe. My. God.” blog, has focused his intellectual energies (or should I say bigoted, emotional impulses) into crafting a response to AFTAH’s post about his blog yesterday. We were simply highlighting some of his buddies’ crude and very mean attacks on Patricia Mauceri, the Christian soap actress who says she was fired for objecting to a pro-homosexual story line.

Here is the essence of Jervis’ response:

  1. peter-labarbera_thumbnail.jpgI have a comb-over hair style (ouch — problem here is I have so little hair to comb over — if this were true it would really be an exercise in futility: see tragic evidence at right);
  2. I’m really a gay-porn-obsessed homosexual (hence the nickname: “Porno Pete”: this smear term was actually invented by Wayne Besen, the truth-challenged professional homosexual zealot behind the “ex-gay”-bashing group “Truth Wins Out”; some “gay” activists have stopped using Porno Pete in favor of the much more mature “The Peter”peter being a boyish slang term for the male sex organ);

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Gay-Hate Watch: Homosexual Activists Crudely Vilify Fired Christian Actress on ‘Gay’ Blog

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

patricia_mauceri_2.jpgFolks, those loving and compassionate human rights activists over at the homosexual blog “Joe. My. God.” are at it again — showing fired soap actress and committed Christian Patricia Mauceri (right) what it means to respectfully disagree with an opponent without falling into cheap, vulgar name-calling and ad hominem smears. Well, not really.

Here’s some of the hateful “gay” slime dumped on One Life to Live actress Mauceri after JMG’s Joe Jervis attacked AFTAH’s post relaying a FoxNews report about her claim that she “was fired and abruptly replaced for objecting to a gay storyline because of her religious beliefs.” This is no way to treat a lady. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org


From atheist New York City homosexual activist Joe Jervis’ “Joe. My. God.” blog:


I trust the [c**t’s] next role will be one in which her most important line will be “Do you want fries with that?”

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Michael Savage Is Right: ‘San Francisco Is the Least Tolerant and Meanest City in the Country’

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

WARNING: Disturbing images highlighting San Francisco’s sick culture


“San Francisco is a microcosm of the illness called liberalism. It’s the least tolerant city in the country. It’s the meanest city in the country.”

— Conservative talk show host Michael Savage, on his radio program “Savage Nation,” August 25, 2009. Savage is based in San Francisco.

Above is the twisted 2009 promotional poster for the annual Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco — a huge outdoor event celebrating sadomasochism and various perversions — at which hundreds if not thousands of men walk the streets fully or partially naked. At Folsom (scheduled for Sunday, Sept 27), it is commonplace to see men being publicly whipped and flogged to the delight of onlooking crowds. Nothing illustrates Savage’s quotation better than San Franciscans’ double standard on “tolerance.” Even many straights in the city take pride in its laissez faire embrace of Folsom and other perverse spectacles that to date have been coddled by the police, who do not enforce decency laws.

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NARTH Scores ‘Very Strong’ Bias in APA Report against Ex-Gay Therapy

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

‘Some people can and do’ experience full change, says NARTH

PRESS RELEASE by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH)
August 6, 2009

Contact: David Pruden, Phone: (888) 364-4744

NARTH’s Press Release on APA Gay and Lesbian Task Force Report

As a scientific and professional organization the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) welcomes all responsible discussion and investigation into the important psychological factors surrounding homosexuality. The gay and lesbian task force report just released at the American Psychological Association (APA) convention in Toronto suggests no change in the clearly established APA policy that client self-determination is the crowning principle of all ethical mental health treatment. Respect for religious diversity demands that psychologists and mental health professionals give as much weight to belief as they do to sexual identity.

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Homosexual Kiss Protest — List of Locations for ‘Great Nationwide Kiss-in’ Events Saturday

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

new_hampshire_civil_union_perverted_kiss.jpgWielding perversion like a weapon: most normal people do not want to see two people of the same sex kiss — a “disgust” factor that homosexual activists are counting on to maximize the effect of their “Great Nationwide Kiss-in” this Saturday. How many innocent children will be corrupted by this latest example of selfish “gay” activism?

Folks, this Saturday, August 15th, homosexual activists will be wielding their deviant sexuality like a weapon on the unsuspecting public in locales across the country. Interesting. Somehow I don’t think Blacks — especially those with a strong moral foundation — will see this as a progression of the noble civil rights movement. I’m most concerned about the children who will be exposed to this obnoxious event after their parents unwittingly stumble upon a “kiss-in.” [Click HERE to read Laurie Higgins’ take on the “kiss-in.”]

The following cities and towns have CONFIRMED that they will be holding Great Nationwide Kiss-In Events ( a homosexual kiss-in), as of August 11, 2009. (We have removed the additional contact names and information listed alongside the city or town.) Please pass this information on so that families don’t inadvertently end up at one of these events with their children. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org:

In alphabetical order:

ALBUQUERQUE, NM, at the Civic Center Plaza

Facebook event page for Albuquerque: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=126172658948

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