A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Hutcherson Update: 638 Students Boycotted DOS at Mt. Si High

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

pastor_ken_hutcherson.gifBy Peter LaBarbera

We received a call yesterday from Pastor Ken Hutcherson, who led the successful student boycott of the pro-homosexuality “Day of Silence” (DOS) at Mt. Si High School in Redmond, Washington. It turns out that 638 students out of a total of 1,410 walked out to make a statement against the DOS, not 495 as the Seattle Times reported (relying on Principal Randy Taylor’s count).

If Pastor Hutcherson is correct, that means 45 percent of the student body boycotted the “gay” activist event. What’s more incredible is that Hutcherson told us that he called for the walkout only eight days prior to the DOS (April 25).

What this tells me is that there is tremendous opportunity in our culture to use the “gay” activists’ overreach for good. We can and must use their language and piggyback off their tactics to promote truth and healthy, godly behaviors. When your corporation’s Human Resources Department starts talking “diversity,” send an e-mail to the CEO and executive team asking if people of faith will be represented in the “diversity” discussions. If not, why not? (Make them put it in writing.) When schools talk about student “safety” and “safe sex,” ask them what they are doing to educate students on the immense health risks of homosexual behavior. Support ex-“gay” ministries like Regeneration — they need it!

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Hutcherson Leads 500 Out of School on Pro-Homosexual ‘Day of Silence’

Monday, April 28th, 2008

Congratulations to Pastor Ken Hutcherson for showing America how to take on the forces that are stealing the education system to indoctrinate children in left-wing and anti-Christian ideologies. Hutcherson led a full one-third of  Mt. Si High School students OUT of school Friday to protest the pro-homosexuality “Day of Silence.”  Following is the beginning of the Seattle Times story.

By Lynn Thompson

Seattle Times Eastside bureau

A Day of Silence inside Mount Si High School meant to show support for gay and lesbian students erupted in noisy protests outside.

More than one-third of students didn’t show up for classes Friday. Principal Randy Taylor said 495 out of 1,410 students weren’t at school, including 85 athletes whose parents had asked that they be excused for their personal beliefs.

About 100 people joined the Rev. Ken Hutcherson, a prominent anti-gay-rights activist, in prayer and song that questioned the dedication of a school day to what they said was a controversial political cause.

For the rest of the Seattle Times story click here

Sunday Bible Verse: Hope through Christ for Wicked Sinners

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; NIV)

The Jerry Falwell the Public Never Knew

Friday, April 25th, 2008

New Book by Macel Falwell Dispels Media Myths of Preeminent Preacher

jerry_falwell.jpgContact: Kevin McVicker, 703-739-5920, 800-536-5920, kmcvicker@sbpublicaffairs.com

WEST MONROE, La., April 24 /Christian Newswire/ — One year after his passing, Jerry Falwell’s wife of forty-nine years, Macel Falwell, gives a candid and heartfelt look at the life of one of America’s most influential religious and political leaders.

In Jerry Falwell: His Life and Legacy (Howard Books, May 2008), Mrs. Falwell describes Rev. Falwell in a way that the mainstream media never would. She details his unfailing optimism, his deep generosity, his vision as the founder of Liberty University and the Moral Majority and as a loving husband and father.

The book paints a portrait of a passionate man determined to spread the Gospel. We see the Falwells establish their Thomas Road Baptist Church in an old soda bottling plant in 1956. Rev. Falwell prayed for new members and went out and knocked on every door in town to invite his neighbors to Sunday services. Continued HERE

Click HERE to read the entire Christian Newswire release

Appeals Court Says IL School Cannot Ban ‘Be Happy, Not Gay’ T-shirts

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

be_happy_not_gay_t-shirt.jpgNaperville, Illinois’ Neuqua Valley High School’s ban on students wearing “Be Happy, Not Gay” t-shirts — in opposition to the pro-homosexuality “Day of Silence” — has been overturned. Photo: Alliance Defense Fund.

An important victory for free speech here. Who knew that the social leftists’ “Question Authority” mantra of yesteryear would be turned against them today as adults? Congratulations to ADF and Alex Nuxoll for not backing down to the PC Thought Police. — Peter LaBarbera

Illinois School Must Allow “Be Happy, Not Gay” T-shirt

Illinois Family Institute website, 4/24/2008 10:13:00 AM –Alliance Defense Fund

7th Circuit rules unanimously in favor of student represented by ADF attorneys in vital student free speech case.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit reversed a lower court’s ruling against an Illinois student Wednesday, saying the district court must order a Naperville high school to suspend its ban on a T-shirt that reads “Be Happy, Not Gay” while the student’s lawsuit proceeds. School officials prohibited student Alex Nuxoll, who is represented by Alliance Defense Fund attorneys, from wearing the clothing.

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Moody Radio Commentary: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Thanks to Julie Roys of Moody Radio and WMBI in Chicago for her gracious words in this audio commentary today about the dual missions of Christians on the homosexual issue: ministry and truth-telling. The original conversation on Moody Radio to which Roys refers occurred April 15 on WMBI’s popular morning show. Morning host Mark Elfstrand interviewed Andrew Marin of the Marin Foundation and Moody Bible Institute Professor of Urban Studies John Fuder about their shared ministry of “immersion” evangelism in Chicago’s “Boystown” homosexual neighborhood; LaBarbera called into the program.

Two Sides of the Same Coin
By Julie Roys

Andy Marin and Peter LaBarbera.  They’re two very different men pursuing two very different missions.  But both serve the same God.

Andy Marin serves as president of the Marin Foundation; Peter LaBarbera, as president of Americans for Truth.  The Marin Foundation builds bridges with the gay and lesbian community.  Americans for Truth erects fences to contain the influence of that community. Some may see them as opponents.  But in reality, Marin and LaBarbera simply represent two sides of the same coin.  Marin emphasizes God’s love; LaBarbera stresses God’s truth. But both do God’s work.

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Chelsea and the ‘Red Dress Party’: Why It’s Hard to Take Homosexuals Seriously

Friday, April 18th, 2008

By Peter LaBarbera


So Chelsea Clinton partied with 2,000 boys (can we call them men?) in dresses at Portland’s annual “Red Dress Party” on April 12? Can’t say I’m surprised given the polling data on how “gay-friendly” youth are these days. But instead of the usual shock and outrage, let’s dwell for some moments on what these photos say about the social movement that so accurately calls itself “queer.” (See Willamette Week excerpts from the Portland event at bottom.)

Homosexual Men in Dresses

According to this article in the Willamette Week, the Red Dress Party “started years ago as a way for gay guys to wear girlie gowns and get stinkin’ drunk.” Like they needed an excuse. Why is it so easy to get homosexual guys in a dress anyway? Could it be because they are confused about their God-given masculinity to begin with? Sorry, my digression has taken me into overlapping phobias: I don’ t know which I’m more guilty of: homo- or trans-phobia? (Both, you Bible Bigot! I’m reporting you to the Thought Police.)
Sometimes you just have to laugh at a homosexual world that is so utterly lacking in seriousness. We’re dealing with a movement that is filled with overgrown adolescents who still have the gall to compare themselves to the Black civil rights movement. (Shhhh! — don’t tell anyone about the annual Aspen “Gay Ski Week” or how homosexuals travel abroad more (“especially for leisure purposes”) than straights — they’re VICTIMS — VICTIMS OF DISCRIMINATION, I tell you!)

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Should Christians ‘Unilaterally Disarm’ in the Culture War?

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

Response to letter criticizing AFTAH’s ‘single-minded obsession’

Jeffrey writes via AFTAH’s website:

I’m a little concerned about your single-minded obsession about the particular sin of homosexuality. Sin is sin, whether its violating the law by speeding, child molestation, or drug dealing, the point is that it is all “missing the mark.” I understand that it’s easier to concentrate on the sins that we don’t have so much trouble with, but sin is sin, and if you can’t accept that you better start taking your own inventory! — Jeffery

Dear Jeffrey,

Americans For Truth is one of a handful of organizations that are merely responding to the many groups — spending tens of millions dollars more than our side — that have a “single-minded obsession” about PROMOTING homosexuality, which they do not regard as sinful. Do you recommend “unilateral disarmament” from our side in this ‘Culture War’ over homosexuality? Would you judge and condemn us for merely trying to put up a response to the “gay” activist juggernaut that is trying to radically redefine marriage, proselytize children in destructive, pro-homosexualist and gender-confused ideologies, subvert Scriptural teachings against homosexual sin, and deny — like so many flat-earthers — the existence of former homosexuals who have overcome this sin through Jesus Christ?

Also, just because we are trying to defend historic Judeo-Christian morality as it applies to this particular sin does not mean that I and other Christians do not take a daily “inventory” of our own sins and shortcomings. We all “fall short of the glory of God and are justified” — not by our own good works — but “freely by his grace through the redemption” of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23). I suggest that until you have a good answer as to why people of faith should merely roll over to the Human Rights Campaign, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, GenderPAC and the hundreds of other homosexuality-celebrating organizations across the USA, you show us a little grace — or even better, help us in the battle to defend truth on this vexing issue.


Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth


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Columbus, OH 43234

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