Government Promotion

Evasive Barney Frank Exposed by Harvard Conservative Joel Pollak

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Rep. Barney Frank, proud homosexual activist and Massachusetts Democrat, is the personification of modern American liberalism — corrupt, perverted, intolerant, smug and condescending. We’re surprised that Frank neglected to work an accusation of “homophobia” into his evasive response to a question from Joel Pollak, a well-spoken Harvard Law student who dared to publicly challenge Frank about his role in the current financial crisis. Watch this entire 6-minute segment from Greta van Susteren’s show on FOX yesterday — particularly the part where Pollak explains his exodus from liberalism. This guy is going places.–Peter LaBarbera

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Michigan Family Leader Predicts Iowans Will Reverse ‘Gay Marriage’ Activist Court Ruling

Monday, April 6th, 2009

gary_glenn.jpgGary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, offered the following assessment to the Michigan Messenger on Iowa’s homosexual “marriage” ruling:

“Activist judges in Iowa proved once again today how right the American Family Association of Michigan was to call for a preemptive Marriage Protection Amendment constitutionally securing the definition of one-man, one-woman marriage in our state, and how right the people of Michigan were to overwhelmingly approve it. … Homosexual activists will of course now parade counterfeit ‘marriages’ through the streets of Des Moines for a while, as they did in California, but eventually the people of Iowa will have a chance to vote on the issue, and the result will be the same there as in Michigan and 29 other states.”

Note in the Michigan Messenger article that Illinois is viewed as a likely state for a court challenge like Iowa that produced the “gay marriage” decision:


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Iowa Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ruling an Assault on Midwestern Values, Says AFTAH’s LaBarbera

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

male_homosexuality_is_wrong.jpgNews Release

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

April 3, 2009                    Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631

CHICAGO– Today’s Iowa Supreme Court decision imposing “same-sex marriage” as a constitutional “right” is an assault on not just the Judeo-Christian moral foundations of that state, but also on the God we ask to “Bless America” — and the common-sense, pro-family values of the Midwest, said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.

LaBarbera, who is also on the board of Protect Marriage Illinois, issued the following statement regarding the court’s reckless decision:

“Today Iowa becomes the first state not on either of the nation’s two liberal coasts to impose counterfeit, homosexual ‘marriage’ or its mischievous twin, ‘civil unions,’ on its citizens through judicial tyranny. To call this decision bankrupt is to understate its perniciousness. The evil genius of the pro-sodomy movement is that it targets noble institutions like marriage and adoption in the name of ‘rights,’ and then perverts and uses them to normalize aberrant and destructive behaviors.

“Homosexual ‘marriage’ is wrong because homosexual behavior itself is wrong and destructive – as proved by its role in the needless, early deaths of countless ‘gay’ men. We must shake loose of the secularists’ and libertarians’ amoral nonchalance regarding ‘same-sex marriage’ by asking questions like this: how exactly would two men consummate their ‘gay marriage”’ Answer: by engaging in what one Founding Father, Noah Webster, writing in saner times, rightly defined as a ‘crime against nature.’

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Gay Liberation Network Applauds Wright State University’s Ban on Christian Bible Group

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Schwartz defends state action against “bible based bigotry against gays”

bob_scharz_solo.jpg Bob Schwartz of the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network supports Wright State University’s ban against the Campus Bible Fellowship. The Christian campus group opposes Wright’s “nondiscrimination” code, which would force it to abandon its faithfulness to Scripture by allowing unrepentant homosexuals as members. Schwartz previously claimed to oppose laws criminalizing Christian speech — yet he favors banning groups because he  considers them “bible bigots.” Would Schwartz and GLN (which AFTAH considers to be an anti-Christian hate group) allow a tax-supported public university to dictate ITS membership standards if it operated on a college campus?

AFTAH was copied on the following e-mail letter from Bob Schwartz of the left-wing Gay Liberation Network, based in Chicago, to Wright State University President David Hopkins. Schwartz sent his letter following Americans For Truth’s reprint of a press release by the Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) , which is fighting to overturn Wright State’s oppressive policy of forcing Campus Bible Fellowship to violate its faith creed in order to stay on campus. Note at bottom Schwartz’s clarification in response to a question from this writer.

Please study this series of e-mails and links [Wright State story HERE and Schwartz’s previous statement against censorship HERE] and see if you can comprehend how Schwartz can simultaneously hold two seemingly contradictory positions:

  1. he “opposes” government censorship against Christian speech (for which AFTAH wrote that “we are pleasantly surprised that the GLN leader is not an outright advocate of censorship”);
  2. while he supports a government-funded school banning a Christian group for, effectively, sticking to its Biblical faith creed.

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AFTAH in the News: CDC Corruption and ‘Heterosexual Transmission’?

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

bathhouse_the_club.jpgGood. Clean. Fun … and Anonymous Sodomy? A web ad for the Cleveland homosexual bathhouse “The Club – Cleveland” hawks “gay” sex without naming it. The Club runs such perversion centers — where men “cruise” anonymously for male sex partners — in Cleveland and eight other cities: Columbus; Dallas; Ft. Lauderdale; Houston; Indianapolis; New Orleans; Orlando; and St. Louis. (And Cleveland has a second 24-hour homosexual bathhouse.) Why don’t federal, state and local governments close these perversion centers down, and why won’t the CDC condemn them in the name of public health?

Dear AFTAH Readers,

I almost fell of my chair Monday when I read on the Washington Post website, in a story titled, “HIV/AIDS Rate in D.C. Hits 3%,” that AIDS is “largely a preventable disease.”  Now, I’m sure the reporter had in mind condoms and “safer sex,” but I’ll take what I can get from the Post, a notorious media cheerleader for all things “gay.”  (One of my favorite examples of the Post’s pro-homosexual bias is when it “reported” several years ago that there were 100 MILLION “gay” Chinese — 10 percent of the country’s then-population of a billion. The silly estimate relied on the fraudulent “10 Percent” myth used widely by homosexual activists to exaggerate their clout.)

You need to know as a tax-paying citizen that the federal HIV/AIDS establishment is like a corrupt state “corporation,” which we’re reading a lot about these days. Imagine: our national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (note that last word) is more concerned with battling “homophobia” than closing down the homosexual/bisexual disease centers (aka gay bathhouses) that facilitate anonymous homosexual sex in major cities across the country.  That is because homosexual activists and apologists occupy key positions in the CDC and various government agencies, which work hand in hand with pro-homosexuality “AIDS organizations” — the logical equivalent of “smoking-positive cancer organizations.”

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Lively Gives Report on Uganda Conference

Monday, March 16th, 2009

How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced sodomy?

scott_lively.jpgThe Ugandans are a thousand times better off inviting Scott Lively (left) to their country than pro-homosexuality, Christian-hating activists like Wayne (“Anything but Straight”) Besen. Alert

The following was sent out March 10 by Scott Lively, founder of Abiding Truth Ministries and its affiliated website, It has been fascinating to watch the homosexual activists — and their new, unexpected ally, Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College — seek to make a huge controversy over the illegality of homosexual acts in Uganda and the call at this conference to substitute reparative (ex-“gay”) therapy for incarceration. (Note in bold below how Lively says they distorted his advice to the Ugandans.) Perhaps the “queer” ideologues and their misguided fellow travelers ought to reflect on the massive crisis that legal and celebrated homosexuality has caused here in the United States of America — including hundreds of thousands of premature deaths linked to deviant sexual behavior — before lecturing the poor Ugandans, who are attempting to maintain a pro-Christian-morality public policy (what a concept).

At AFTAH, we preach Christian mercy and have denounced Talibanesque capital punishment for homosexuals in countries like Iran. But we also believe that if states and localities here in America (and governments abroad) wish to ban sodomy, they have every right to do so — notwithstanding polemical U.S. Supreme Court decisions inventing newfangled “constitutional rights” and influenced by inaccurate homosexual activist amicus briefs. We’ll have more on the Throckmorton controversy (see his Christianity-defying, pro-homosexuality 2007 interview quotes HERE) in the coming days, including Lively’s public call on Throckmorton to repent. — Peter LaBarbera,

P.S. I wish Warren would cease his gossipy, online correspondence with activists committed to aberrant, ungodly sexuality and think about the answer to this: How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced the sin of sodomy?

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Liberal West Virginia Lawmakers Again Seek ‘Civil Rights’ Status for Homosexuality

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Help Kevin McCoy stop West Virgnia ENDA bills

wvfflogo.jpgThe following is a legislative alert from my friend Kevin McCoy, presidet of West Virginia Family Foundation and state director of the American Family Association of West Virginia. Kevin is the leading activist in West Virginia fighting against the imposition of homosexual “superior rights” in that state. (We argue that so-called “gay rights” go beyond mere “special rights” because many homosexual activists now claim that such aberrant-sex-based “rights” supersede traditional citizens’ First Amendment liberties, including freedom of association based on faith/moral beliefs.)

kevin_mccoy.jpgI’ve worked with Kevin for more than a decade and he is one of the most effective and hardest working pro-family advocates I have ever met. Give me 100 Kevin McCoys and America is a far different nation (I’m not exaggerating)! You can read about some of Kevin’s and WVFF’s accomplishments HERE. If you are a West Virginia resident — or even if you aren’t — please consider sending WVFF a donation to continue their outstanding work defending life, marriage and the traditional family. Thank you. — Peter LaBarbera,


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AFTAH Joins April 17 Walkout of Pro-Homosexuality Student Day of Silence

Monday, March 9th, 2009

boston_gay_youth_pride_gsa.jpgHomosexual “youth pride parade” in Massachusetts in 2007. For more photos, see this Mass Resistance photo-story

TAKE ACTION: spread the word about the student walkout to protest the pro-homosexual-activist “Day of Silence” — on Friday, April 17 –by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). Find out if your children’s (middle or high) school is endorsing the Day of Silence by allowing students (or teachers) to go “silent” during class time — thus disrupting the learning environment of all students.

IMPORTANT CAUTIONARY NOTE: from Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute: “Do not ask any administrator, school board member, or teacher if the school sponsors, endorses, or supports DOS. Schools do not technically sponsor the Day of Silence. Technically, it is students, often students in the Gay-Straight Alliance, who sponsor it. Many administrators will tell you that they do not sponsor the DOS when, in fact, they do permit students and sometimes even teachers to remain silent during instructional time. Also ask administrators whether they permit teachers to create lesson plans to accommodate student silence.”

Higgins also suggests e-mailing your child’s teachers individually to see how they are handling the “Day of Silence” protest. There is a wealth of good information available on the Day of Silence Walkout at IFI’s website.


Note from Peter LaBarbera: Folks, it’s no secret that American public schools are failing at teaching the basics. So they need to get out of the values-adjustment (or should I say values-subversion) business.  The “Day of Silence” is a thinly-veiled attempt to propagandize students using the time-tested technique of hyping homosexuals as victims. The “gay-victim” gig is getting very old, especially when one considers that the homosexual lobby is in the vanguard of: viciously demonizing Christians like Dr. James Dobson and equating religious moral teachings with “hate”; working to deny Christians the right to live by their own moral code; and “silencing” viewpoints with which they disagree.

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