GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools

World Congress of Families Endorses Russian Bill Banning Homosexual Propaganda to Minors

Friday, June 14th, 2013

86 percent of Russians support bill prohibiting “gay” propaganda aimed at youth; the negative lesson of American decadence

WHAT RUSSIANS DON'T WANT: A drag queen activist with the anti-Christian San Franciscio-based group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" prepares for an Easter Egg hunt sponsored by the ant-Christian homosexual activist outfit. Russians do not want to follow America's reckless promotion of sexual pervsion to even the very young.

WHAT RUSSIANS DON’T WANT: A male drag queen activist with the San Franciscio-based group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” prepares for a local Easter Egg hunt sponsored by the anti-Christian homosexual activist outfit. (The same “Sisters” group sponsors the annual sadomasochism-celebrating “Folsom Street Fear” in San Francisco.) Russians do not want to follow America’s reckless and decadent promotion of gender confusion, sexual perversion, and anti-biblical ideologies to youth. Note: we blocked out the innocent boy’s face for his protection. Click on photos to enlarge.

Folks, I’m afraid that the lessons that the United States of America has to teach the world on homosexuality these days are mostly negative: Avoid our mistakes. Don’t become like us. Don’t foster the promotion of radical sexual and gender agendas to your young people. Don’t allow your government schools to become ‘pro-homosexuality zones’ for impressionable students. Don’t treat unhealthly sexual perversions and gender confusion as a “civil right” or “human right,” etc. [see adjoining photos]

Who can blame Russians for looking at the U.S. Homosexual Lobby’s “Overhauling of Straight America” (to quote the article and book by homosexual marketing strategists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen) and saying, “No thanks!” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

The following is a release by the World Congress of Families. [Read Brian Camenker’s account of the  Russian bill HERE.]


June 11, 2013

For Immediate Release

For More Information, Contact: Don Feder at  or

The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society at

World Congress of Families Provides a Pro-Family Perspective on Russian Bill Prohibiting on Homosexual Propaganda to Minors

Today [June 11], the Russian Duma gave final approval to a bill prohibiting propaganda on “non-traditional sexual relationships” aimed at the young. The bill awaits action by the upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament (the Council of Federation) and signature by the President, but these are considered formalities.

The European Union pressured the Russian government not to approve the bill, which would prohibit homosexual propaganda that encourages promiscuous sexual behavior among minors.

In January, the Duma, initially approved the bill by a vote of 388-to-1 with one abstention. A survey by The Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion showed 86% of the Russian people support the measure.

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Mormon Stephen Graham – Part Two – Criticizes LDS’ Acceptance of Openly Homosexual Boy Scouts

Saturday, June 8th, 2013
Stephen Graham, a Mormon, says his Church is wrong to embrace open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts of America.

Stephen Graham, a Mormon, says his Church is wrong to embrace open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts of America.

This is Part Two of our interview with Stephen Graham [click HERE to listen], founder and president of the Utah-based Standard of Liberty. It was recorded May 25, 2013. Graham, a Mormon, criticizes his Church’s stance on the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) embrace of openly homosexual boys as members. A montage of audio is played from the BSA’s May 24 press conference announcing passage of the pro-homosexual change — in which Scout executives acclaim the historic shift as advancing the goal of serving more kids in Scouting.

Graham tells how after the decision, his adult son has resigned from his longtime affiliation with a local Scout troop (as assistant Scoutmaster) over the policy change. He reads from an e-mail his son received from his bishop (with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) — using spiritual language to urge Graham’s son to reconsider his decision. Stephen Graham laments the pro-homosexual drift of LDS authorities, but asserts that most Mormons will follow their Church’s new, more “gay”-affirming direction — because LDS members generally bow to their leaders’ decisions. Nevertheless, he says that adhering to principle — in this case not affirming a deviant sexual identity to boys — will lead some, like him, to reject the LDS’ pronouncements in this area.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

5-30-13, Steve Graham, Part Two

Pro-Family Leaders Slam ‘Gay Pride,’ Human Rights Campaign’s Role in IRS-Gate, at AFTAH Press Confernce

Thursday, June 6th, 2013
Linda Harvey of Mission America speaks out against pro-homosexual school programs, outside the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign's D.C. headquarters. Harvey was the target of vulgar hate-emails after she was mentioned in press release days before the event.

Linda Harvey of Mission America speaks out against pro-homosexual youth programs, outside the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters. Harvey was the target of vulgar hate-emails after she was mentioned days before in an AFTAH press release announcing the event. Click on photos to enlarge.

This is a good account of our Tuesday press conference against “Gay Pride Month” in front of Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters — by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Future, which also provided full video coverage of the event [see YouTube videos Part One, Part Two and Part Three]. This article is reprinted from the Renew America website (which we highly recommend), and published June 5, 2013. All photos are from Americans For Truth and can be reprinted provided credit is given to


Backlash to Obama’s Gay Rights Agenda

By Cliff Kincaid

An Obama-allied group that is at the center of the scandal over IRS harassment of conservative organizations was the target of a protest outside its own headquarters.

“The escalation of homosexual activist power is bad for America, and American liberty,” declared Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth outside the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in Washington, D.C. He said Christians and conservatives in favor of traditional values are being subjected to “intimidation, bullying, violence, [and] dirty tricks,” such as the HRC’s acquisition of the National Organization for Marriage’s IRS donor filings, for the purpose of harassing opponents of the gay agenda.

The Huffington Post had also received and publicized the confidential information, a violation of federal law.

A banner, “Homosexuality Is Nothing to Be Proud of, but overcoming it is,” was displayed in reference to President Obama’s proclamation of June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.”

Obama previously celebrated the 1969 homosexual riots at a seedy Mafia-run bar known as the Stonewall Inn.

HRC sign welcomes AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera. A few hours later, they were denoucing pro-family advocates as the "fringe."

HRC sign “welcomes” AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera. A few hours later, an HRC spokesman was maligning him and the other pro-family advocates as the “fringe.”

Aware of the planned press conference, the HRC put a “Welcome Peter” sign on its headquarters.

But LaBarbera didn’t return the welcome, saying that “The deviant sexual revolution represented by the Human Rights Campaign headquarters behind us is built on a foundation of lies.”

He called the homosexual revolution “one of the most amazing marketing stories of all time: a sexual sin once defined by Noah Webster as the ‘Crime Against Nature,’ condemned by God for millennia, was repackaged as the supposed basis for ‘civil rights.'”

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action, one of several participants in the news conference, denounced the Human Rights Campaign for its role in receiving and u  sing confidential financial records from the IRS to attack donors to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

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VIDEO: AFTAH Press Conference at HRC against ‘Gay Pride’: Linda Harvey on Gay Youth Propaganda and Diane Gramley on Gay Health Risks

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

The following is Part Two of America’s Survival’s coverage of our press conference Tuesday, June 4, 2013, in front of the D.C. headquarters of Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest and most powerful homosexual activist lobby organization. Speaking first is Linda Harvey, founder and president of Mission America, discussing the homosexualist agenda and youth. She is followed by Diane Gramley, president of American Family Association of Pennsylvania, who discusses homosexual-related health risks. The text of both Harvey’s and Gramley’s speeches follow the video, after the jump:

Text of speech by Linda Harvey:

Remarks by Linda Harvey, President, Mission America, , June 4, 2013

Press conference at Human Rights Campaign, Washington, DC:

Is homosexuality a human right? No, it’s not. This sexual preference is not intrinsic to human beings, is far from positive conduct for any person and certainly not for children, but the organization in the building behind me believes it is. And they intend to keep using smoke and mirrors to prevent America from a careful analysis, from a respectful debate, about what they are demanding.

Starting with its deceptive name, the Human Rights Campaign is spreading sweeping lies throughout America. And they are, of course, not alone.  From the misnomer of “gay pride” as deviant displays in our major cities, to the ungodly idea of two men or two women as marriage, HRC joins other untrustworthy groups to arm-twist and bully our country into embracing high-risk immorality, behavior that no one ever needs to do in the first place. People aren’t born homosexual, so objecting to this conduct is not a violation of anyone’s “rights.”

But how does HRC deal with challenges? By “agreeing to disagree”? By welcoming a reasonable debate? No, if you disagree, you become the target of smear campaigns, where truth is noticeably absent. If you stand up for man/woman marriage, HRC calls you a hateful bigot.

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Harvey Notes Homosexual Youth HIV Surge, Asks: Are Boy Scouts Buying ‘Gay Child’ Myth?

Monday, April 29th, 2013
Linda Harvey wonders:

Linda Harvey wonders why the CDC did not ask about the partners of homosexual teenage boys who admitted to sex with males before age 13.

Folks, my friend, Linda Harvey of Mission America — a Christian expert on the radical homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda targeting youth — is right on in the piece below about the Boy Scout’s proposed pro-homosexual sellout.

This particular column is a must read because Linda brings forth some vitally important data on HIV and “gay youth.” Please take the time to scan these two CDC (Centers for Disease Control) reports that she cites (Warning: you will have to sift through the CDC’s nauseating political correctness, which precludes them from discouraging homosexual practice itself as part of the recipe for fighting HIV):

CDC Fact Sheet (Dec. 2012): “New HIV infections in the United States”:

CDC (2011) report on “Sexual Identity…and Health-Risk Behaviors among Students” (see Table 55):

Lastly, I note “JaneLovesJesus,'” who made the following comment to Linda’s piece on WND:

“This [Boy Scouts of America (BSA) proposing acceptance of homosexual Scouts] is simply the two-step approach to gay leaders in the BSA. Are they are going to allow ‘gay’ youth to participate…let those youth go through the entire program, maybe earning the rank of Eagle, and THEN say, ‘Sorry, you don’t qualify for leadership?’ Nope. Not going to happen. In for a dime, in for a dollar. There is NO compromising with the ‘Gay-stapo.’ Partial acceptance of this lie is FULL cooperation with evil.”

Surely Jane is right: we’ve been down this road of LGBT incrementalism many times before. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH (column is after jump)

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Here’s What Will Happen if ‘Gay Marriage’ Becomes Law in Illinois

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

‘Defend Marriage Lobby Day’ today in Springfield aims at stopping bill in House

This will never be a "marriage."

This will never be a “marriage,” no matter what laws are changed.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

Today (Wed., Feb. 20th) is Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Springfield, Illinois, as pro-family citizens rally in the state capital against a homosexual “marriage” bill proposed by the Democrats for our state.  Our friends at Illinois Family Institute organized this special day to help citizens express their unyielding support for real, natural marriage (one man, one woman) in the Land of Lincoln — which is already reeling from previous pro-homosexual laws.  The “gay marriage” bill, SB 10, passed the state Senate on Feb. 14 with the votes of 33 Democrats and one lone Republican, Sen. Jason Barickman (Bloomington), so it is critical to stop the bill in the House. The Democrats who run Illinois — from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel to Gov. Pat Quinn — have made passing a “gay marriage” bill a TOP PRIORITY, so please get involved on the side of “Nature and Nature’s God” to thwart their efforts!

TAKE ACTION — Illinois Citizens: Please attend the Lobby Day today if you are able: there is a 10:30 AM rally outside the Capitol Building in Springfield (401 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, IL), followed by lobbying.  IFI will help you lobby your representative if you’ve never done it before!  See their site for more details:  For those in Chicagoland, Kathy Barnette of Truth Exchange still has room on her bus for the trip to Springfield; see the Truth Exchange site.

If you cannot make the trip, make sure to call or write your State Representative and voice your opposition to the “gay marriage” bill.  Call the Springfield Capitol Switchboard at 217-782-2000.  Find you elected officials HERE.

We already know the ramifications of legalized homosexual “marriage” from other states like Massachusetts:

  • Religious liberty and freedom of conscience (i.e., the freedom to oppose homosexuality) will be repressed by the state in the name of “gay rights”; Illinois has already experienced this under our “Civil Unions” law [see the case of the Walders’ bed-and-breakfast in Paxton, IL].  Despite the current bill being amended to protect churches and religious institutions, business owners — even devout Christians — who cater to weddings (such as banquet hall owners and photographers) could be forced to use their facilities or expertise to celebrate homosexual “marriages”;
  • Liberal teachers, especially in public schools, will be emboldened to promote homosexual relationships to students in the classroom; homosexual teachers will be given a platform to discuss their “marriages” and to model homosexuality as normal, natural and good to students. Parents will have a harder time stopping the promotion of homosexuality in schools;
  • Homosexual “sex ed” will gain ground in Illinois schools. Under the radical egalitarian idea that all relationships are morally “equal” and worthy of marriage, “safer gay sex” will be taught non-judgmentally alongside (normal) heterosexual sex. “Abstinence until marriage” (which regrettably is not the norm but only the ideal for most Illinois health classrooms) would apply to homosexual- and bisexual- as well as “straight” students — despite the reality that all homosexual sex is inherently immoral.  High-risk and unnatural practices like anal sex will be mainstreamed in our schools. (Could teaching the truth that sex between men is linked disproportionately to HIV and various sexually-transmitted diseases lead to charges of “anti-gay discrimination”?) And deviant lesbian sex will be taught for girls who in the future might “marry” a woman.
  • Businessmen will be forced to recognize and subsidize their employees’ immoral same-sex “marriages”; a form of this is already happening under Illinois’ “Civil Unions” law;
  • Society will be corrupted as unequal things are treated as equal; children will be further confused as the law (which is a teacher, as the saying goes) creates a Brave New Morality that officially “weds” sinful, unnatural and changeable behavior to the noble and life-sustaining institution of marriage;
  • Homosexual activists will be energized to use the homosexual “marriage” law to pressure citizens to approve of their lifestyle and step up their crusade to stigmatize, demonize and discredit pro-family Christians and moral opponents of homosexuality.  Groups like AFTAH that embrace wholesome, godly morality will be vilified as “hateful and bigoted.” And, as we have witnessed in Massachusetts, the push for ever more extreme “LGBT rights” would be propelled by enactment of “same-sex marriage” — including “transgender” activism in schools.
  • Legalized homosexual “marriage” will help “normalize” homosexual adoption, thus consigning greater numbers of innocent children to be raised in households that are motherless or fatherless by design.
See also this excellent report, “What Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Has Done to Massachusetts,” by my friends at MassResistance to learn what’s headed our way if Illinois politicians continue to pander to the state’s powerful Homosexual Lobby. Thank you for standing up for natural marriage!  God bless you. — Peter LaBarbera,


AFTAH Interviews Lobbyist Ralph Rivera on Threat of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Bill in Illinois

Original post:

ralph_rivera[NOTE: this interview occurred BEFORE the Illinois homosexual “marriage” bill, SB10, was amended prior to passage Feb. 14. The amended bill precludes churches and religious institutions from being forced to host homosexual “marriage” celebrations in their building. However, this amendment applies only to explicitly religious institutions; Christian- and other moral-minded business-owners could still be forced to host homosexual “marriage” ceremonies and related celebrations under the bill despite their deeply-felt opposition to “gay marriage.” — Peter LaBarbera]

This interview [click HERE to listen] with Illinois pro-family lobbyist Ralph Rivera was conducted on February 4, 2013. Rivera is a lobbyist for the Illinois Family Institute – which is sponsoring a Defend Marriage Lobby Day against the homosexual “marriage” bill in Springfield on Wednesday, Feb. 20th. Along with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood (of Grace Gospel Fellowship church), Rivera discusses the pro-homosexual-”marriage” bill looming in the state’s General Assembly. (The Illinois Senate is reportedly slated for a floor vote on the bill on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.)

Rivera explains the bill’s threat to religious liberty — e.g., how in its original draft (likely to be amended) it would force churches and religious institutions that rent their facilities to the public to host homosexual “weddings.” There is also a discussion of how legalized “gay marriage” effectively forces pro-homosexual ”lessons” into public schools. In addition, the three discuss the Boy Scouts of America’s proposed change allowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. Rivera is also a longtime pro-life lobbyist for Illinois Citizens for Life.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-4-13, Ralph Rivera


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AFTAH will never back down or be intimidated by the intolerant and hateful (and anti-Christian”) “Gay” Lobby. Your gifts help us carry out our critical mission.

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Good News: Boy Scouts Finally Win Big in Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Boy_Scout_LogoThe column (excerpted below) by stellar pro-family advocate Robert Knight was published Jan. 14, 2013 in the Washington Times. Knight is Senior Fellow for the American Civil Rights Union and a Times columnist:

By Robert Knight

The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco has a well-earned reputation as the hippiest, dippiest, most-reversed appellate court in these United States.

It’s where the Pledge of Allegiance gets scrutinized for possible eradication, at least, the “under God” part. But every so often, the Court gets something right.

On December 22, a unanimous Ninth Circuit panel reversed a federal district judge’s order to evict the Boy Scouts from their longtime camp and local headquarters in San Diego’s Balboa Park. The ruling came in a case filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 2001 on behalf of a lesbian couple and an agnostic couple, who basically accused the Boy Scouts of holding traditional values.

In 2003, federal District Judge Napoleon A. Jones Jr. ruled that the Boy Scouts were a religious organization that discriminates and therefore were ineligible for a public lease. Judge Jones somehow ignored the Supreme Court’s Dale decision in 2000 upholding the Scouts’ right to their own moral standards. He also ignored the First Amendment’s religious freedom guaranty.

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