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Gay Culture
Saturday, June 30th, 2007
By Allyson Smith
Dear Friends,
The notorious pro-homosexual parish of Most Holy Redeemer did it again this year: It marched in the San Francisco “gay shame” parade. And thus far no public statement has been issued by San Francisco archbishop George Neideraurer or the archdiocese condemning MHR’s participation and promising to put a stop to their abominable participation.
Watch the following video clips, from the QDomine website, of Most Holy Redeemer marching in the debauched spectacle, and then contact the offices below to voice your outrage. Demand immediate, public disciplinary action and a commitment by Archbishop Neideraurer to put a stop to MHR’s homosexual-affirming antics. — Allyson
Write to Archbishop Niederauer at info@sfarchdiocese.org.
Please cc the following people on your email to the Archbishop:
Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius Wang at wangi@sfarchdiocese.org
The Archbishop’s secretary at MillerL@sfarchdiocese.org.
The editor of Catholic San Francisco at morrisyoungd@sfarchdiocese.org
Communications Director at the Archdiocese of San Francisco at healym@sfarchdiocese.org
Or write to:
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco
One Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 614-5500
His Excellency The Most Reverend Pietro Sambi
The Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
The Apostolic Nunciature
3339 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008-3687
phone: 202-333-7121
fax: 202-337-4036
Cardinal William J. Levada
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
[Secretary: Most Rev. Archbishop Angelo Amato, S.D.B.]
Piazza del S. Uffizio 11
00l93 Rome, Italy
email: cdf@cfaith.va
Allyson Smith is a writer for Americans For Truth, based in San Diego.
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Catholic, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, Religious Leaders, San Francisco, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, June 29th, 2007
TAKE ACTION: Send Americans For Truth a $10 donation (postpaid) or make a $10 gift online and we will send you a “Truth Packet” that reveals some cold, hard realities about the homosexual agenda — including our booklet, The Homosexual Agenda Targeting Children.” The Truth Packet will guide you on simple steps you can take to start standing up for truth against the homosexual agenda in your community. You’ll be shocked to see how the “GLBT” lobby is corrupting youth and converting the next generation to their ungodly cause. Send $10 (postpaid) to AFTAH, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, or go online to give HERE.
By Coach Dave Daubenmire, www.ptsalt.com
June 28, 2007
This article first appeared in NewsWithViews.com; for more information on the Coach, go HERE.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. John 8:44
I spent last Saturday at the Gay Pride parade in Columbus, Ohio. I try to go every year, at least for the past seven or so. Try as I might to avoid the confrontation there is just something inside of me that will not allow me to stay home.
There were about twenty of us who made the decision to go. For several it was the first time they had ever ventured outside the safety of their church. As is usually the case they know that it is much easier to preach to the choir about the sin of homosexuality than it is to venture into enemy held territory with the Truth of the Gospel. No matter how hard I had tried to prepare them for what they were about to experience the old saw “some things are better felt, than telt,” was most applicable to the experience.
“What is it like, Coach?” One nervous friend inquired of me on the ride over.
“Well,” I told them, “I really can’t explain it. I usually have mixed feelings. Inside, my heart is breaking for those who are trapped in that sin…convinced that God made them gay. The compassionate side of me wants to sit and weep with them over the grief they must carry. But at the same time, a side of me wants to run to the store and buy a truck of Lysol spray and fumigate the entire crowd.”
As is usually the case the men who made the trip for the first time found it to be one of the most penetrating experiences of their Christian walk. The war for the souls of men is real and at no place that I know of is the reprobate mind more on display. Trust me; the media will never show you the debauchery that passes as an “alternative lifestyle.”
The homosexual leadership, those who work iniquity, has done a great public relations job. They have convinced us that Tommy and Billy who live down the street are the real face of homosexuality. Sadly, as those who walked into the den of iniquity with us on Saturday can attest, the under-belly of sodomy is a despicable thing to see. A friend once told me that I should never go to a meat packing shop and watch hot-dogs being made. If I did, he warned me, I would never eat another hot-dog as long as I lived.
The same can be said for the sodomite parade. The “meat” on display will forever change the way you view homosexuality. Sin has no boundaries, no clutch, and no emergency brake. Once you dip your toe into the pool of sin, especially sexual sin, there is a magnetism that will not let go. The debauchery parading down our public streets is abominable.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, C - Heroes for Truth, E - Praying for the Lost, Gay Culture, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, June 28th, 2007
So much for the First Amendment. Bob Schwartz of the leftist Chicago homosexual group Gay Liberation Network, who opposed government censorship in a previous AFTAH story, defends a vigilante type of oppression — of ideas and religious speech — in typically nasty fashion below. Schwartz compares the two peaceful Christian men assaulted by a mob of “gay pride” celebrants in Chicago Sunday to “racist scum,” the KKK, and fascists, while commending the mob that set upon them (for details of the “pride” day assault, click HERE).
Sorry, Bob, Christians are not “hate merchants,” but it seems pretty clear that what you’re selling here isn’t even close to the tolerance that you demand of others. — Peter LaBarbera
Here’s Schwartz’s Stalinesque rant:
Bigots were “bullied,” and subjected to “sinister laughter and jeering” but they get out alive. What would happen to the KKK if the racist scum tried to protest at the Bud Billiken parade at 43rd and King Drive? Wouldn’t this threat be met by Malcolm’s dictum, “Liberation by any means necessary.”
Why do Chicago Pride parade organizers defend the “free speech” rights of bigots, rather than advocate for those who object to their presence? Three years ago when anarchists protected the parade from fascist street thugs, Richard Pfeifer condemned the anarchists and praised the cops who arrested them! This year Pfeifer was quoted as saying that our “diversity” allows for bigots expressing antigay messages.
Those LGBTs and others who stood up to the fascists this year, whether at Cambridge and Diversey, or before the two hate merchants quoted below [reprints AFTAH story about mob attack] are to be commended.
Those who dare to come onto our streets to preach hate should face the consequences meted out to them by lesbians and gays who will not stand by and be degraded by bigots masquerading as kindly people of god.
Posted in Assaults, Chicago, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Liberation Network, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Quotes, News |
Thursday, June 28th, 2007
Photo taken at New York City’s homosexual “pride” parade Sunday:

“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.” — Ephesians 5:3
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anglican/Episcopal, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, New York, News, Religious Leaders, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007
Do Chicago homosexuals have special rights to go nude in public and bully critics?
Topless transsexual bares his (presumably hormone-induced) breasts, blocked out in this photo, at Chicago’s homosexual “pride” parade on Sunday. The “man” rode exposed like this for blocks going down Broadway Avenue atop the “Hamburger Mary’s” float. The crowd lining the streets cheered him/her on.
The following are firsthand accounts from two Christians who passed out Gospel tracts and preached at Chicago’s “Gay Pride” parade Sunday in the “Boystown” section of the city. I witnessed plenty of tolerance at the parade for all sorts of debauchery — such as one pink-haired (biologically male) transsexual who bared his (presumably female-hormone-induced) breasts as he rode block after block on atop a float (see photo above) — but little for a Biblical message against sin.
Sadly, some churches and synagogues marched in the “pride” parade, effectively blaspheming the Creator they purport to serve. The word for that is ‘shame,’ not ‘pride.’
The first testimony below is from Americans For Truth volunteer Dan Musick, who did not street-preach but passed out several hundred tracts containing former homosexual Steve Bennett’s testimony, titled, “I WAS Gay.” (Tracts can be ordered through Steve’s ministry at http://www.sbministries.org/tracts.html.)
The second testimony is from Joe Christopherson, who met Dan while street preaching at the parade. Together, they encountered trouble after the parade had concluded and people were milling about in “Boystown.” We’ll have more firsthand reports on the Chicago and New York City “gay pride” parades in future posts. As you read this, imagine the liberal media’s outrage — all four major local Chicago TV stations fielded floats in the parade — and that of “gay” activists had two homosexuals been assaulted and humiliated in the same manner. — Peter LaBarbera
Dan Musick’s testimony:
I went to the parade armed with 500+ tracts and my camera. My prayer was for God to show me what He wanted me to do. Before the parade I passed out some tracts. At the parade I took lots of pictures and video, and passed out a few tracts. The sidewalk and area behind the barriers was packed.
After the parade there was a steady flow of crowd traffic so I started passing out the “I Was Gay” tracts. I did this for about an hour, and passed out about 300. Many ended up on the sidewalk.
I experienced every form of mockery you could imagine, but only from one or two at a time at the most. At one point two lesbians were circling me and warning others not to take my tracts. One tore up a tract and threw it at me. Another knocked the tracts out of my hand.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Assaults, Chicago, E - Praying for the Lost, Gay Culture, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, Public Indecency |
Friday, June 22nd, 2007
Americans For Truth is joining with two other national pro-family organizations that are working together to form a multi-state outreach this weekend, designed to confront “gay pride” parade participants with the truth that Jesus Christ can set them free from the sin of homosexuality.
“Gay pride” parades in Chicago, Atlanta and Columbus, Ohio, this weekend will receive the hopeful message.
“The truth is, homosexuality is nothing to be proud of,” said Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera. “Christ has helped set free thousands of people from this destructive lifestyle (see Yvette Schneider’s story HERE), and we hope that those who have not closed their minds to God’s truth will go to HopeforHomosexuals.com and open their hearts to the life-changing Gospel truth on its pages.”
The Virginia-based Family Policy Network (FPN), in an alliance with Naperville, Illinois-based Americans for Truth and the Ohio-based Mission America, will fly airplane banners over so-called “gay pride” parades in Georgia, Illinois and Ohio this weekend that read, “JESUS CHRIST: WWW. HOPE FOR HOMOSEXUALS.COM.” (Click HERE to see a mock-up of the banner.)
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Chicago, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, June 8th, 2007
TAKE ACTION: Help counter the pro-homosexual lobby’s smear campaign attempting to “Bork” Dr. James Holsinger, President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General. Here’s how:
- Call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 or write them (http://www.congress.org/) and politely urge them to support Dr. James Holsinger, Jr. as Surgeon General; the members of the Senate Health Committee, which will first consider Holsinger, can be found HERE (e-mail the committee at: help_comments@help.senate.gov) — but Holsinger’s nomination will likely be voted on by the whole Senate, so tell your Senators to use their influence to insure that he is treated fairly;
- Thank the White House (202-456-1111 or -1414; e-mail: comments@whitehouse.gov; www.whitehouse.gov/contact) and urge the President to stand by Dr. Holsinger and not to be swayed by the pro-homosexual lobby’s distortions and anti-Christian bigotry;
- Tell your friends to support Dr. Holsinger with a quick e-mail or call.
Click HERE TO READ DR. HOLSINGER’S 1991 PAPER, “PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY,” which liberal, pro-homosexual groups are distorting to discredit him.
Dear Americans For Truth Reader,
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, anti-Christian homosexual activists and their liberal allies are out again in force to take down another good man — Dr. James Holsinger, Jr., President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General — who happens to agree with the ancient Judeo-Christian moral understanding of homosexual practice as unnatural, unhealthy and wrong.
The ABC report below is Orwellian in its framing of the campaign against Dr. Holsinger — a Christian medical doctor (cardiologist) who also holds a doctorate in anatomy and physiology. Holsinger is being vilified because he wrote in 1991 that male homosexual sex practices are unhealthy, and because he believes that men and women can abandon homosexuality.
The ABC report below — which includes a politically correct quote by the spokesman for the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) — implies that Holsinger’s writings, such as his 1991 paper, “Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality,” are obsolete and way outside of the scientific mainstream. Hello… Has there been some change in human anatomy (perhaps some hyperactive “evolutionary” mutation in the last 16 years) that suddenly makes rectal sex between men natural and good for the human body?
Please take a few minutes to read Dr. Holsinger’s 1991 paper, reprinted on our website. It was written for a United Methodist Church committee studying homosexuality. See for yourself if the paper has the ring of extremism. Here’s an excerpt:
From the perspective of pathology and pathophysiology, the varied sexual practices of homosexual men have resulted in a diverse and expanded concept of sexually transmitted disease and associated trauma. “Four general groups of conditions may be encountered in homosexually active men: classical sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, infections with chlamydia trachomatis, syphilis, herpes simplex infections, genital warts, pubic lice, scabies); enteric diseases (infections with hig gel la species, Campylobacter jejuni, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis non-A, non-B, and cytomegalovirus); trauma (fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, foreign bodies, rectosigmoid tears, allergic proctitis, penile edema, chemical sinusitis, inhaled nitrite burns, and sexual assault of the male patient); and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)” (Owen, 1985).
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ABC, BDSM, Candidates & Elected Officials, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Health & Science, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Quotes, HRC, Media Promotion, Methodist, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Pro-Homosexual Media, Religious Leaders, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |
Thursday, May 31st, 2007
Truth in labeling from one comic book vender at IML 2006.
Graphic photos below with offensive depictions of real-life homosexual depravities
By Peter LaBarbera
1) MOST IMPORTANT: Contact Hilton Hotels Corporation World Headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, and Hilton CEO Stephen Bollenback (stephen_bollenbach@hilton.com; 310-278-4321) and politely express your dismay that Hilton would allow its good name to be associated with the sadistic sexual perversion-fest known as “International Mr. Leather.” If you feel so led, tell them that you will certainly never stay at the Palmer House Hilton — who would knowing that disgusting homosexual orgies have gone on in their rooms? — and you also will not be staying at other Hilton hotels while this deviant association continues.
I also spoke with a nice Hilton HQ executive, Trina Owens (trina_owens@hilton.com; 901-374-5041), to whom you can also express your concerns over Hilton promoting perversion. Here’s the full contact information: Hilton World Headquarters, CEO: Stephen Bollenbach: Fax: 310-205-7655; phone 310-278-4321), Brand Performance & Franchise Development, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills , CA 90210; Development Hotline: 800-286-0645; or call 1-800-HILTONS.
Sign reads: “Due to the entire hotel being reserved for a private convention [International Mr. Leather], all hotel facilities are closed to the general public until Tuesday, May 29th. Thank you for your cooperation. The Palmer House Hilton.”
2) Write or call Palmer House Hilton General Manager Peter Lynn (peter_lynn@hilton.com); phone 312-726-7500 (ask for Peter Lynn’s office); ask him how they sterilize their rooms after the perverse IML orgies, and express your outrage that they would profit off this sadism spectacle through 2009. Fax: 312-917-1707; 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago , Illinois , United States 60603.
3) From now on, book your hotel through www.cleanhotels.com (hotels that are porn-free), so you can rest easy knowing that you are not rewarding the pornography industry through your stay.
The following are photos — there are others that we could not publish — from the “vendor fair” at International Mr. Leather 2006 and 2007, held on Memorial Day weekend (both years) at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The photos were taken by this writer, walking through the IML vendor fair, which was open to the public:

Man gets tied up in IML 2006.

This man at IML 2006 was bound and gagged and bounced around with bunny ears on from one Palmer House room to another, to satisfy some twisted fetish.

Diaper fetish. The “orientation” of this grown man in a diaper and sucking on a baby pacifier is “infantilism.” He was photographed in the lobby of the Palmer House Hilton at IML 2006.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Bathhouses, BDSM, Chicago, Gay Culture, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, Miller Beer, News, Physical Health, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |

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