VIDEO: Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner Revealed that 40 Percent of Disney Employees Are ‘Gay’ – and That Was in 1998

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

AFTAH exclusive video shows extent of homosexual insider influence in once-wholesome Disney


How “Gay” Is Disney? 40 percent-plus? Click on photo to enlarge. See entire AFTAH undercover video story HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.

Folks, about 19 years ago I attended an LGBTQ student conference at UC-Santa Cruz in which a very powerful homosexual activist, Elizabeth Birch, then executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, “dished” about a conversation she had with then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner. I was there semi-undercover for Lambda Report, the forerunner of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).

As you can see below, Birch relates how Eisner “corrected” her by revealing that a whopping “40 percent” of Disney’s employees were “gay”–not 30 percent as she had thought.

That was around February of 1998. Imagine how bad the problem is today, as the current controversy over Disney’s injection of homosexuality into a “Beauty and the Beast” remake illustrates. Here is a one-minute video excerpt of the larger AFTAH undercover video-story of the UC-Santa Cruz event, courtesy of our friends at LifeSiteNews, where I am a reporter. See my accompanying LifeSiteNews blog post below, after the video and the jump. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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Gorsuch and the ‘Gays’: LGBTQ Lobby Furious Over Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

Homosexual activists fret over Neil Gorsuch’s judicial philosophy and record; Log Cabin Republicans noncommittal


Let the “Borking” Begin: Homosexual legal group Lambda Legal runs photo of Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, with the word “Dangerous” printed over his face.

By Peter LaBarbera

Trump giveth, and Trump taketh away. Days after giving homosexual activists a huge gift by NOT rescinding a 2014 Obama executive order forcing federal contractors to have an LGBT “nondiscrimination” policy, Trump offered up a constitutional “originalist,” Judge Neil Gorsuch, to replace deceased Justice Antonin Scalia.

That led the coddled array of deviant-sex-and-gender leftist groups, otherwise known as the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement, to go ballistic [see my LifeSiteNews piece here].

Note that, regarding one 2015 decision by Circuit Court Judge Gorsuch involving a gender-confused prisoner, the LGBTQ Lobby almost literally has its (transgender) panties in a wad. (The poor fella in the case, a “male-to-female” transsexual, was not permitted to wear “feminine undergarments” in jail. Boo-hoo.)

It is hardly shocking that the same homosexual and transgender activists who create “rights” based on sodomitic inclinations and same-sex/gender-confused feelings would fear a man like Gorsuch, who is being compared to the brilliant conservative Justice Scalia. The latter repeatedly eviscerated the “living, breathing Constitution” judicial philosophy of “progressives” that discovers “rights” out of thin air to accommodate modern social ills like abortion-on-demand, homosexuality and pornography.

Even honest liberals might agree with this: it is difficult to find a “constitutional” right for two dudes to “marry” seeing that sodomy itself was illegal in most colonies and a taboo at the time of the Constitution’s framing. (“Prior to 1962, sodomy was a felony in every state, punished by a lengthy term of imprisonment and/or hard labor,” the left-biased Wikipedia reports.)

So even though the newly elected Trump choked badly by telling 60 Minutes that legalized same-sex “marriage” via the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling is “settled law” (while somehow Roe v. Wade is not), the Supreme Court could be just one more Trump appointment away from reversing it and sending “gay marriage” back to the states. That freaks out the Homosexual Lobby, which, like the Left in general, regards its SCOTUS victories as permanent, and pro-family wins like the 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick decision upholding sodomy laws as temporary.

Here’s a quick rundown with links on some of the larger LGBTQ organizations’ hostile statements against Gorsuch; most of these are excerpts (note source links attached to group name). Also note the nuanced, noncommittal statement of the homosexual Log Cabin Republicans on Trump’s nominee:

GLAAD (formerly Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination):

“Neil Gorsuch’s harmful history of discrimination against the LGBTQ community renders him completely unfit to sit on the highest court in the land,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO. “He has record of advocating for anti-LGBTQ rhetoric or supporting candidates that are in favor of open discrimination against people and families who simply want to be treated the same as everyone else. Gorsuch’s presence on the Supreme Court will affect the law of the land for generations to come – long after Trump is out of office, and will turn back the clock on equality and acceptance.”

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2016: The Year Walmart Went 100-Percent ‘Gay’

Saturday, December 31st, 2016

Walmart funds leftist homosexual groups and perverse LGBTQueer “pride” parades, markets “gay” products like “Heather Has Two Mommies”

Walmart Sells Homosexual Kiddie Book

Walmart Now Markets Homosexuality to Kids: Walmart’s online store sells the new edition of “Heather Has Two Mommies,” a “children’s” picture book that promotes the normalcy of lesbian parenting. Above is a screen shot of The retail giant now scores a “100 percent” on Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–which punishes corporations for giving to pro-family organizations, yet rewards them for funding LGBTQ activist groups. To receive a “100-percent” score, corporations must be committed to funding grotesque, body-disfiguring transsexual “sex-reassignment surgeries” as part of their company’s “health” insurance plan for employees. Take Action: contact Walmart HERE or call 800-925-6278). Click to enlarge.


“Interestingly, unlike many other corporations adopting pro-homosexual policies, Walmart plays both sides of the social-issues “culture war.” It does this by cultivating good relations with both homosexual activists like [Human Rights Campaign] and Christian conservative organizations like American Family Association (AFA).”

Folks, below is a piece I wrote earlier this month for LifeSiteNews, an excellent pro-family and pro-life website (subscribe to their e-list HERE). Walmart’s capitulation to the demands of the leftist, anti-Christian–and very pro-Democrat–Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC) is the latest sign of how strategically important major corporations have become in driving the “gay-transgender” revolution.

If Walmart can go “all gay,” any corporation can, and sadly the Bentonville, Arkansas-based retail giant’s moral capitulation shows how complete and entrenched America’s godless homosexual revolution has become. Nevertheless, liberal (pro-) LGBTQ “snowflakes” in post-Trump distress everywhere are acting as if the USA is on the verge of becoming like Saudi Arabia–despite Trump being the most PRO-homosexual Republican presidential nominee ever!


Walmart’s new, immoral “values”: Walmart fielded a contingent in New York City’s 2015 homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, despite its sexually perverse nature. See this AFTAH photo-story and other photos below.

As it has in recent years, Walmart again sponsored New York City’s homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (LGBTQueer) “pride” parade in 2016 (see page 35 of the “NYC Pride Guide”; also, see AFTAH’s photo-story exposé on the 2015 NYC “pride” parade sponsored by Walmart). And Walmart was among the corporate sponsors at a far-left-biased “International LGBT Leaders” conference (attended by this writer) in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, put on by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute.

Despite its pro-disordered-sex-and-gender “philanthropy,” Walmart received a “Nice” (not “Naughty”) rating from our friends at American Family Association for celebrating Christmas, and was praised as a “pro-religious liberty” company by AFA in 2015. That confused some AFA followers who noted Walmart’s newfound support of homosexual “marriage” post-Obergefell. Moreover, Walmart reportedly fought against a religious-freedom-protection bill in its home state of Arkansas (and in other states).

This scantily-dressed perv marched at the 2015 New York City homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism "gay" Pride parade, at which many young children were in attendance.

Walmart’s values? This nearly naked pervert marched in the 2015 New York City homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, at which many young children were in attendance. Click to enlarge photos.

Ironically, under HRC’s horribly skewed Corporate Equality Index (CEI), if Walmart were to give a direct grant to AFA (or Americans For Truth), it would LOSE 25 points and fall off the CEI’s “100-percent” list (see story below). Having the leftist HRC judge corporations on homosexual and “gender” issues is about as fair as having the far-left, pro-LGBTQ Southern Poverty Law Center serve as an arbiter of “hate.” Utterly absurd, and yet the corrupt media honor both rankings and report them as objective “news.”

I’ll say this: you have to hand it to Walmart’s executives: cynically playing both sides of the LGBTQ-vs.-the-natural-family “culture war” and seemingly getting away with it. Or will they? I suppose that’s up to pro-family Americans, who correctly understand that the homosexual/transgender social-legal revolution is incompatible with the First Amendment and freedom of conscience. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera


TAKE ACTION: Call Walmart’s Arkansas headquarters at 479-273-4000 and choose ext. 3, then ask for the office of CEO Doug McMillon. Or call 1-800-WALMART (925-6278). Write Walmart online HERE (click the “Community and Giving” option). When I called the first number I was routed to Customer Relations. Send CEO McMillon a fax directly at 479-204-0798.

Related articles:


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Flashback: Pro-LGBT Hillary Clinton Defended Natural Marriage as ‘Sacred Bond’ of Man and Woman – LifeSiteNews

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

Folks, the day for deciding America’s future is finally here. I wrote this piece for, where I am now a U.S. reporter. [Sign up for LSN updates here.] This callout quote below aptly represents the way “progressives” think. Rather than mold our behaviors to God’s ideal–revealed through the Bible–modern liberals resent those who adhere to a Higher Law and will not conform to sin-based agendas. Go out and vote, and as always, ignore the corrupt, liberal media! — Peter LaBarbera,

“One of my big problems right now is that too many people believe they have a direct line to the divine and they never want to change their mind about anything.” — Hillary Clinton, NPR “Fresh Air” interview, 2014


Flashback – Pro-LGBT Clinton Defended Natural Marriage as ‘Sacred Bond’ of Man and Woman

By Peter LaBarbera

November 7, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Like the Democratic U.S. president she is trying to succeed, Hillary Clinton has done a 180-degree U-turn on the legalization of homosexual “marriage”—going from a religious-minded foe of genderless “marriage” in 2000 to a fervent crusader for it today as a supposed “constitutional right.”

Most ominously in a post-Obergefell America that is increasingly hostile to citizens who do not wish to participate in or validate same-sex “marriage,” Hillary Clinton is now a vocal opponent of “religious freedom restoration” laws like the one overturned in Indiana. These laws aim to preserve people’s right to live out their support for natural marriage before God (a belief Hillary shared pre-2013) and not to countenance sin.

She also openly expresses hostility to faith-based citizens who refuse to bend their thinking on homosexual “marriage.”

In that vein, Mrs. Clinton touts the federal LGBTQ “Equality Act,” which adds homosexuality and transgenderism to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and which, in its present form, would explicitly negate the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act—which Congress passed to defend religious liberty and the First Amendment.

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VIDEO: Pro-HB2 Ad in North Carolina Says Law Is About Protecting Privacy of Young Women and Girls

Friday, October 7th, 2016

The following TV ad was created by the Institute for Faith and Family (IFF), one of a coalition of North Carolina groups working to preserve HB 2, a state law that overrides a “gender identity” ordinance passed by the city of Charlotte that allowed biological men and boys to occupy female restrooms and locker rooms if they perceive themselves to be female. IFF is raising funds to run ads like this across the state to change the pro-LGBTQ narrative favored by most media that HB2 is merely about “discrimination” and “hate” [more after jump]:

Tami Fitzgerald, the director of IFF, issued the following statement in conjunction with the ad buy, according to the Raleigh News & Observer:

“The bullying and extortion leveled against the State of North Carolina by out-of-state businesses who are under investigation for wrongdoing like Deutsche Bank and Wells Fargo and by hypocritical sports organizations that separate sports teams according to biological sex like the NBA, the NCAA, the ACC over a common-sense law that simply keeps men out of women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms has intentionally distorted the truth, and the Institute felt it was time to set the record straight about HB2.” 

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A Cartoon about Judging and Transgenderism – Was Creator, ‘Heteros Inspiring Pride,’ Censored by Facebook?

Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Site vilified by pro-LGBT activists — for using memes to highlight leftist intolerance — disappears from Facebook

By Peter LaBarbera [@PeterLaBarbera]

Folks, here is a good and accurate cartoon meme by a site called “Heterosexuals (Heteros) Inspiring Pride” — which apparently has been kicked off of Facebook (see second graphic below). The creator(s) of this site are despised by the Left for making some cool memes like this one (click on graphics to enlarge):




Here is what comes up when you go to the “HeterosInspiringPride” Facebook link at the bottom of the meme:




We’ll try to get to the bottom of this–but I suspect it is just another case of “snowflake” leftists–in this case, biased Facebook geeks–not being able to tolerate criticism and a lively debate over ideas. How naive of Heterosexuals Inspiring Pride to put a Facebook site identifier on all their compelling graphics!

What are LGBT activists and allies afraid of?

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VIDEO: Hillary Clinton’s 2015 Speech at the Human Rights Campaign – World’s Most Powerful Homosexual-Transgender Lobby Group

Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Hillary champions LGBTQ “Equality Act,” is friends with HRC president Chad Griffin

hillary_clinton_hrc_2015_from_youtubeFolks, homosexualism has not been a major issue in this presidential campaign–due mainly to the media’s suffocating political correctness and unprofessional pro-LGBTQ bias–and partly due to political cowardice. Nevertheless, the issue is extremely important to many millions of Americans. So it is stunning that the YouTube video below of Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) on October 3, 2015 had only received 10,759 views as of the morning of September 23, 2016.

AFTAH is covering all major presidential candidates’ positions on homosexualism and transsexualism for this election–including when Republicans embrace or ignore the “gay” or “trans” agenda. (Some GOP political types hate us for that.) [See Hillary’s campaign partner Tim Kaine’s HRC speech HERE and Donald Trump’s past support of homosexualism HERE.] We are cleaning up the YouTube transcript of this speech and will provide that ASAP. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera



Human Rights Campaign description of video:

Published on Oct 3, 2015

Hillary Clinton celebrates equality and commits to the work that still lies ahead with Human Rights Campaign’s volunteer leaders #EqualityForward

VIDEO: Self-Described ‘Devout Catholic’ Tim Kaine Reinterprets Bible to Approve of Homosexual ‘Diversity’ – Predicts Catholic Church Will Reverse Itself on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

Friday, September 16th, 2016

Religious Left: Sen. Tim Kaine, Democratic vice-presidential candidate and former Virginia governor, says the Catholic Church will one day reverse its opposition to homosexual “marriage.” He interprets the Old Testament Book of Genesis to affirm homosexuals (“gays and lesbians”) as part of God’s good and diverse creation.

In a speech September 10 before the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s most powerful and well-funded LGBTQ lobby organization, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine reinterprets the Bible to affirm homosexual “diversity,” and said he expects that the Roman Catholic Church to which he belongs will one day reverse its opposition to homosexuality-based “marriage.”

Here are some key positions in the speech by Kaine, who describes himself as a “devout Catholic” and who has routinely been described as such by media (a transcript of which is beneath the video):

  • HRC President Chad Griffin describes the Hillary Clinton-Tim Kaine ticket as espousing “the most pro-equality [pro-homosexual/-transgender] agenda of any presidential ticked in the history of our country”;
  • Kaine said, “how happy I was” when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of homosexual “marriage” in the June 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision; 
  • Echoing and building upon Pope Francis’ statement, “Who am I to judge?” Kaine said he would add: “‘Who am I to challenge God for the beautiful diversity of the human family?’ I think we are supposed to celebrate it, not challenge it.”
  • Kaine pledged to “take on any stigmatization of HIV criminalization laws that still exist here and around the world.” Such laws punish people who intentionally or recklessly infect others with HIV.
  • Kaine mocked Donald Trump for selling “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts while making LGBTQ matters a “non-issue” in his campaign;
  • He criticized Trump for pledging to appoint “very conservative judges to the Supreme Court, and said “opposes basic protections from discrimination for transgender Americans”; 
  • Kaine affirmed homosexual/transgender youth “exactly as they are”and said he is deeply offended by “conversion therapy” (pro-heterosexual change therapy) “as a father and a human being.”



The following is a full transcript of the speech by Sen. Tim Kaine at the annual national dinner of the Human Rights Campaign. Introducing Kaine is HRC President Chad Griffin. This is adapted from a YouTube transcript (emphasis added by AFTAH):

[Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin:] Now, at a time when Donald Trump and Mike Pence are embracing bigotry and bluster and using fear to stir up votes,  our guest tonight is a champion of the values that have always made America great —  values like equality, justice, and the equal dignity of each and every American.

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