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Part One: Interview with Dr. Ken Hutcherson, AFTAH Banquet SpeakerOctober 12th, 2010![]() Ken Hutcherson tells how Jesus Christ healed him of his hatred toward whites -- and others -- when he came to accept Him as his Savior. Hutch is now the target of hateful attacks by homosexual activists because he tells them the truth: that God can help them change, too. This is the first segment of my three-part interview [CLICK HERE] with Dr. Ken Hutcherson, senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church, former NFL football player, brave culture warrior — and keynote speaker at the upcoming Americans For Truth banquet on Saturday, Nov. 13th at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois. This aired Sat., Oct. 9, 2010 on WYLL-AM 1160 in Chicagoland. Hutcherson discusses how he literally was taught to hate white people by his uncle — a hatred that grew and expanded to others — including his mother and even Martin Luther King (not radical enough) — and which he overcame by being born again through belief in Jesus Christ as teenager. Confronted by the truth that Christ died for white people, too, he could no longer hate them. Rarely will you hear a peron so joyfully discuss living with cancer as Hutch, who describes how it has drawn him closer to Christ. You may have heard Pastor Hutcherson recently being interviewd by his friend, Rush Limbaugh. Listen to this talk and share it with your friends — they will be inspired. And sign up now at our early registration rate ($50) for the AFTAH banquet. Get more info HERE, or make your banquet registration donation at www.americansfortruth.com/donate; or mail it to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. E-mail RSVPs and inquires to: americansfortruth@gmail.com. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Pathetic: Joe Jervis Tries to Link LaBarbera to KKKOctober 9th, 2010By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Wow. The analytical powers of atheist, homosexual perversion-defender Joe Jervis’ (of the Joe. My. God. blog) are in full display as he exposes the sinister, long-concealed “truth” that AFTAH has been trying to hide for decades — that we are aligned with the … KKK … yeah, that’s it … the KKK! Joe alone had the analytical skills to pull together the story: AFTAH (and by extension FRC, AFA, Liberty Counsel, ADF, PFOX, etc.) have partered with the Klan to stop gay equality!! I jest, of course. But Joe is serious–that’s the sad part. (Apparently he didn’t get the memo that the first one to call the other guy a “Nazi” in a debate is the automatic loser — that is, unless your opponent, like Wayne Besen, is actually behaving like a Nazi.) Try to focus so you can comprehend at least a portion of GLBT-award-winning Jervis’ sophisticated political equation:
Jervis ends his piece: “Peter LaBarbera and the KKK, both on the same side of hate. Feels like a perfect match.” Such finely-honed logic. Such depth of reasoning and discernment. The nuances alone are worth pondering and studying for years to come. Joe, here’s the deal: your hatred of Americans For Truth and this writer (but more important, for the God who lovingly created you) is getting the best of you. Next time you set out to discredit AFTAH, try using a line of argumentation that wouldn’t embarrass a smart 5th-grader if he or she tried it. Read the rest of this article » Rutgers Student Newspaper: Media Exploit Tyler Clementi Suicide TragedyOctober 7th, 2010The following is a reprint of an editorial in The Daily Targum, the student newspaper for Rutgers University (and one of the longest-operating student newspapers in the country). Clearly, those (non-homosexual-activists) closest to the scene recognize that “gay” groups are cynically exploiting this tragedy — even before all the facts are in — to advance their political and cultural agenda. Per the usual, it’s all about the Homosexual Lobby (see this shockingly arrogant release redefining morality by the homosexual lobby Human Rights Campaign). Even homosexual- and “nonmonogamy” advocate Dan (‘Three-Way”) Savage [his blog HERE] is in on the act. (God help us if the twisted, Christian-hating Savage becomes a role model for America’s youth.) Stay tuned as we address Exodus International’s stunning and incredibly ill-timed capitulation on the Day of Truth. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org _________________________________ Media exploits University tragedyEditorial The death of University student Tyler Clementi might have been properly mourned if it were not for the massive rallies and aggressive news coverage that altered the nature of the situation. The truth is that an 18-year-old boy killed himself – he was a student just like the rest of us, someone just trying to receive an education. Yet people’s relentless agendas took his death and turned it into a cause based on false pretenses. Read the rest of this article » Gay Lobby Group Human Rights Campaign Exploits Suicides to Attack Mormon ChurchOctober 4th, 2010Enough is enough: from my Facebook page:
The following is excerpted from Human Rights Campaign’s latest attack on religion– Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org:
LISTEN: Part Two – AFTAH Interview with Col. Dick BlackOctober 4th, 2010
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Rainbow Cookie Scandal Strikes Indianapolis — Update from AFA-Indiana’s Micah ClarkOctober 3rd, 2010![]() This perverse rendition of the iconic Iwo Jima WWII photo replaces Old Glory with the "gay" rainbow flag, and Marines with shirtless "gay" men. It represents all that's wrong with selfish homosexual activism. American fighting men died to preserve freedom, here and abroad -- not for their fellow citizens to be forced by government and activist courts to subjugate their religious and moral beliefs to the celebration of homosexuality as a newly discovered "civil right."
The Tyranny of Forced Homosexual Affirmation is wrong and against the principle of God-given liberty that defines America. A Christian cookie-maker shouldn’t be forced to make cookies celebrating homosexuality in violation of his creed not to abet sin — in the same way that a “gay”-activist-owned bakery shouldn’t be forced to make cookies for Americans For Truth or AFA. This is why the homosexual agenda presently is a greater threat to American freedom than Sharia Law, as I said on Facebook. (Homosexual bloggers typically responded with emotional attacks on me and AFTAH rather than deal with the freedom-vs.-“gay rights” issue.) Are men and women across America being forced to deny their Christian beliefs to get an education and even getting fired due to aggressive Muslim activism and pro-Islam “special rights’ laws? No. Are Christians from California to Massachusetts being forced to deny their beliefs or face government or corporate punishment for NOT affirming homosexuality? Yes they are — and it’s time for the media to take this civil rights crisis (anti-religious discrimination in the name of a false tolerance) seriously. How gratifying it is to see Indiana citizens getting it — and saying “No!” to “superior rights” for homosexuals. Please support Micah Clark’s and AFA of Indiana’s important work. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Read the rest of this article » CNN’s John King Blasts Obama for Dissing FOX News and Praising MSNBCOctober 2nd, 2010Good for John King of CNN calling out Barack Obama on his latest foolish, left-wing statement that demeans the presidency. When will this national nightmare end? And what can you say about MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann? If he’s not TV”s poster-boy for the Smug, Hateful Left, I don’t know who is. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Fresh from HomoCon, Ann Coulter Comes to Chicago for Culture Campaign Event Oct. 7thOctober 1st, 2010Conservative pundit angers liberal “gay” activists by telling GOProud that there is no gay “civil right” to marry; criticizes homosexual propaganda in schools![]() Ann Coullter comes to Chicagoland Thursday, Oct. 7th. Coulter outraged "queer" liberals like Perez Hilton when she told 'conservative' homosexuals at GOProud's "Homocon" event that same-sex "marriage" "is not a civil right -- you're not black!" WARNING: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS [CORRECTION: we received a note from homosexual blogger Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God.) pointing us to a Human Events article by Lisa De Pasquale that clarifies some careless reporting by Politico of Ann Coulter’s GOProud speech: it was not a GOProud member (as I reported, relying on Politico) but rather a joking Greg Gutfeld of the latenight FOX show “Red Eye” who “heckled” Coulter, blurting out, “What’s wrong with fisting?” after she — using her patented comic hyperbole — accused liberals of wanting to teach kindergartners about “fisting.” Coulter and Gutfeld are friends. (Her point of reference was surely the infamous 2000 Boston “Fistgate” incident, in which middle- high school kids actually WERE instructed verbally about “fisting” — at a Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Netword (GLSEN)-sponsored conference. (“Fisting” is a dangerous homosexual sadomasochistic perversion in which a man inserts his arm up another man’s rectum.) [We have removed the portion of this article in which we speculated that it was a GOPround member or supporter who asked, “What’s wrong with fisting?” Also, it also should be noted that, despite the value of correcting the record on Coulter’s speech, De Pasquale works for American Conservative Union, which supports GOProud and defended the homosexual group’s sponsorship of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) — against complaints by conservative Christian groups who accused CPAC of promoting the acceptance of homosexuality. AFTAH opposed GOProud’s sponsorship of CPAC. — Peter LaBarbera, www.AmericansForTruth.org] _______________________________________ By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Dear AFTAH Readers, If you are near Chicago, I’d like you to consider attending an Ann Coulter speaking event a week from today — put on by my good friend Sandy Rios, president of Culture Campaign, a pro-family action group based in Illinois. Sandy, a FOX News contributor, is a brave truth-teller who surely would have gone farther in the media had she not stayed true to her Christian principles; please support her by coming out this Thursday night! I know that’s sort of an odd request given the swirl of controversy and debate surrounding Coulter’s recent speech at ‘HomoCon,’ an event put on by the homosexual Republican group ‘GOProud.‘ But trust me, you will be blessed by this event — and you’ll be helping out a solid organization, Culture Campaign, that has stood strongly against the homosexualist agenda. First, here are the details:
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