Morality and Moral Judgments

Researcher Confirms Cameron Hypothesis: Children of ‘Gay’ Parents More Likely to Identify as ‘Gay’

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

No surprise here, except that an academic has the guts and integrity to report findings that challenge “gay” activist propaganda. Parents are role models for their children. Homosexual parents are more likely to have children who identify as homosexuals (like their “moms” or “dads”…). Duh. Note that try as he might, Schumm could not invalidate the hypothesis of Family Research Institute founder Paul Cameron — whom “gay’ activists and their fellow travelers have gone to considerable lengths to demonize.

Now we anticipate a coming attempt to discredit Schumm from “authentically Christian” Grove City College’s Special Professor for the Advancement of Ugandan Homosexual Rights Warren Throckmorton (see our posts HERE and HERE, and Lifesite’s post HERE). The latter is vying with Jim Wallis and Andy Marin (Marin Foundation) for the dubious distinction of being the Homosexuality Lobby’s leading evangelical Useful Idiot. (Here’s a good post, albeit by a socialist, on Useful Idiots, a phenomenon that “implies cynicism, contempt and manipulation, and has Stalinist roots,” according to the author. Also see the late New York Times columnist and wordsmith William Safire’s take on it HERE.) — Peter LaBarbera,


LifeSiteNews reports [to sign up for LifeSite’s daily updates, go HERE]:                                                           

Children Raised by Homosexual Parents More Likely to Identify as Gay: Study

By Kathleen Gilbert, LifeSite, first published Oct. 25, 2010

MANHATTAN, Kansas, October 25, 2010 ( – A study due out next month has found that children raised by homosexual parents are far more likely to identify as homosexual themselves.

Walter Schumm, a family studies professor at Kansas State University, told AOL News that he questioned the conviction – ironclad in both popular culture and the academic world – that parents could not influence their children’s sexual orientation, while being able to influence so many other aspects of their lives.

“I just want to know the truth about something,” he said.

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New HRC Corporate Scorecard Demands Coverage of Transsexual ‘Sex-Change’ Operations

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

Will businesses cave to homosexual lobby group’s brazen demands?

Should American consumers and taxpayers subsidize body-disfiguring "Sex Reassignment Surgeries" for gender-confused individuals? Above is Autumn Sandeen, a man who left his wife and kids to become a transsexual activist. Sandeen's ex-wife told AFTAH that she discovered his perverse cross-dressing desires when she found a dress that wasn't hers in the clothes dryer. Click on photo to enlarge.

Folks, every time I think I’ve seen it all regarding the Homosexual Lobby’s fanatical demands, they come up with something new that dumbfounds me in its astonishing arrogance and chutzpah. Check this out: the anti-Christian, anti-Bible (and yes, anti-God) homosexual lobby group Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC) has added coverage for transsexual sex-change operations to its 2012 Corporate Scorecard criteria. These perverse criteria gauge how compliant major corporations are to HRC’s radical homosexual/bisexual/transsexual agenda. The D.C.-based lobby organzation wants at least $75,000 in “health” coverage for tranny sex-change operations for the corporation to get a perfect rating. 

HRC is led by well-paid secular bigot Joe Solmonese, who also is DEMANDING an apology from the Mormon Church because a church official affirmed Mormon teachings on the sin of homosexuality. HRC’s hugely-funded PAC is deeply involved in elections across the country: you can check out how your Congressman and Senators rated on the homosexual agenda criteria by linking to their Congressional Scorecard. 

The following is an excerpt of what HRC stipulates for its revised 2012 Corporate Scorecard “Criteria 3.0” (yes, they upgrade them periodically, like Microsoft Windows) under “Health Insurance for Transgender Employees and Dependents”). If a corporation agrees to this for 2012 — and all of HRC’s other homosexual/transsexual demands [see this AFTAH article on the current rating criteria] — it gets a 100 percent rating: 

“Where available for employees, the following benefits should all extend to transgender individuals, including for services related to transgender transition (e.g., medically necessary services related to sex reassignment):  

  • Short term medical leave
  • Mental health benefits
  • Pharmaceutical coverage (e.g., for hormone replacement therapies)
  • Coverage for medical visits or laboratory services
  • Coverage for reconstructive surgical procedures related to sex reassignment” 

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VIDEO: Matt Lauer’s Arrogant Interview with Carl Paladino

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Media analysis

It’s hard not to despise the liberal media when they behave like NBC’s Matt Lauer did in this Oct. 11, 2010 Today Show segment — scolding interviewing Republican New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, who went off the Politically Correct reservation while speaking at an Orthodox Jewish gathering. Sorry to break it to you, Matt, but most parents would not bring their children to a “Gay Pride” parade — especially if they knew what actually goes on there. (Over the years I have witnessed open nudity at several homosexual “pride” parade, and a sickening homosexual sex act that was allowed to go on in the street right in front of a row of cops at a Chicago “pride” parade.)

And no, Matt, homosexuality is not equal to normalcy. (I wish a few politicians had the guts to say so, even when the liberal PC Enforcers like Lauer come after them.) I wonder: what drives straight liberals like Lauer and Jon Stewart to be so obsessed with promoting homosexuality? The modern American liberal has a religious-like devotion to normalizing sexual perversion — why? Since when did Affirming Homosexuality become so sacrosanct? — Peter LaBarbera,

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Homosexual Activists Are Exploiting Tragedies to Silence Religious Opponents

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Americans For Truth,; Oct. 13, 2010

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631;

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, issued the follow statement:

  • Homosexual practice is always wrong. To advocate for this lifestyle, including homosexual relationships, is also wrong. Advocacy of a sin is itself a sin.
  • It is immoral to “mainstream” homosexuality to children in schools in the guise of teaching tolerance and diversity.
  • No sincere Christian supports violence or hatred directed at homosexuals. In fact, Christians want homosexuals to accept Christ, repent of their sin and be forgiven — and change their lifestyle, as countless former “gays” have. Violence and abuse toward homosexuals is the work of people who reject Christian love and compassion.
  • Read the rest of this article »

Gay Lobby Group Human Rights Campaign Exploits Suicides to Attack Mormon Church

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Enough is enough: from my Facebook page:

No shame: HRC and other homosexual groups are exploiting the tragic suicides of sexually confused kids to attack religion:

The following is excerpted from Human Rights Campaign’s latest attack on religion– Peter LaBarbera,

HRC to Mormon Apostle: Your Statements are Inaccurate and Dangerous

Mormon Leader’s Inaccurate Statements Yesterday Fuel Anti-LGBT Violence, Teen Suicides

[Human Rights Campaign website] 10/4/2010

Washington – The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest civil rights organization dedicated to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality, today called on Boyd K. Packer, the president of the Mormon Church’s Quorum of Twelve Apostles, to correct statements he made yesterday calling same-sex attraction “impure and unnatural,” claiming that it can be corrected and characterizing same-sex marriage as immoral. Packer’s inaccurate and dangerous rhetoric comes on the heels of the suicides of at least four teenagers over the past month, all victims of anti-gay bullying or harassment. ….

LISTEN: Part Two – AFTAH Interview with Col. Dick Black

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Part Two of our interview [Click HERE] with Col. Richard Black, who as a decorated combat veteran and former head of the Pentagon’s Army Criminal Law Division is uniquely qualified to assess the question of allowing homosexuals in the military. This interview aired Oct. 2, 2010. See Part One of our interview HERE, and all archived Americans For Truth Hour interviews HERE.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

10-2-10, Col. Dick Black, All

Fresh from HomoCon, Ann Coulter Comes to Chicago for Culture Campaign Event Oct. 7th

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Conservative pundit angers liberal “gay” activists by telling GOProud that there is no gay “civil right” to marry; criticizes homosexual propaganda in schools

Ann Coullter comes to Chicagoland Thursday, Oct. 7th. Coulter outraged "queer" liberals like Perez Hilton when she told 'conservative' homosexuals at GOProud's "Homocon" event that same-sex "marriage" "is not a civil right -- you're not black!"


[CORRECTION: we received a note from homosexual blogger Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God.) pointing us to a Human Events article by Lisa De Pasquale that clarifies some careless reporting by Politico of Ann Coulter’s GOProud speech: it was not a GOProud member (as I reported, relying on Politico) but rather a joking Greg Gutfeld of the latenight FOX show “Red Eye” who “heckled” Coulter, blurting out, “What’s wrong with fisting?” after she — using her patented comic hyperbole — accused liberals of wanting to teach kindergartners about “fisting.” Coulter and Gutfeld are friends. (Her point of reference was surely the infamous 2000 Boston “Fistgate” incident, in which middle- high school kids actually WERE instructed verbally about “fisting” — at a Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Netword (GLSEN)-sponsored conference. (“Fisting” is a dangerous homosexual sadomasochistic perversion in which a man inserts his arm up another man’s rectum.) 

[We have removed the portion of this article in which we speculated that it was a GOPround member or supporter who asked, “What’s wrong with fisting?” Also, it also should be noted that, despite the value of correcting the record on Coulter’s speech, De Pasquale works for American Conservative Union, which supports GOProud and defended the homosexual group’s sponsorship of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) — against complaints by conservative Christian groups who accused CPAC of promoting the acceptance of homosexuality. AFTAH opposed GOProud’s sponsorship of CPAC.  — Peter LaBarbera,]


By Peter LaBarbera,

Dear AFTAH Readers,

If you are near Chicago, I’d like you to consider attending an Ann Coulter speaking event a week from today — put on by my good friend Sandy Rios, president of Culture Campaign, a pro-family action group based in Illinois. Sandy, a FOX News contributor, is a brave truth-teller who surely would have gone farther in the media had she not stayed true to her Christian principles; please support her by coming out this Thursday night!

I know that’s sort of an odd request given the swirl of controversy and debate surrounding Coulter’s recent speech at ‘HomoCon,’ an event put on by the homosexual Republican group ‘GOProud. But trust me, you will be blessed by this event — and you’ll be helping out a solid organization, Culture Campaign, that has stood strongly against the homosexualist agenda.

First, here are the details:

WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 7, 7:30 PM — less than a week away

WHERE: The Meadows Club, 2950 W. Golf Rd., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 (suburb north of Chicago). Online map here:

WHO: Ann Coulter, feisty conservative pundit and author of “Godless: The Church of Liberalism,” “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and their Assault on America,” and other books.

COST: $50; $35 for students; tickes will NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR

HOW TO ORDER TICKETS: Go online to Culture Campaign’s online order form: Tickets can be ordered up to 3 hours before the event’s start time (7:30 PM, Oct. 7th).

SPECIAL VIP DINNER OPPORTUNITY: Before the main event you can be a part of an exclusive VIP Reception & Dinner that includes a photo with Ann along with a personally signed book. For more information on this limited seating function contact Michael Glenn, Executive Director of Culture Campaign, at  

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VIDEO: Elaine Donnelly Testimony on Why ‘Gays in the Military’ and ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Are Bad Ideas

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Repeal of homosexual ban will lead to exodus of moral-minded soldiers

Statement of Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness, in 2008 testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Personnel, in support of Section 654, Title 10, the law stating that homosexuals are not eligible to serve in the military. TAKE ACTION: Call your Senators TODAY to support Sen. John McCain’s filibuster of legislation designed to overturn the ban on homosexuality in the military: 202-224-3121 ( A vote on the repeal is scheduled for tomorrow.

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