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Not at All Like Normal Kisses: NFL draftee Michael Sam (left) kisses “boyfriend,” Vito Cammisano, on national TV after learning that he had been drafted by the St. Louis Rams. Ultimately, Sam got cut from the team, but he was lionized by LGBT activists and the media alike. AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent and glamorize immorality, which is especially harmful to children.
Folks, 2014 was another year of intense promotion by the media of all things “gay” and “transgender.” One beneficiary of that was an articulate college football player named Michael Sam, who became the first openly homosexual (“out”) man to be drafted by the NFL. When that moment came, Sam kissed his homosexual lover, Vito Cammisano, on national TV, sparking an awkward national debate about homosexual displays of affection.
Many–dare I say most–people did not care for the televised same-sex kiss, but few pundits took the principled, common-sense position of AFTAH: of course we treat homosexual PDAs (public displays of affection) differently than, say, a football player kissing his girlfriend on the field because (say it with me): HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, A SIN, IS ALWAYS WRONG, whereas heterosexuality is natural and normal.
Too many conservatives, including Bill O’Reilly and other talkers on Fox News [see my America’s Survival report on Fox News’ pro-“gay” bias HERE] allowed themselves to be hamstrung by political correctness to the point where they failed to admit the obvious: homosexuality is not normal; it’s a perversion–so we treat it differently than everyday (not excessive) displays of affection between a man and a woman. That’s especially the case when it comes to subjecting innocent children to the celebration of immorality that grieves God’s heart [See Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11]. [Note: see this biased AP piece on Sam curiously re-published by the “conservative” TheBlaze.com.]
Since it’s New Year’s Eve, we’re having a little fun here at AFTAH: below is a poem I wrote playing loosely off the lyrics, rhythm and meter of Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” (you know, the one with “Sam I am”). Although it’s light, the message is serious: public celebration of perversion is indecent–and another harmful and obnoxious by-product of “gay” and “same-sex marriage” advocacy. Sure, I’ll be chided by humorless homosexuals and “progressive” hacks who bristle at anything characterizing homosexuality as immoral, destructive and changeable. But who cares: LGBTQ activists attack, slander and lie about AFTAH all the time anyway. So enjoy…or not. Happy New Year!— Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; americansfortruth@gmail.com
P.S. On a very serious note, please pray for Michael Sam and others caught up in homosexuality, that they would accept Christ and become overcomers who leave their sinful lifestyle behind, as many others have [see this “Ex-Gay Truth” site].
I Saw the Kiss by Michael Sam. It Made Me Mad. He Kissed a Man!
The year 2014 in America saw an unprecedented overreach by the judiciary, with federal judges–contemptuous or at least dismissive of the people’s clearly-expressed will–striking down as “unconstitutional” popular state ballot measures preserving the age-old definition of marriage as between husband and wife.
Only an “evolving Constitution” could countenance so-called rights and “marriage” based on sexual deviancy. Legislators, not courts, change the law, and well into the 20th Century most states had laws on their books banning homosexual sodomy—once known as the infamous “crime against Nature.” To this day homosexual acts remain “against Nature,” hence their disproportionate association with sexual diseases like HIV and syphilis—which is why MSM (men having sex with men) is a red flag for blood donations.
Today’s judicial supremacists—with media sycophants in tow—don’t care that the United States Supreme Court has already established precedent in 1972 against using the Fourteen Amendment–designed to combat institutionalized racism left over from slavery–to legalize homosexuality-based “marriage.” The Supreme Court dismissed in an appeal of the Minnesota Supreme Court decision Baker vs. Nelson in which the majority wrote:
“[I]n commonsense and in a constitutional sense, there is a clear distinction between a marital restriction based merely upon race and one based upon the fundamental difference in sex.”
The 2014 judicial avalanche in favor of radically redefining marriage to accommodate homosexual behavior exposes a key contradiction of the Left: on the one hand progressives bemoan voter-ID laws, arguing that these laws are purposely designed to make it harder for African-Americans and likely Democratic voters to cast a ballot.
On the other hand, “progressives” like those inhabiting the offices of the ACLU overwhelmingly support judicial negation of successful state constitutional amendments preserving marriage as between one man and one woman—in states like Utah, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma and Florida. Each of these court rulings imposing “gay marriage” disenfranchises millions of Americans on the issue.
Moreover, polls show that Black Americans are a strong demographic in support of traditional marriage. So effectively, to use Twitter-ese, liberals are saying that #BlackVotesMatter–except when it comes to popular state amendments rejecting homosexuality-based “marriage,” for which (millions of) #BlackVotesDoNotCount.
Sexual revolutionaries have cunningly have mastered the art of using government power through the manipulation of the law to legitimize their sin, in this case homosexual behavior–which God calls an abomination (“detestable”; see Leviticus 20:13) and a sin that can be overcome through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). So naturally the Left has exulted in the tendency of most courts to reject overwhelmingly popular ballot measures designed to protect the historic definition of marriage.
Embracing the “Gay” Lie and slandering God in the process: Apple CEO Tim Cook writes that he is “proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” Cook was repeating a gay theology falsehood, labeled as “Satan’s Talking Points” by AFTAH. Homosexual activists have worked to switched the societal stigma from people practicing the sin of homosexuality to the people opposing it. Cook is giving heavily to an HRC project to promote homosexuality in the South.
“I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line.” — Isaiah 28:17
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8
Help AFTAH Contend for The Truth Against Homosexual-Transgender Lies: We are David and the well-funded “Gay” Lobby is Goliath. Support AFTAH today with a year-end gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can give! Give online [safe credit-card form HERE] or send a check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. All gifts postmarked by or made online midnight Dec. 31 are tax-deductible for your 2014 taxes.
I hope you had a blessed Christmas Day. Happy New Year! This is the season to dwell on Absolute Truth, lest we reduce “the holidays”—happy or otherwise–to mere sentimentality. Divine Truth. We profess it, but do we actually believe in it? The namesake of Christmas—Jesus Christ–is the most important Absolute Truth anyone can ever know: God becoming man, to solve man’s sin problem. [“He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”—1 John 2:2]
The explosion of sexual sin in Western cultures–especially one like ours with a magnificent Christian heritage that still professes to be “under God”–is ultimately a manifestation of losing the Truth of Jesus. Let’s face it: many or even most Americans—secular or professing “Christians”–think they’re “smarter than God” when it comes to sex (and other issues), and the result is a society is awash in sin and its consequences: fornication, broken homes, divorce, abortion, widespread STDs and, yes, homosexualism and extreme gender rebellion.
All sins dishonor God, but there’s something especially deplorable and significant about the spread of homosexuality and related perversions in a civilization. Someone smart once said something to the effect that if homosexual sodomy—what Noah Webster in 1828 defined as “a crime against nature”–is OK, then nothing is wrong. The court-imposed spread of sodomy-based “marriage” is a cultural act of defiance for which America will be judged—or perhaps is already being judged–as a nation. [Read the AFTAH article, “Gay Marriage and Distant Consequences.”]
Following and obeying Jesus is the key to righteousness. I find this reality to be evident in my own life: the more I stray from the Savior, the less virtuous, the less “godly,” I become. The closer I get to Jesus through the Scriptures, the Word of God, the more righteous I become. So it is with nations.
Changing the standard of right and wrong
All people sin. But most of us lack the audacity and hubris to attempt to change the transcendent, eternal standard of Right and Wrong, even as we fall short, sometimes woefully short, of God’s righteous demands.
But the earthly “enemies” against which AFTAH contends are all about changing the Truth standard–in a desperate quest to rationalize their sin. They want to change God’s plumb line of righteousness, based on the authority of, well, their feelings. “LGBTQueer” forces–fueled by seemingly endless financial resources–work day and night to change the standard, but the standard does not change. The standard cannot change.
Help AFTAH Fight Against the Lies of Big ‘Gay’ Inc: We are David and the well-funded “Gay” Lobby is Goliath. Support AFTAH today with a year-end gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can give! Give online [safe credit-card form HERE] or send a check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. All gifts postmarked by or made online midnight Dec. 31 are tax-deductible for your 2014 taxes.
Speaker Boehner to hold fundraiser Saturday for ‘proud gay” candidate who backs homosexual “marriage” and abortion rights
Carl DeMaio (right) with his homosexual lover, Johnathan Hale.
By Peter LaBarbera, [americansfortruth@gmail.com; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera]
Folks, the internecine war in the Republican Party between social conservatives and libertarians who want to abandon abortion and homosexuality as major issues in the Party is bubbling to the surface. The following is an open letter signed by some leading Christian pro-life and pro-family advocates in San Diego–most notably pastor Jim Garlow, who led the victorious 2008 campaign for California’s Proposition 8 ballot initiative defending marriage. The letter urges concerned San Diego Christians to cast a “tactical vote” against openly homosexual Republican congressional candidate Carl DeMaio, who supports homosexuality-based “marriage” and abortion rights. DeMaio’s campaign TV ad declaring himself a “proud gay American” who eschews “divisive social agendas” (even as he embraces them) is below [more analysis follows beneath video]:
All across America, GOP leaders are walking away from or downplaying the Party’s principled pro-family and pro-life platform. Their assumption is that this will help the Party win “moderate” votes and hence elections–a plan that didn’t work out so well for 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney (who, among other dubious stances, came out for open homosexuals in the Boy Scouts). The message from GOP elites in Washington is loud and clear: social issues are a drag on the Party; ignore them to win. But few Republican big shots seem to consider this relevant political question: how many social conservatives will walk away from the GOP or simply not vote–or be far less energized to volunteer for and fund a given GOP campaign–than they would be had a well-rounded social conservative been nominated?
This is precisely what is happening in San Diego. [See this Barbwire story to learn how the San Diego GOP endorsed and favored DeMaio in the Republican primary.]
Thomas More Law Center promises “game changer” in new “national strategy to defend traditional marriage”
SEXUAL IMMORALITY IS NOT A “CIVIL RIGHT”:Pastor Emery Moss (L.), Pastor Danny Holliday, and Evangelist Janet Boynes (a former lesbian) listen during Thomas More press conference announcing national strategy to defend marriage. Said Holliday: “We all know that the 14th Amendment was made because Black folk were considered as property. Gays have never been considered as property.”
The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national, nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI held a press conference yesterday to reveal its national legal strategy to combat the slew of recent federal court rulings which have overturned state laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
A Game Changer—Thomas More Law Center Reveals National Strategy to Defend Traditional Marriage
Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, disclosed that a legal team has been formed to file friend-of-the-court briefs (amicus briefs) on behalf of a Coalition of African-American pastors and Christian leaders. The legal team consists of the Law Center’s senior trial counsel, Erin Mersino, and co-counsels William R. Wagner and John S. Kane of Lansing, MI.
Thompson explained, “In its briefs, the Law Center reflects the voice of a majority of African-Americans that discrimination because of one’s sexual preference is not the same thing as racial discrimination and that tradition and morality should not be discarded as a basis of the law; as the pro-homosexual judges have done in their opinions.”
Several pastors representing the African-American community spoke at the press conference, including Bishop Samuel Smith, and Pastors Danny Holliday and Emery Moss. Evangelist Janet Boynes, a former lesbian and a member of the group, also spoke. In eloquent and at times fiery words, they all defended the definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
Homosexual lobby’s report features dark graphic caricature of AFTAH’s LaBarbera
HUMAN SMEAR CAMPAIGN: Who is that shadowy figure? A mafia don? An ISIS terrorist? A drug kingpin? No, it’s AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, as caricatured by the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign in their new report, “The Export of Hate.” See pages 9-10 of the report for the section on LaBarbera and AFTAH.
Special Note to AFTAH Readers from Peter LaBarbera:
Folks, the notion of what constitutes “hate” has become highly politicized. We will have more on the Human Rights Campaign’s deceitful and comically over-the-top report, “The Export of Hate,” which prominently features yours truly–complete with an ominous-looking, blackened graphic of my face designed to cast me as a shadowy figure–in upcoming posts. [Graphic of AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera shown at right; see pages 9-10 for the section on me.]
Take a look at that photo–yes, that’s me, according to the malicious activists at HRC, who apparently must exaggerate and contort their opposition to fit it into their jaundiced redefinition of “hate.” Anyone who knows me wouldn’t recognize me from that graphic–and while I’m a lot of things, a sinister hatemonger isn’t one of them. I am generally an upbeat, affable guy. I love God and I love people, and I want them to come to the knowledge of my Savior, Jesus Christ, so they can find forgiveness and draw close to God.
Please note that in the post-Floyd Corkins world (Corkins was thwarted in a potentially murderous attack on Family Research Council), the ongoing effort to paint pro-family advocates like me as horrible haters on a par with the KKK could incite a violent and even deadly attack against us by a homosexual zealot.
For the record, I enthusiastically stand behind my quotation–on the Alan Colmes Show Jan. 7 of this year–provided by the report as evidence of my supposed “hate.” Colmes had pressed me on whether children were better off in single-parent households or homosexual-led households, to which I responded (this is the excerpt taken from the HRC report):
“Kids would ‘be better off in a single-parent household…because you’re not modeling homosexual behavior. When you have two men raising a young child, that child grows up learning, basically, dysfunction and a sexual perversion as normality.'”
If criticizing intentionally motherless and intentionally fatherless homosexual-led households is hateful, then surely most of the world is hateful! The LGBT Lobby’s campaign to portray the fervent defense of historic, Judeo-Christian teachings on sex and marriage as Hate, Bigotry & Homophobia–Big Gay Inc’s top three slanders against people of faith and morals–is itself profoundly hateful and bigoted. But we should expect such calculated smears from a Sin Movement that is essentially engaged in a political and cultural war against Nature and Nature’s God. Casting aside the lies and slanders, we will not be deterred in our defense of Truth. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Here’s our friend and upcoming banquet speaker Michael Brown’s excellent piece on the HRC report:
The HRC Is Inciting Fear and Hate
By Michael Brown
This essay first appeared in Charisma’s “In the Line of Fire” column. To sign up for Charisma array of e-publications, go HERE.
The pictures are dark and ominous, the charges chilling: “There exists a network of extremists … [who] spew venomous rhetoric, outrageous theories, and discredited science.”
Just who are these evil people, and what are they doing?
According to the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest gay-activist organization, this “network” consists of American, conservative Christian leaders “who are working tirelessly to undercut LGBT people around the world at every turn.”
Is homosexuality compatible with Christianity? Can you be proudly “gay” and Christian? How do I reach out to my ‘gay’ friends without compromising the Gospel?
“Gay Christianity”—or a new apostasy?Dr. Michael Brown will address the hot topic of “Can you be ‘gay’ and Christian?” as the keynote speaker at Americans For Truth’s dinner-banquet Saturday, Oct. 25, at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights IL. Doors open at 5:30; dinner is at 6:30. To sign up online for just $20/person, go to AFTAH.org/donate/; or mail you check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Tickets are $25 dollars at the door. Click HERE for a PDF Flier about the banquet. To watch a video of Dr. Brown’s amazing life story, see: “From LSD to Phd.”
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is excited to host Dr. Michael Brown to keynote our Oct. 25 “Teaching Banquet” built around the theme of Dr. Brown’s new book, “Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality.” Please bring your friends and family to this information-packed event at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL.
This is an excellent opportunity to teach adults young and old who are confused about homosexuality and “gay marriage.” They will hear Dr. Brown and our outstanding team of speakers answer such tough questions as:
Are people ‘born gay’?
How should I answer when an LGBT advocate says “Jesus never said anything about homosexuality”?
What do I say when I’m accused of “judging” my friends living a homosexual lifestyle?
What is the best response when pro-homosexual “marriage” activists say: “How does a loving and committed ‘gay’ couple’s same-sex marriage affect YOUR marriage?”
What is the best way to reach out in love to my homosexual friends and family members—without compromising the Gospel?
WHO:Dr. Michael Brown, author, “Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding with LOVE & TRUTH to Questions About Homosexuality” ; also, ex-“gay” leader Stephen Black and Mission America president Linda Harvey will be speaking. And AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera will discuss his upcoming “Free Speech” trial in Canada, which almost BANNED him from entering that country on the basis that he would “incite hate.”
WHEN:Saturday, October 25; doors open at 5:30 PM; dinner served at 6:30.
COST: Tickets are only $20/person in advance (payment received by Oct. 24) or $25 at the door. Dinner is included. Table Sponsorship: just $200 for a table of 10. Sign up online at our AFTAH Donate Page [credit card form HERE] or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
THEME: “Can You Be Proudly ‘Gay’ and Christian? A Teaching Banquet on Homosexuality and the Church”
Phone: 312-324-3787; E-mail to RSVP: americansfortruth[at]gmail.com; or email Brad Wallace at connops[at]yahoo.com.
Michael L. Brown holds a PhD from New York University in Near Eastern languages and literatures, and is recognized as one of the leading Messianic Jewish scholars in the world today. In addition to his latest book debunking “gay Christianity,” Dr. Brown is author of “A Queer Thing Happened to America,” a 691-page book on the LGBT agenda. He is the founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire. The author of more than 20 books, Dr. Brown is a contributor to The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion and other scholarly publications.
Changed Man: Former homosexual turned family man Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries will be attending AFTAH’s banquet Sat., Oct. 25 at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL. The keynote speaker is Dr. Michael Brown, author of “Can You Be ‘Gay’ and Christian?”
** UPDATE**: Two More Christian Leaders to Speak
Former homosexual (ex-”gay”) leader Stephen Black (right) of First Stone Ministries, based in Oklahoma City, will be attending our banquet. Stephen will offer his observations on the downfall of the ex-”gay” umbrella group Exodus International under false teaching–and the rise of Restored Hope Network to take its place as offering the hope of change for men and women struggling with homosexuality.
Also, Linda Harvey of Columbus-based Mission America–a leading Christian expert on the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda in schools–will be on hand at the banquet! Harvey will be signing her book, “Maybe He’s Not Gay: Another View on Homosexuality.” Also, Linda has now added a Study Guide to her book that is ideal for small group discussions and Bible studies.
Said AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera:
“We are thrilled to have these two national pro-family leaders joining Dr. Brown at our banquet to answer your questions about the homosexual activist agenda and the “gay” campaign to subvert Christianity. If you are perplexed about how to respond to ubiquitous media propaganda surrounding homosexual ‘marriage’– and the new ‘gay Christian’ campaign to accommodate homosexuality–come and bring a friend or two to CLA this Saturday evening, October 25. You will leave better equipped to speak God’s truth in love in the culture!”
Mission America leader Linda Harvey–author of “What If He’s Not Gay?” and an expert on the homosexual activist youth agenda–will be at the AFTAH banquet.
AFTAH received this lovely little note yesterday. It refers to my upcoming trial October 29 with Canadian pro-family activist Bill Whatcott, as a result of our arrest at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan–for engaging in a peaceful protest against abortion and homosexual activism. If I had a quarter for every nasty note like this sent to AFTAH, we’d raise some serious money for our Truth ministry! I replied to this fellow (whose name is probably not “Mark Barnard”), but he did not reply back. God bless. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
P.S. I will be returning to Canada for the trial Oct. 29. But even if we lose the case, which is all about freedom of speech and religion in Canada with its odious “hate propaganda” law, it is highly unlikely that I will receive jail time, although Bill certainly could.
Mark Barnard
12:14 AM (15 hours ago)
to me [AFTAH]
The following message was sent from the Americans for Truth Web site:
If you go to jail, just say nothing. If you are compelled to say something, you are likely going to be made an example of. Use larger and larger objects in your anus. This will make it less painful when they play with you. They will be heterosexuals penetrating you. The guards will have a good laugh at their dinner break. I get the sense you might be looking forward to it. Mark