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MRC’s Brent Bozell Reacts to NBC And CBS Omitting LGBT Activist Role in FRC ShootingAugust 21st, 2012![]() Imagine if anti-FRC gunman Floyd Corkins had been a conservative, and sought to terrorize a “gay” or left-wing organization. The media outrage would be much greater, say MRC’s Brent Bozell. The following is excerpted from an article published by Media Research Center August 16, 2012: NBC And CBS Aiding and Abetting Anti-Conservative HatredCompletely Omit LGBT Activist Gunman’s Motive ALEXANDRIA, VA – Late yesterday morning [Aug. 15], an armed LGBT activist allegedly opened fire at the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters in Washington, DC with the intent to kill FRC staffers. He was subdued by a heroic FRC security officer who was shot in the arm by the alleged gunman. The FBI has classified the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism. Neither NBC Nightly News nor CBS Evening News produced a full story on the FRC shooting, instead committing only 17 and 20 seconds respectively for anchor briefs that omitted the shooter’s motive. Only ABC World News produced a full report on this politically motivated act of violence. Sources say the gunman walked into the FRC and said, “It’s not about you, it’s about the policy” and shot the guard. The FRC’s mission statement reads, in part, “FRC shapes public debate and formulates public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and family.” [It was soon learned that the suspect, Floyd Corkins, had volunteered at the D.C. Center for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Community.] The NBC and CBS omissions are merely the latest in a long pattern of the liberal media minimizing or spinning acts of hate and violence perpetrated by liberals. … Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:
Next Target for FRC Shooter and ‘Gay’ Activist Floyd Corkins? Traditional Values CoalitionAugust 20th, 2012The Washington, D.C. affiliate of ABC, WJLA-TV, reports: WASHINGTON – The head of a second Christian conservative organization said Friday she was told by authorities that a note containing her group’s contact information was found in the pocket of a man charged with opening fire at the Washington offices of another such group, wounding a security guard.Traditional Values Coalition President Andrea Lafferty said FBI agents visited her group’s Capitol Hill offices hours after the Wednesday morning shooting as part of their investigation. The next day, she said, members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force came by and confirmed that “our information was in his pocket,” including the location of the group’s offices. …The accused shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins II, of Herndon, Va., was ordered held without bond Thursday on accusations he opened fire in the lobby of the Family Research Council in downtown Washington. Corkins, whose parents said he strongly supported gay rights, had a backpack full of Chick-fil-A sandwiches and a box of ammunition when he said words to the effect of “I don’t like your politics” and shot a security guard, authorities said. Scott Lively: Hey SPLC, Take Me OFF Your Hate, I Mean Hit List!August 20th, 2012Says leftists’ “paranoid rhetoric” has “created a monster”…![]() This large paver brick with threatening hate-message, “Shut Down Lively,” was thrown through the glass doors of the Arlington Heights, IL-based Christian Liberty Academy, in the early morning of October 15, 2011, the day that the school was scheduled to host an AFTAH banquet honoring Scott Lively. Click on photo to enlarge. The following open letter by our friend Scott Lively was first published August 19, 2012 as a DefendTheFamily.com Alert. I have worked with Scott for decades. Like few others in the world, Lively has experienced the wrath, lies and outright viciousness of the pro-homosexual lobby (which includes fanatically pro-“gay” straights) — yet he has never backed away from biblical truth on this issue. For that reason, AFTAH presented Scott with its 2011 American Truth Teller Award. And as he describes below, because of that we were greeted with our own “domestic terrorism” in the form of two paver bricks thrown through the glass doors of the Christian Liberty Academy (see photo at right), coupled with a threatening manifesto published on a left-wing Chicago website. There is no reasoning with the radically pro-homosexual, leftist ideologues running Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who have included AFTAH on their spurious “hate group” list [see our listing among lllinois groups on their “Hate Map.”] But their manipulative “hate” gambit, enabled by the liberal media, is finally being questioned by voices outside the pro-family movement. With last week’s shooting by a “gay” activist at FRC, following the massive outpouring of support for Chick-fil-A, the public is seeing homosexual intolerance and hate in action — and seeing through the pro-LGBT Left’s crass propaganda of portraying civil opponents as “haters,” “bigots,” and “homophobes.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH ____________________________________ Hey SPLC, Take Me OFF Your Hate, I Mean Hit List!by Pastor Scott Lively This is an open letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center demanding that you CEASE and DESIST labeling me as a “hater,” and viciously lying about me on your website and through your other communications to third parties. Ever since you put me on your hate list I have been under rhetorical attack from every leftist nut job and “progressive” journalist in America. In 2011 that campaign escalated to terroristic threats backed by vandalism when incensed leftists tried to stop my appearance at Christian Liberty Academy near Chicago to receive the 2011 Truth Teller Award from Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. The night before my speech about the biblical view of homosexuality they smashed out a glass door with a chunk of pavement emblazoned with the demand “SHUT DOWN LIVELY” and then posted a warning on the Internet (a la Al Queda) of more violence to come if the church refused to comply. The local Arlington Heights police department, no doubt influenced by your nationwide “educational” efforts encouraging law enforcement to define only conservatives as “hate groups,” refused to define this attack as a “hate crime.” (See americansfortruth.com/2011/10/ In 2012 your Communist fellow-travelers at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a ridiculously frivolous federal lawsuit against me for “Crimes Against Humanity,” as if I were Adolf Hitler, claiming that my preaching against homosexuality in Uganda led to the murder of Ugandan “gay” leader David Kato. Prominent in the Complaint is your “certification” of me as a hate group and a repetition of the charge you leveled against me in your Summer 2011 “Intelligence Report” Issue # 142 under the title “Murder of Ugandan Again Focuses Spotlight on U.S. Gay-Bashers — Temporarily” stating:
You published these lies (and CCR submitted them to a federal judge) with full knowledge that the actual killer of David Kato was not some enraged “homophobe” but a male prostitute whom Kato had bailed out of jail to be his live-in lover and houseboy. He confessed to bashing in Kato’s skull with a hammer after Kato refused to pay him for his perverted “services” and is now serving 30 years in a Ugandan prison. (See www.google.com/hostednews/afp/ Read the rest of this article » Matt Barber on SPLC and FRC Shooting: Fanning the Flames of Left-Wing ViolenceAugust 18th, 2012Demands SPLC end ‘hate group’ list in wake of FRC shooting; chides media for echoing SPLC smear![]() Family Research Council hero Leo Johnson likely prevented a bloodbath by subduing apparent “gay” activist Floyd Corkins, who shot him in the arm. Johnson is recovering from the gunshot wound. This column first appeared in WND August 17, 2012By Matt Barber To borrow from President Obama’s Black Nationalist mentor, Jeremiah Wright, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate-baiting chickens “have come home to roost.” The hard-left group has become everything it presumes to expose. On Wednesday, homosexual activist Floyd Corkins entered the Washington-based Family Research Council (FRC) armed with a gun and a backpack full of ammunition. He also had 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches (FRC recently defended the food chain’s COO Dan Cathy for pro-natural marriage statements). The only thing standing between Corkins and mass murder was FRC facilities manager and security specialist Leo Johnson. As Corkins shouted disapproval for FRC’s “politics,” he shot Johnson who, despite a severely wounded arm, managed to tackle Corkins and disarm him (of course, this is all impossible as it’s illegal in Washington, D.C., to carry a concealed weapon). Of Johnson’s actions, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said, “The security guard here is a hero, as far as I’m concerned.” I agree. Upon hearing of Leo’s selfless act of heroism, I was reminded of John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” But according to the SPLC, Leo’s heart is, instead, full of hate. In fact, everyone at FRC is hateful. After all, in 2010 the SPLC, with much fanfare, “officially certified” FRC as a “hate group” for its orthodox Christian positions on marriage and family. Alongside violence-charged photos of actual hate groups like the Aryan Brotherhood and the KKK, the SPLC lists on its website the decidedly mainstream and always peaceful FRC. [Editors Note: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is also listed on the SPLC’s spurious “hate map.”] Read the rest of this article » VIDEO: SPLC ‘Gives License’ for Anti-Christian Hate Violence, Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Tells FOX NewsAugust 18th, 2012The following is Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins’ appearance on FOX News’ “America Live with Megyn Kelly” (August 16, 2012). Perkins correctly states that the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) agenda with regard to pro-family groups like FRC that oppose the homosexualist agenda is to marginalize these organizations. AFTAH, American Family Association, Mission America and a host of other pro-family organizations have been similarly smeared as “hate groups” by the SPLC: Source: NOM (National Organization for Marriage) YouTube channel: http://youtu.be/L4iscknrAi4 AFTAH YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/AmericansForTruthAH?feature=watch Guard Shot at Family Research Council by Pro-Homosexual AdvocateAugust 16th, 2012Here is the Washington Examiner report (video and print excerpt) on the shooting of a security guard at Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. As we will not in forthcoming posts, some major media are already ignoring the obvious political motive of this attack — by a troubled man who volunteered at a “gay” community center in Washington, D.C. Thanks to the heroics of Mr. Johnson, a potential massacre was prevented. Excerpted from the Washington Examiner report:
World Congress of Families Protests US Embassy Participating in Prague Gay Pride ParadeAugust 13th, 2012PRESS RELEASE: 13 August 2012; CONTACT: WCF Communications Director Don Feder at 508-405-1337, dfeder@rcn.com or Rachel Marble 815-964-5819, media@worldcongress.org WEBSITES: www.profam.org, www.worldcongress.org, www.worldcongress.pl or www.familymanifesto.net _________________________________ ROCKFORD, Illinois–More than 120 pro-family and pro-life leaders from 11 countries signed a letter initiated by the World Congress of Families, protesting the U.S. Embassy’s participation in the Prague “Gay Pride” parade on August 18. Signers include a former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, a former Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, a former Arkansas Governor, the head of Torah Jews for Decency and the former Venezuelan Ambassador to the Vatican. The letter notes that the Obama administration has made promoting gay rights – including same-sex marriage – a foreign policy priority. If also observes the irony of those who complain ceaselessly about “cultural imperialism,” trying to force the worldviews of the American left on societies with traditional values. It further comments that: “The United Nations has never affirmed homosexual marriage or rights” and that the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights specifically says that “men and women…have a right to marry and found a family.” Family is described as “the natural and fundamental group unit of society” and, as such, “is entitled to protection by society and the state.” Read the rest of this article » Folsom Street Fair 2012 Poster Epitomizes San Francisco Homosexual Deviance and Folly of Liberal ‘Tolerance’August 13th, 2012WARNING: Offensive Graphic Nothing screams “Perversion!” like the annual Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, America’s first homosexual Mecca — where mostly homosexual men (and some “straights,” using that term loosely) party in the city’s streets — many in near- or total nudity. AFTAH has documented the unprecedented public perversions and nudity of this bizarre outdoor “fair,” as police stand idly by. [See our photo-reports: Folsom 008 (part one); Folsom 2008 (part two); “Slavery Makes a Comeback” (Folsom 2008); “Up Your Ally” fair 2008; Folsom 2010 and Folsom 2007.] Here is the link to the Folsom Street Fair website (warning: offensive material). Below is the 2012 poster for this well-attended sadomasochism and “sexual freedom” celebration, which demonstrates that for the liberal minded, there are few if any limits to “tolerance.” THIS is the depraved end game of the Sexual Revolution. (Click on image to enlarge.) — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH |
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