Diversity Propaganda

VIDEO: Massachusetts Christian Peter Vadala Fired by Brookstone Store Because He Disagreed with ‘Gay Marriage’

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Aggressive lesbian manager with female “fiancée” reports him to HR department; two days later he’s terminated

Posted by MassResistance October 30, 2009:

MassResistance reports: A Massachusetts man was fired from a national retail corporation because of his traditional beliefs on same-sex marriage.  Peter Vadala was formally dismissed from his job as second deputy manager of the Brookstone store at Boston’s Logan Airport on August 12, 2009, after a supervisor reported him to Human Resources regarding an incident two days earlier. Story continues under video, which was shot by our friends at MassResistance:

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As Peter described the incident (see video above), he came to work on August 10 and began his day normally. A female manager from another store was in the store and began talking to Peter about her upcoming marriage.  When Peter asked “where is he taking you for the honeymoon,” she corrected him and said she was not getting married to “he” but to another woman.

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Transcript of Obama’s Speech to the Gay Lobby Group Human Rights Campaign

Monday, October 12th, 2009

obama_hrc_speech-10-10-09.jpgThe following is President Obama’s speech to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a homosexual activist lobby group, as the keynote speaker at HRC’s annual fund-raising dinner. Source: White House press office. For more on AFTAH’s response to the speech — in which Obama asserts that homosexual relationships are as “admirable” as normal, male-female relationships, click HERE. (Click on photo from HRC website (left) to enlarge.)


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release                                                        October 10, 2009


Walter E. Convention Center
Washington, D.C.
8:10 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Please, you’re making me blush. (Laughter.)

AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you, Barack!

THE PRESIDENT: I love you back. (Applause.)

To Joe Solmonese, who’s doing an outstanding job on behalf of HRC. (Applause.) To my great friend and supporter, Terry Bean, co-founder of HRC. (Applause.) Representative Patrick Kennedy. (Applause.) David Huebner, the Ambassador-designee to New Zealand and Samoa. (Applause.) John Berry, our Director of OPM, who’s doing a great job. (Applause.) Nancy Sutley, Chairman of Council on Environmental Quality. (Applause.) Fred Hochberg, Chairman of Export-Import Bank. (Applause.) And my dear friend, Tipper Gore, who’s in the house. (Applause.)

Thank you so much, all of you. It is a privilege to be here tonight to open for Lady GaGa. (Applause.) I’ve made it. (Laughter.) I want to thank the Human Rights Campaign for inviting me to speak and for the work you do every day in pursuit of equality on behalf of the millions of people in this country who work hard in their jobs and care deeply about their families — and who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. (Applause.)

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Will Arnold Scharzenegger Force California Students to Celebrate ‘Harvey Milk Day’?

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

milk_movie.jpgMilk-ing the Schools to Indoctrinate Kids: Almost by definition, students celebrating Harvey Milk Day in California will get the politically correct, Hollywood version of his life — e.g., that he was assassinated by a “murderous homophobe” (not true: Ray Sloan — the campaign manager and confidant of Milk’s killer, Dan White — was openly homosexual, and testified that White “supported nearly all of Milk’s gay-friendly resolutions,” according to a liberal San Francisco paper). Milk — who supported cult mass-murderer Jim Jones — is hardly an appropriate role model for children (see Dan Flynn’s City Journal article, “Drinking Harvey Milk’s Kool-Aid”). The Democrat-led push for a day honoring this homosexual activist of dubious character is only the most audacious example of pro-homosexuality liberals using the schools to indoctrination children. 

Folks, we have been slow to comment on all the Harvey Milk hype in our liberal-dominated popular culture — hype that is driving this push for an outrageous California bill that would effectively force students to celebrate a man famous for … being the first “out and proud” practitioner of homosexuality to win public office. (Oh boy: another marker for America’s Moral Meltdown.) The more one reads about Milk (see Dan Flynn’s excellent City Journal piece HERE) and the real story about his murder at the hands of Dan White (see caption above), the more preposterous becomes the idea of heralding him as a “civil rights” martyr.

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More Gay Hate: Leatherman Joe Jervis’ Infantile Response to AFTAH Post Defending Fired Christian Soap Actress Patricia Mauceri

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

By Peter LaBarbera

WARNING: Offensive Language (required to expose hateful “gay” extremism)

joe_jervis_joe-my_god-3.jpgLying Leatherman: homosexual atheist blogger Joe Jervis (left) didn’t appreciate that Americans For Truth called attention to the vicious comments posted by his online followers against Patricia Mauceri (below right) — the Christian soap actress who was dumped by ABC’s “One Life to Live” after objecting to a pro-homosexuality story line. And it looks like Mauceri is not the first soap actor to object to the faith-undermining requirements of pro-“gay” political correctness in the business. Blogs like Jervis’ “Joe. My. God.” give evidence that no activists are as mean and hateful as homosexual activists — who project their beef with the Creator (unacknowledged, in Joe’s case) on to His followers.

TAKE ACTION: contact ABC and tell them enough is enough with their promotion of the homosexual agenda and sexual immorality in general. patricia_mauceri_21.jpgTell them you are outraged at the politically correct firing of Patricia Mauceri (right). And ask them to cast happy, contented “ex-gays” in major TV roles and sympathetic Christian/religious characters who remain faithful to their faith convictions — for the sake of diversity. 


Ah, I see that Joe Jervis (above), the non-average “Joe” behind the homosexual activist “Joe. My. God.” blog, has focused his intellectual energies (or should I say bigoted, emotional impulses) into crafting a response to AFTAH’s post about his blog yesterday. We were simply highlighting some of his buddies’ crude and very mean attacks on Patricia Mauceri, the Christian soap actress who says she was fired for objecting to a pro-homosexual story line.

Here is the essence of Jervis’ response:

  1. peter-labarbera_thumbnail.jpgI have a comb-over hair style (ouch — problem here is I have so little hair to comb over — if this were true it would really be an exercise in futility: see tragic evidence at right);
  2. I’m really a gay-porn-obsessed homosexual (hence the nickname: “Porno Pete”: this smear term was actually invented by Wayne Besen, the truth-challenged professional homosexual zealot behind the “ex-gay”-bashing group “Truth Wins Out”; some “gay” activists have stopped using Porno Pete in favor of the much more mature “The Peter”peter being a boyish slang term for the male sex organ);

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A Model Christian Response to ‘Gay’ Pride: ‘God Has a Better Way’ in Charlotte

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009


“Coalition of Conscience” crowd of more than 500 prepares to offer Gospel witness at homosexual “pride” event in Charlotte, N.C.  Their message: “God has a better way.” See www.godhasabetterway.com.

Dear Readers,

I commend to you my friend Dr. Michael Brown’s and the Coalition of Conscience’s response to the “gay pride” movement in Charlotte, N.C. In a speech last week to Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ, I said that the appropriate Christian response to homosexual/”trans” activism and homosexual strugglers is a tightrope walk — balancing a witness for truth on the one side and the gracious love of Christ for sinners on the other. I too often fall off that tightrope, but Michael hangs on it as well as any pro-family leader I have observed in the last 20 years. (My only cautionary note is Brown’s use of the term “homophobia” [see this excellent NARTH analysis] — an artificial construct that is now so elastically defined that almost any rejection of homosexualist goals (including same-sex “marriage”) can be and is deemed “homophobic” by “gay” activists and the liberal media. That said, his point it correct: it is wrong to fear and hate men and women trapped in homosexuality — people who need God’s love and grace.)

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WATCH IT: Video and Transcript of Obama’s White House Speech Celebrating ‘Gay Pride’ Month

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Slams “worn arguments and old attitudes of those who believe homosexuality is wrong; “so-called” Defense of Marriage Act

To view the president’s elitist slap at Americans who oppose homosexuality as adhering to “worn arguments and old attitudes,” start watching at the 1:00 mark of the YouTube video below of the June 29th White House reception with homosexual activists celebrating “gay pride month” (read AFTAH’s reaction to the speech HERE):

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The following is the official White House transcript of Obama’s “LGBT”(lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender) speech June 29 (emphasis added):

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Wright State University Bans Christian Group from Campus

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Campus Bible Fellowship wouldn’t accept ‘nondiscrimination’ language that undermines faith creed

wrightstate.gifWright Is Wrong. Wright State University has banned a Christian group in the name of “nondiscrimination.” Homosexual superior rights are incompatible with Americans’ cherished religious and First Amendment freedoms. TAKE ACTION: help the Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) defend liberty on campus by e-mailing Wright State University President David R. Hopkins at david.hopkins@wright.edu to let him know what you think about Wright State’s decision to ban the Campus Bible Fellowship.

Here is more evidence that historic American religious freedoms and homosexual “superior rights” (masquerading as civil rights) are incompatible. Activists on the left love to decry “book banning” but they are the ones doing the “Christian banning” — at least on college campuses. We’ll be happy to report those pro-homosexual activists who join us in decrying this assault on religious liberty in academia. FIRE and Campus Bible Fellowship are wonderful organizations worthy of your support. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com


March 2, 2009

Wright State U. Bans Christian Group from Campus

Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) Press Release

DAYTON, Ohio, March 2, 2009—Wright State University has banned a Christian group from meeting on campus because of its requirement that voting members be Christian and its refusal to accept “nondiscrimination” language that would eliminate faith-based standards for its voting members. In response, the Campus Bible Fellowship has turned to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help.

“A Christian group has the right to be Christian, a Jewish group has the right to be Jewish, and a Muslim group has the right to be Muslim,” said FIRE President Greg Lukianoff. “Courts have affirmed this principle time and time again. It is shocking that in a free society, public universities like Wright State still don’t seem to understand or respect this crucial component of religious liberty.”

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Wisconsin English Teacher Propagandizes Students with 37-day Pro-Homosexual Lesson Plan

Monday, January 19th, 2009

indoctrination_center_ifi.jpgI had almost forgotten to post this story by my friend Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute, but was reminded of it by Linda Harvey’s Mission America. Below is Linda’s summation of Higgin’s important article. — Peter LaBarbera

Political Indoctrination Replaces Education in Wisconsin English Class

1/14/2009 7:22:00 AM
By Laurie Higgins, DSA Director –Illinois Family Institute

I’m speechless. I’m also beginning to understand how a homosexuality-affirming middle school was by default approved by the Milwaukee Board of Education. Wisconsin public schools are permitting radical ideologues to use public money to promote their subversive, unproven moral conclusions and political goals about homosexuality. These propagandists, who should be teaching history or literature or writing, are instead pursuing their illegitimate goals of transforming the views of other people’s children on the contentious issue of homosexuality.

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