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Good News: Boy Scouts Finally Win Big in Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals RulingJanuary 16th, 2013
By Robert Knight The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco has a well-earned reputation as the hippiest, dippiest, most-reversed appellate court in these United States. It’s where the Pledge of Allegiance gets scrutinized for possible eradication, at least, the “under God” part. But every so often, the Court gets something right. On December 22, a unanimous Ninth Circuit panel reversed a federal district judge’s order to evict the Boy Scouts from their longtime camp and local headquarters in San Diego’s Balboa Park. The ruling came in a case filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 2001 on behalf of a lesbian couple and an agnostic couple, who basically accused the Boy Scouts of holding traditional values. In 2003, federal District Judge Napoleon A. Jones Jr. ruled that the Boy Scouts were a religious organization that discriminates and therefore were ineligible for a public lease. Judge Jones somehow ignored the Supreme Court’s Dale decision in 2000 upholding the Scouts’ right to their own moral standards. He also ignored the First Amendment’s religious freedom guaranty. Read the rest of this article » Massive Rally in France against Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Draws at Least 340,000; Poll Support for ‘Gay Marriage’ PlummetsJanuary 16th, 2013![]() This photo showing the massive scope of the Paris rally is from the Facebook page of organizing group “La Manif Pour Tous” (“The Demonstration for All”). Click on photo to enlarge, and see additional photos and video below. Who would have thought that an anti-“gay marriage” rally in France would draw at least 340,000 people and possibly much more — and that support for homosexual “marriage” would drop precipitously in the polls? (French support for same-sex “marriage” reportedly fell from 65 percent to 52 percent — though I don’t trust polls and suspect that most surveys overstate support for the pro-homosexual agenda.) Check out these photos and a video of this amazing and historic rally — held in Paris on Sunday, January 13. Beneath the YouTube video (after the jump) there is an excerpt from an AP report on the rally, which includes a police estimate of 340,000 people attending the massive rally (organizers claimed 800,000 marchers). Note too that the organizers of the rally folded a message of opposing “homophobia” into their pro-natural-message campaign (e.g, see the marcher holding the “Friend of Marriage Not Homophobia” sign at 1:09 of this 3-minute video). This viewpoint is far from one that AFTAH would put forward, but nevertheless the rally shows how unpopular the dominant LGBT goal of homosexual “marriage” is even in highly secularized countries like France. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth PS. The huge rally in socialist-run France and the plummeting “gay marriage” poll numbers speak volumes about the “gay” activist propaganda line that LGBT victories are “inevitable.” They are not. YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/embed/LUeFZcCdpGE Read the rest of this article » 20 Resolutions for Pro-Family Advocates Battling the ‘Gay’ and Transgender Agenda in 2013January 8th, 2013It’s time to get beyond defensive, naive and just plain bad thinking in the face of aggressive and deceitful homosexual activism…![]() Homosexual activists like Dan Savage — creator of the vile “Santorum.com” website mocking and “redefining” former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum — get a free pass in the pro-“gay” media, while Christian pro-family groups like AFTAH are labeled “hate groups” by the same media. Too many pro-family advocates are still defensive about fighting this expanding evil in our midst — which now directly threatens Americans’ cherished freedom of conscience. Click on graphic to enlarge but be forewarned: it is vulgar and exceedingly nasty. Today we begin a 20-part AFTAH series offering resolutions for “Culture Warriors” and everyday Americans who oppose the highly organized and well-funded LGBT agenda. For you novices out there, ‘LGBT’ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender – the modern sin movement built around the affirmation of deviant (homosexual) sex and gender confusion. Each day, AFTAH will publish an essay explicating a “resolution” that addresses a bad intellectual habit or “gay” talking point that many well-intended Americans have fallen for — e.g., indulging in the false guilt that is aggressively cultivated by our adversaries. We will expose the lies, leftist tactics and erroneous thinking that are at the root of people’s ideological and spiritual compromise in the face of ardent “gay” activism. What follows is a rough list of our resolutions for the New Year. There will be some overlap, but each entry stands alone as an answer to erroneous thinking that buys into homosexual activist canards. Please pass them on to your friends, family members, and co-workers; they are intended for anyone who is worn down by society’s ubiquitous “gay”-affirming propaganda. Let’s face it: we all are affected by media manipulation on the homosexual issue and need to get back to confidently defending what’s right. Editor’s Note regarding AFTAH’s Christian rhetoric: Americans For Truth is an openly Christian organization, perhaps more so than most pro-family groups. So we do use Scripture and even mention Jesus Christ in our work. However, the moral and practical principles we espouse are generally universal and have wide appeal — even for the agnostic who is moral-minded and recognizes that homosexuality is unnatural and should not be encouraged by governmental and cultural elites. AFTAH is supported by people of all religions and no religion, and we welcome anybody who agrees with our mission of returning to wholesome sexuality in (real, man-woman) marriage. I hope you benefit from AFTAH’s resolutions. This list can be expanded upon, so we invite you to send us your own ideas; send your e-mail to: americansfortruth@gmail.com. May the Lord help you to speak out boldly for the Truth — in genuine, God-fearing love — in 2013! – Peter LaBarbera, www.AFTAH.org ___________________________________________________ 20 Resolutions for Pro-Family Advocates Battling the Homosexual-Transgender Agenda in 20131) Get OFF the defense, and back on offense – (get rid of that false guilt and incapacitating ambivalence; YOU are defending Truth; homosexual activists are promoting immorality, self-deception and lies). 2) Follow God and not man (shore up your biblical beliefs) – do you fear God or the reaction of people? 3) “Question Authority”: Don’t trust elites – even “conservatives” — on the homosexual issue (e.g., Newt Gingrich’s recent capitulation urging a GOP accommodation on “marriage equality”). [See Numbers 9 and 12.] 4) Get back to the BEHAVIOR and its consequences (try Googling “MSM [men who have sex with men], CDC [the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], HIV” or “MSM, CDC, Syphilis”…) Read the rest of this article » Illinois GOP Chair Pat Brady Pushes for Homosexual ‘Marriage’ as Senate Vote NearsJanuary 3rd, 2013TAKE ACTION — ILLINOIS CITIZENS: 1) Call or write your state representatives immediately and urge them to vote against the homosexual “marriage” bill [the so-called “Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act”]. IL Capitol Switchboard: 217-782-2000. According to the Illinois Review, the “same-sex marriage” bill is amended to an automobile rental bill and could come up for a floor today — in the lame duck session that ends January 9. The situation is fluid but Democrats need Republican votes to get the bill passed. Click these links for Illinois Senate Members and Illinois House Members. See IllinoisReview.com for timely updates on the bill. ![]() Who knew that when Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady called for “Change for Illinois,” he was referring to legalizing oxymoronic homosexual “marriage”? ILLINOIS REPUBLICANS: Make your voice heard regarding IL-GOP Chairman Pat Brady’s stunningly ill-advised endorsement of homosexual “marriage” in Illinois. Many conservatives including AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera have called for Brady’s resignation. The IL-GOP can be reached at 217-525-0011 or info@ilgop.org. Contact your local Republican Party officials through this link. What did “gay marriage” do to Massachusetts? For an excellent report on the effects of legal homosexual “marriage” — including the proliferation of pro-“gay” propaganda in schools, the loss of parental rights, and the harassment of Christian employees — see Brian Camenker’s excellent Mass Resistance report: “What same-sex ‘marriage’ has done to Massachusetts.” “77 Non-Religious Reasons to Support Man/Woman Marriage”: Informative PDF by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute: http://www.johnbiver.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/77reasons.pdf For key updates on Illinois same-sex “marriage” vote and IL-GOP politics: Illinois Family Institute: www.IllinoisFamily.org Illinois Review: www.IllinoisReview.com Capitol Fax (run by liberal advocate Rich Miller but a useful source): http://capitolfax.com/ John Biver’s “Dispatches”: http://www.johnbiver.com/ Republican News Watch: http://republicannewswatch.com/wp/ ______________________________ Background: Is the Illinois GOP Going ‘Gay’?There is a saying popular among American conservatives: the Democrats are the liberal party and the Republicans are the stupid party. Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady provided further evidence for the latter as he reportedly is lobbying Republican lawmakers in Illinois to support a bill legalizing homosexual “marriage” — leading to a new surge in conservative calls for his resignation. If the IL-GOP pursues this course of abandoning natural marriage and pro-family values, it will sink into permanent minority status in the Land of Lincoln. Illinois is not unlike the rest of the country in one respect: voters deserve a clear choice between party philosophies and policy goals — not a false choice between Democrat and “Democrat-lite.” Already, conservative dissatisfaction with the IL-GOP is so great that many have left the Party or become disillusioned with politics altogether. Social liberals now dominate the Illinois Republican Party and they are actively undermining its conservative platform. These two influential IL-GOP leaders are working against pro-family values:
Illinois is in such economic and moral decline that people are leaving the state in droves for conservative-friendly states like Texas. Pat Brady’s reckless experiment in “Republican Gay Activism” will only accelerate the decline. If Illinois’ own grassroots citizens do not take action, their “leaders” will bring ruin to the state. AFTAH will closely monitor legislative and court action on same-sex “marriage.” (An openly lesbian judge, Sophia Hall, will rule on the constitutionality of Illinois’ existing law upholding natural man/woman marriage in the state.) Please take action to make your voice heard in Springfield, and in the Illinois GOP. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH, Naperville, Illinois _____________________________ The conservative Illinois Review reported Jan. 2: ILGOP Chair Sees Gay Marriage as ‘Equality Issue’ and ‘True Conservative Position’ Not unexpectedly, the gay marriage bill seems likely to move through committee today and to a floor vote tomorrow. As pro-family forces attempt to rally the grassroots to voice their opposition, the growing question seems to be which Republican(s) might break with the GOP’s traditional stance on the issue and vote in favor of the bill. Sources reported that Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady has been making calls to legislators in support of the gay marriage bill. When asked, Brady told Illinois Review that he believes it is an “equality issue”, and that the “true conservative position is in favor” of allowing gay marriage. He also made it clear that this is his personal view only, and not in his role as Chairman of the ILGOP. The bill presents a problem for Illinois Republicans in that voting in favor would not only be unpopular with the Party’s base, but would seem to be in contradiction to its platform, which states:
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Blocks California Law Banning Ex-‘Gay’ Change TherapyJanuary 2nd, 2013![]() Janet Boynes, who abandoned the lesbian lifestyle, is one of thousands of men and women who have overcome homosexuality. In 2012, LGBT advocates showed their intolerance by pushing for laws that ban ex-gay change therapy for minors. From the website of NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality): Emergency Court Injunction Halts SB 1172! December 26, 2012m NARTH.com NARTH and several of our organization’s clinicians who are represented by Liberty Counsel received an early Christmas present late Friday when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the California ban on change therapy (SB 1172) and granted an injunction pending our appeal. The law, scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2013, would have prevented our young clients from continuing counseling to diminish or eliminate unwanted same-sex sexual attractions, behavior or identity. NARTH has been fighting the California legislative efforts to deny families the right to seek therapy for their children experiencing unwanted homosexual attractions for almost a year. It began with a month’s long opposition to a bill introduced by state Senator Ted Lieu that went through several committee hearings, a number of amendments and changes by the legislature, and finally passage through both houses of the state legislature. NARTH sent a delegation to testify in those hearings and spent many hours contacting legislators explaining why we believe the bill would be both harmful and unconstitutional. Read the rest of this article » Matt Barber: A Politically Incorrect Guide to ‘Sexual Orientation’January 1st, 2013This column was first published Dec. 28. 2012 in WND.com. Matt Barber is vice president of Liberty Counsel Action, a former professional boxer, and a Board Member of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). He was also fired by Allstate Insurance Co. in 2005 after writing an online column on his own time critical of the homosexual activist agenda. ____________________________ “It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world …” ~ The Kinks Through the secular-”progressive” looking-glass, the term “sexual orientation” has, in a few short years, evolved to accommodate an ever-expanding fruit basket of carnal appetites. Mr. Francis enjoys macramé, long walks on the beach, wearing lady’s knickers and showering fully nude with 6-year-old girls. Because it’s illegal to “discriminate based on the basis of gender identity,” and since it’s the only “tolerant” thing to do, this brave bellwether of the persecuted LGBT victim-class has secured the “civil right” for him and other men to fully expose themselves to your daughter in the locker room at Olympia, Washington’s Evergreen State College. But slow down, Dad. According to the law, if you have a problem with Mr. Francis baring all to your baby girl, then you’re the problem. You’re a “transphobe” (“homophobia’s” evil twin sister, er, brother … whatever). Deck this sicko for terrifying your first-grader and you’re off to jail while “Colleen” is off to the “Human Rights Campaign” for a commendation as the latest victim of an “anti-LGBT hate crime.” Rosa Parks in drag, I guess. Read the rest of this article » Midnight Deadline Tonight for Gifts to Americans For Truth; Lively Names AFTAH to ‘Top 10 Pro-Family Heroes’ List for 2012December 31st, 2012MIDNIGHT DEADLINE for Tax-Exempt, Year-End Gifts to AFTAH: All gifts to Americans For Truth are fully tax-deductible according to the IRS. To count your gift as deductible for your 2012 taxes, give online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/ by midnight Central Time today (Dec. 31st). Or postmark your regular-mail donation by today (Dec. 31st) and mail to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Please consider becoming a monthly “Truth Team” donor to AFTAH. ** AFTAH is looking forward to aggressively and non-defensively confronting the Homosexual, Bisexual and Transgender Lobbies in 2013. Thank you for making our work possible with your donations and prayers! ** __________________________ Folks, being called a “pro-family hero” by Scott Lively is humbling, and a great honor. See below where Scott lists AFTAH as among his “Top 10 Pro-Family Heroes” for 2012.” In recent years nobody has been on the receiving end of more lies, slanders and all-around wickedness at the hands of homosexual activists than Scott Lively. I don’t think the average Joe American could even comprehend what Scott has gone through — merely because he stands against the lies and myths of the Homosexual Movement. And yet he fights on undeterred because he knows that as a follower of Christ devoted to the Truth of God’s Word, he will be persecuted. I know Scott and he is nothing at all like the evil, hateful caricature that “gay” activists have made him out to be. AFTAH presented Scott with its “American Truth Teller” award for 2011 because he exemplifies the sacrificial spirit of truthful, Christ-like resistance to the LGBT Sin Movement — which is based on one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated against mankind: that homosexuality is natural (for some people), innocuous, “who you are,” and the basis for “civil rights.” Scott Lively is a true cultural hero, and a decent, great Christian man who loves homosexuals enough to tell them the Truth. Read the rest of this article » AFTAH on Gingrich’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Capitulation; and Dan Savage Attacks LaBarbera – Four More Days to Give!December 28th, 2012…Savage’s hateful “Porno Pete” video typical of vicious attacks on AFTAH![]() A new video by vulgar and hateful homosexual activist Dan Savage takes on AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera, smearing him as “Porno Pete” and using distortions in an attempt to discredit him. In the video (see link below), Savage repeats a lie about LaBarbera being ejected from his speech at Elmhurst College due to supposed disorderly behavior. LGBT militants hate AFTAH because we expose their lies and extremism. Support AFTAH with a Year-End Gift: Give safely to AFTAH online or mail to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Thank you and God bless you! Profane “gay” activist targets LaBarbera with hateful, lying video: watch Savage’s video here (warning: offensive language): http://www.advocate.com/politics/2012/11/20/dan-savage-explains-origins-porno-pete Note: we will offer a point-by-point response to Savage’s video, and correcting its lies, but HERE is an AFTAH article that includes testimony from a Savage sympathizer explaining what really happened at his Elmhurst College talk. _______________________________________ By Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth Dear AFTAH Readers, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying time with your family in this wonderful season when we reflect on Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation for sinful man. We at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) are preparing for the New Year with all its challenges, even as we survey the wreckage of 2012. I say ‘wreckage’ because in recent weeks some prominent conservatives and Christians have compounded pro-family defeats on Election Day by signaling surrender on homosexuality and “gay marriage.” One of the big stories of 2012 has been the weakening will of people who know in their heart that the Homosexual Lobby is wrong — or who once opposed it on principle — yet now they rationalize their embrace of homosexualism and “same-sex marriage” as an issue of “rights” out of fear that society is trending pro-“gay.” Read the rest of this article » |
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