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Gay Culture
Thursday, May 31st, 2007
Dishonoring vets: note Chicago Theater marquee message during
Chicago Memorial Day parade.
TAKE ACTION: read our adjoining pictorial story about the Palmer House Hilton’s hosting of “International Mr. Leather” and contact Hilton Hotels Corporation World Headquarters in Beverly Hills California. Call or write Hilton CEO Stephen Bollenback (stephen_bollenbach@hilton.com; 310-278-4321) and politely express your dismay that Hilton would allow its good name to be associated with the sadistic sexual perversion-fest known as “International Mr. Leather.” If you feel so led, tell them that you will certainly never stay at the Palmer House Hilton — who would knowing that disgusting homosexual orgies have gone on in their rooms? — and you also will not be staying at other Hilton hotels while this deviant association continues. [ALSO SEE PHOTO-STORY BELOW FOR MORE ACTION ITEMS.]
By Peter LaBarbera
The photo at top, taken from the Chicago ABC affiliate’s online video of the city’s Memorial Day parade Saturday, speaks volumes about the Windy City’s moral meltdown. Note the message on the marquee of the legendary Chicago Theater: “Welcome, International Mr. Leather 29,” due to the Theater’s participation in this sadistic, pornographic celebration, now in its 29th year.
Rather than honoring the spirit of the parade by paying tribute to our troops, veterans and past generations of American fighting men, the Chicago Theater’s management opted instead to welcome one of the most purely evil perversion-fests ever invented by mankind. International Mr. Leather (IML) serves as an annual excuse for “leathermen” — mostly homosexual men but some “straight” SM couples — to engage in vile orgies that would make Sodom blush. For our pictorial story about the sadistic “Mr. Leather” gatherings this year and last year at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel, click HERE (WARNING: disturbing images).
Chicago: Sadism Mecca
Pro-homosexuality activism is largely a big-city phenomenon. The City of Chicago has the “queer” distinction of being a favorite city of sadomasochists, people who would have once been known, in saner times, as what they are: perverts. Proceeds from International Mr. Leather’s vendor registration went to a place called the Leather Archives Museum — a “museum” for sexual sadists, again, located in Chicago. I visited this “museum” last year and was stunned by its audacious chronicling of the most repulsive perversions (see pictorial story on IML), e.g., “fisting.” The sheer horror and weirdness of the place makes it difficult to describe to a normal audience.
How sad that this great city and so many of its leaders have given themselves over to celebrating sexual depravity. How bad is it?
- Several years back, Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley, despite professing Catholicism, endorsed “same-sex marriage” at a press conference held on Ash Wednesday. There was the mayor (who is also pro-abortion-“rights”), with the ashen cross on his forehead (signifying repentance before God), advocating the radical redefinition of marriage — a position strongly condemned by his own Church.
- Three homosexual bathhouses operate with impunity in the city — putting at risk not just promiscuous “gay” men but women whose straying husbands or boyfriends engage in anonymous sexual encounters (often condomless) with other men. Illinois’ top “gay” activist, Rick Garcia — telling a lie that is bold even by “gay” activist standards — claimed in an interview not to know what goes on in one of the disease-spreading bathhouses, Steamworks, from which Garcia’s group, Equality Illinois, has received donations.
- Openly homosexual judges march annually in the city’s massive “gay pride” parade — to which Chicago’s Christian community has yet to offer an effective response or Gospel outreach;
- The city was the first in the United States (and perhaps the world) to officially designate a homosexual community (zone), “Boystown,” demarcated by rainbow-colored kiosks;
- The city proudly played host to the 2006 “Gay Games” (Daley celebrated this event and served as “honorary chair“) — and ended up being taken to court for violating the free speech rights of Christian counter-protesters.
- The pro-homosexuality bias of Chicagoland’s news media is so overwhelming that the local TV networks and some other media cast objectivity aside every year and march in the annual “gay pride” parade. (ABC covers it and airs it in June.) Chicago Sun-Times movie critic Richard Roeper thinks audiences just have to “get over” our objections to seeing two men kiss in the movies. (I think Roeper and other media elites have to get over their obnoxious obsession with promoting homosexuality.) A female writer for the Chicago Tribune wrote a puff piece about how the movie Brokeback Mountain is a turn-on for women, who supposedly like to see men engaged in sexual situations with other men. Hmmm.
And so it goes. Will Christians emerge from their “closet” to do something to stem the tide of evil and sexual perversion in Chicago? Click HERE for our pictorial story on IML at the Palmer House Hilton in 2006 and 2007 (the hotel will be hosting “International Mr. Leather” through 2009). WARNING: disturbing images.
Posted in Bathhouses, BDSM, Chicago, Drug Abuse, Gay Culture, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Media Promotion, Mental Health, News, Public Indecency |
Thursday, May 3rd, 2007
We share Austin Ruse’s outrage at the arrogance of the European Parliament for re-defining Judeo-Christian morality in Poland as “homophobia.” Regarding pedophiles marching in the streets, the notorious NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) once marched in homosexual “pride” parades until “gay” organizers got smart and started banning the pederasty group. However, one “father of gay rights,” Harry Hay, avidly defended NAMBLA, and protested the man-boy-sex group’s exclusion from the 1986 Los Angeles “gay pride” parade, holding a sign that read, “NAMBLA walks with me.” In 2005, ex-gay Christian activist James Hartline made headlines when he revealed that two convicted pedophiles were were working as volunteers for San Diego’s homosexual “pride” festival. Please help Poland by signing C-FAM’s petition.– Peter LaBarbera
Dear Colleague,
The power of the radical homosexual movement in Europe has just been shown. The European Parliament just voted to condemn Poland on what they term “homophobia.” What was Poland’s crime? The Polish Prime Minister said that Polish school children should not be subject to “homosexual propaganda.”
Polish authorities have also resisted demands from radical homosexuals that they be allowed to march in the streets. If you live in any major city you know these marches where leather boys and pedophiles march freely and disruptively through the streets.
The response of the European Parliament was to pass a resolution calling these sensible actions “hate speech” and asks competent legal authorities to take action against these officials and the government of Poland.
This is outrageous and all people of good will must stand with the Polish people against the radical homosexual movement in the European Union.
I ask you to go immediately to the petition “Homosexual Hands Off Poland” at www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php.
The petitions will be delivered to the Polish authorities on Thursday, May 10. I will personally deliver them to Polish Members of the European Parliament and to members of the Polish government when I am in Warsaw for the World Congress of Families.
We only have a few days to get as many names as possible. I urge you to go to www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and sign the petition, then send this message to everyone you know. We need to deliver thousands of names of supporters from all over the world. I especially urge those in the EU countries to get this message to everyone you know. We must tell the radicals in the European Union to keep homosexual hands off of Poland!
Go to www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and sign the petition and send this email message to everyone in your address book.
Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
PS Poland stands almost alone in the European Parliament against an enormous coalition of radicals. Poland needs our help right now. Please sign the petition at www.c-fam.org/handsoffpoland.php and help Poland fight back.
Posted in Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Europe (also see "Meccas"), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Quotes, NAMBLA, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Sunday, April 15th, 2007
Hunter College professor Kenneth Sherrill says police arrests of men having homosexual sex in Atlanta’s public restrooms is a “perversion” — not the vile acts themselves.
Atlanta police, looking for luggage thieves, stumbled upon men engaging in homosexual sex acts in airport public restrooms. A sad and pathetic story of men’s lives out of control. “The new restroom dragnet has led to the arrests of more than 30 people in three months for indecent exposure and public sex acts at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport,” AP reports.
Now look at how “gay” activist and Hunter College professor Kenneth Sherill responds in the AP story (below). Sherrill criticizes — not the men committing degrading acts in public places — but the police, calling the undercover arrests in the airport restrooms a “perversion of rational law enforcement activities.” Several observations:
- Various homosexually-oriented websites publicize locations — across the nation and the world –where men can engage in anonymous homosexual acts with other men in public restrooms, highway rest stops, parks, etc.
- Many of these men do not identify as “gay”; they have wives or girlfriends who know nothing of their secret double life — women whose lives are put in potentially life-threatening danger by their spouse’s high-risk homosexual adulteries;
- Children visit these same public restrooms and parks — how many have walked in on men engaging in perverse acts? Also, we’ve received many reports over the years of used condoms being left behind in “public sex” spots such as parks; can’t the authorities keep these known locations clean of public perversion?
- Some leading homosexual activists and groups actually defend “public sex” — even as a “right” of sorts. In 1998 in Pittsburgh, I was kicked out of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s annual “Creating Change” conference — as I was sitting in the audience listening to a panel led by the webmaster for the leading homosexual “cruising for sex” website. Imagine: the second most powerful homosexual group in America — one that lays claim to the mantle of the noble “civil rights” movement — endorsing public perversions of this sort.
- Kenneth Sherrill’s disgraceful comments show once again how out of touch left-wing intellectuals are with the average citizen, and how selfish homosexual activists put their interests above the common good. Only a radical “gay” professor (Sherrill has also done work for the Task Force) could manage to take a story about men getting busted for committing vile sex acts with other men in public bathrooms — and say that the police action to catch these men is a “perversion”! Sort of makes you wonder what Professor Sherrill is teaching the youngsters in his care. — Peter LaBarbera
Arrests Up in Atlanta Airport Restrooms
Restroom Patrols of Atlanta Airport Meant to Stop Baggage Theft Result in Indecency Arrests
ATLANTA Apr 12, 2007 (AP)— At the world’s busiest airport, plainclothes officers patrolling public restrooms in search of luggage thieves have instead uncovered a rash of other, more sordid crimes.
The new restroom dragnet has led to the arrests of more than 30 people in three months for indecent exposure and public sex acts at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
Airport restrooms apparently have become such popular meeting places for men looking for sexual trysts with other men that they have been suggested several times as meeting places in personal ads on the Web site Craigslist.
“Hey … I’m stuck at the airport from 5 p.m. and I’m looking for a good time …,” one ad reads. In another, the person posting says he is stuck at the airport for three hours in the evening and is looking for “discreet, quick action.”
The new patrols were started to stop theft, not catch people in sex acts, police officials say.
Officers started monitoring the restrooms after figuring out that thieves were pulling bags off baggage-claim carousels and taking them into toilet stalls to comb through them.
“We’re trying to provide a safe environment for everyone at the airport,” said Officer Joseph Villafane, a police spokesman. “We’re not out to get all that it’s just we encounter it.”
Among those arrested is Ed Wall, the board chairman of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. An officer said he saw Wall having oral sex with another man. Wall, who has temporarily stepped down from his post, has maintained his innocence. A court date has not been set.
The other court cases are pending.
James Cates, a clinical psychologist, said airport indecency arrests usually involve people getting caught performing sexual acts. He said it illustrates compulsive behavior known as exhibitionism.
“They’re not a lot different from any compulsion … it’s just that this kind of behavior can be offensive to people and can be traumatizing,” said Cates, who counsels and performs psychological testing on sex offenders and people with sexual disorders. “They’ve got to have the thrill and as they keep not getting caught or reported, the thrill gets less and less. It has to become more risky and daring to keep the thrill up.”
Still, some say the airport police should have better things to do than stake out restrooms.
“Police have far better things to do with their time than to arrest people for this,” said Kenneth Sherrill, professor at Hunter College of The City University of New York. “Being ‘sex police’ in bathrooms strikes me as a perversion of rational law enforcement activities.”
Atlanta’s is not the only airport to have had restroom-related arrests. Former Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry was ordered to pay $35,000 in damages to a custodian who said he shoved her and exposed himself to her in a bathroom at Baltimore-Washington International Airport in 2000. A year later, a county judge in Michigan was arrested at Detroit Metro Airport for allegedly exposing himself to an undercover officer, although a district attorney decided not to prosecute.
The Atlanta airport police efforts may be working, as new personal ads have on Craigslist have warned people to be careful.
“Do NOT do anything at the airport,” one posting from March 29 reads. “If you want to hook up, do it outside the airport! Have fun but be smart about it. It’s not worth going to jail for the night and having your face put on the news.”
Posted in Activists, Bullying & Victimhood, Down Low, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, School Officials, Task Force |
Wednesday, March 21st, 2007
All of this degradation and suffering is avoidable — God can renew the mind and enable a man to master his lust…
Excerpted from Accused Of Spreading HIV, Man Allegedly Bragged About It, published Mar 20, 2007, by the pro-homosexuality 365Gay:
A 48-year old married Melbourne man on trial for knowingly spreading HIV to other men allegedly bragged that he had made “75 people pos,” a court was told on Tuesday.
…Rochford said that Neal met the victims in parks and other areas where gays cruise for sex and on the internet.
He allegedly tried to get one victim to help him spread the disease and drugged another man — who is now HIV-positive — because he refused unprotected sex.
…Rochford said that Neal knew what he was doing and regularly held “conversion parties” to create more people with HIV so that he could have “bareback sex”.
Continue reading at 365Gay…
Posted in 01 - Gay, Crystal Methamphetamine, Drug Abuse, Internet Dangers, News, Physical Health, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? |
Tuesday, March 20th, 2007
From our very fine friends at Christian Civic League of Maine: Is this the kind of man you would care to have invited to perform at your son’s elementary or junior high school? In the homosexual activist social sphere, Lew Alessio is considered not just normal, but laudable. Meet their “Homosexual of the Year”…
From Lew Knows Leather, by Mike Hein, published Mar 21, 2007, by Christian Civic League of Maine:
New York’s “New American Leathermen”, 2001 |
Homosexual activist Lewis (Lew) Alessio of Greene, Maine was recently announced by EqualityMaine to be the 2007 recipient of the Cameron Duncan Award. The annual award is the radical homosexual lobbying group’s ‘homosexual of the year’ award. The award was presented to Alessio at EqualityMaine’s 23rd Annual Awards Banquet on March 10 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland.
The EqualityMaine press release spoke of Alessio as a homosexual demonstrating “extraordinary accomplishment, commitment, and service within the AIDS community” and “an outstanding leader in Maine’s gay community.” Lew Alessio is better known in the central Maine community as being the leader of a homosexual men’s social club called “ Just Guys.” The “Just Guys” motto from their website is “… the new men’s social group for men who have sex with men.” The group meets at MaineGeneral Heath’s Green Street location, located immediately adjacent to the Green Street United Methodist Church in Augusta.
New York Leathermen Contestants |
Less well known is Alessio’s recent past, where he competed, and was named 1st runner up, in a homosexual leather bondage fetishist contest in 2001 in New York City. Alessio placed 1st Runner Up in the homosexual leather bondage “New American Leatherman 2001” according to the homosexual leather bondage fetish website Leatherweb.com. Later that same year, Alessio “married” his homosexual partner, Jim Shaffer.
Besides being a leather bondage fetishist and leader of a homosexual sex men-only social club, Alessio is also self-employed as part of the theater troupe “Actors Theater of Maine.” The State of Maine Arts directory website states the theater group charges $500 per performance and caters primarily to children, from pre-kindergarden to 8th grade. Alessio’s ‘Actors Theater of Maine’ troupe stages plays that “all use students in the performances along with the professional casts. [The performances] are accompanied by extensive teaching materials,” according to the Maine government website.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 01 - Gay, BDSM, Equality Maine, Leather, News, Not with MY Tax money!, School Plays |
Monday, March 19th, 2007
More on that “healthy” “gay” lifestyle…the one that our schools are promoting to our children…
Excerpted from Why Are So Many Mid-Life Gay Men Getting HIV?, by Spencer Cox and Bruce Kellerhouse, PhD, published Mar 15, 2007, by the pro-homosexuality Gay City News:
New data released by the city’s department of health show that the highest rates of new HIV infections are among gay men 35 to 49 years old. These findings are alarming and, to some, perplexing.
Why are so many mid-life gay men who were able to avoid HIV infection for so long now taking risks that are exposing them to the disease?
We believe that one common thread runs through most of these men’s life histories – they came out and/or lived during the death-saturated culture of the 1980s and early to mid-1990s.
Mid-life gay men have lived most of their adult lives during the worst of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, experiencing the loss of partners, friends, and people in their community…
By 1988, gay men had already on average lost six lovers, friends, and/or family members…
Many health problems that are now common among gay men are made worse by loneliness and lack of social opportunities…
Furthermore, gay men have high levels of depression and anxiety disorders, another characteristic of people who have survived trauma. Studies estimate that gay men have about twice the levels of depression than are found in Americans generally. Depression is strongly linked to high-risk behavior, including drug use, alcoholism, and risky sex.
The methamphetamine epidemic that has swept through urban gay communities also contributes to high levels of new HIV infections. A recent study from the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center, which offers HIV testing, found that one in three new HIV-positive tests was associated with meth use. About one in 10 gay men in New York City report recent meth use.
In some ways, gay men in mid-life are at the center of a “perfect storm,” in which multiple problems converge to create a very high-risk environment…
Continue reading in Gay City News…
Posted in 01 - Gay, Crystal Methamphetamine, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Friday, March 16th, 2007
Excerpted from MARTA Chair Arrested for Sex Acts, published Mar 15, 2007, by Associated Press:
Ed Wall, board chairman of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (pictured right), has been arrested after an undercover police officer said he saw him performing sex acts in an airport bathroom with a man he met over the Internet.
Wall, 43, and the other man [Michael Pettry, 25] were engaging in oral sex in a handicapped bathroom stall Tuesday at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, police said. But they left the door slightly ajar, allowing the undercover officer to see them.
Police say the other man is Michael Pettry, 25, of Indianapolis. The two met through a website and arranged to meet at the airport, police said…
Wall, who is married with three children, was appointed to MARTA’s board in 2002 and is in his second year as board chairman.
Continue reading at 11 Alive…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Down Low, News, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? |

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