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‘Day of Silence’ Walkout – Parents, Don’t Feed the Pro-Homosexual School BeastApril 8th, 2011![]() Display by pro-"gay" student group at Lyons Township High School in Illinois celebrates the state's new "civil unions" law. Schools should not become havens of pro-homosexuality advocacy. TAKE ACTION: Parents and Guardians: Call your children’s middle or high school and ask if students and/or teachers will be permitted to refuse to speak during class on Friday, April 15 (as part of the annual homosexual activist “Day of Silence”). If your administration allows students and/or teachers to refuse to speak during class, call your child out of school on April 15th. Every student absence costs school districts money. See additional instructions below, and go HERE for more help on the “Day of Silence Walkout” page on the Illinois Family Institute website. ________________________________ Dear AFTAH Readers, Many Christians and moral-minded people have given up on the public schools, and with good reason. The suffocating political correctness on a host of controversies — including homosexuality — overwhelms the Average Mom and Dad, who are already running ragged between work, family duties, church and youth sports. Add to that the arrogant, dismissive bureaucrats who occupy key positions in many metropolitan schools — and who view complaining parents as an “enemy” of sorts that needs to be kept at bay — and you understand why our schools have devolved into havens for liberal-left indoctrination. (In addition, as more and more Christian parents abandon the public schools, it removes a key wholesome influence restraining evil.) Despite all this, my friend Laurie Higgins is correct: parents are derelict in “tolerating” their children’s schools’ descent into liberal advocacy. Beyond the critical point that THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN (not the school’s), and we should guide their moral upbringing, there is the fiscal reality (even for those without school-age children) that we as taxpayers should not be subsidizing the use of public schools to foist pro-homosexual propaganda on students. So we at AFTAH echo the call for parents to pull their kids out of any school that abides the annual homosexual-activist event April 15 called the “Day of Silence.” Please read Laurie’s article below and call your children’s schools (middle and high schools) to see if they are sanctioning this pro-homosexual event. If you have any inkling that they are encouraging this disruptive event, tell the school that you will be keeping your child home that day. In doing so, you will send a powerful message to teachers and administrators that their embrace of pro-homosexual advocacy comes at a price. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org P.S. Please tell us about your encounters with your local schools regarding the “Day of Silence” by sending an e-mail to: americansfortruth@gmail.com. ___________________________________ Read the rest of this article » Video: Obama’s White House Signing Ceremony for Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t TellApril 8th, 2011Obama: “We are not going to be dragging our feet to get this done”
The public’s embrace of this zeitgeist exchange of identity/group-civil rights for anti-social misbehavior is the single greatest achievement of the modern homosexual activist movement. However — just as the popularization of “pro-choice” rhetoric has no bearing on the ethics of killing innocent, unborn babies in the womb — this highly strategic, pro-“gay” cultural transformation has no bearing on the morality of homosexual practice. Nor does it negate the massive health risks and other pitfalls associated with homosexuality, including the emerging reality that homosexuality-based “rights’ destroy religious freedom (to oppose same-sex conduct). These matters obviously are of little concern to liberals, who are now so wedded to the “gay civil rights” paradigm that they see any attempt to view homosexuality through the (religious) lens of wrong-yet-changeable behavior as itself an act of “prejudice,” to quote our Commander-in-Chief. — Peter LaBarbera, www. aftah.org AFTAH Interview with David Kupelian – Part TwoApril 4th, 2011This is Part Two of our interview with David Kupelian, managing editor of WorldNetDaily.com, and author of “The Marketing of Evil,” and “How Evil Works.” It was pre-recorded on March 29 and aired April 2, 2011 — the final day of the Truth Academy co-sponsored by AFTAH and Mission America, for which Kupelian was the keynote speaker. In this interview, he ably discusses the matter of a practicing homosexual’s conscience — and why it is that so many homosexual activists become so angry at critics who affirm that homosexuality is wrong. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Exclusive: AFTAH Interview with Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber (Truth Academy Speaker)March 30th, 2011Folks, please read the interview I recently did with Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action and AFTAH board member. This helps to underscore why now, more than ever, the Americans for Truth Academies are an indispensable tool to help freedom-loving, morality-supporting Americans become equipped to push back against the homosexualist juggernaut. Click here to learn how you can join us this Friday and Saturday (April 1 and 2) in Columbus, OH for the next Truth Academy. ~ Peter LaBarbera PL: In the past couple of days you’ve been under tremendous assault from homosexual activists and other liberals for some comments you made on Liberty Counsel’s Faith & Freedom talk radio program about bullying, the tragedy of teen suicide and homosexual sin. Tell our readers about that. MB: Yeah, this has given us a teachable moment. You know, scripture says ‘woe to those who call evil good and good evil.’ When homosexual activists and other ‘progressives’ in the pro-sin movement are exposed to biblical truth, their reaction is invariably visceral and loud. There’s ‘nothing new under the sun.’ This ‘kill the messenger’ strategy is age-old and knee-jerk. These folks, as a matter of course, call evil good and good evil. Of course their gripe isn’t with me. I’m nothing. I’m nobody. Their problem is with their Creator, the natural order and the fallen state of mankind. They’re just lost. PL: What specifically did you say to bring down such hate? I merely repeated what God’s objective truth about sexual sin has always held: That heterosexual fornication, to include adultery, is sin and that homosexual behavior is always immoral and unnatural. Scripture is unequivocal on these points throughout both the Old and New Testaments. So, essentially I said nothing new. Here’s where they lost their collective noodle: I also pointed out how the pro-sin movement is cynically manipulating the very real problem of childhood and teen bullying – something anyone with a heart is opposed to – in order to push, with a ‘Trojan horse strategy,’ a radical pro-homosexual, anti-Christian agenda. On this, there’s no debate. This is evil. When you shine light on evil those who love darkness will scurry for the shadows and blindly shoot arrows into the light. Read the rest of this article » LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with David Kupelian – Part OneMarch 28th, 2011![]() David Kupelian, author of "The Marketing of Evil" and "How Evil Works," is keynote speaker this Friday evening at the Truth Academy in Columbus OH (April 1-2). Here is Part One of our three-part interview with David Kupelian, managing editor of WorldNetDaily.com and the keynote speaker at the Truth Academy: Columbus, Ohio, April 1-2. [Click HERE to listen.] This interview aired March 26. Kupelian is author of “The Marketing of Evil” and “How Evil Works.” Kupelian and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera discuss notorious sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, who, incredibly, included “data” from child molesters in his groundbreaking volume, “Sexual Behavior and the Human Male.” Despite the fact that the book included actual tables containing the sickening information about timed child (and even baby) “orgasms,” this never became a big media story when the book was published in the 1950s. It took decades for pro-family researcher Judith Reisman to bring the scandalous information to the attention of the U.S. public. LaBarbera notes that just one crusading journalist or media company — armed with the appallingly evil “data” — could have taken Kinsey and his entire project down. But Kupelian says that U.S. society at the time was in awe of scientists, and ripe for manipulation by Kinsey (who was a masochistic sex pervert from his youth). At some level, Kupelina says, Americans were morally compromised enough to allow Kinsey’s “junk science” to help usher in a looser morality for the culture (precisely his goal). The Kinsey “research” is still used to advance the norming of homosexuality in society. Learn more about the Truth Academy (early registration expires midnight, March 28th) HERE. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, I-Tunes and Quick Time. Real Player is not supported and one may have difficulty listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Illinois High School Allows Display Celebrating Homosexual ‘Civil Unions’ LawMarch 28th, 2011
![]() Display prominently celebrating new Illinois "Civil Unions" law put up by a pro-homosexual student club at Lyons Township High School. Photo: Earl Gough. Click on photo to enlarge. Dear Readers, each pro-homosexual law makes it easier for school administrators and teachers to allow the one-sided promotion of homosexuality in their school, as occurred recently at Lyons Township High School in LaGrange, Illinois (see photo). The state’s Democrat-dominated General Assembly passed a “Civil Unions” bill in a lame-duck session last year (before a new elected, more conservative legislature could take office) — and Gov. Pat Quinn (D) signed it into law January 31. (The bill, which also allows heterosexual “civil unions,” thus further undermining marriage, takes effect June 1.) America’s public schools are becoming de facto “Homosexuality-Promotion Zones” — directly undermining the authority of parents to guide their children’s moral upbringing — and subjecting Christian and moral-minded students to one-sided pro-homosexuality propaganda like the above. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org; [Send news about your children’s or local schools to americansfortruth@gmail.com.] Read the rest of this article » Apple Pulls Ex-‘Gay’ iPhone App after Lobbying Campaign by Hateful Homosexual ActivistsMarch 25th, 2011Politically correct media abets ‘homo-fascist’ drive to squelch Christians’ voice![]() Apple Inc. has dropped two pro-family "apps" from its iPhone following protest campaigns by homosexual activists. TAKE ACTION: Contact Apple Inc regarding its open hostility to faith-based customers defending traditional morality and its capitulation to homosexual activists. Call 408-996-1010. Apple Inc. By Peter LaBarbera On Wednesday, Apple Inc. succumbed to a web-based homosexual lobbying blitz demanding that it drop an “app” for the ex-“gay” ministry Exodus International from its iPhone. This capitulation is only the latest to reward a creeping ‘homo-fascism’ that is spreading across America and the world — and which is integral to the wider LGBT activist strategy of demonizing and marginalizing religious people opposed to homosexuality. We don’t use this term lightly — the Homosexual Lobby’s hardball strategy is built on lies, intimidation and even bullying of well-meaning, compassionate Christians and religious people who simply disagree with the practice of homosexuality. Incredibly, a tiny Sexual Sin Lobby– purporting to represent perhaps 1-2 percent (or less) of any given population — presumes to dictate to the rest of us what is and is not acceptable speech, ideas, and conduct with regard to homosexuality and same-sex “marriage.” (They even claim to be the arbiter of what is “love” and “hate.”) The failure of the national media — stuck in “gays-as-victims” mode — to question the growing pro-LGBT intolerance, demonization, and oppression of adherents to Judeo-Christian moral teachings, itself contributes greatly to the persecution of people of faith. Read the rest of this article » LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Brian Camenker of MassResistance: about Maryland Grassroots Defeat of Homosexual ‘Marriage’March 24th, 2011‘Moderation’ and avoiding homosexual issue were NOT the key to upset victory, says pro-family veteranThis pre-taped interview [click HERE to listen] with Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance aired on Chicago Christian radio station WYLL on March 19, 2011. Camenker discusses the successful grassroots effort in Maryland to stop a pro-homosexual “marriage” bill — which he helped by advising pro-family Md. activists and sharing with them what legalized “same-sex marriage” did to Massachusetts. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Camenker discuss how the Maryland victory was NOT the result of careful, non-offensive packaging — i.e., avoiding the issue of homosexuality — that has characterized several statewide battles against homosexual “marriage.” They talk about Camenker’s advice below from the M.R. article, Maryland pro-family victory analysis: Top 10 reasons why it was WON when it looked like it would lose”:
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. |
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