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Youth and School Related Organizations
Friday, December 22nd, 2006
Merry Christmas to all of our readers! Please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible gift to Americans For Truth. There’s a reason liberal-left groups like People for the American Way are monitoring AFTAH’s every move: they don’t want the radical “gay” agenda that endangers and corrupts children exposed. We need your help to keep standing for truth, as exemplified by the heartwarming story below…
The stakes of the cultural battle over homosexuality are never made clearer than when God reaches down from heaven to bring radical change in a person’s life — in the case below, a gender-confused suburban Chicago high school student who has recovered his masculine identity through Christian rebirth (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Only a sophomore in high school, “John” last year went by the name “Joanna” and was known in school for his feminine behaviors, like putting on women’s make-up. (We will not use his real name or identify his school to protect his identity as a minor.) He was headed towards living a life as a female-imitating, “transgendered” she — when God intervened and John was “born again” through faith in Jesus Christ, he told his student newspaper.
Now “transgender” Joanna is no more and John is reestablishing his true, God-given male nature at his high school. His newfound reality is precisely the sort of story that homosexual/transsexual activist groups like GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) do not want other teenagers to hear. Because GLSEN knows that such stories undermine the “gay” myth that people are born GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered), and that such aberrant identities are mere natural and innocuous “orientations.”
In GLSEN’s “gay” activist world, “Joanna” deserved to be recognized and celebrated based on his/her “transgendered” lifestyle. GLSEN encourages teachers and school counselors to confirm highly impressionable youth in gender-confused identities: in fact, it’s quite common now to hear teachers of young students identify gender non-conforming children as future “transgendered” adults.
GLSEN’s warped ideology has become official policy at many schools across the country.
But, of course, change is possible, because God is in the business of changing repentant sinners. If the Christ of Christmas can turn around the lives of drug addicts, murderers, and drunks, He certainly can save men and women — and adolescent children — trapped in gender confusion and homosexuality.
As you read this story, say a prayer of praise and thanks to God for working in the life of this young man. Merry CHRIST-mas, John! — Peter LaBarbera
The following is excerpted from an article that appeared in “John’s” high school newspaper in the fall of 2006; we have changed his name and omitted source identification to protect his identity as a minor for now:
Comments left on the Myspace website of [John] displayed messages such as “Why are you moving?” and “Please don’t move away!”
Despite concerns that [John] might not begin his sophomore year at [unnamed Illinois high school], he is back, armed with a new wardrobe.
“All my friends were afraid that I was moving away. I’m not moving. Joanna [his female persona’s name] is moving,” said [John].
At the end of last year, [John] was concerned with properly applying eyeliner and picking a lip gloss that matched his belt.
[John] sold his old clothes and is now clad in [male] outfits from his new favorite stores…
The decision to change his appearance wasn’t a quick transition. Losing his feminine appearance took [John] the entire summer.
He became inspired after becoming more involved with religion and his church. [John] calls himself a “born-again Christian.”
“I started reading passages from the Bible this summer and I finally understood messages that didn’t make sense to me when I was younger,” [John] said. “Now I realize I can be who I want to be. Everybody can be who they want to be.”
…He also will remain active in his church because he feels that religion helped him decide what kind of changes to make in his life.
According to [John], although the start of the school year was “exciting” for him, he is disappointed that he received negative feedback about his changes from some of his friends.
“Mostly they say things like ‘Whoa, what happened?’ I understand that they might be shocked by my new look or that they don’t necessarily like it, but it doesn’t matter what they think,” [John] said.
According to [John], he spent “too much time” allowing his [Joanna — female] persona to be teased and mistreated last year.
“People couldn’t decide if they were going to accept me then, so I’m cautious of people who are eager to meet the new me,” [John] said.
Despite mixed reactions during the first days of school, [John] feels that his family and “true friends” have been accepting and encouraging of the changes he decided to make.
“I feel that the blessings have been pouring down on me recently,” [John] said. “Now I can finally be who I’m meant to be.”
And to that we at Americans for Truth say, Amen!
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), 07 - Questioning, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Thursday, November 16th, 2006
Excerpted from Agenda Targets Free Speech, by Phyllis Schlafly, published Nov 6, 2006, by Townhall:
Same-sex marriage is not the only goal of the gay rights movement. It’s becoming clear that another goal is the suppression of Americans’ First Amendment right to criticize the gay agenda.
The gay lobby tried a broadside attempt to censor criticism by passing a national “hate crimes” law. Fortunately, Congress didn’t pass that law, but gay activists are obviously trying to achieve much the same effect through political pressure and intimidation.
Scott Bloch, the head of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel in the Bush administration, has been targeted for termination because he removed “sexual orientation” from the list of anti-discrimination laws protecting employment at federal agencies. Bloch discovered that his Clinton-appointed predecessor, Elaine Kaplan, had unilaterally inserted “sexual orientation” in the list without any statutory authorization, so he removed it.
The gay lobby retaliated, instigating five investigations against Bloch. After all five cleared him of any wrongdoing, the response by the gay lobby was to initiate a sixth investigation.
Reportedly, Bloch has been told privately to resign, twice suggesting that he might be fired if he doesn’t. Letters from supporters caused the White House to back off before the election, but it is apparent that the Bush administration has no stomach for this fight and hopes Bloch will go quietly.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Christian Persecution, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, NEA, Universities & Colleges |
Sunday, November 12th, 2006
How many corporations sponsored state “Protect Marriage” initiatives? Despite the fact that a majority of their employees (and customers) are married men and women with families, American corporations are increasingly supportive of homosexual activist groups. It is tragic that corporations are now taking the lead in undermining the foundations of marriage and family that built our nation and helped make America one of the wealthiest and most stable countries the world has ever seen.
Here is a partial list of companies and organizations that supported the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force‘s radical “Creating Change” conference in Kansas City, Missouri, Nov 8-12, 2006:
- American Airlines
- Ameriprise Financial Services
- Bacardi
- Bell South
- Chipotle Grill
- Cingular
- Costco
- Merrill Lynch
- MS. Magazine
- National Education Association
- Panera Bread
- Planned Parenthood
- United Way of Miami Dade
- Washington Mutual Bank
- Wells Fargo
Posted in American Airlines (GLEAM), Ameriprise, Bacardi, Bell South, Chipotle Grill, Cingular, Costco, Magazines, Merrill Lynch, NARAL, NEA, News, Panera Bread, Planned Parenthood, Task Force, United Way, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo |
Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
Excerpted from Gay History Month in City Schools Seen Part of Trend, by Susan Brinkmann, published Nov 6, 2006, by The Catholic Standard and Times:
…For the first time, this year ninth-grade students will read a collection of short stories titled, “Am I Blue?” which is about people who have been affected by the coming-out experiences of youth…
Until two parent groups hired Liberty Counsel lawyers to stop it, a Maryland school district curriculum was about to teach 8th- and 10th-graders that Jesus condoned homosexuality because He never mentioned it by name, that Christians often use the Bible to justify hatred and that being homosexual is similar to being left-handed.
Some of the fuel behind the movement is coming from what many believe is an overly cozy alliance between the National Education Association (NEA) and gay activist organizations, such as the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), the nation’s leading pro-homosexuality education group.
“GLSEN is very closely aligned with the Gay-Lesbian caucus inside the NEA,” said Jeralee Smith, a California school teacher and the outgoing chair of the NEA’s Ex-Gay Educators Caucus.
“When the NEA’s Gay Lesbian Caucus started, I’m sure they wanted to see a gay president in charge of the NEA,” Smith said. “Well, that happened when Bob Chase became president. Chase was outed as a gay man by the Washington Blade around the end of his term as NEA president.
“It was during Bob Chase’s presidency that the Sexual Orientation Task Force was initiated, giving a whole arm of NEA leadership to gay- lesbian -bisexual -transgender (GLBT) causes,” Smith said. “In 2002, a 60-page document detailing NEA’s support of GLBT causes was adopted by the NEA executive committee, and handed to NEA delegates as a report which, technically, didn’t even require a vote.”
Since that time, pro-homosexuality curricula have been steadily creeping into schools across the country, says Regina Griggs, executive director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX).
“Programs like this are in all 50 states, and probably in every major county in the country,” Griggs said…
What if a student later becomes ill, after having been encouraged to embrace the lifestyle by a school program that deliberately withheld information about the risks? Could the student sue?
“I was recently contacted by somebody who, because of one-sided information being provided by doctors, went through a sex-change operation. His mental issues just got worse, and he now realizes this isn’t the choice anyone should make. He wants to sue because he wasn’t provided with full information.”
In the meantime, Lindevaldsen said,
“This is all politics. It’s all politics in the courts and it’s all politics in the schools. And the pawns are our children.”
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLSEN, NEA, News |
Thursday, November 2nd, 2006
TAKE ACTION – Look at this notice from a suburban Chicago school district‘s PTA (Indian Prairie Parents’ Council) who will be hosting Anna Marie Weselak to promote “an inclusive PTA” – by which they mean a parent-teacher association that embraces homosexuality.
Do you know what’s going on with your school’s PTA? If not, find out!
You may also wish to read our corresponding post from Regina Griggs of PFOX, entitled PTA: Peril for Parents? The opening paragraph contains vitally important information for all parents:
Do the initials “PTA” bring to mind innocuous parent-teacher meetings and parent-student school projects? Think again. The national Parent Teacher Association, fondly known as PTA, is under the leadership of chief executive officer Warlene Gary. Ms. Gary previously served as the National Education Association’s human rights director and that school union’s liaison to gay interest groups.
Posted in News, PTA |
Tuesday, August 29th, 2006
Excerpted from Gay Book Pulled Off Reading List, by Bennett Loudon, published Aug 24, 2006, in Rochester Democrat & Chronicle:
Rainbow Boys, by Alex Sanchez, was removed from the list of about 200 books earlier this month by Webster Central School District officials. The book was not removed from the school library.
Posted in American Library Association, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools |
Sunday, August 27th, 2006
From Point of View Talk Radio:
August 23, 2006 – Wednesday
Topic(s):Homosexual Activism in Public Schools, Beyond The Binary- Gay Activist Toolkit, Programming & Manipulation of our culture, PTA welcomes PFLAG – Nixes PFOX, Christian students’ free speech rights abused, What Parents Can Do to Protect Kids
Guest(s):Anne Paulk, Author, Restoring Sexual Identity; Regina Griggs, Executive Director, PFOX Parents & Friends of ex-Gays; Mike Johnson, Senior Legal Counsel, Alliance Defense Fund
Posted in GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, PFLAG, PTA |
Thursday, August 24th, 2006
Highlights from the American Family Association’s (AFA) informative webpage on the NEA (National Education Association):
- NEA passed a resolution supporting homosexual “marriage” and homosexual adoption.
- NEA recommended that GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender) issues training be required content for teacher credentialing. (Such training is usually biased strongly toward the homosexual activist side.)
- NEA upgraded their language from tolerance of homosexuality to acceptance and respect for homosexuality.
- NEA refused to pass this amendment: “To protect the rights of all students, the Association believes sexual contact between education professionals and minor students is unacceptable.”
- NEA signed a letter opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, NEA, News |
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