
Letters: Response to ‘Kyle,’ a ‘Gay Catholic’

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

The following is a adapted from my response to “Kyle,” a self-proclaimed “gay Catholic” who wrote us through the AFTAH website. Kyle misinterprets Catholic teaching and theology on homosexuality, to be sure [see Catholic pro-family activist Gary Morella’s piece HERE, which also explains how homosexual acts violate Natural Law]. But Kyle’s rationalizations beg the question: do any of us know where our sinful inclinations — whatever they are — come from? Each of us is born into sin in this world, and the Bible teaches that our hearts are naturally “oriented” toward deception (hence young children do not need to be taught to be envious and selfish). Every one of us has done evil things, or thought evil thoughts — yes, not just wrong thoughts but evil ones (such as questioning God’s existence, or His goodness). That’s why we need Jesus Christ. Please pray for Kyle, whose letter is printed below mine. — Peter LaBarbera,


LaBarbera response to “Kyle”:

Kyle …

…I don’t know where my feelings of lust, etc., came from.  So should I join the Lust Pride Movement and rationalize the embrace of that sin. (I’ll call myself a “Luster,” which is analogous to you calling yourself “gay.”) Grow up, Kyle. This is the cop out of the century –– and then you go on to support “gay marriage” –– an incredible blasphemy against God, who created man and woman for each other.  You are responsible for your behavior –– period. Sodomy and all homosexual acts are deeply sinful, the Bible teaches (see Romans 1), so what does it mean to say your “orientation” is “gay”?  Repent and believe Jesus Christ as so many FORMER “gays” – now born again of God — have done. (See Steve Bennett’s wonderful story at  Are you born again? Do you deny Jesus Christ has the power to help you heal or at least help you remain out of homosexual sin?  There is NO way a faithful Christian can embrace homosexuality.  You are deeply deluded, but there is hope in the Lord, and He WILL forgive you if you humble yourself and seek him like a child, and repent and accept Jesus’ death on the cross as the penalty for your sin. I suggest you start by reading the Gospel of John.

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Change We Cannot Believe in – Judge Roy Moore lists reasons Christians should beware of new presidency

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

‘Shocking that homosexual bishop was asked to pray at all’

judge_roy_moore_thumbnail.jpg; posted January 21, 2009

By Judge Roy Moore

Barack Obama, who campaigned on “Change We Can Believe In,” was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States yesterday, Jan. 20, in the most expensive inauguration in the history of our country. Despite a bleak economy and a rising unemployment rate, Obama and we the taxpayers are estimated to have spent over $150 million. That is a lot of “change,” to be sure.

While many in the country were welcoming the Obamas, the incoming president was busy putting out the welcome mat for the homosexual agenda. At the “We are One” gathering at the Lincoln Memorial on the Sunday before the Inauguration, Obama invited Bishop Gene Robinson, the first openly “gay” bishop ordained in the Episcopal Church, to give the opening prayer. It seems rather strange that an event to celebrate “unity” would begin with prayer by an individual whose homosexual conduct is responsible for one of the deepest divisions in the Episcopal Church in its history, as various dioceses have severed ties with the Episcopal Church to join the more conservative international Anglican community.

But even more shocking is the fact that Bishop Robinson was asked to pray at all. When questioned about the upcoming event by the Associated Press, Robinson assured them that he would “be careful not to be especially Christian in my prayer,” and – not surprisingly – that he would not use a Bible. If that is the accepted view of our new president and those attending the event, then we are indeed in for a “change,” but one actually contrary to our beliefs and very destructive of our national morality. Historically, there has never been a time when Christianity has been so openly shunned and homosexuality so expressly promoted.

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Here Comes the Hate — Homosexuals Upset at Cancelled ‘Pig Sex’ Orgy Take out Anger on Americans For Truth

Monday, January 19th, 2009

joe_my_god_blogger.jpg P.R. NIGHTMARE: “Joe” of the homosexual activist blog “Joe. My. God” (at left) wants to make it more difficult for Americans For Truth to expose twisted homosexual events like the sadomasochistic, über-perverse Mid-America Leather Weekend currently (and annually) hosted by the Washington Plaza Hotel (call them 202-842-1300) in D.C.  After AFTAH’s exposé led to the cancellation of a related homosexual “pig sex” orgy scheduled for the nearby Doubletree Hotel Washington, homosexual activists whined about the timing and location of the orgy, and how it hurts the image of the “gay rights” movement — but few condemned the perversion-fest altogether. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, a prominent homosexual group, celebrates sadomasochism with its annual “Leather Leadership Award.”

In the wake of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality’s successful campaign to stop a sadistic homosexual “pig sex” orgy at the Doubletree Hotel Washington, just blocks from the White House, one homosexual blogger is urging followers to “out” AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera to stymie our attempts to expose perverse homosexual events and celebrations.

Apparently fearing that LaBarbera is observing the perversions at the “Mid-Atlantic Leather” (MAL) event currently being hosted by the Washington Plaza Hotel (phone: 202-842-1300), Joe of the “Joe. My. God” blog wrote:

Again, please take a good look at LaBarbera’s photo at the top of this post if you are in DC. Print it out, pass it around, put in on flyers. Do not let him photograph you or your friends. If you see him, announce his presence LOUDLY to everybody around you. Alert the conference organizers and hotel security immediately. Take HIS photo and email it from your phone to me here at and I’ll put it up at once so everybody knows his outfit and which direction his comb-over hangs today.

Joe’s post shows the hypocrisy of “gay” activists who, despite all the talk about about being “out and proud,” understand that the average American would be shocked and put off by the excesses of their movement — so they try to hide them. Back in the day when Americans For Truth attempted to expose the extreme agendas promoted at the annual conferences of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, staffers policing the event would routinely expel our writers. The Task Force, by the way, promotes the acceptance of sadomasochism, giving out an annual “Leather Leadership Award.”

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Breaking News: Victory for Decency: Homosexual ‘Pig Sex’ Organizers Cancel Orgy at Doubletree Hotel

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Finally, “Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy” is called off after thousands of calls poured in

sodomy_slings.jpg‘Sodomy Slings’ of the sort that perverts were hoping to use at an orgy scheduled for tonight in the second floor conference rooms of the Doubletree Hotel Washington just blocks from the White House; thank the Doubletree (202-232-7000) and parent company Hilton Hotels for forcing the cancellation of this vile event that was a public health threat to workers and other hotel guests.

TAKE ACTION:  There will be no “Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy” at the Doubletree Hotel Washington in D.C. tonight. Thank the Doubletree Hotel Washington and its Corporate Office — and parent company Hilton Hotels — for forcing the cancellation of the wicked “MAL Maneuvers” “pig sex” orgy at the Doubletree Hotel just blocks from the White House in Washington, D.C.  Here is the contact information:

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, we are ecstatic to report that the vile homosexual ‘pig sex’ orgy that Doubletree Hotel Washington staffers were denying was even scheduled to occur at their hotel — and which AFTAH exposed to the world — has now been cancelled by its perverted organizers. This is a great victory for truth, decency and public health! Yes, the good guys win one for a change, and Americans For Truth is vindicated (lies coming from the hotel had many people confused). A big “Thanks” to each of you who called the Doubletree and its parent company, Hilton Hotels, urging them to not allow this unbelievably depraved and unhealthy homosexual event to occur in public conference rooms at the Doubletree, a luxurious hotel just blocks from the White House.

We learned that thousands of concerned Americans called to complain in response to our reporting and follow-ups by, Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber (an AFTAH Board Member), and other conservative websites.   Lesbian blogger (and AFTAH nemesis) Pam Spaulding has published the “MAL [Mid-Atlantic Leather] Maneuvers announcement:


As many of you know, extreme Christian groups have been pressuring Doubletree to cancel the “Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy.” For two days, the hotel stood firm while the accusations and falsehoods kept coming in. Just this morning, I told the management of Doubletree how impressed I was that they resisted the calls to shut us down. Unfortunately, the matter escalated to Doubletree Corporate, and the word has come down that they will not allow our event to go on as planned. To say that I am pissed would be an understatement. We have a right to privacy and sexual freedom. I appreciate the efforts of the Centaurs [a D.C. homosexual sadistic sex group] in helping us set this up and fight the cancellation. I want to apologize to each of you who, some who have been with me for 9 years, for having to disappoint you at the 11th hour.

Read the comments after Spaulding’s post, including this one from “paulko”:

I have mixed feelings over this… I know what these pig sex orgies are and they need to be held on someone’s farm or ranch deep in the woods.  I am a gay man and find them pretty disgusting!  It seems this event was planned to shock the fundies [Christian fundamentalists] and add legitimacy to their hedonist cause.  I don’t care what anyone does sexually but a little discretion would be called for.

Most people only get their news about gays from this type of reporting. Unfortunately, the reporting is true.  It is time for all members of the gay community to take a look at themselves and how they portray themselves.
by: paulko @ Sat Jan 17, 2009 at 07:39:48 AM CST

When orgy organizers are furious at the triumph of decency and public health over their perversion plans, we at Americans For Truth are very happy. More coming on this pro-family victory….

Doubletalk from the Doubletree; Klingenschmitt Uncovers Hotel’s Lies about Orgy

Friday, January 16th, 2009

doubletree_hotel_washington_dc_home_front.jpgDear Readers, below is message sent out yesterday by Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt following up on our story yesterday about a twisted homosexual “pig sex” orgy planned for tomorrow (Saturday) night at the Doubletree Hotel Washington (1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, D.C., just blocks from the White House). Chaplain Klingenschmitt wrote to me, concerned that the story about the orgy at Doubletree was an Internet rumor. I wrote him back affirming that it was not: our source was an e-mail sent by the perverted orgy group itself (Fort Troff) to a homosexual. The reason for the confusion is that the Doubletree Hotel is now dissembling and deceiving people who have called them to complain about the event.

As AFTAH’s original story made clear, the orgy group, “MAL Maneuvers” (affiliated with Fort Troff) was telling its followers to go to the Doubletree at midnight on Saturday, and advertising all the revolting devices that would assist them in their unspeakable perversions. The Doubletree Hotel sales director, Felix Barreras, confirmed to me that the hotel had a “legal, binding contract” with “MAL Maneuvers.” Barreras said the hotel did not know about any of the sexual perversions planned, and that sex acts would not be allowed in a conference room, which is a “public space.” MAL Maneuvers is held in concert with the larger “Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL) Weekend,” a sadomasochism celebration held at the Washington Plaza Hotel (202-842-1300).

Based on the notes and calls AFTAH received from pro-family advocates who had called the Doubletree to complain, it is clear that that some Doubletree Hotel staffers have been deceiving people by telling them that they called the wrong hotel – i.e., saying that the Washington Plaza Hotel is hosting the leather event – but NOT telling them that a separate group (MAL Maneuvers) had booked their hotel, the Doubletree, for an orgy. As AFTAH reported, I sent Barreras a copy of the e-mail from MAL Maneuvers (Fort Troff) discussing the plans for the orgy at Doubletree.

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Barber: Doubletree Hotel Washington Hosts ‘Gay’ Orgy, Places Staff, Future Guests at Risk

Friday, January 16th, 2009

rim_chair_man_fort_troff-2.jpg HOMOSEXUAL ACTS ARE UNHEALTHY — Man demonstrates “rimming chair” technique for anal-oral sodomy in this covered-up photo taken from the website of the “pig sex” group (Fort Troff) organizing the orgy planned this Saturday night at the Doubletree Hotel Washington — located at 1515 Rhode Island Ave. N.W., in the nation’s capital just blocks from the White House. Call the Doubletree at 202-232-7000 and parent company Hilton’s Corporate Complaint Line at 310-278-4321. Will D.C. Public Health officials and the D.C. Police Department prosecute this obvious public health hazard if Doubletree and Hilton officials allow it to go forward?


January 16, 2009;  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Lynchburg, VA – Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Alliance Action and Liberty Counsel [and a Board Member of Americans for Truth], released the following statement today in response to news that the Hilton brand Doubletree Hotel near the White House (1515 Rhode Island Ave., NW – 202-232-7000) will be playing host to a homosexual orgy organized by the “Mid-Atlantic Leather Maneuvers” in at least three of its public banquet rooms this inaugural weekend.  Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) broke the initial story [CLICK HERE]:

“It’s appalling that the Hilton Doubletree Hotel chain is apparently so beholden to the mighty dollar that it would facilitate – in banquet rooms used by the public – a homosexual orgy boasting some of the most vile sex acts imaginable.  Despite initial denials by the hotel manager, I and other sources have verified with the hotel’s “Sales and Catering” and “Reservations” departments that, unbelievably, the hotel is in fact planning to go forward with the ‘gay’ orgy.

“It’s simply inexcusable that the Doubletree would place at risk the health of its staff and future guests by facilitating this orgy in rooms where food is served,” continued Barber.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics establish that men who have sex with men suffer infection from various forms of communicable disease, such as Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS, at an astronomical rate.  Lower income hotel staff will be tasked – ostensibly under penalty of job loss – with cleaning up the various forms of potentially infectious biological waste left behind.

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Pre-Inauguration Abomination at the Doubletree Hotel Washington in D.C.? New Online Contact Info for Doubletree, Hilton

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

rimming_chairs_hepatitis.jpgHomosexual activists hate it when Americans For Truth exposes the extremely unhealthy and immoral behaviors that define homo-sexuality. At left are “rimming chairs” (see explanation here) of the sort that a homosexual “pig sex” group hopes to use in Washington, D.C., this weekend at an orgy they hope will be held at the Doubletree Hotel at 1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW — just a few blocks from the White House. Pro-homosexual websites such as The Body recognize that “rimming” — oral-anal sodomy — causes hepatitis A, but generally they refuse to come out and say: stop practicing this risky behavior. (Once you’ve rationalized anal sodomy, it’s difficult to condemn other perversions.) TAKE ACTION: Contact Doubletree Hotels and their parent company, Hilton Hotels, and urge them to cancel this wicked event and to stop profiting off of perversion.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

Our e-mail today offers only a snippet of AFTAH’s exclusive story about yet another homosexual orgy, this one planned for the luxurious Doubletree Hotel at 1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW in Washington, D.C. hotel this Inaugural Weekend – a cornucopia of deviance that we hope will be closed down due to our reportage. It is a shocking expose that once again testifies to man’s capacity for extreme wickedness and debasement in the pursuit of sin. The “gay” movement to “normalize” homosexuality is evil, and so we should expect that astounding evils would emanate from it – which they do.  Already, has picked up this story (“‘Pig sex’ orgy set for inaugural week”), and we hope other conservative news outlets will, too. Click HERE for our full story.

UPDATED CONTACT INFO FOR DOUBLETREE/HILTON:  Please take a moment to call Doubletree Hotel Washington at 202-232-7000 (800-492-5195), or leave a comment on their online corporate feedback page. Also, contact Hilton Hotels, which owns Doubletree, at 310-278-4321 (they’re based in Los Angeles); here’s Hilton’s corporate PR page.  Please know that we are not naïve and recognize that the hotel industry has been utterly corrupted by catering to perverse homosexual events like these all over the world. “For the love the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10).

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Breaking News: Doubletree Hotel in D.C. Plays Host to Homosexual ‘Pig Sex’ Orgy during Inaugural Weekend

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Hotel official says he is not aware of orgy planned for conference rooms

WARNING: Graphic descriptions of vile behaviors

mal_maneuvers_homosexual_sm.jpgWARNING: THESE REPULSIVE BEHAVIORS SHOULD NOT OCCUR IN PRIVATE, MUCH LESS IN CONFERENCE ROOMS AT A HOTEL USED BY THE PUBLIC:  At left are images from an e-mail put out by a homosexual sadomasochistic group — showing what it plans to have available at the Doubletree Hotel Washington (1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW, just blocks from the White House) this weekend for a “pig sex” orgy scheduled to begin late Saturday night. At top are “slings” to assist sodomitic acts; in the middle are “rim chairs” to facilitate a “gay” perversion known as “rimming” (oral-anal sodomy: one man lies on the floor with his face pointing up into the other man’s rear); at bottom are large wood crosses for flogging and other sadistic punishments. A Doubletree Washington staffer said he was unaware that the conference rooms rented to the homosexual group were to be used for sexual orgies. TAKE ACTION: call the Doubletree Hotel at 202-232-7000  or 800-492-5195 and urge them to cancel this twisted event, which poses a danger to public health. Leave a comment at Doubletree’s corporate feedback page. Also call Hilton Hotels — which owns Doubletree — at 310-278-4321 and urge Hilton to get out of the perversion business altogether by no longer booking homosexual “leather” events at all their hotels. Here’s Hilton’s online corporate PR page with e-mail links. At least one Hilton hotel, the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, has a long history of enabling and profiting off of the hyper-promiscuous “leather” movement by hosting the annual sadomasochistic “International Mr. Leather” conference.


AFTAH Exclusive, by Peter LaBarbera

The swank Doubletree Hotel Washington in the nation’s capital, just blocks from the White House, is playing host to a sadomasochistic, homosexual “pig sex” orgy this weekend — days before Barack Obama’s Inauguration Day. But the hotel’s sales director says Doubletree knew nothing about the perversions planned for the event and that the sodomitic activities advertised by the organizers could not be held in the hotel’s conference rooms because it is a “public space.”

A source has provided Americans For Truth with a copy of a private e-mail intended only for “sex pigs” — sent out by a group called “Fort Troff” (as in pig troff). The e-mail touts the ultra-promiscuous “pig sex” event at Doubletree called “MAL Maneuvers” — for the purpose of pulling together “hard-core pig players” who want to “[F–K] [sodomize] our brains out.”

The “pig” orgy is being held in concert with the annual “Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend” (MAL) in D.C. — a three-day sadomasochistic celebration attended mostly by homosexual “leathermen.”

TAKE ACTION:  Normally, the locations of sadistic sex orgies are kept from the public, as such events have been canceled in the past when pro-family advocates discover they are occurring and expose the hosting hotel. We at Americans For Truth hope that happens in this case, and urge readers to call the Doubletree Hotel Washington in D.C., (1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW) to urge them to cancel this event that seemingly redefines wickedness. Call the Doubletree Washington Hotel at 202-232-7000 or 800-492-5195 and urge them to turn away this uber-perverse “pig sex” event beginning Saturday night; leave a comment at Doubletree’s corporate feedback page. And call Hilton Hotels in Los Angeles (which owns Doubletree) at 310-278-4321 and ask them to get out of the perversion business entirely by refusing to host similar SM gatherings. Here’s Hilton’s online corporate PR page with lots of e-mail links.

The Fort Troff “MAL Maneuvers” e-mail obtained by AFTAH reads in part:

We’ve now got a KILLER line up of DEMOS, including super skilled rope bondage, sounds play, and flogging. LIVE Music and Sound is gonna be provided by THE BLACK PARTY DJ Rich King. So you can suck, fist, rim, and [f–k] TO THE BEAT. 15 Slings, Piss Tubs, Rimming Stations, a Bondage Cross, and a Flogging Station.

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