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Angry Savage supporter tosses LaBarbera’s belongings into aisle of chapel after he asks a critical question during Q&A — then the lies begin
AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera calls Dan Savage (shown above making his perverted and crass speech in Elmhurst College’s historic chapel) the “Face of Progressive Hate.”
The lies from the homosexual activist movement keep coming, and naturally Americans For Truth is a target of them because we’re helping to peel away the “rainbow” veneer to show the ugly reality of homosexual activism.
On Sunday evening (April 29, 2012), I attended the Dan Savage speech at Elmhurst College with Grace Gospel Fellowship pastor John Kirkwood and a few other hardy Christians. (The chapel was packed, mostly with Savage supporters, many of them students.) What ensued was shocking, unless you are familiar with the hard-cored homosexual activism. Needless to say, Savage gave the type of profane, Christianity-bashing speech for which he has become notorious — in a chapel, no less. [Please watch our video excerpt, “Savaging the Pope!” and then “Like” it on the AFTAH YouTube page. AFTAH will be releasing further video excerpts of the talk.]
I was prepared for the foul-mouthed, anti-Christian barbs (e.g., “What the pope is saying [regarding the threat of “gay marriage”] is that the only thing that stands between my [d**k] and Brad Pitt’s mouth is a piece of paper”…), but not for what happened next: after I asked Savage a critical question in the Q&A (about his nasty hate-site, “Santorum[dot]com”), I was kicked out of the event by Elmhurst College security. This happened after the woman sitting next to me committed an act that can fairly be described as the sort of thing that, well… that a bully would do. Read on after the jump in this version of a note I sent to pro-family leaders explaining the incident.
“We can learn to ignore the [bullsh*t] in the Bible about gay people,” says homosexual activist
Dan Savage — creator of the pro-homosexual-youth “It Gets Better Project” and the vile anti-Rick-Santorum hate-site “Santorum[dot]com” — was invited to speak as a keynote speaker at NSPA/ JEA’s annual High School Journalism convention, Journalism on the Edge. For the most comprehensive response to Savage’s attacks on the Bible, see Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Rob Gagnon’s site: www.robgagnon.net. Savage later apologized for the “pansy ass” comment, but not for his tirade against the Bible. This video was published on YouTube Apr 27, 2012 by bandroadie95.
Atheist homosexual sex columnist errs in referring to wrong video in challenge to AFTAH president
Tweets by homosexual activist Dan Savage accuse AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera of lying after LaBarbera accused Savage of “scubbing” hateful videos, including one bashing pro-family leader Tony Perkins and evangelicals as “asshol*e douchebags.” That video remains taken down as of April 29, 2012, despite LaBarbera’s request to Savage to re-post it.
BREAKING: View the video of Dan Savage that is going viral — as Savage attacks the Bible and refers to the “pansy ass” attitude of Christian high school students who walked out in protest. Go HERE.
By Peter LaBarbera
Talk about chutzpah: homosexual militant Dan Savage — creator of the despicable hate-site “Santorum.com” — has issued a public challenge to document his “hate speech.”
Yes, you read that correctly: only in the upside-down world of “gay” activism would a man who notoriously and proudly “re-defined” Rick Santorum’s last name as “The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex” — issue a challenge to find the hatred in his recorded words.
But here’s the kicker: at least one of the videos containing some of Savage’s rancorous attacks on Christians was taken down a few days ago, and remains down today (April 26, 2012).
Increasingly, conservatives (like Gina Miller) are paying attention to Savage, who despite his cruel antics and anti-Christian barbs continues to be lauded in media and academic circles. He even has his own, brand new show on MTV, about sex on college campuses. If there is anything that testifies to the sham of the liberal crusade against (ostensibly right-wing Christian) “hate” and “bullying,” it is the media’s, academia’s and pop culture’s rewarding of cyber-bully Savage.
Hiding his hate?
When my friend and Illinois Family Institute writer Laurie Higgins wrote a piece about Savage’s upcoming speeech at Elmurst College (Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 7:00; contact Elmhurst HERE), it appeared to Laurie (and to me) that Savage had responded to her article by removing one of more of his anti-evangelical-Christian videos from YouTube. Caught up in a moment of “gotcha,” on Thursday I tweeted Savage about allegedly “scrubbing” his videos. “Who’s the ‘pansy’ now, Dan?” I asked, referencing his taunt against offended Christian students who walked out on a recent Bible-bashing talk by Savage in Seattle. (And in deference to Savage, I’d have been fairer by simply asking him if he spiked the videos.)
Logo from Dan Savage’s hate-site targeting Rick Santorum.
I am in North Carolina to give a speech tomorrow evening in Raleigh at a banquet for the NC Family Policy Council, a fine organization that defends marriage and family in this beautiful state. Thanks to the Republicans taking control of the NC legislature, on May 8th, North Carolina’s voters will finally get an opportunity to affirm real marriage (one man, one woman) at the ballot box. I predict they will do so, but the “Gay” Lobby — intent on pushing for sodomy-based “marriage” — is raising tons of money to defeat the amendment. So please help by contacting your North Carolina friends and family members!
Here is a link to another release in our ongoing campaign to expose one of the most dangerous and hateful Sex Radicals on the planet: Dan Savage. You may ask: why can’t you let go of Dan Savage already?! Because Savage is the personification of all that’s wrong with the Homosexual Lobby:
Savage is probably the leading activist today working to normalize homosexuality to children and young people — one of the most evil things any person can do (because sexual sin is destructive and our Creator calls homosexual behavior “detestable”). Jesus hates the corruption of youth: “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him it a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” (Mark 9:42). Now Savage has his own show on MTV (“Savage U,” beginning April 3), which could become another huge platform to degrade kids’ morals. [TAKE ACTION: Go HERE to contact Viacom Inc. (MTV’s parent company). Also, don’t let up on Elmhurst College (Savage speaks there April 29) and UNC-Chapel Hill (contact info for both HERE)];
Savage avidly promotes radical homosexual patterns of immorality — like “outside” sex — to “straight” married couples. You would expect this from perversion defenders, but he takes it to new extremes, aggressively touting adulterous “monogamish” relationships that mock the age-old ideal of lifelong fidelity in marriage. Of course, secular media types help advance Savage’s wicked ideas (see this NY Tiimes piece on the supposed “Virtues of Infidelity”);
Dan Savage's hateful web creation, "Santorum.com." Click to enlarge. On Feb. 2, UNC-Chapel Hill paid Savage $18,500 to speak to students. The same unversity publicly disassociated itself from Rush Limbaugh over his "offensive statements."
RALEIGH, NC – University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill paid $18,5000 to homosexual activist Dan Savage – creator of a vile hate-site “re-defining” Rick Santorum’s last name as the by-product of anal sex – as a guest speaker, just weeks before publicly disassociating from Rush Limbaugh over Rush’s “offensive statements” about Sandra Fluke.
Last week, UNC-Chapel Hill announced that it was banning a local “Rush Radio” station, WRDU, from mentioning Limbaugh’s show during broadcasts of Tar Heel basketball and football games. The university, citing Rush’s “rude, inappropriate and offensive statements” about Fluke, also prohibits WRDU from referencing UNC or the Tar Heel Sports Network during Limbaugh’s daily talk show.
Americans For Truth has written UNC-Chapel Hill officials to ask how they can justify paying a large sum to Savage, who once wished death on all Republicans and who regularly and crudely demonizes religious conservatives. AFTAH also asked UNC to repudiate Savage for his “offensive statements,” and invite a pro-family speaker to campus specifically to balance his appearance.
The following typifies Savage’s unique brand of conservative-Christian-bashing hate:
Savage said on HBO that he “wished [Republicans] were all [f—king] dead” (he later apologized).
Savage’s creation “Santorum[dot] com” (and “SpreadingSantorum[dot]com”) “re-define” Santorum’s surname as follows: “San-TOR-um, n. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.”
In contrast to Limbaugh, who quickly apologized for his remarks about Fluke, when AFTAH’s President Peter LaBarbera asked Savage to take down “Santorum[dot]com,” he responded : “I’m asking Peter LaBarbera to go [f- -k] himself.”
So consumed was Savage with hatred for then-GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer that he traveled to Iowa to pose as a Bauer volunteer, then got sick himself and began licking campaign office doorknobs, staplers, etc., in an attempt to give Bauer a cold.
AFTAH also condemns Savage, a raunchy sex columnist, for his reckless sexual advice, which includes urging married couples to allow outside sex. AFTAH urges MTV to cancel “Savage U,” a new TV show debuting April 3, featuring Savage visiting college campuses — so as not to reward him for his cyber-bullying against Santorum and history of hateful acts against Christian conservatives.
Dan Savage, creater of the hate-site, "Santorum.com."
I provided the wrong number in yesterday’s (March 22, 2012) AFTAH e-mail for University of North Carolina President Tom Ross. The correct number is 919-962-4622. His e-mail is tomross@northcarolina.edu. Sorry about that error. Within the next few days, please contact Mr. Ross and UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden Thorp [holden@unc.edu; (919)962-1365)] about UNC-Chapel Hill’s payment of $18,500 to perverted homosexual cyber-bully Dan Savage, creator of the vile “Santorum[dot]com.” [See yesterday’s AFTAH press release on Savage and MTV HERE.] And please forward this e-mail to any friends you have in North Carolina.
Also, there is a new wrinkle to this story. As you can read below, UNC Chapel Hill has just issued a statement disconnecting itself from theRush Limbaugh in response to offensive comments Rush made about Sandra Fluke (for which he quickly apologized). Yet UNC paid $18,500 to Dan Savage, who once said, “I wish [Republicans] were all [f—king] dead.” [Watch it HERE.] Isn’t it fascinating how the entire Left and many in the media are up in arms over Rush yet strangely silent about the vitriol and viciousness emanating from the Left?
AFTAH is educating UNC officials about Savage’s “rude, inappropriate and offensive” statements — which include his notorious creation, “Santorum[dot]com,” which “re-defines” Rick Santorum’s surname as follows:
santorum: (san TOR um) n. the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.
Now we’ll see if UNC-Chapel Hill will issue a statement anything like what it put out on Rush [view AFTAH release on Savage HERE]. As sick and twisted as Dan Savage’s wicked anti-Santorum hate-site is, you wouldn’t believe the nasty e-mails and tweets I’m getting from fans of Savage! The Libertine Left’s awful demonization of conservatives and especially Bible-believing Christians is finally coming home to roost — because when the Dan Savages and Bill Mahers of the world, and venomous homosexual bloggers like Joe Jervis(“Joe.My.God.”) are exposed, anyone who can think (and is not a hard-core liberal ideologue) sees who the real Haters and Bigots are. We will notify you if UNC or Elmhurst College takes any action arising from their support of Dan Savage. Have a great weekend. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org [Action Steps after jump]
AFTAH Calls on Viacom Inc. to Cancel ‘Savage U,’ New MTV Show Featuring Perverted Cyber-Bully Dan Savage
CHICAGO – MTV – owned by Viacom Inc. – should cancel its upcoming TV show “Savage U,” featuring homosexual activist and raunchy sex-advice columnist Dan Savage — in part because it rewards the cyber-bully Savage for his notorious and vile internet smear-campaign against Rick Santorum, said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.
“Savage U” is scheduled to debut Tuesday, April 3. MTV describes the show: “Dan Savage and his producer travel around the country to give advice about sex, relationships and romance with college students.” The trailer reveals a program as crude, vulgar and perverted as the host’s weekly sex-advice column, “Savage Love.”
Said LaBarbera: “There are two main reasons why MTV and its parent company Viacom should cancel Dan Savage’s new show about sex on college campuses: Number One: Dan Savage is a radical and raunchy homosexual activist who gives unhealthy and reckless sex advice. He aggressively works to undermine the historic ethic of marital fidelity by championing the twisted notion that married couples should allow outside sex – like so many ‘monogamish’ homosexual male couples do. Incredibly, Savage argues that this would lower the divorce rate.”
“Number Two: Savage is an unrepentant cyber-bully who has led a worldwide internet campaign to demonize and destroy Rick Santorum’s name — creating ‘Santorum[dot]com’ to ‘re-define’ it as the revolting by-product of anal sex. He should NOT be rewarded for this evil crusade, nor held up as a role-model for young people.
GLAAD smears pro-family leaders while honoring homosexual activist hatemongers
WARNING: Story includes uncensored, obscene tweet by hateful homosexual activist awarded by GLAAD
While smearing pro-family leaders who oppose homosexuality as "haters," GLAAD honors hateful, anti-Christian homosexual activists like blogger Joe Jervis -- who blames the VICTIMS of pro-homosexual violence for "hate crimes" against them. Above is a 2011 GLAAD web item celebrating Jervis for his GLAAD "Outstanding Blog" award. See bottom of article for an example of Jervis' viciousness. Click on image to enlarge.
The homosexual pressure group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) has named AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Board Member Matt Barber and 34 other American pro-family opponents of homosexual activism to a list of targeted commentators whom it aims to discredit by lobbying the media.
GLAAD’s new “Commentator Accountability Project” (CAP) focuses on “our nation’s most frequently quoted anti-gay activists,” according to the power homosexual pressure organization. GLAAD says CAP “is designed to shine a big, bright light on the extreme views of the vast majority of prominent anti-LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender”]talkers.”
“Hate is not an expert opinion,” GLAAD spokesman Herndon Graddick told the Denver Post, employing the same demonizing rhetoric used by the Southern Poverty Law Center — which labels mainstream pro-family organizations opposed to homosexuality like Americans For Truth, American Family Association and Family Research Council as “hate groups.”
GLAAD is asking its followers to provide critical information back to them against the 36 pro-family advocates — which GLAAD will then relay to “reporter, editors, show runners, and guest bookers [who] need to know about the violently anti-LGBT rhetoric that many of their guests regularly use.”
The following pro-family leaders are listed in GLAAD’s CAP list: Campaign for Working Familes’ Gary Bauer, historian David Barton, NOM’s Brian Brown, Liberty Council Action’s Matt Barber, Dr. Michael Brown, Exodus International’s Alan Chambers, Mass Resistance’s Brian Camenker, Prison Fellowship’s Chuck Colson, Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly, Catholic League’s Bill Donohue, Christian Civic League of Maine’s Bob Emrich, Lou Engle, WND.com’s Joseph Farah, AFA’s Bryan Fischer, NOM founder Maggie Gallagher, California Prop 8 leader and pastor Jim Garlow, Princeton Prof. Robert George, Antioch Bible Church pastor Ken Hutcherson, pastor Harry Jackson, AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, Defend the Family International’s Scott Lively, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler, radio host Kevin McCullough, Ruth Institute’s Jennifer Roback Morse, CWA’s Penny Nance, Christopher Plante, Focus on the Family’s Glenn Stanton, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, FRC’s Peter Sprigg, Vision America’s Rick Scarborough, author Frank Turek, Bob Vander Plaats, and Don Wildmon and his son, Tim Wildmon, of AFA.