
Janet Mefferd Interviews AFTAH’s LaBarbera on LGBTQ Agenda for 2018

Friday, January 19th, 2018

On January 15, I was interviewed by Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd on the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda in 2018. As always, it was a lively discussion. Here is the podcast. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

Homosexual Perversion-fest – Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend – Returns to DC and Hyatt Regency

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

WARNING: Offensive descriptions of extreme homosexual perversions

By @PeterLaBarbera

[In Progress…]

Folks, if homosexuality truly is a perversion, and an abomination especially detestable in the eyes of God, you would expect it to spawn other perversions, like men play-acting as sexual “puppies,” or occupying whole hotels for a weekend of deviant orgies. This is exactly the case in the LGBTQ movement. Such depravities are proudly on display this weekend in America’s capital, Washington, D.C., as the Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend (MAL) returned to the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill this weekend.

Below is the photo of the homosexual magazine Metro Weekly describes how the Hyatt becomes “Grand Leather Central,” with a photo of a man in a “puppy” mask. “Leather” is the slang for sadomasochistic “lifestyle” that celebrates various and sundry extreme and unnatural behaviors under the rubric of BDSM (bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism):

Homosexual publication Metro Weekly’s story on the 2018 “Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend.” Click HERE to read another MW story describing the homosexual “leather” perversion of “Puppy Play.”

“Leather pride” flag.

MAL is covered, or rather promoted enthusiastically, by all the D.C. “gay” media, including the Washington Blade. It is difficult for the Average Joe to even conceive of the sick and debauched goings-on in the homosexual “leather” world — “fisting” parties, sodomitic orgies, whippings and beatings and various modes of extreme consensual sexual violence (all for pleasure). For goodness’ sake, the “leather flag” (their equivalent of the “rainbow” flag) is black-and-blue.

And now, we behold men debasing themselves by becoming human “mutts” with other men as their “handlers.” The same perverse movement has resurrected “slavery,” with men “possessing” other men as sexual “slaves”–but the mainstream media, protector of all things LGBTQ, never expose these evils. [See this AFTAH “slave” photo from San Francisco.]

When a society reaches this level of moral and spiritual breakdown, it is difficult to know what to say, how to react. Clearly, America has jettisoned its Judeo-Christian identity when a major hotel chain like Hyatt Regency now openly hosts such a demented celebration within blocks of the U.S. Capitol. (And I wonder: does the hotel cleaning crew get combat pay for having to clean up and sanitize the rooms soiled by the horrific and filthy homosexual orgies that take place in them?)

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VIDEO: Love Is Love – Coming Out of Lesbianism – Emily’s Story

Sunday, January 7th, 2018

“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” – Jesus Christ (Luke 15:7, ESV)

We rejoice with Emily over God’s mercy, grace and goodness, and His unbounded love for sinners. Full information about the Anchored North ministry can be found following the video (after the jump). — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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An Open Letter to the Deniers of Ex-Gay Reparative Therapy

Friday, January 5th, 2018

John McCartney has been proclaiming the truth about homosexuality and abortion in the Chicago area for decades.

The following open letter was published late last month (in print only) by my friend and longtime pro-life and pro-family advocate, John McCartney. For decades, John has reached out locally in the Chicago area with the truth on two critically important cultural issues: the defense of unborn life and opposition to the homosexual (LGBTQ) agenda. With his steadfastness and reasonable, winsome approach he is a model for morality advocates everywhere. And he never quits–doing more as an octogenarian to defend truth in the public square in a single month than most people do in a lifetime.

For the uninitiated, “Reparative Therapy” is talk therapy designed to help people overcome and manage unwanted homosexual desires, aka “same-sex attractions” (SSA). Many people like David Pickup and Christopher Doyle, have been helped by such “ex-gay” therapy [see my LifeSiteNews piece on the late RT pioneer, Joe Nicolosi]. Nevertheless, LGBTQ ideologues are now heavily invested in demonizing and discrediting the practice, usually by “focusing on the failures,” i.e., people who claim to be harmed or abused by Reparative Therapy. (This in itself is strange, as John alludes to in his letter: in what other area of life–say, people overcoming drug addiction or obesity–do we focus only on the failures as opposed to the heart-warming successes of struggling people who got professional or ministerial help?)

In a seismic assault on liberty, RT for minors has been banned in nine states and the District of Columbia, according to this pro-LGBTQ website. (Interestingly, three governors who signed anti-RT bills into law were Republicans–Chris Christie (New Jersey), Susana Martinez (New Mexico) and Bruce Rauner (Illinois).) Yet it is important to remember that many people who have overcome the strong pull of homosexual impulses in their life, like Stephen Black, did not rely solely on RT-like counseling, and credit God with all or at least a big part of their transformation.

No matter to the neo-totalitarian Left, which is hellbent on destroying the practice and the freedom of people–even childhood victims of homosexual predators–to pursue healthy change away from homosexuality. Note that one method LGBTQ activists and their media echo chamber use to smear Reparative Therapy is to mislabel it as “conversion therapy.” That sounds more menacing and plays to the Left’s anti-Christian prejudices, making RT sound like some sinister cult. It also befits the LGBTQ activist narrative of portraying homosexuality as innate (inherent), thereby unchangeable, and “gays” as perpetual victims. Kudos to John McCartney for rebutting the LGBTQ lies and biased media groupthink. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera –

P.S. Special Book Offer: Regarding McCartney’s proper assessment that homosexuality is NOT a normal variant of human sexual behavior, I recommend the thoroughly-documented, 600-page Mass Resistance book, “Health Hazards of Homosexuality,” which we are making available through AFTAH for $20 postpaid. Order online here with your gift of at least $20 [note your book order in the comments box], or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, noting the book order.]

Links and some explanatory notes have been added to this printed Open Letter:


An Open Letter to the Deniers of Reparative Therapy

By John McCartney

For years, “gay” activists have waged a disinformation campaign against reparative therapy (RT), a service available to the those with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA). It got national attention decades ago when, using it, [sexologists] Masters & Johnson relieved 60 percent of such persons from SSA. Such therapy consists of conversation between a therapist and a client seeking the source of this unwelcome felling. That there is a source is attested to by the fact that there is no replicated study supporting the born-that-way argument. Anti-RT activists advance assertions that warrant scrutiny, assertions in addition to born-that-way, such as:

  • SSA is not a disorder, i.e., a divergence from nature. In support, they cite the 1973 removal of homosexuality from the [American Psychiatric Association’s] Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders II at a meeting that made a travesty of psychiatric deliberation by politics and the ever-present threat of 1971-type disruptions [Editor’s note: see this “pro-LGBTQ psychiatric site, which notes: “There were a series of dramatic encounters between activists and psychiatrists at the annual meetings of the APA between 1970 and 1972.” Also see psychiatrist Dr Ronald Bayer’s book, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis, which documents how “gay” militants bullied and harassed psychiatrists leading up to the APA vote depathologizing homosexuality.] In a subsequent referendum, psychiatrists without experience with homosexuality were polled; their votes outweighed the votes of psychiatrists who did have it. Psychiatrists with such clinical experience in counseling clients with SSA were marginalized in the proceedings.

The late Dr. Robert Spitzer, who equivocated on whether people could leave homosexuality (a supposed “orientation”) behind. See this compelling article on Spitzer, who once declared in a letter, based on his observations: “In homosexuality…something’s not working.”

  • Dr. Robert Spitzer, who quarterbacked the 1973 removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder (with a narrow exception), retracted his 2003 endorsement of RT, which he made after listening to the self-reports of 200 men and women for whom RT worked. Spitzer, after ten years, was convinced by “gay” activists that he really didn’t know what he once knew, that his endorsement was putting homosexuals in jeopardy, and that self-reporting of change was unreliable, even though he had expertise evaluating it. The [then] 80-year-old psychiatrist yielded to the same intense lobbying that his fellow psychiatrists did in the 1973 “scientific” [APA] meeting–to truth’s detriment.
  • The assertion that the showcased dozen or so victims of unqualified counselors constituted proof that RT doesn’t work and is often harmful is as unreasonable as asserting that Alcoholics Anonymous is a failure because it has only a 40 percent success rate.

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Rabbis Blast Trump Re-nomination of LGBTQ Activist Chai Feldblum to EEOC

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018

Excerpted from Also, to read an excellent background report on Feldblum by Family Research Council senior fellow Peter Sprigg, go HERE:

A coalition of rabbis is criticizing the Trump administration for re-nominating radical sexual identity activist Chai Feldblum to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America, observes in a press release sent to Breitbart News that Feldblum, the architect of former President Barack Obama’s radical LGBT agenda, “cast the deciding vote when the EEOC termed it ‘unlawful sex discrimination’ to limit locker and shower facilities to those of a single biological gender, and has consistently shown a disregard for religious rights.”

As Obama’s most liberal gender ideology activist, Feldblum has said that whenever LGBT issues conflict with religious liberty and private property rights, religious liberty and private rights should lose.

The coalition notes that, in 2012, Feldblum was a member of the EEOC “when the US Supreme Court unanimously rejected its position, which Chief Justice John Roberts characterized as claiming ‘that the Religion Clauses have nothing to say about a religious organization’s freedom to select its own ministers.’”

“Feldblum has been truly unfriendly to accommodation of religious views,” said Eastern Regional Vice President of the CJV Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in the press statement. “The decision to renew her nomination seems jarringly discordant with the Trump Administration’s overall support for religious liberty.”

Jesus Christ – The Incomparable One

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Folks, before the Christmas season is fully behind us, we are pleased to share this wonderful piece by the late Joe Sobran, courtesy of Fran Griffin and her Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, which works to preserve Sobran’s brilliant legacy (see info at bottom). — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Jesus Christ – The Incomparable One

By Joe Sobran

Griffin Internet Syndicate, 6/4/2009

Jesus was far from being an old man when his earthly life ended. He was probably well under 40, roughly the age of Mozart, who died at 35, as his genius was still approaching its unimaginable peak.

By contrast, nobody thinks of Jesus as having died prematurely, as if he had been killed before his teaching had been fully developed, and as if it might have ripened into something more profound and interesting had his life span been longer. There is about his life a sense of completeness; he had done what he had come to achieve. At the very end, he said, “It is consummated.” He had foretold his own death and resurrection.

The Jesus Seminar, a liberal group that includes theologians as well as the director of Robocop, has tried to distinguish between authentic and inauthentic sayings of Jesus in the four Gospels; but nobody has ventured to suggest what he might have said if only he had survived another 10 years or so. Those Gospels do seem to indicate the fulfillment of a mission, don’t they?

It is, of course, impossible for anyone to invent a single saying worthy of Jesus. Much easier to coin a phrase worthy of a human genius like Shakespeare! “Heaven and earth shall pass away,” Jesus said, “but my words shall not pass away.” Once we have heard those words, they become part of us. They seem so familiar that we may think they are trite, but they are not. They are eternally new, even when we have heard them all our lives, and they always reward meditation on them.

Some day when you have nothing better to do, try improving on the Lord’s Prayer. “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Don’t all religions agree on that? No. In most religions — see the Iliad, the Koran, and the Psalms, for example — it is normal to pray for revenge. Forgiving and praying for one’s enemies are among the hardest duties of a Christian. Being “nice” is far from the same thing as being a Christian; after all, Jesus was not tortured to death for urging good manners on his disciples.

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AFTAH Never ‘Moves On’ from Telling the Politically Incorrect Truth About Homosexuality

Monday, January 1st, 2018

Leftist haters … hate AFTAH: Hard-left groups like “People for the American Way” despise AFTAH and castigate its president, Peter LaBarbera, whenever he publicly criticizes the homosexual activist agenda. Here PFAW’s “Right Wing Watch” expresses dismay that LaBarbera is speaking out against “Star Wars” for featuring a character who models a deviant homosexual identity.  See above PFAW link HERE and PFAW’s “RWW” link containing hundreds of its “Peter LaBarbera” entries HERE. Help support AFTAH by giving safely online HERE. Click on image to enlarge.

Special Note from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and are enjoying a Happy New Year as we enter 2018 with all its challenges and opportunities!

AFTAH (Americans For Truth About Homosexuality) defends the simple truth that homosexual behaviors are wrong, unnatural, and are not the basis for one’s identity, nor positive “rights” in the law.

Throughout 2017, I represented AFTAH as a guest on dozens of conservative Christian radio talk shows to expose and confront the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda. Here is a sample of programs (with links) on which I appeared this year:

* VCY America:  Based in Milwaukee, it reaches several States in the Midwest, Middle America and the South. AFTAH appears regularly on VCY America “Crosstalk” to discuss the overarching LGBTQ agenda.  The LGBTQ media and leftist activists did not appreciate my criticism on a September 26 WVCY interview of “Star Wars'” inclusion of a character modelling homosexual sin as normal.

* Janet Mefferd Show:  Janet—one of the smartest talkers and thinkers in Christian media—regularly relies on AFTAH as a “go to” source in explaining the “gay” and “transgender” onslaught on America.  I appeared frequently on both her individual show as well her AFR (American Family Radio) show.  Here is a Nov. 4 “Janet Mefferd Live” radio broadcast interview in which I discuss the Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index.”

* AFA “One News Now”: AFTAH is also regularly featured on this excellent American Family Association news source. In this July 20 ONN story, I responded to homosexual mega-funder Tim Gill, who said he wants to “punish the wicked,” referring to pro-family conservatives.  LaBarbera told ONN:  “Tim Gill is a bigot and he’s an intolerant bigot at that … He wants to squelch dissent; he wants to squelch the very Judeo/Christian values that help make our country great. But all Tim Gill’s millions or billions or whatever he has cannot eradicate God’s truth. The Bible stands true yesterday, today, and forever.”

* Linda Harvey Show: On Dec. 16, I was interviewed by my friend and pro-family advocate Linda Harvey on the connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, in the wake of the Hollywood ongoing sex-abuse scandal. Go to this link and scroll down to 12/16/17, “Homosexuality and the Predator Issue.”

* Chaps Klingenschmitt Show: Chaps (Gordon) Klingenschmitt of the Pray in Jesus Name Project interviewed me about the intriguing case of “gay conservative” Milo Yiannoupoulos. Watch the Skype interview HERE.

In 2017, I also spoke out in public against homosexualism, which usually inspires some form of pro-LGBTQ censorship these days.  In October, the Wisconsin Christian News sponsors of my recent speech “Exposing the LGBTQ Agenda” were directly censored by both Office Max (Office Depot) and Facebook. [See main AFTAH story HERE.]

Through our ongoing media outreach and our website, AFTAH over the last three decades has educated many millions of people all over the world about the campaign to “mainstream” homosexuality—which is now getting a tremendous push from Corporate America.

[Please Help Us: To help AFTAH continue in its mission to tell the politically incorrect Truth About Homosexuality, give safely online HERE or send your gift to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.]

In addition, AFTAH is highly engaged on Twitter, where we are one of the most visible opponents of “gay” ideology, and on Facebook, which recently “de-published” our page, amidst other acts of censorship over the year.  Speaking “truth to power,” in a moral sense, is what we do, and we do it joyfully even as we are hated and despised by lost souls in the grip of sin, leftist propaganda and sexual confusion.

Amazing Stephen Black testimony: AFTAH banquet

Stephen Black addresses Americans For Truth “Teach-in.” Black received the AFTAH “American Truth Teller Award” for 2017. Click HERE to watch the entire banquet on video. Help support AFTAH by giving safely online HERE.

In October we had a successful banquet featuring ex-“gay” Stephen Black.  Stephen offered compelling testimony in defense of the Christian view of homosexuality and shared the harrowing story of how as a young boy, he’d been molested twice by men with a homosexual problem.  Two other ex-“gay” men also shared their riveting personal stories of coming out of homosexuality.

I was thrilled to present Stephen with a $1,000 check and the “American Truth-Teller Award” for 2017.  Honoring defenders of Truth and changed lives through Jesus Christ is what we’re all about.  (Support Stephen’s First Stone Ministries HERE.)

Stephen’s entire banquet and “teach-in” presentation, joined by several other leading pro-family activists, can be viewed HERE (or click the “Stephen Black” box on the right side of the AFTAH website).

Dirtiest word in America: Morality

The M-Word—Morality—is now one of the “dirtiest” words in modern America.  Biblical sexual morality has been under withering assault in the United States for decades—think of the abject filth, vulgarity and soft-core porn that have become staples of modern movies.  The abomination of homosexuality (that’s how God sees it: as detestable) is now widely treated as merely another form of “love.”

“Love is love,” went the simplistic, pro-LGBTQ slogan, echoed by Obama and countless others after our corrupt Supreme Court ushered in legal homosexual “marriage” in 2015.  This is how dumbed-down American culture has become!

Indeed, post-Christian America today is just a shadow of her moral and spiritual past self, but the Truth, like Christ Jesus, does not change (Hebrews 13:8).  That is why AFTAH exists.  We are unswervingly dedicated to holding up God’s Truth in a (Western) world stubbornly bent on the redefining sex and gender roles to justify people’s sins.

A lot of conservatives are sort of “embarrassed” over the whole question of sexual morality, and especially homosexuality, as they rationalize in their own minds why the fight against “Big Gay Inc” is passé or no longer worthwhile.  We’ve all seen it: tiny sellouts in which a “conservative” pundit pay lip service to some aspect of the LGBTQ agenda, usually “same-sex marriage.”

Not us.  We at AFTAH count it as a joy and a privilege to stand with God against secular lies and wickedness in the culture, although it does get lonely and frustrating.  Let’s face it: nobody likes being smeared as a “hater” and a “bigot” day after day—which is why so many Christians and conservatives, intimidated and beaten down by the vocal Left, give up on defending truth regarding LGBTQ issues.

AFTAH never “moves on” – while GOP praises “gay Republicans”

But I say, “Man up!”  (You, too, ladies!)  For goodness’ sake, name-calling and vicious insults are a small price to pay for serving God in a dying culture, and we do so proudly at Americans for Truth.  AFTAH is the principled, Christian conscience of the pro-family movement against the “homosexual agenda” (notice how rarely that phrase is used anymore).  We never bow down to political correctness or political partisanship, even if that means getting criticized or ignored by fellow conservatives who have made their own accommodation with “gay Republicans” or “gay rights” in general.  (Many conservatives just “go silent” and no longer engage the issue of homosexuality.)

Fox News contributor and Townhall editor Guy Benson considers himself a “gay Christian.” Will “conservatism” embrace a GOP version of the LGBTQ sexual sin movement?

Perhaps the Republican National Committee, which recently celebrated the 40-year anniversary of the homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans, would consider that Romans 1 in the Bible contains no “GOP exception” as it describes society’s godless descent into sexual sin and idolatry.

At AFTAH, we never stop calling for the overturning of the Supreme Court’s outrageous 2015 Obergefell ruling imposing homosexuality-based “marriage” on the nation, even though it seems most Republicans and conservatives have given up on that goal, too.  “Kvetch and Retreat,” as Rabbi Mayer Schiller wisely put it, is the modus operandi of conservatives, especially when it comes to sexual morality.  This grieves my heart.

In contrast, the pro-homosexual Left—purveyors of lies and at war with God’s wholesome values—is perpetually on offense.  Meanwhile, we who claim to possess absolute Truth stumble on defense.  Shame.

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VIDEO: ‘Activist Mommy’ on Jack Phillips Wedding Cake Case – Homosexual Couple Are the Real Bullies

Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Freedom in the Balance: Will the Government of the United States of America force people of faith like Jack Phillips to use their talents and privately-owned business to honor and serve “marriages” based on immoral homosexual behavior? Click to enlarge. Photo: Alliance Defending Freedom.

Folks, here is a neat video on the Jack Phillips Supreme Court case by Elizabeth Johnston, the “Activist Mommy” despised by the Left because she is an effective and fearless Christian, conservative truth-teller. It strikes me as un-American that our simple freedom as citizens of this nation, founded on religious liberty, to associate with whomever we want and publicly live by our moral and spiritual beliefs now hangs by the thread of the whims of a few Supreme Court Justices.

All eyes are on Justice Anthony Kennedy, who, though appointed by Ronald Reagan, has earned hero status on the pro-LGBTQ Left for his consistent, pro-homosexual record on the Court. Where will Kennedy, who authored the God- and Constitution-defying 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision imposing counterfeit “same-sex marriage” on all 50 states, come down on Phillips’ conscience-based refusal to participate through his cake shop in the celebration of disordered homosexual “weddings”? [Read the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s superb dissent on Obergefell HERE.]

Social conservatives warned that legalizing so-called “same-sex marriage” would result in escalating State and cultural oppression against religious people and institutions–ironically, in the name of “civil rights,” “diversity,” and “equality.” Now that is happening with horrific consequences for principled Christians like Phillips and Barronelle Stutzman. The media- and Democratic Party-enabled “Gay” Revolution has advanced to the point where it is now working to effectively criminalize faithful Christians and other moral dissenters by preposterously comparing them to racist bigots and treating them accordingly.

The leading legal crusader for homosexual “marriage,” Evan Wolfson, said, “I’m not in this just to change the law. It’s about changing society.” Indeed. Now the question is: are we going to let the pro-LGBTQ Lobby and the Government destroy our First Amendment liberties in the service of a godless, radical egalitarian agenda that regards the public expression of biblical faithfulness as just one more component of “anti-gay discrimination”? We’ll see, but to say that a lot rides on this case would be an understatement. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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