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Friday, April 4th, 2014
Another scalp for Big Gay Inc. means diminishing freedom of conscience for Americans
 Ideology over Performance: Brendan Eich is extremely qualified to be Mozilla”s CEO. He just thinks the wrong way about the preservation of natural marriage–according to LGBT militants–igniting a homosexual activist campaign against him.
By Peter LaBarbera
In the type of story that has become all too common, the Los Angeles Times reports: “Just days after taking the job, Brendan Eich has resigned as chief executive of Mozilla, the maker of Firefox, after coming under fire for his 2008 support of Proposition 8, the California constitutional amendment that disallowed the marriage of same-sex couples in the state.” That prompted this comment by a smart reader (“brdcstr”):
So Mozilla promotes a lifelong employee based upon his skills and leadership qualities, presumably after an exhaustive search, only to fire him a week into his tenure based upon a donation he made to a cause they differed on?
What are they running over there, a business or a social club? Sounds like the type of company that only welcomes monolithic thinking.
I would be willing to bet that the cackling hyena who asked for his resignation voted for Obama in 2008… When he was opposed to gay marriage, before he was for it.
Gotta a love the liberals who falsely pride themselves as being tolerant, as long as you agree with them. If not, they would prefer to silence your voice instead of engage in debate to promote dialogue and better understanding.
Time to go uninstall my Firefox browser. Like the company, it keeps crashing, rendering it useless.
I’m afraid that my friend Matt Barber, founder of Barbwire.com and an AFTAH Board Member, is correct [see his piece below]: the rising tide of ‘homo-fascist’ bigotry–or call it ‘homo-Marxist’ cultural aggression if you choose–threatens to destroy freedom in this great nation. Note that it is no longer just disagreeing publicly with homosexuality that triggers the powerful forces of Homosexual Indignation and Hate, but merely standing up for natural marriage (one man, one woman), as EX-Mozilla CEO Eich did in supporting California’s Prop 8 in 2008.
Eich, who gave $1,000 to help pass Prop 8, was joined by over seven million “homophobic bigots” in 2008–if you believe pro-homosexual fanatics. Prop 8 passed by a margin of 52.24-47.76 percent, with a popular vote of 7,001,084 in favor and 6,401,482 against.
A troubling pattern of homosexual activist intimidation, corporate or individual capitulation, and then self-censorship or mandated ideological compliance seems to be the West’s New Normal–in defense of the abnormal.
Mozilla’s politically correct baloney
Reading Mozilla’s Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker’s statement on Eich’s resignation reminds me of the old Soviet propaganda: savvy citizens have to read through the obfuscatory lines (a fancy way of saying B.S.) to decipher the real meaning behind the DiversitySpeak. For example, there’s this:
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Protests, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Politics of "Hate"
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
Canadian ‘Homo-Marxists’ attempt to shut down speech in the name of ‘tolerance’ and ‘anti-bullying’

TAKE ACTION: Call or write the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association [online form HERE; 306-352-3480] and urge them NOT to back down in the face of a leftist, pro-homosexual, online pressure campaign to disinvite AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera as a speaker at their upcoming conference in Regina, Saskatchewan April 11-12. Background Regina Leader Post article HERE. See SPLA conference flier HERE.
Dear Friends of AFTAH,
It doesn’t get much more Orwellian than trying to pressure an independent organization to disinvite a speaker–in the name of “anti-bullying” and “tolerance”! Yet that is precisely what’s occurring and this time I am the target. Next week, April 11-12, I am scheduled to speak at a pro-life, pro-family conference in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada put on by the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association (SPLA) [see flier HERE]. But on Monday, I learned that a pro-homosexual group, Intolerance Free Weyburn, is working with the leftist petition site Change.org, to get me knocked off the dais as a speaker at the conference.
You can read about this in this pretty fair article in today’s Regina Leader Post. Following is the language in the Change.org petition targeting yours truly:
Peter LaBarbera is using this pro-life convention as a medium to advocate his personal anti-gay agenda. His claims to do this using a “spirit of love and truth” are anything but factual considering he is recognized as the president of the anti-gay hate group “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality”. This may lead to people unknowingly (people only interested in the pro-life aspect) be subjected to his message of hate and be influenced to correlate the ideas that being anti-gay and being pro-life are the same idea. His religious overtones in his message are a danger to any person/s attending the conference for personal religious reasons.
The community of Weyburn, Saskatchewan wants to make it known that they do not condone his message of hate nor do they respect his wants to spread it. In a world where basic human rights are just recently being recognized for the LGBT community, people such as Peter LaBarbera are counter productive to the evolution of society’s human nature.
As the “Opportunity City”, we need to be clear that all people will be fre”e from intolerance. Freedom to opportunity means that EVERYONE has equal rights even if they don’t coincide with your own personal beliefs. You don’t have to be “PRO”-anything in order to be anti-intolerance. It just makes sense.
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever been called “counter productive to the evolution of society’s human nature” before! I am dumbstruck at the Left’s brazen hypocrisy and shameless attempt to censor speech in the name of “freedom.” Read the simplistic and jingoistic comments under the petition to see how liberals justify their peculiarly intolerant brand of speech-stifling, “anti-hate” ideology. Here are a couple of comments:
I don’t live in Weyburn but I don’t even want one more person spreading poisonous words of hate in my province. Keep him out!
It’s never OKAY to promote hate.
SPLC’s handiwork
Behold the fruits of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s nefarious campaign to demonize AFTAH and other opponents of organized “gay” activism as “hate groups.” THIS is exactly what the SPLC sought to achieve with its spurious “hate” designation against AFTAH [see our listing on the SPLC’s bogus “Hate Map” HERE], Family Research Council, AFA, Mission America, Mass Resistance and many other noble pro-family groups. As the saying goes, “Those who hate the Truth call Truth hate.” Hopefully, the SPLC’s influence will wane as Americans learn about its hard-left bias and hack political nature, and come to perceive it at the malicious tool of the Left that it is.
Lastly, I am saddened that some pro-life individuals have signed the Change.org petition. Perhaps they are unaware that the same socially Left activists who promote the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality also promote abortion-on-demand. Did you know that the world’s largest pro-homosexual organization, Human Wrongs Rights Campaign, includes pro-abortion votes in its “Congressional Scorecards”? The second biggest “gay” group, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, also promotes abortion-on-demand at its annual “Creating Change” conferences for LGBT activists.
Furthermore, as AFTAH has covered extensively, homosexual behaviors are disproportionately linked to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases including but not limited to HIV. Hundreds of thousands of “gay” men have had their life cut short because they practiced immoral and high-risk same-sex behavior. So of course promoting the sin homosexuality is anti-life, in addition to being anti-God. Thankfully, men and women are leaving homosexuality behind, many with the help of our Savior Jesus Christ. Homosexuality is not who you are, it’s what you do–and like any other misbehavior (sin), it can be overcome. Please give that loving and truthful message to anyone you know who has claimed a false identity of “gay,” “lesbian” or “transgender,” and pray for them.
This present hubbub is nothing compared to the oppression suffered by Christian Canadians over the years–people like Pastor Stephen Boissoin who had to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars to clear their name after being targeted for alleged “discrimination” by Canada’s notorious “Human Rights Tribunals”–merely because they spoke out against homosexuality. These “human rights” tribunals became kangaroo-courts for the Left to target pro-family speech and punish Christians.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, CDC, Censorship Issues, Christian Persecution, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News
Friday, March 28th, 2014
Illinois bill HB 5569 banning pro-hetero change therapy for minors robs self-determination and parental rights
 AN EX-“GAY” OFFERS HOPE TO STRUGGLING YOUTH: Christopher Doyle is a former homosexual and licensed therapist who now helps people overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. He was molested as a boy and suffered for years with unwanted same-sex desires before getting help. [Read Doyle’s testimony HERE]. He is now happily married and the father of three children. Under proposed Illinois legislation, HB 5569, boys like him who are the victims of homosexual predators or suffering in sexual confusion could not see a therapist (like Doyle today) to deal with their same-sex problems. TAKE ACTION: 1) ILLINOIS RESIDENTS: if you live in Illinois, call your legislators (217-782-2000) and urge them to oppose HB 5569 (the so-called “Conversion Therapy Prohibition Act”)–which would deny healthy, pro-heterosexual change therapy to minors with unwanted same-sex desires. The bill, sponsored by lesbian St. Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), has passed out of committee and has been sent to the House floor. It is on the liberal fast-track so act now! Call Springfield at 217-782-2000. Find your state and federal legislators HERE. We advise calling your legislators at their LOCAL offices since they will not be back in Springfield until Tuesday, April 1.
2) EVERYONE ELSE: Call or write your U.S. Representative (202-225-3121) and Senators (202-224-3121)–or go to ContactingtheCongress.org–and urge them NOT to support ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which is a federal version of the same homosexual/transgender “rights” bills that have been used in states and cities to enforce *politically correct discrimination* against Christians and others who opposes homosexualism and “gay marriage.” [see this AFTAH article.] AFTAH is calling ENDA the “Gay Lawyers’ Dream Act” since it would only make if easier for Christians to be sued for not violating their conscience. [See this excellent report on ENDA by the Heritage Foundation.]
Dear AFTAH Readers,
One important thing I’ve learned about the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Lobby in more than 20 years of fighting it is that everything they accuse their opponents of doing THEY DO in spades. They say we “hate,” yet many observed that it is radical homosexual activists like Dan Savage, Wayne Besen and Peter Tatchell (in Britain) who are truly hateful and vindictive in their often vicious, “morality-phobic” bigotry.
Pro-homosexual militants say that we are “harming children,” and yet the homosexual-bisexual behaviors THEY promote in the name of “equality” are closely linked to the spread of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Almost every case of HIV among boys and young men ages 13-24 is linked to deviant homo-sexual behavior [see this AFTAH article pointing to CDC data]. Moreover, bisexual men who have a girlfriend or are married but who (often secretly) engage in homosexual acts with other men are a key group spreading HIV to women.
And of course, homosexual activists charge us with “discrimination,” as the world’s largest homosexual lobby organization, the Human Rights Campaign, does below in a fundraising letter by the actress Sally Field (yes, the “gay” movement has Hollywood and the leftist media helping it). Experts at marketing and manipulation, the LGBT Lobby is now trying to re-define sincere efforts by Americans to protect Christians and moral-minded Americans from discriminatory pro-homosexual laws — calling such legislation–like the recent Arizona bill vetoed by Gov. Jan Brewer–“License to Discriminate” bills.
Don’t buy this latest “gay” con job.
Who is really “discriminating”?
Did you know that pro-homosexual “sexual orientation non-discrimination” laws are one of the single greatest threats to freedom of conscience and religious liberty in the Western world? In a report I did for WND’s Whistleblower magazine, I described a bunch of the cases pitting “Gay Power vs. Religious Liberty,” but I didn’t come close to listing them all, and there are many other cases outside the United States I simply didn’t have room to include.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Christian Persecution, Ex-Gay Politics/Gay Oppos. to Ex-Gays, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News
Wednesday, March 26th, 2014
Victory shows the cultural battle over homosexuality-based “marriage” is far from over, says LaBarbera
THANK WORLD VISION! The American branch of WORLD VISION has listened to you and thousands of outraged Americans and reversed its sellout on “gay marriage.” TAKE ACTION: Call or write World Vision USA at 888-511-6548 [send an online message HERE] and THANK them for reversing their previously announced policy of recognizing employees’ unbiblical homosexual “marriages.” You can read AFTAH’s original press release on World Vision’s marriage sellout–which received wide coverage [e.g., see Charismanews.com]–HERE.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Yesterday I brought you bad news; today I bring you great news: World Vision is reversing its unbiblical cave-in of recognizing employees’ (legal) homosexual “marriages”! YOUR CALLS, joined with thousands of others from across the USA, made the difference, as World Vision’s board recognized that it had made a gigantic mistake departing from Christian Truth. It is impossible to simultaneously honor Jesus Christ while recognizing and incentivizing sin and sexual perversion. Thank you to all who called WV to defend Truth! WORLD magazine reports:
World Vision reverses gay marriage decision
Board member says the organization never meant to undermine the authority of Scripture
By JAMIE DEAN, Posted March 26, 2014, 03:40 p.m.
UPDATE (5:05 p.m.): World Vision released a statement (see below) this afternoon confirming it has reversed its decision to allow its American branch to hire employees in same-sex marriages:
“The board acknowledged it made a mistake and chose to revert to our longstanding policy requiring sexual abstinence for all single employees and faithfulness within the Biblical covenant of marriage between one man and one woman. … We are brokenhearted over the pain and confusion we have caused many of our friends, who saw this decision as a reversal of our strong commitment to Biblical authority.”
We now wait to see what the new World Vision policy will be, and how they will handle the inevitable (media-magnified) outrage by LGBT activists. And I want to make clear that we are only commending World Vision’s return to biblical faithfulness on this issue.
MARRIAGE BATTLE FAR FROM OVER: I was just interviewed by SRN News (the national Christian-owned Salem Radio Network) and my message was this: the righteous turnaround at World Vision shows that Culture War over homosexuality and “gay marriage” is not nearly over. The media–who are sort of a huge PR firm for the ‘Gay’ Lobby–want you to give up. They keep telling Americans that legal homosexual “marriage” in all 50 states is “inevitable”–forget the more than 30 states that passed pro-natural marriage amendments or statewide referenda in support of genuine marriage (one-man, one-woman).
The Left-dominated opinion-molders and pro-“gay” pundits are wrong about marriage. (Besides, when have the media been RIGHT about anything important? Remember how they shilled for Obama?) The American people, and especially those who seek to honor God, do NOT want to treat two men or two women in a homosexual union as if it were a real marriage.
Thanks for not giving in to the Gay Thought Police and standing up for what’s right. The fight ahead is long and difficult, but we must be more committed to defending Truth than the homosexual activists are to pushing their lies. God bless you. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
[TAKE ACTION: call or writer World Vision and thank them for recognizing their mistake [send an online message HERE]. You can read AFTAH’s original press release on World Vision’s marriage sellout–which received wide coverage (e.g., see Charismanews.com)–ONLINE HERE.]
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, News
Tuesday, March 25th, 2014
UPDATE: World Vision Reverses Pro-Homosexual “Marriage” Policy!
As WORLD magazine reports, World Vision has listened to you and thousands of outraged Americans and reversed its sellout on “gay marriage.” TAKE ACTION: Call or write World Vision USA at 888-511-6548 [send them an online message HERE] and thank them for reversing their previously announced policy of recognizing employees’ unbiblical homosexual “marriages.”]
 Denying a Sellout: World Vision took a major step away from historic Christianity by allowing employees in homosexual “marriages” to work for it. The organization’s president, Richard Stearns, then compounded the capitulation by telling Christianity Today that WV’s new policy is not a “an endorsement of same-sex marriage,” nor a “rejection of traditional marriage.”
Press Release, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
March 25, 2014
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
Read it on Christian Newswire HERE
TAKE ACTION: CONTACT World Vision at 888-511-6548 or online HERE
By Peter LaBarbera
CHICAGO—In a stunning capitulation to a powerful Sin Movement, World Vision’s American branch announced yesterday that it will now employ people who are in legal homosexual “marriages”—a distinctly anti-Biblical position for an organization that professes “Jesus is Lord” and “We desire him to be central in our individual and corporate life.”
The cultural cave-in by World Vision was made all the more remarkable by WV President Richard Stearns’ awkward attempts to justify and explain it—even denying that World Vision has caved on its Christian principles. WV had previously fought government attempts to force it and other Christian organizations to follow pro-homosexual mandates. Stearns told Christianity Today that the new policy was “not an endorsement of same-sex marriage. We have decided we are not going to get into that debate. Nor is this a rejection of traditional marriage, which we affirm and support.”
Stearns said, “Changing the employee conduct policy to allow someone in a same-sex marriage who is a professed believer in Jesus Christ to work for us makes our policy more consistent with our practice on other divisive issues,” he said. “It also allows us to treat all of our employees the same way: abstinence outside of marriage, and fidelity within marriage.”
Historically, people embracing sin are not regarded as faithful Christians. Homosexual conduct is clearly proscribed in the Bible as a sin (Romans 1:24-27) but one that can be overcome through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Many former “gays” and “lesbians” like Anne Paulk have overcome homosexuality through faith in Jesus.
Christ affirmed the Genesis account of marriage as the union of one man and one woman (Mark 10: 6-8). Only in liberal denominations widely regarded as having jettisoned biblical authority does one hear the bizarre concept of two people of the same sex honoring “fidelity within marriage.”
Yet Stearns said, “This is not us compromising. It is us deferring to the authority of churches and denominations on theological issues.” He denied that World Vision is headed down a “slippery slope.”
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) offers the following points about World Vision’s pro-homosexual-“marriage” sellout:
- Stearns’ rationale for the policy change is stunningly dishonest and illogical in its double-speak. Stearns would be more forthright in declaring that World Vision has abandoned the Bible as authoritative and is denying “Jesus as Lord.” The same principle applies to individuals and organizations: one cannot embrace and sanctify sin while professing to honor Jesus Christ, who died and rose again so that believers might have victory OVER sin.
- By recognizing homosexual “marriages” in its hiring practices and treating them like actual marriages, World Vision has not only entered the debate over this issue but greatly advanced the LGBT agenda by lending “Christian” credibility to “gay” activists’ misleading “marriage equality” propaganda. WV also undermines religious liberty by signaling that immoral laws that defy God’s law are more binding than Scripture—unilaterally throwing up the white flag of surrender on freedom of conscience.
- World Vision’s sellout is part of a disturbing trend in evangelicalism to capitulate in the Culture War over homosexuality–while the pro-LGBT lobby only ramps up its advocacy of sexually immoral laws and corporate policies. The WV decision comes just days after Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy chose to censor himself by declaring that his public defense of natural marriage was a business “mistake.” Cathy vowed to stay out of the marriage debate, reportedly after listening to the counsel of friends—including homosexual activist Shane Windmeyer, whose organization, Campus Pride, advocates for homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism on college campuses.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Sunday, March 23rd, 2014
Below is a YouTube video of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s March 20, 2014 interview on Bryan Fischer’s “Focal Point” program over the American Family Radio Talk network. The program focused on Fred Phelps’ “God Hates Fags” protests with the news of Phelps passing away. Both say Phelps’ message was not Christian and LaBarbera faults Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church for denying the possibility of salvation to repentant homosexuals. Then the discussion moves to Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy pulling out of the Culture War over homosexual “marriage”–declaring that his previous public comments in defense of natural marriage were an immature business mistake. Hundreds of thousands of pro-family Americans had rallied to Cathy’s and Chick-fil-A’s defense after pro-homosexual activists accused him and the fast-food company of bigotry and sought to ban CFA franchises from certain locales.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Evangelicals, Fred Phelps/Westboro Baptist Church, News
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
 Gay Activists Stay Vocal; Christian Leader Goes Silent: Chick-fil-A’s new CEO, Dan Cathy (right), befriended homosexual activist and Campus Pride executive director Shane Windmeyer in the wake of the media hubbub over Cathy’s defense of natural marriage. Now Cathy has heeded Windmeyer’s advice to pull back from publicly from the homosexual “marriage” debate. Photo: Huffington Post.
By Peter LaBarbera
Dear AFTAH Reader,
As usual, the Culture War over sexually immoral same-sex behavior is hot, and AFTAH is in the thick of it. We will have more on the regrettable backpedaling by Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, who says it was a “mistake” for him to speak out for natural marriage. The Atlanta Journal Constitution, which interviewed the chicken fast-food exec, reports:
“Cathy said he decided to step back from the gay marriage debate after prayer and conversations with co-workers and friends, including Shane Windmeyer, a gay supporter of marriage equality who helped Cathy understand why marriage was important to the gay community.”
Talk about snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory!
NOTE: Shane Windmeyer is a homosexual activist and the founder and executive director of Campus Pride, which aggressively pushes for the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism on college campuses. Gee, what a shock that Windmeyer wants his friend, Dan Cathy, to SHUT UP about homosexual “marriage”….Lesson for pro-family advocates: in my experience, when Christians “dialogue” with homosexuality activists, the “gay” activists usually end up winning the most concessions and biblical values are compromised.
I wish I could say I’m stunned, but I’ve grown used to Christians and “pro-family conservatives” selling out in the Culture War over homosexualism. As I told American Family Radio talk show host Bryan Fischer Thursday, the “Gay” Lobby is playing hard ball, and Christians are playing tee-ball. Click HERE to view a “Right Wing Watch” clip of my interview with Fischer. And go HERE to view a story in Huffington Post (“Huff Post Gay Voices”) about my comments. (Yes, HuffPo has its own “gay cheerleading” section–No Moral Voices Allowed!)
I told Bryan that Cathy “sold out” all those good Americans who–after all–had rallied by the hundreds of thousands to support his RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT for God’s natural design for marriage as between a man and a woman. I mean, isn’t that why so many people showed up on “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day”–because we were sick and tired of people of faith being silenced by homosexual militants and their pro-LGBT media enablers?
Also, the Journal-Constitution reports, “Progressive website Think Progress earlier this month reported that Chick-fil-A’s foundations — WinShape Foundation and its namesake Chick-fil-A Foundation — “dramatically” cut donations to groups gay marriage supporters consider anti-gay.” AFTAH will be checking into this as well. How sad if this is true.
One last thing: isn’t it interesting that PRO-homosexual-“marriage” execs like Starbuck’s CEO Howard Schultz don’t retreat from publicly speaking out FOR counterfeit “marriage”? In fact, liberal corporations are more sold out than ever in publicly supporting–and funding–All Things “Gay”–so once again it’s the Christian, “pro-family” side that is engaging in unilateral surrender in the battle for Truth on homosexuality and marriage. Meanwhile, the Homosexual Lobby is louder and more aggressive than ever in pushing its lies and demands!
AFTAH will have much more on this story and other examples of Christian defeatism in the Culture War….
P.S. AFTAH Needs Your Support: Help us out if you can because we cannot take on the well-funded, media-backed “Gay” Lobby without getting funding ourselves. Donate online to AFTAH HERE or use the blue “DONATE ONLINE” button above right. Or send your tax-deductible donation to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Thank you for standing with us!!
–Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; “Like” AFTAH’s Facebook page HERE. Follow me on Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; E-mail me: americansfortruth@gmail.com.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Christian/pro-family naivete, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News
Friday, March 21st, 2014
“For young gay men…[the] urge for sex is strong, compulsive and obsessive. It dominates conscious thought with lustful fantasies which society does not grant expression without censure and judgement. For many gay men, a salient goal of life is to fulfill their sex fantasies and achieve some sort of intimacy with other men. …We seek intrigue and danger in our sexual netherworld. The threat of HIV infection may even nurture these yearnings. The greater the danger, the greater the thrill. Our masculine ideal is of strong, fearless men willing to inflict pain, aloof to suffering, and undaunted by sin. Virility is immortal, masculinity ever powerful and everlasting…Though the reality is often ugly, scarred, sordid and stupid, we willingly cower in the presence of that ersatz ideal, submit to its potency, genuflecting and suckling at the font of another man’s virility while scorning our own. Sometimes the power is fully consummated. I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a ‘trick’ [sexual hook-up]…Yet, as we survive each anonymous act, we only move farther away from the goal. We find no intimacy, fulfill no male ideal, and only confirm our deep-seated self-loathing….” –Garey Lambert, homosexual writer, “AIDS activist,” and editor of [homosexual newspaper] Baltimore Alternative, 1993
![Ad for homosexual FLEX bathhouse in Atlanta--where men go for anonymous sexual encounters with other men. (We blocked the address and web site.) It is telling that such de facto perversion centers thrive in Atlanta, home to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control--which, though tasked with fighting the spread of HIV, refuses to advocate closure of sex businesses that encourage "gay" hyper-promiscuity. The late homosexual writer Garey Lambert described how and why "gay" men are compulsively drawn to dangerous sexual encounters. He wrote, "I daresay there isn't a gay man of 50 who doesn't know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a [sexual] 'trick.'"](http://americansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Flex_Batthouse_Atlanta-BLOCKED-INFO.jpg) Ad for homosexual FLEX bathhouse in Atlanta–where men go for anonymous deviant sexual encounters with other men. (We’ve blocked the address and web site.) It is telling that such de facto perversion centers thrive in Atlanta, home to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control–which, though tasked with fighting the spread of HIV, refuses to push for closure of sex businesses that encourage “gay” hyper-promiscuity. The late homosexual writer Garey Lambert described how and why “gay” men are compulsively drawn to reckless, anonymous sexual encounters, which can be dangerous and even lethal. He wrote, “I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a [sexual] ‘trick.'”
[Warning: graphic language]
There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.
—Proverbs 14:12 (NASB)
Dear Readers,
This is the side of homosexualism that the secular-minded chattering classes–in their zeal to normalize sodomy as an innocuous identity and mere “orientation”–choose to avoid. Below is a verbatim reprinting of a column written two decades ago in the now-defunct homosexual newspaper, The Baltimore Alternative. I recently rediscovered this in the Americans For Truth archives. It is dated “1993” but the copy of the article does not give the month and date (we will attempt to find that). The writer is the late Garey Lambert, an “AIDS activist” and former editor at the Alternative, who died of AIDS at age 49 in 1996. This piece is a fascinating look into the the “consuming depravity” of homosexualism, to quote Pastor Ralph Ovadal–and of the overpowering lustful quests that motivate “men who have sex with men,” and which in all too many cases drive them to an early grave.
Reading the essay, I am reminded of how, even as much as AFTAH tries to convey the debauched, confused and destructive reality of homosexuality, we have only skimmed the surface. What is at work here is a type of indulged sexual addiction I have difficulty understanding. Let the astonishing words below sink in; obviously, “gay” men are endangered more by their own obsessive sexual pursuits with strangers than by any kind of anti-homosexual “hate” violence:
“I daresay there isn’t a gay man of 50 who doesn’t know of at least one friend murdered at the hands of a ‘trick’ [sexual hook-up] .“
Writings like this expose the “enslavement” (Lambert’s word) of male homosexual lust–and the same-sex desperation that seems to result from libidinous young men pursuing the wrong answer to their own masculinity crisis. LGBT ideologues will attempt to explain away Lambert’s observations–or claim they are made obsolete by the “domestication” of homosexuality (e.g., same-sex “marriage”). But he describes a root problem–emotional and spiritual–that cannot be cured by politics, or “pride.” (Note Lambert’s obligatory attempt to blame “society” and “parents” for the plight of homosexuals and the proper judgment of homosexuality as abnormal and wrong.)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Gay Men & Masculinity, HIV/AIDS, News, Promiscuity

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