Government Promotion

Gov. Rick Perry Signed Pro-Homosexual ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill into Law in Texas

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Gary Glenn, Executive Director or American Family Association of Michigan, wrote yesterday:

I was disappointed to learn today that Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, in 2001 signed homosexual activists’ so-called “hate crimes” legislation into law in that state.
As with the federal law signed by President Obama, the Texas statute signed by Perry establishes special “protected class” status under law, including enhanced sentencing for crimes allegedly motivated by bias against it, expressly on the basis of so-called “sexual preference” (homosexual behavior).
As lead plaintiff in a federal civil rights lawsuit ( asking the courts to declare the Obama-signed law an unconstitutional and chilling violation of religious free speech rights, honesty requires that I be equally critical of Gov. Perry for signing into law the exact same type of legislation, which — it’s clear from the enforcement record of such laws in Europe and Canada — poses the greatest single threat to religious free speech rights in America today.

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Illinois Catholic Leaders Take Legal Action Against Homosexual Adoption Mandate

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

New ballot efforts seeks voter referendum on “gay marriage/civil unions” in Illinois in 2012

Note: it is outrageous that the State of lllinois would even consider FORCING religious adoption agencies (or irreligious agencies, for that matter) to place children in homes that are motherless or fatherless by design. Adults (proudly) practicing homosexuality are not good role models for impressionable children, who need a mom and a dad. (No, the sexes are not  interchangeable.) The new Illinois “Civil Unions” law — rammed through Springfield in a lame-duck session — must be repealed to preserve religious liberty in the Land of Lincoln. “Exemptions” — even if they are strengthened — won’t preserve freedom.

In the meantime, a new movement has been launched to place an Advisory Referendum on “same-sex marriage” (and “civil unions”) on the Illinois ballot in 2012. Almost 300,000 signatures of Illinos voters must be gathered and turned into the Illlinois Board of Elections by April 2012 to make that happen. To get involved, go to and download a petition and instructions. — Peter LaBarbera,   


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                     

CONTACT:  Tom Ciesielka, 312-422-1333;; June 7, 2011                                                                                                                   

Catholic Leaders Take Legal Action Over Risk of Losing Foster Care Services

Catholic Charities in Illinois Seek Remedy for Best Interests of Children, Families

(SPRINGFIELD, IL) Leaders of three Catholic dioceses – the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, Peoria and Joliet – took legal action today as their charities fight to continue their work in serving the best interests of thousands of needy children and families throughout the state.

In March of this year, the Attorney General’s office issued a letter stating that the office “received notice that Catholic Charities … discriminates against Illinois citizens based on race, marital status and sexual orientation” in the provision of foster care and adoption services and demanded that Catholic Charities turn over a wide range of documents in response. The June 1 law authorizing civil unions in Illinois has raised further questions and criticism about Catholic Charities’ longstanding position not to place children for adoption and foster care with non-married couples who live together – regardless of sexual orientation.

This lawsuit, filed in Sangamon County Circuit Court, seeks a declaration that the charities are in full compliance with Illinois law in their current practices and an injunction against further action by Illinois government officials to the contrary. The charities argue both that the Illinois Human Rights Act exempts religious adoption agencies from the provisions relied upon by the Attorney General’s office and that the new Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act includes an express protection for the religious freedom of entities like Catholic Charities.

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LISTEN: Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen Discusses Homosexual Legal Activism at Truth Academy-Columbus

Monday, June 6th, 2011
Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen

UPDATE: Since AFTAH re-aired her Columbus Truth Academy speech, Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen has published a book, “Only One Mommy: A Woman’s Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter, and Her Freedom: The Lisa Miller Story.” It is available through Amazon HERE; go here for Rena’s blog, “Only One Mommy.” Go HERE for Rena’s Facebook page.

The following presentation [click HERE to listen] is excerpted from a speech by Liberty University School of Law Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen was made at the Truth Academy in Columbus, Ohio, April 1-2, 2011 — sponsored jointly by Americans For Truth About Homosexuality and Mission America. We aired Prof. Lindevaldsen’s talk (edited down slightly from the original, without the ‘Q&A’ session) on the “Americans For Truth Hour” radio program May 21, 2011. Lindevaldsen discusses the escalating “gay” activist campaign to establish homosexuality — and same-sex “marriage” — as a “civil right.” She discusses the growing threat to religious and First Amendment freedoms arising from pro-homosexual court rulings and policies. Lindevaldsen explains how President Obama is undermining the Defense of Marriage Act, and warns that religious liberty will suffer a crushing blow if homosexuals receive favored “suspect class” status in the law. NOTE: All of Prof. Lindevaldsen’t excellent presentations at AFTAH’s Truth Academies are available below:

Order Truth Academy Sets: DVDs of Chicago 2010 or CDs of Columbus 2011 — Rena Lindevaldsen has spoken at both of AFTAH’s Truth Academies.  Columbus 2011: A 13-CD AUDIO set of this year’s two-day Truth Academy in Columbus, OH — co-sponsored by Mission America — is available for just $49 postpaid.  This 13-CD set includes the full talk above by Prof. Lindevaldsen, as well as presentations by Greg Quinlan, Matt Barber, Linda Harvey, Gary Glenn, Prof. Rob Gagnon, Peter LaBarbera and WorldNetDaily’s David Kupelian. Chicago 2010: A DVD-video set of the entire three-day Truth Academy — featuring two talks by Rena Lindevaldsen — is available for $89 (including postage). Other Chicago speakers include: Robert Knight, Barber, Quinlan, Ryan Sorba, Laurie Higgins, Gagnon, Arthur Goldberg, Cliff Kincaid and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera. Double order discount: Order BOTH Truth Academy sets (the Chicago DVD-VIDEO and the Columbus CD-AUDIO) for a discount price of $129 (postage included). Send your check and specify your order to AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522; or give online at (please use PayPal if possible). Send queries to americans

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player.  It is not supported and there may be difficulty listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

5-21-11, Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen

LaBarbera: Illinois’ Anti-Christian ‘Civil Unions’ Law Must Be Repealed

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Pro-family advocates in Chicago rally against the new "Civil Unions" law in Illinois. The bill, HB 1716, was passed in a lame-duck session and ironically called the "Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act" despite the fact that its passage immediately put Illinois citizens' religious and First Amendment liberties in jeopardy. Photo by Lynn Thomas; click to enlarge.

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (; June 1, 2011

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631;

CHICAGO–Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality and a principal behind the Illinois Defense of Marriage Initiative (, issued the following statement on the new Illinois “Civil Unions” law that takes effect today:

Homosexual behavior is always wrong, according to the broad sweep of Judeo-Christian history, so it is tragic to behold the State of Illinois – or any government entity – recognizing immoral same-sex relationships and treating them like marriage. Moreover, for the City of Chicago and Gov. Pat Quinn to celebrate homosexuality with a mass Civil Union ceremony June 2nd is an act of hubris and defiance toward the Creator that mocks His wonderful plan for real marriage – the sacred union of a man and a woman to produce children and family. The pandering Quinn – epitomizing the modern Democratic politician –mocks his own professed Catholicism by working tirelessly to undermine its clear moral dictates.

The anti-Christian Civil Unions law must be repealed. It was passed in a lame-duck session that once again revealed the contempt that liberal Illinois lawmakers have for the citizens they are supposed to serve. Ironically, shortly after passage of this bill – mischievously titled the Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act –religious liberty for Illinois citizens and religious institutions was immediately put in jeopardy. A homosexual male couple targeted Paxton, Illinois, bed-and-breakfast owners Jim and Beth Walder – who now face prosecution by the State because they refuse – as Christians – to hold “civil union” ceremonies celebrating homosexuality on their own business property. And the Rockford Diocese’s Catholic Charities announced that it will halt its state-funded foster care and adoption services rather than be forced by the State of Illinois to place children in same-sex households that are motherless or fatherless by design.

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Hillary Clinton, USAID Mark ‘International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia’

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Clinton condemns “cycle of hate”; calls LGBT cause “universal human rights” 

Americans For Truth received an email today forwarded by a U.S. soldier serving overseas, who was sent an official notice containing the following statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton marking “International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia” (IDAHO; May 17th). Clinton’s statement had been forwarded by an “EEO  (Equal Employment Opportunity) Counselor,” who endorsed it enthusiastically.  The statement is published on the State Department website HERE. Accompanying it in the e-mail obtained by AFTAH is a notice by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) extolling IDAHO. The USAID notice is reprinted verbatim below.

In recent years, “transgender” activists and their allies have begun to popularize the use of the term “Transphobia” [See Urban Dictionary “definitions”]. Of  course, the word is tendentious and a derivation of its controversial LGBT cousin, “Homophobia” — the use of which continues to expand to cover opposition to homosexuality rather than irrational “fear” (phobia) of homosexuals. — Peter LaBarbera,

Press Statement

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
May 17, 2011

For Immediate Release

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
WASHINGTON, DC – In every part of the world, men and women are persecuted and attacked because of who they are or whom they love. Homophobia, transphobia and the brutal hostility associated with them are often rooted in a lack of understanding of what it actually means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). So to combat this terrible scourge and break the cycle of fear and violence, we must work together to improve education and support those who stand up against laws that criminalize love and promote hate. As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia this May 17, let us resolve to redouble our efforts.

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Barber: If the Judge Ain’t Straight You Must Vacate

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

Judge Vaughn Walker had “personal bias”; his “outrageous decision must be vacated”

Admitted homosexual Judge Vaughn Walker

By J. Matt Barber

Proposition 8 is an amendment to California’s State Constitution. It was passed by a comfortable margin via ballot initiative in 2008. Prop 8 maintained the age-old definition of marriage in the Golden State as requiring binary male-female compatibility. It remains tied-up in Federal Court today.  

Back in February of 2010 it became rumored that retired Federal Judge Vaughn Walker – who presided over the case at the District level – was a practitioner of the homosexual lifestyle. It was further reported that he had a longtime male lover. Judge Walker refused to confirm or deny the rumors. At the time I was one of the few people to publicly call for his recusal. It’s inexplicable that attorneys defending Prop 8 didn’t make such a motion.

With Judge Walker’s recent admission that he does in fact practice homosexuality, the case for recusal has been proven. His ruling on the Prop 8 case should be immediately vacated as he possessed both an incontrovertible and disqualifying conflict of interest.

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‘Day of Silence’ Walkout – Parents, Don’t Feed the Pro-Homosexual School Beast

Friday, April 8th, 2011

Display by pro-"gay" student group at Lyons Township High School in Illinois celebrates the state's new "civil unions" law. Schools should not become havens of pro-homosexuality advocacy.

TAKE ACTION: Parents and Guardians: Call your children’s middle or high school and ask if students and/or teachers will be permitted to refuse to speak during class on Friday, April 15 (as part of the annual homosexual activist “Day of Silence”). If your administration allows students and/or teachers to refuse to speak during class, call your child out of school on April 15th. Every student absence costs school districts money. See additional instructions below, and go HERE for more help on the “Day of Silence Walkout” page on the Illinois Family Institute website.


Dear AFTAH Readers,

Many Christians and moral-minded people have given up on the public schools, and with good reason. The suffocating political correctness on a host of controversies — including homosexuality — overwhelms the Average Mom and Dad, who are already running ragged between work, family duties, church and youth sports. Add to that the arrogant, dismissive bureaucrats who occupy key positions in many metropolitan schools — and who view complaining parents as an “enemy” of sorts that needs to be kept at bay — and you understand why our schools have devolved into havens for liberal-left indoctrination. (In addition, as more and more Christian parents abandon the public schools, it removes a key wholesome influence restraining evil.)

Despite all this, my friend Laurie Higgins is correct: parents are derelict in “tolerating” their children’s schools’ descent into liberal advocacy. Beyond the critical point that THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN (not the school’s), and we should guide their moral upbringing, there is the fiscal reality (even for those without school-age children) that we as taxpayers should not be subsidizing the use of public schools to foist pro-homosexual propaganda on students.

So we at AFTAH echo the call for parents to pull their kids out of any school that abides the annual homosexual-activist event April 15 called the “Day of Silence.” Please read Laurie’s article below and call your children’s schools (middle and high schools) to see if they are sanctioning this pro-homosexual event. If you have any inkling that they are encouraging this disruptive event, tell the school that you will be keeping your child home that day. In doing so, you will send a powerful message to teachers and administrators that their embrace of pro-homosexual advocacy comes at a price. — Peter LaBarbera,

P.S. Please tell us about your encounters with your local schools regarding the “Day of Silence” by sending an e-mail to:


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Video: Obama’s White House Signing Ceremony for Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Friday, April 8th, 2011

Obama: “We are not going to be dragging our feet to get this done”

Dear Readers, below is a YouTube video of President Obama’s Dec. 22, 2010 signing of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”  — ie., the ban on open homosexuality in the military. Republicans currently are struggling to respond to the rapid pro-homosexual changes in our military — which have their root in a campaign promise by Obama to his homosexual activist supporters. Take note at how everything in this White House celebration presumes that homosexuality be understood as an innocuous or positive identity, and the advancement of the “rights” of a minority (“gays and lesbians”). What is alien to this celebration of the “GLBT” Lobby’s greatest political victory to date is the conception of homosexuality as immoral (sinful), unnatural and/or destructive behavior.

The public’s embrace of this zeitgeist exchange of identity/group-civil rights for anti-social misbehavior is the single greatest achievement of the modern homosexual activist movement. However — just as the popularization of “pro-choice” rhetoric has no bearing on the ethics of killing innocent, unborn babies in the womb — this highly strategic, pro-“gay” cultural transformation has no bearing on the morality of homosexual practice. Nor does it negate the massive health risks and other pitfalls associated with homosexuality, including the emerging reality that homosexuality-based “rights’ destroy religious freedom (to oppose same-sex conduct). These matters obviously are of little concern to liberals, who are now so wedded to the “gay civil rights” paradigm that they see any attempt to view homosexuality through the (religious) lens of wrong-yet-changeable behavior as itself an act of “prejudice,” to quote our Commander-in-Chief.  — Peter LaBarbera, www.

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