A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

A Note from Italy

Monday, December 29th, 2008

Just a quick note from Europe… Thanks for doing what you do. It must take a lot of guts and faith to go up against the gay-rights juggernaut. I am a Roman Catholic. I love Christ, I love my Faith and I love my Church and it makes me sad to see how in most parts of Europe all opposition to the gay agenda has already been silenced. Worst part? The denial of Christian and Catholic values has been crammed down the throats of Europeans ever since the so-called Enlightenment. So if today you are a young European with an average education and intelligence and are forced to chose between being PC [politically correct]  and being considered a religious bigot, you don’t even think twice. You drank secularism, humanism, liberalism, egalitarianism with your mother’s milk. Plus: It has always been and will always be the Church’s fault, no matter what. So, again, thanks for doing this. I’ll keep you in my prayers!

Leo, Italy

The gods of Liberalism

Friday, December 26th, 2008

By J. Matt Barber

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV)

Modern-day liberals – or “progressives” as they more discreetly prefer – labor under an awkward misconception; namely, that there is anything remotely “progressive” about the fundamental canons of their blind, secular-humanist faith. In fact, today’s liberalism is largely a sanitized retread of an antiquated mythology – one that significantly predates the only truly progressive movement: biblical Christianity.

While visiting the Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Lynchburg, Va., a few weeks back, I heard a troubling, albeit thought-provoking, sermon. Pastor John Mabray addressed the ancient Canaanite practice of Baal worship and, though he didn’t reveal it by name, connected the dots to its present-day progeny: liberalism. Baal, the half-bull, half-man god of fertility, was the focal point of pagan idolatry in Semitic Israel until God revealed His monotheistic nature to Judaism’s forebears.

In his sermon, Pastor Mabray illustrated that, although they’ve now assumed a more contemporary flair, the fundamentals of Baal worship remain alive and well today. The principal pillars of Baalism were child sacrifice, sexual immorality (both heterosexual and homosexual) and pantheism (reverence of creation over the Creator).

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Besen Promotes ‘Pray Away the Gay’ Line to Discredit Ex-Homosexual Christians and Biblical Truth

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

Yes, Wayne, there is a God, and he has helped many praying men and women overcome homosexuality

yvette_cantu_schneider_and_family.jpg Yvette Cantu Schneider, husband Paul and their two children. Yvette was once a committed lesbian but recently she and Paul celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary. Homosexual activists like Wayne Besen ridicule Christian ex-homosexuals like Yvette with their slogan, “Pray away the gay” — which trivializes healthy change and God’s redemptive work in the lives of men and women.

By Peter LaBarbera

I don’t know if Sodomitic Spinmeister Wayne Besen of “Truth” Wins Out invented the silly slogan “pray away the gay” to slam the observable reality that homosexuals can leave the lifestyle (as countless thousands have), but he is busy promoting it. The following is taken from Besen’s new column criticizing President-elect Obama for picking evangelical pastor Rick Warren to say the invocation on Inaugural Day:

After all, Warren has a program to “help” homosexuals “pray away the gay” and played a prominent role in passing Proposition 8, which prohibits same-sex couples from marrying in California. He has even compared same-sex couples marrying to incest and child abuse.

Now what’s Besen’s goal here? Obviously, to ridicule the notion of healthy change for homosexuals, but with the added bonus of playing to secularist, anti-Christian cultural biases and caricatures — which Wayne himself stokes at every opportunity.

Some observations:

  • There are lots of men and women who once identified as “gay” or “lesbian” who left the lifestyle and are living contented and fulfilled lives in their post-homosexual identities.  My friend Yvette Cantu Schneider just celebrated her ninth anniversary — Yvette was once a proud lesbian [see her testimony HERE] but now is happily married to husband Paul, and they are the parents of two beautiful children. (Yvette also testifies that she has no lingering sexual attraction toward females);
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Tyrants of Tolerance Go After Obama for Inaugural Choice Rick Warren

Friday, December 19th, 2008

Aberrant-sex activists demonize affable mega-church pastor as “homophobe” because he supported Prop 8

warren_obama_mccain.jpgBy blasting Obama for choosing Rick Warren as an Inaugural speaker — and demonizing Warren as a “homophobe” because he supported Prop 8 — homosexual activists are showing the world just how empty their “tolerance” ideology really is. Click on photo to enlarge.

Here’s an outstanding release from Pastor Bryan Fischer with the Idaho Values Alliance, an affiliate of American Family Association. Poor Barack Obama: he’s promised the world to one of the most demanding and unreasonable special interest movements on the planet. Imagine blasting the gregarious Warren as a “homophobe” because he supported Prop 8 in California. (Note the incredibly elastic, ever-expanding definition of homophobia.) Our favorite lesbian blog-stremist Pam Spaulding chastises Warren for his “sad bigotry” HERE and hits Warren for “bigotry, small-mindedness and downright ignorance” (Pam and friends know a thing or two about small-mindedness).

We agree with Bryan about the vaguely threatening nature of this quote by the hypocritical Joe Solmonese, head of the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign:

Bizarrely, Solomonese says that Warren has “repeated the Religious Right’s big lie that supporters of equality for gay Americans are out to silence pastors.” He appears blind to the obvious fact that that’s exactly what he is trying to do here – put a muzzle on one of America’s leading pastors, proving that it’s hardly a lie at all.

Ominously, Solomonese told Politico, “There is a lot of energy and there’s a lot of anger and I think people are wanting to direct it somewhere.” If that sounds like a threat to you, I won’t disagree.

Also, note that Tolerant Joe embodies the evil nexus of the abortion and homosexuality movements: “Solmonese is the former Chief Executive Officer of EMILY’s List, where he oversaw one of the nation’s prominent pro-choice [read: pro-abortion] Democratic political action committees” (Wikipedia).

People are finally waking up to the truth: that the homosexual activist lobby is to tolerance and diversity what Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is to honest government. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Below is the Idaho Values Alliance release (write them at contact@idahovaluesalliance.com):

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Homosexuality — The Evangelical Temptation

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Cizik, Jones, Campolo represent troubling trend away from Biblical worldview

tony_jones.jpg “Emergent” Christianity leader Tony Jones says “biblical Christianity” and the Church can bless homosexual relationships.

We’ve pulled some excerpts from the excellent article below by Peter Jones of truthXchange — which could not be more timely given that some prominent evangelicals are straying from a Biblical worldview on homosexuality. Consider these examples:

Obviously, liberal cultural pressures and proud, vocal “gay” activism are leading people who should know better to defect, as it were, in the “culture war” over homosexuality. We presume that each of the above would deny that characterization, but their compromises with homosexualist ideology invariably require negating clear Scriptural prohibitions against the sin of (changeable) homosexual practice.

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Leading Expert on Bible and Homosexuality Rebuts Newsweek Article Claiming Bible Supports ‘Gay Marriage’

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Prof. Gagnon’s 23-page report debunks every shibboleth and inacurracy by “reporter” Lisa Miller

prof_robert_gagnon.jpgProf. Robert Gagnon rebuts Newsweek religion “reporter” Lisa Miller’s astonishingly biased and shallow polemic claiming that the Bible actually supports homosexual “marriage.” Click here to read Gagnon’s 23-page report: “More than ‘Mutual Joy’: Lisa Miller of Newsweek against Scripture and Jesus.”

Folks, needless to say, when Newsweek religion “reporter” Lisa Miller penned her ultra-biased, sophomoric cover story — or should I say “cover screed” — claiming that the Bible supports homosexual “marriage, she did not contact Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Robert Gagnon — probably the world’s foremost scholarly authority on the Bible and homosexuality. Doing so would have threatened Miller’s subversive, and very “queer,” thesis: that “Scripture gives us no good reason why gays and lesbians should not be … married — and a number of excellent reasons why they should.”

Prof. Gagnon has written a very thorough refutation of Newsweek’s and Miller’s arrogant assault on God’s Word. Click here for Gagnon’s full, 23-page report: “More than ‘Mutual Joy’: Lisa Miller of Newsweek against Scripture and Jesus.” In the report, Gagnon sets the record straight (no pun intended) on Miller’s many inaccuracies and pro-“gay” assertions, including:

  • Did Jesus Christ really have nothing to say against homosexuality (and hence “same-sex marriage”)?
  • Does the Bible proscribe lesbian sex and relationships?
  • Are Old Testament condemnations of homosexual acts (e.g., Leviticus 18:22, aptly describing sex between men as “detestable”) mere “throwaway lines in a peculiar text” — about as relevant as Old Testament rules for “hair cuts” and “cleanliness rituals for menstruating women,” as Miller writes?
  • Since marriage has evolved since Bible times, why NOT let it evolve to include homosexual couples?
  • Does the Bible’s call to reach out with compassion to social outcasts mandate condoning homosexual relationships?
  • Miller’s assertion in favor of church-blessed homosexual “marriages”: “If we are all God’s children, made in his likeness and image, then to deny access to any sacrament based on sexuality is exactly the same thing as denying it based on skin color”?

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‘Call in Gay’ Day – Isn’t this Movement Obnoxious?

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

AFTAH in the news: what’s next? ‘Call in Porn-Users Day’?


[Click HERE to listen to OneNewsNow report featuring AFTAH on “Call in Gay” Day]

By Peter LaBarbera

Isn’t the “gay” activist movement obnoxious? Now they’re staying home from work and “calling in gay” to protest Prop 8. But wasn’t it just a short time ago when the homosexual lobby was moaning that all across America people could be fired “just because they’re gay”? Now they’re taunting their employers using their gayness. Gee, it looks like their jobs are pretty safe!

I wonder: if a few homosexuals were to get fired for pulling this “Call in Gay” stunt, would they sue for being “discriminated” against? (That was a rhetorical question.)

Yes, the homosexual activists wear us all out with the non-stop militancy. (I think they wear out some of the non-militant homosexuals, too.) Enough already. I don’t think self-styled “queers” will stop agitating until every day of the year is devoted to some sort of belly-aching that aims to normalize that which is aberrant and sinful. Of course, like the pro-abortion-on-demand crowd, their ability to agitate has zero bearing on right vs. wrong.

Shame on us Christians?

Once again we return to the irritating “shame-reversal” that characterizes Brave New Secular America, where the sinners (or we’ll call them the Sin Advocates) — you know, the ones who in saner times would feel remorse before a holy God — do the “preaching” — while those of us who defend Biblical tradition, normalcy, etc., are supposed to feel guilty (and many do!). Here’s the truth: if marriage is a wonderful institution created by God, and homosexual practice is always sinful (see www.robgagnon.net), what does that make homosexual “marriage”? Right: a very confused and rebellious attempt to legitimate wrongdoing using state power.

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AFA Takes on Newsweek’s Shameful Distortion of the Bible to Shill for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Lisa Miller twists Scripture as media seek to discredit Prop 8

newsweek_shills_for_counterfeit_marriage.jpg At right is a Newsweek graphic for its new, scandalous hit piece in support of homosexual “marriage.” It appears the magazine’s Religion Editor, Lisa Miller, is now a theological expert — declaring that — contrary to 2,000 years of Church history — the Word of God actually supports homosexual “love” and thus same-sex “marriages.” Albert Mohler takes Miller’s piece apart HERE. Readers might also check out Professor Rob Gagnon’s website to learn what the Bible really says about homosexual practice.

American liberal media bias is out of control. Somebody get Newsweek’s religion editor, Lisa Miller, a job with the “gay christian” (small “c”) activist group Soulforce, where she belongs. Kudos to Albert Mohler for refuting her nonsense. And once again, American Family Association (AFA) provides a valuable service by helping Americans confront liberal media bias — in this case, Miller’s embarrassing attempt t0 make a Biblical case for sodomy-based “marriage.” — Peter LaBarbera


AFA sent out this E-Alert:

Take Action! 
Send an e-mail to Newsweek telling Newsweek you are disappointed with its distorted interpretation of scripture.
Forward this e-mail to your friends and family. They need to see how the media distorts scripture to support same-sex marriage. Ask them to send the e-mail to Newsweek.  Call CEO Thomas E. Ascheim at 212-445-5245. Please be polite.
If you subscribe to Newsweek, cancel your subscription and tell them why.


Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.

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