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Government Promotion
Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
“Homosexual behavior .. lies at the heart of personal morality,” says Focus’ Minnery
 Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family
With the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy, the question of homosexual judges is back in the news. Monday, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said he could accept a nominee who is openly homosexual to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. On March 24, well before the announcement of Stevens’ retirement, AFTAH received this statement from Tom Minnery, Vice President of Public Policy at Focus on the Family. Minnery emphasized that the Focus clarification has been available to anyone who inquired about the controversial statements made last year by a Focus analyst to The Plum Line.
“This is not a new statement,” Minnery told AFTAH. “And we were quick to correct this mistake.”
The following is the clarification by Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family:
“It has been reported that we would not oppose any U.S. Supreme Court nominee over their ‘sexual orientation.’ Our Judicial Analyst [Bruce Hausknecht] made a statement to this effect in an interview with The Plum Line. To be honest, this is one of those conversations we’d like to ‘do over.’ We can assure you that we recognize that homosexual behavior is a sin and does not reflect God’s created intent and desire for humanity. Further, we at Focus do affirm that character and moral rectitude should be key considerations in appointing members of the judiciary, especially in the case of the highest court in the land. Sexual behavior–be it heterosexual or homosexual–certainly lies at the heart of personal morality.”
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Biblical Truth, Candidates & Elected Officials, Congress, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Conservative Leaders, Court Decisions & Judges, Government Promotion, News, Republican Party, Supreme Court |
Saturday, April 10th, 2010
Will the United States become a magnet for foreign homosexuals?
 Pro-family Christian Julio Severo fled his home country of Brazil to avoid state prosecution and harassment on "homophobia" charges. Would Severo be granted U.S. asylum like Brazilian homosexual Augusto Pereira de Souza?
By Peter LaBarbera
Homosexual websites are celebrating that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has granted asylum to 27-year-old Brazilian homosexual Augusto Pereira de Souza, who claims he would face torment and violent attacks if forced to return to his country.
I wonder what would happen if Julio Severo (right), the outspoken Brazilian Christian advocate who fled his country due to escalating oppression against critics of homosexuality, were to apply for applied for U.S. asylum. An article in the “Queerty” blog claims that Brazil is “one of the world’s most violently anti-gay countries … with 180 reported LGBT murders in 2008 alone.” I do not know the accuracy of this information. But here is the problem: already Queerty and other pro-homosexuality activists are citing the case of Souza (whose asylum claim was secured by three students at Columbia Law School’s Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic,” Queerty reports) as good news for Ugandan homosexuals who might want to make similar claims.
Is the United States of America under President Obama going to become the magnet for foreign homosexuals and “queer” activists the world over? AFTAH has condemned draconian punishments against homosexuals (such as “solutions” prescribed by radical Islamists). However, America and the West have no right to impose their decadent, perversion-celebrating values on the rest of the world, and other countries certainly have the right to criminalize homosexual behavior just as it was criminalized in the United States prior to the Supreme Court’s activist Lawrence v. Texas decision. (Anti-sodomy laws remain on the books in many states and laws that do not solely ban homosexual sodomy have NOT been struck down; here is a Wikipedia article which — despite that website’s strong pro-homosexual bias — describes the sodomy law situation in all 50 states.)
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Abortion, Brazil, Criminalizing Sodomy, Hate Speech (Laws), Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate Speech, International, News, Sodomy |
Thursday, April 8th, 2010
 "Autumn" Sandeen, here pictured in a skirt, is a man who left his wife and family to pursue his twisted "transgender" dream of living as a "woman." The federal ENDA bill would create employment rights based on such gender confusion in all 50 states. ENDA's expansive definition of "gender identity" nondiscrimination, would likely force companies to build "transgender" restrooms to protect women from having to share a restroom with men pretending to be women.
“GENDER IDENTITY- The term ‘gender identity’ means the gender-related identity, appearance, mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, with or without regard to the individual’s designated sex at birth.” — definition of “Gender Identity” in the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Haven’t we learned as a nation about the danger of Washington’s “one size fits all” legislation to “fix” nonexistent “crises”? The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) [H.R. 3017, S.B. 1584] – which would federalize homosexuality-, bisexuality-, and transsexuality-based special protections in the workplace — is one such bill. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera appeared as a guest today on the WVCY program “Crosstalk” to discuss ENDA, which could soon come to the House floor for a vote. (Lesbian Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) said action on the bill could come soon after the Easter recess.)
From the Crosstalk website:
ENDA and Religious Freedom
Date: April 08, 2010
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Peter LaBarbera, [AFTAH]
Listen: RealAudio | Windows Media | MP3 | Order Tape or CD
Peter LaBarbera is the President of Americans for Truth, a group dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda.
The effort to force certain aspects of “change” on Americans continues. This time the “change” is being attempted through legislation known as ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (HR-3017 & SB-1584).
ENDA would force businesses in all 50 states with 15 or more employees (part- or full-time) to avoid discrimination of potential job candidates or current employees due to their gender identity.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, ENDA, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Promoting Gender Confusion, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
Americans For Truth in the news
 The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is using this sticker and a national "Queer the Census" campaign to turn the U.S. Census into a homosexual visibility project.
TAKE ACTION: Ask your Congressman and Senators to stand against Barack Obama’s executive imposition of the homosexual activist agenda — in spite of U.S. laws. The Obama administration is flouting DOMA and the homosexual exclusion law for the U.S. military. Call 202-224-3121; www.congress.org
Dear Readers,
Our imperious Panderer-in-Chief, Barack Obama, continues to undermine DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act — which, like the military’s homosexual exclusion policy, is still the law of the land. Homosexual activists led by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force demanded the “Queering” of the U.S. Census — and Obama complied. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
American Family Association’s One News Now reports:
Census used as ‘gay gimmick’
Jim Brown and Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow –
Traditional marriage proponents are warning that homosexual activists and the Obama administration are once again working in concert to “manipulate” federal law.
The Associated Press reports that the Census Bureau plans to count same-sex couples who say they are married, regardless of whether they have a marriage license (see AP article). Even though only five states and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex “marriages,” the Census Bureau says same-sex couples should feel free to check the “husband” or “wife” boxes on the census form, rather than “unmarried partner.”
Peter LaBarbera, executive director of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, argues that the Bureau is clearly violating the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which does not recognize same-sex “marriages.”
“What they’re obviously trying to do is magnify the numbers of homosexuals in the society,” he suspects. “This dates way back in the gay movement. There was a time when homosexual activists just lied and said that ten percent of the public was gay — that was a bald-faced lie. It took decades to finally disprove that lie, but here again we see them calling themselves married because they want to be called married. Well, that’s not what the law says.”
LaBarbera believes homosexual activists are using the census as their latest “gimmick” to seek affirmation of their lifestyle, and he challenges Congress to “step up” and prevent the Obama administration from promoting the “gay” agenda by dictate.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Census, DOMA, Domestic Partnerships, Government Promotion, News, Obama, Task Force |
Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
“Rather than taking the biblical ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’ approach to sexual immorality, these false prophets preach counterfeit Christianity, devoid of the faith’s core tenet: redemption.”–Matt Barber on Fred Phelps of “God Hates Fags” notoriety
 "Rev." Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church clan are taking their twisted "God Hates Fags" to soldiers' funerals.
Folks, long before Fred Phelps started picketing soldiers’ funerals and “thanking God for IEDs” [improvised explosive devices], his ugly “God Hates Fags” message was proving to be a boon to the Homosexual Lobby and to liberal reporters working to make Christians look like kooks.
Do Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church have a “right” to stage their demented protests at servicemen’s funerals? The Supreme Court will decide. Last night on The O’Reilly Factor, I thought Ann Coulter was very persuasive when she noted that courts have blocked “free speech” rights for pro-life counselors in “bubble zones” surrounding abortion clinics — so why not protect grieving families of soldiers who died for our country?!
Personally, although I accept that there are good people and First Amendment-lovers on the other side of this issue, I would put this in a similar class with rejecting the supposed “free speech right” to burn the American flag. Having sad that, it would be foolhardy to ignore that there are plenty of homosexual activists and leftists who seriously would love to see the government censor all speech opposing homosexuality.
Let me echo Matt Barber’s observation about the Hard Left: with all their name-calling and nasty smears of religious opponents, pro-homosexual militants like Joe Jervis (of the blog “Joe.My.God.“); Pam Spaulding, the “Jeebus”-[Jesus]-hating lesbian and creator of the “Pam’s House Blend” blog; Rachel Maddow with her crude and cruel “Teabagger” rants, and Wayne (“Anything But Straight”) Besen, proud creator of the “Porno Pete” slur directed at yours truly, have more in common with Fred than they’d ever admit. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth
ACTION STEP: To make a donation to the father of slain Lt. Cpl. Michael Snyder, Al Snyder, who is battling the Westboro Baptist Church clan in court after his son’s funeral was protested by Phelps, go HERE.
Matt Barber, AFTAH Board Member, writes after the jump (some links were added that were not in the original piece):
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Posted in Censorship Issues, Court Decisions & Judges, Extremism, Fred Phelps/Westboro Baptist Church, Homosexual Hate, Military, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tolerance?, Too Much Tolerance |
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010
Says in “almost all situations” burden placed on religious people to grant “gay equality” will be justified
 New EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldlum
By Laurie Higgins, reprinted with permission from Illinois Family Institute, March 30, 2010
Click HERE to watch some video clips of Chai Feldblum at a 2008 panel discussion at the Family Research Council.
Georgetown University lesbian law professor Chai Feldblum believes that when same-sex is marriage is legalized, which she argues is both necessary and inevitable, conservative people of faith will lose religious rights. She is also one of the authors of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would provide special protections for those who choose to base their identity on their same-sex attraction or their disordered desire to do the impossible: change their sex.
And this is the same Chai Feldblum whom President Barack Obama has appointed to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). He used the legal but divisive mechanism of recess appointments, which allow him to appoint people to serve in important government roles without being confirmed by the U.S. Senate. According to the homosexual newspaper, Windy City Times, “Feldblum, as part of the commission, will have considerable influence in the writing of federal regulations to enforce” the deeply troubling ENDA if it’s passed.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Activists, Campus Radicalism, Christian Persecution, Court Decisions & Judges, ENDA, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Homosexual Quotes, Lesbianism, News, Pending Legislation, Politicians & Public Officials, Redefining Morality, Stealing Civil Rights |
Saturday, March 27th, 2010
Sends ‘Confusing Message to Troops,’ says conservative military expert
 Defense Sec. Robert Gates seems more concerned with satisfying President Obama's pro-homosexual views than following the existing 1993 law banning homosexuals in the military, says leading expert Elaine Donnelly. Congress has the final say, she says.
The following news release was put our Thursday by the Center For Military Readiness, based in Livonia, Michigan [to support the Center’s unique mission and CMR President Elaine Donnelly’s excellent work, go HERE]:
CMR Press Release: Continued Confusion About 1993 Gays-in-Military Law
Thursday, March 25, 2010
In response to an announcement by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates regarding the results of a 45-day review of the so-called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy, Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, issued the following statement:
“Secretary Gates has sent a confusing message to the troops. By applying new regulations applying only to the small number of discharges that occur for homosexuality, he has invited noncompliance with the extant 1993 law, Section 654, Title 10, in future cases and those that are still pending.”
“Instead of taking the opportunity to clarify the meaning and intent of the law, Secretary Gates seems to be condoning unwarranted delays. Local commanders who are trying to do their duty by enforcing the law deserve support, not second-guessing by higher-level officials who seem more concerned about President Obama’s views than they are about the terms and intent of the law.”
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Candidates & Elected Officials, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Military, News, Obama, Pending Legislation, Promiscuity, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |
Monday, March 22nd, 2010
 Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.)
Stupak’s U-turn No Surprise
Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 3/22/2010
Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak did an about-face Sunday night and voted for the healthcare reform bill — and at least one pro-life Michigander isn’t surprised.
Stupak has been touted by the national media as a leading combatant against using tax dollars for abortion. But when the bill was finally put to a vote and Stupak voted in favor, many of his constituents were not surprised. Gary Glenn of the American Family Association of Michigan explains why.
“We issued a news release months ago calling Bart Stupak a fraud, because what happened at the last minute from a national perspective was no surprise at all to those of us actually here in Michigan,” says Glenn.
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Posted in Abortion, Candidates & Elected Officials, Democrat Party, Government Promotion, Misc., News, ObamaCare |

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