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Kirk Cameron Responds to Criticism after Calling Homosexuality ‘Unnatural’ in Piers Morgan CNN InterviewMarch 7th, 2012The following is Christian actor/director Kirk Cameron’s response (posted on his Facebook page) to the controversy and pro-homosexual vitriol over his comments on homosexuality, in a recent interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan. (A transcript of the interview can be found HERE; watch the three-minute interview segment HERE; and go HERE for the homosexual activist group GLAAD’s online attack on Cameron.) ______________________________ I recently was asked to join Piers Morgan on CNN for an interview about my new film “Monumental.” During that discussion, I was asked to express my views about homosexuality, gay marriage, and abortion. While that was not the agreed-upon purpose of the interview, I was pleased to answer Piers’ questions as honestly as I could. In some people’s eyes, my responses were not sufficiently “loving” toward those in the gay community. I can only say that it is my life’s mission to love all people, and that I expressed the same views that are expressed clearly and emphatically throughout the Judeo-Christian scriptures. As a Bible believing Christian, I could not have answered any other way. Read the rest of this article » LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Massachusetts Writer Amy Contrada, Part OneMarch 6th, 2012Author exposes Mitt Romney’s pro-homosexual recordThis Part One of of a multiple-part interview with Amy Contrada [click HERE to listen] writer with the pro-family group Mass Resistance and author of “Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘Gay Marriage’ in Massachusetts.” This interview was pre-recorded on Feb. 23rd and aired on WYLL-Chicago March 3, 2012. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Contrada discuss how Massachusetts and especially Boston became “Ground Zero” in the liberal push to normalize homosexual and gender-confused identities to youth. They also describe then-Gov. Mitt Romney’s support for a taxpayer-funded governor’s “gay youth” commission — which sponsored an annual “gay youth pride” parade and celebration that included radical adult homosexual and transgender activists (e.g., a cross-dressing man who heads the Boston Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth (BAGLY). Contrada has also authored two smaller e-books on Romney and his record, available at www.amycontrada.com. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Homosexual Pressure Group GLAAD Smears Kirk Cameron as ‘Anti-Gay Extremist’March 6th, 2012Below is a graphic put out by the homosexual media pressure group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) — smearing Kirk Cameron as an “anti-gay extremist” for his recent heartfelt comments about homosexual behavior and “same-sex marriage,” on CNN’s Piers Morgan show. Watch the CNN interview HERE. As you can see, this is not the tone of an “extremist” but a thoughtful Christian man who is smart enough to know that Hollywood liberals and LGBT militants will pounce on any statement he makes critical of homosexual behavor, which God through the Bible condemns. (By the way, I think Kirk would have been better off just saying “yes” to Morgan’s question about whether he believes homosexuality is a sin.) On his Facebook page, Cameron writes, in part:
Read the rest of this article » AFTAH Interviews Jim Finnegan – Part Two – with John McCartneyMarch 5th, 2012This is Part Two of AFTAH’s interview with Jim Finnegan [click HERE to listen; listen to Part One HERE]. He is joined on air by Americans For Truth Board Member John McCartney. This was pre-recorded and aired Feb. 25, 2012. Finnegan, McCartney and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera discuss Catholic Church doctrine opposing all legislative affirmations of homosexual behavior and (positive) identity — and how this basic teaching has been undermined and violated by senior church leaders. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Kirk Cameron Tells CNN’s Piers Morgan that Homosexuality Is UnnaturalMarch 5th, 2012Under fire from Hollywood celebs for sharing biblical truthHomosexual Marine Kisses ‘Gay’ Male Lover at Family Homecoming CelebrationMarch 5th, 2012We’ve slightly blocked this indecent photo of a homosexual Marine, Sgt. Brandon Morgan, kissing his male lover (Dalan Wells) during a homecoming celebration at a Marine base in Hawaii. [See an NPR puff-piece on the twisted kiss HERE.] Morgan looks forward to the day when such homosexual greetings “become the norm” (although he regrets the leg wrap). LGBT activists and pro-homosexuality liberals consider this “progressive,” but truly it represents the moral decline of America, which — as someone smart (not de Tocqueville) once said — will cease to be good if it ceases to be great. (And please don’t pretend that this is no worse than some inappropriate heterosexual “Public Display of Affection.”) Homosexual conduct is the opposite of good. It is unnatural and a sin against God, who lovingly established boundaries for mankind. Now, military moms and dads and relatives who bring their children to homecomings will be forced to explain this disgusting homosexual misbehavior to their kids. (Note the young child at the right in this photo.) How tragic it is that due to media bias and political correctness, President Obama’s homosexualization of the American military has hardly been an issue in this year’s presidential primary. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org ![]() Marine Sgt. Brandon Morgan kisses and wraps his legs around his homosexual lover, Dalan Wells, reportedly at homecoming for families at a Marine base in Hawaii. Note the young boy standing nearby, circled here in yellow. We have blocked the same-sex kiss for the sake of decency. Morgan says he looks forward to the day when homosexual greetings on bases don't make news and "become the norm." We hope he is wrong, for only a decaying society pretends that homosexual relationships are morally equivalent to normal, male-female couples. Fair Foundation Fights against Disproportionate Government Research Funding for HIV/AIDSMarch 4th, 2012For more on the massively disproportionate federal funding for HIV/AIDS relative to other diseases, go to the Fair Foundation website, from which this 2011 graph is reprinted: The following is a Fair Foundation chart from 2008 on the huge disparity in NIH spending per death between HIV/AIDS and other diseases: Homosexual Arrogance in Action – ‘Gay’ New Mexico Hairdresser Takes on Gov. Martinez over ‘Same-Sex Marriage’March 1st, 2012AFTAH March Moneybomb: Today we launch our first-ever “Moneybomb” for Americans For Truth, with the goal of raising $10,000 in the month of March for AFTAH. If just 500 supporters were to give $20 each — or 1,000 $10/each — we would reach our goal. Can you donate $20, $50 or $100 today (or even just $10) to help AFTAH report facts and truth about radical, freedom-threatening homosexual activism — which the liberal media refuse to report? Go online towww.americansfortruth.com/
Dear AFTAH Reader, The liberal media’s bias in support of the homosexual — and especially “same-sex marriage” — agenda is so egregious it’s laughable [go HERE]. Below is a story featuring AFTAH about a “gay” hairdresser-turned-homosexual- TAKE ACTION: Start factoring in corporate support for the homosexual-transgender activist agenda in your buying decisions. Of course, it’s almost impossible to boycott all the pro-homosexuality companies, but you CAN start taking practical steps to prevent your hard-earned dollars from being used to subsidize immorality and destructive gender confusion. AFTAH will help to educate you on the ongoing GLBT campaign to pressure corporations to subsidize and embrace perversion. But for starters, take a few moments to review this astonishing document that reveals the Homosexual-Transgender Lobby’s plan to intimidate corporations into paying for body-mutilating “sex-change” operations in the name of “transgender health.”
Yes, that’s right: to get a “100 percent” pro-“gay” ranking by the (anti-Christian) Human Rights Campaign, companies will have to cover transsexual “sex change” operations as a medical benefit (so-called). Here’s the link: http://sites.hrc.org/
Now here’s the One News Now story about the campaign to intimidate New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, a “story” that got HUGE PLAY in New Mexico and the liberal media:
________________________________________________ ‘Homosexual arrogance’ in New MexicoCharlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 2/27/2012 8:30:00 AM
A hair stylist in New Mexico is refusing to do Governor Susana Martinez’s hair again. Activist Peter LaBarbera calls the incident “a lesson in homosexual activism” for conservatives. The reason Antonio Darden is snubbing the governor is that she does not support homosexual “marriage” — and Darden is refusing to do her do until she changes her stance. OneNewsNow turned to Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality for a reaction. Read the rest of this article » |
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